Moved ATA driver into its own package
[movitz-core.git] / bootblock.lisp
1 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2001,2000, 2002-2005,
4 ;;;; Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; Filename: bootblock.lisp
7 ;;;; Description: A simple, single-stage, floppy bootloader.
8 ;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <>
9 ;;;; Created at: Mon Oct 9 20:47:19 2000
10 ;;;; Distribution: See the accompanying file COPYING.
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;; $Id: bootblock.lisp,v 1.16 2008/03/03 22:40:55 ffjeld Exp $
13 ;;;;
14 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
16 (in-package movitz)
18 (defvar *bootblock-build-file* #p"bootblock-id.txt")
19 (defvar *bootblock-build*
20 ;; make this variable persistent.
21 (or (ignore-errors
22 (with-open-file (s *bootblock-build-file* :direction :input)
23 (with-standard-io-syntax (read s))))
24 (warn "Unable to read ~S from ~A, resetting to zero."
25 '*bootblock-build*
26 *bootblock-build-file*)
27 0))
29 (defvar *floppy-size* (* 512 18 2 80))
31 (defun make-segment-descriptor-byte (&rest descriptor-args)
32 (list (complex (binary-types::bitfield-compute-numeric-value
33 (find-binary-type 'segment-descriptor)
34 (apply #'make-segment-descriptor descriptor-args))
35 8)))
37 (defun mkasm16-bios-print ()
38 "Print something to the terminal. [es:si] points to the text"
39 `((:movzxb (:si) :cx)
40 (:incw :si)
41 (:movb #xe :ah)
42 (:movw 7 :bx)
43 print-loop
44 (:lodsb)
45 (:int #x10)
46 (:loop 'print-loop)
47 (:ret)))
49 (defun mkasm16-format-hex ()
50 "Format a 16-bit word (in DX) into hex string (in DI)"
51 `((:std)
52 (:movw 4 :cx)
53 (:addw :cx :di)
54 (:decw :di)
55 format-loop
56 (:movb :dl :bl)
57 (:andw #x0f bx)
58 (:movb ('hex-table bx) :al)
59 (:stosb)
60 (:shrw :dx 4)
61 (:decw :cx)
62 (:jnz 'format-loop)
63 (:cld)
64 (:ret)
65 hex-table (% format nil "0123456789abcdef")))
67 (defconstant +SECTOR-SIZE+ 512)
68 (defconstant +HEAD+ 0)
69 (defconstant +TRACK+ 1)
70 (defconstant +NOSEC+ 2)
71 (defconstant +DADDR+ 4)
72 (defconstant +DADDRSEG+ 6)
73 (defconstant +STARTSEC+ 8)
75 (defconstant +linear-sector+ -4)
76 (defconstant +destination+ -8)
77 (defconstant +sectors-per-track+ -12)
78 (defconstant +stack-frame-size+ 16)
80 (defconstant +read-buffer+ #x10000)
82 (defun mkasm16-bios-bootloader (image-size load-address &optional (skip-sectors 0))
83 (let* ((first-sector (1+ skip-sectors))
84 (last-sector (+ first-sector (ceiling image-size +sector-size+)))
85 (read-buffer-segment (floor +read-buffer+ #x10)))
86 `((:jmp (:pc+ 0)) ; some BIOSes might check for this.
88 ;; We are running at address #x7c00.
90 (:xorw :ax :ax)
91 (:movw :ax :ds)
92 (:movw :ax :es)
94 (:movw #x9000 :ax)
95 (:movw :ax :ss)
96 (:movw #xfffc :bp)
97 (:leaw (:bp ,(- +stack-frame-size+)) :sp)
98 (:movw 'welcome :si) ; Print welcome message)
99 (:callw 'print)
102 ;; Enable the A20 gate
104 (:callw 'empty-8042)
105 (:movb #xd1 :al)
106 (:outb :al #x64)
108 (:callw 'empty-8042)
109 (:movb #xdf :al)
110 (:outb :al #x60)
111 (:callw 'empty-8042)
113 ;; Poll the floppy's sectors per track
115 (:movw 5 (:bp ,+sectors-per-track+))
116 check-geometry
117 (:incb (:bp ,+sectors-per-track+))
118 (:jz 'read-error)
119 (:movw (:bp ,+sectors-per-track+) :cx )
120 (:movw #x0201 :ax)
121 (:xorw :dx :dx)
122 (:movw ,read-buffer-segment :bx)
123 (:movw :bx :es)
124 (:xorw :bx :bx)
125 (:int #x13) ; Call BIOS routine
126 (:testb :ah :ah)
127 (:jz 'check-geometry)
128 (:decb (:bp ,+sectors-per-track+))
131 ;; Read sectors into memory
134 (:movw ,first-sector (:bp ,+linear-sector+))
135 (:movl ,load-address (:bp ,+destination+))
137 read-loop
139 (:cmpw ,last-sector (:bp ,+linear-sector+))
140 (:jg 'read-done)
142 (:movw 'track-start-msg :si) ; Print '(' to screen for each track
143 (:callw 'print)
145 (:movw (:bp ,+linear-sector+) :ax)
146 (:movb (:bp ,+sectors-per-track+) :cl)
147 (:divb :cl :ax) ; al=quotient, ah=remainder of :ax/:cl
149 (:movb :ah :cl) ; sector - 1
150 (:movb :al :dh)
151 (:andb 1 :dh) ; head
152 (:movb :al :ch)
153 (:shrb 1 :ch) ; track
154 (:xorb :dl :dl) ; drive = 0
155 (:movw (:bp ,+sectors-per-track+) :ax)
156 (:subb :cl :al) ; number of sectors (rest of track)
157 (:incb :cl)
158 (:addw :ax (:bp ,+linear-sector+)) ; update read pointer
159 (:movw (:bp ,+linear-sector+) :bx) ; subtract some if it's the last track.
