2 # use recursive makes in order to ignore errors during check/perf
4 -$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) check
5 $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) genlcov
7 -$(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) perf
8 $(MAKE) $(AM_MAKEFLAGS) genlcov
10 # we have to massage the lcov.info file slightly to hide the effect of libtool
11 # placing the objects files in the .libs/ directory separate from the *.c
13 $(LTP) --directory $(top_builddir) --path $(top_builddir) --capture --output-file cairo-lcov.info --test-name CAIRO_TEST --no-checksum
14 $(SED) -e 's#.libs/##' \
15 -e 's#boilerplate/src#src#' \
16 -e 's#$(shell pwd)#$(shell cd $(top_srcdir) && pwd)#' \
17 < cairo-lcov.info > cairo-lcov.info.tmp
18 LANG=C $(LTP_GENHTML) --prefix $(top_builddir) --output-directory cairo-lcov --title "Cairo Code Coverage" --show-details cairo-lcov.info.tmp
19 $(RM) cairo-lcov.info.tmp
21 lcov lcov-perf genlcov:
22 @echo You need to configure Cairo with support for gcov enabled.
23 @echo e.g, ./configure --enable-gcov
28 -$(LTP) --directory $(top_builddir) -z
30 -$(RM) -r cairo-lcov.info cairo-lcov
31 -$(FIND) -name '*.gcda' -print | $(XARGS) $(RM)
33 distclean-local: lcov-clean
35 .PHONY: lcov lcov-perf genlcov lcov-clean