160 (:subw ,last-sector :bx)
161 (:jc 'subtract-zero-sectors)
162 (:subw :bx :ax)
163 (:jz 'read-done)
164 subtract-zero-sectors
165 (:movb 2 :ah)
167 (:movw ,read-buffer-segment :bx)
168 (:movw :bx :es)
169 (:xorw :bx :bx)
170 (:int #x13) ; Call BIOS routine
172 (:jc 'read-error)
173 (:movzxb :al :ecx)
176 ;; Install GS as 4GB segment
177 ;;
179 (:cli)
180 (:lgdt ('gdt-addr)) ; load gdt
181 (:movcr :cr0 :eax)
182 (:orb 1 :al)
183 (:movcr :eax :cr0)
184 (:jmp (:pc+ 0))
185 (:movw 16 :bx)
186 (:movw :bx :gs)
187 (:andb #xfe :al)
188 (:movcr :eax :cr0)
189 (:jmp (:pc+ 0))
190 (:sti)
191 ;; Completed install GS as 4GB segment.
193 ;; Copy data to destination
194 (:shll ,(+ 9 -2) :ecx) ; 512/4 = sector-size/word-size
195 (:movl ,+read-buffer+ :ebx)
196 (:movl (:bp ,+destination+) :esi)
197 (:leal (:esi (:ecx 4)) :edx)
199 (:movl :edx (:bp ,+destination+))
201 copy-loop
202 (:decl :ecx)
203 ((:gs-override) :movl (:ebx (:ecx 4)) :edx)
204 ((:gs-override) :movl :edx (:esi (:ecx 4)))
205 (:jnz 'copy-loop)
207 (:movw 'track-end-msg :si) ; Print ')' to screen after each track
208 (:callw 'print)
210 (:jmp 'read-loop)
212 read-done
214 motor-loop ; Wait for floppy motor
215 (:btw 8 (#x43e))
216 (:jc 'motor-loop)
218 (:movw 'entering :si) ; Print welcome message
219 (:callw 'print)
221 ;; Read the cursor position into DH (row) and DL (column).
222 (:movb 3 :ah)
223 (:movb 0 :bh)
224 (:int #x10)
226 (:cli) ; Disable interrupts
227 (:lgdt ('gdt-addr)) ; load gdt
229 (:xorw :ax :ax)
230 (:movw :ax :es) ; reset es
233 ;; Turn off the cursor
236 ;;; (movb #x01 :ah)
237 ;;; (movw #x0100 :cx)
238 ;;; (int #x10)
242 ;; Load machine status word. This will enable
243 ;; protected mode. The subsequent instruction MUST
244 ;; reload the code segment register with a selector for
245 ;; the protected mode code segment descriptor (see
246 ;; GDT specification).
248 (:movw 1 :ax)
249 (:lmsw :ax) ; load word 0 of cr0
252 ;; Do a longjump to new-world. This will cause the CS to
253 ;; be loaded with the correct descriptor, and the processor
254 ;; will now run in 32 bit mode.
257 (:jmp 8 ('new-world))
260 ;; Display error message and hang
262 read-error
263 (:movw 'error :si) ; Print error message
264 (:callw 'print)
265 halt-cpu
266 (:halt)
267 (:jmp 'halt-cpu) ; Infinite loop
270 ;; Empty the 8042 Keyboard controller
272 empty-8042
273 (:callw 'delay)
274 (:inb #x64 :al) ; 8042 status port
275 (:testb 1 :al) ; if ( no information available )
276 (:jz 'no-output) ; goto no_output
277 (:callw 'delay)
278 (:inb #x60 :al) ; read it
279 (:jmp 'empty-8042)
280 no-output
281 (:testb 2 :al) ; if ( input buffer is full )
282 (:jnz 'empty-8042) ; goto empty_8042
283 (:ret)
285 delay
286 (:xorw :cx :cx)
287 delay-loop
288 (:loop 'delay-loop)
289 (:ret)
291 print ,@(mkasm16-bios-print)
293 ;; Data
294 welcome (:% :format 8 "Loading Movitz ~D..~% "
295 ,(incf *bootblock-build*))
296 entering (:% :format 8 "~% Enter..")
297 error (:% :format 8 "Failed!)")
298 track-start-msg (:% :format 8 "(")
299 track-end-msg (:% :format 8 ")")
300 sector-msg (:% :format 8 "-")
302 (:% :align 16)
304 (:% :bytes 16 0)
305 gdt-addr
306 (:% :bytes 16 ,(1- (* 3 8)))
307 (:% :bytes 32 'gdt) ; both the null and pointer to gdt
308 ;; (% fun (make-segment-descriptor-byte)) ; dummy null descriptor
309 (:% :fun (make-segment-descriptor-byte :base 0 :limit #xfffff ; 1: code segment
310 :type 10 :dpl 0
311 :flags (s p d/b g)))
312 (:% :fun (make-segment-descriptor-byte :base 0 :limit #xfffff ; 2: data segment
313 :type 2 :dpl 0
314 :flags (s p d/b g)))
315 ;; (% align 4)
316 new-world
317 ;; ..must be concatenated onto here.
321 (defconstant +screen-base+ #xb8000)
322 (defparameter +message+ "Ok.")
323 (defparameter +halt-message+ "Halt!")
325 (defun make-vga-string (string)
326 (loop for char across string
327 collect (char-code char)
328 collect #x07))
330 (defun mkasm-loader (image-size load-address call-address)
331 "Make the 32-bit loader."
332 (assert (<= load-address call-address (+ load-address image-size)) ()
333 "Call-address #x~X is not in range #x~X to #x~X."
334 call-address load-address (+ load-address image-size))
335 `((:movw ,(* 2 8) :ax) ; Load DS, ES and SS with the correct data segment descriptors
336 (:movw :ax :ds)
337 (:movw :ax :es)
338 (:movw :ax :fs)
339 (:movw :ax :gs)
340 (:movw :ax :ss)
342 (:movl #x20000 :esp)
343 ;;; (pushl -1) ; stack-end-marker
345 ;; If we are not on a 386, perform WBINVD to flush caches.
346 ;; (:testl :edi :edi) ; clear ZF
347 (:pushfl) ; push original EFLAGS
348 (:popl :eax) ; get original EFLAGS
349 (:movl :eax :ecx) ; save original EFLAGS
350 (:xorl #x40000 :eax) ; flip AC bit in EFLAGS
351 (:pushl :eax) ; save new EFLAGS value on stack
352 (:popfl) ; replace current EFLAGS value
353 (:pushfl) ; get new EFLAGS
354 (:popl :eax) ; store new EFLAGS in EAX
355 (:xorl :ecx :eax) ; can't toggle AC bit, processor=80386, ZF=1
356 (:jz 'skip-wbinvd) ; jump if 80386 processor
357 (:wbinvd)
358 skip-wbinvd
360 (:movzxb :dl :eax) ; cursor column
361 (:movzxb :dh :ebx) ; cursor row
363 (:imull 160 :ebx :ebx)
364 (:movl 'i-am-32 :esi)
366 os-loop
367 (:leal ((:eax 2) :ebx ,+screen-base+) :edi)
368 (:xorl :ecx :ecx)
369 (:movb ,(length +message+) :cl)
370 ((:repz) :movsw) ; print i-am-32
372 (:movl ,call-address :eax)
373 (:jmp :eax) ; call OS
375 ;;; (:movl ,(length +halt-message+) :ecx)
376 ;;; (:movl 'halt-msg :esi)
377 ;;; (:movl ,(+ +screen-base+ (* 2 80 11) (* 2 35)) :edi)
378 ;;; ((:repz) movsw)
379 ;;;
380 ;;; (:movw #x7400 (:edi))
381 ;;; eternal
382 ;;; (:incb (:edi))
383 ;;; (:halt)
384 ;;; (:jmp 'eternal) ; OS returned?
385 ;; (% align 2)
386 i-am-32 (:% :bytes 8 ,@(make-vga-string +message+))
387 ;;; halt-msg (% fun ((lambda ()
388 ;;; (loop for char across ,+halt-message+
389 ;;; collect (complex (logior #x4700 (char-code char)) 2)))))
392 (defun make-bootblock (image-size load-address call-address
393 &key (skip-sectors 0) (include-records))
394 (when *floppy-size*
395 (let ((floppy-room (- *floppy-size* 512))) ; Size of floppy minus the bootloader.
396 (if (> image-size floppy-room)
397 (warn "The image is ~D bytes too big to fit on a ~,2F MB floppy."
398 (- image-size floppy-room)
399 (/ *floppy-size* (* 1024 1000)))
400 (format t "~&;; Bootloader has room for ~,1F KB more."
401 (/ (- floppy-room image-size) 1024)))))
402 (multiple-value-bind (bios-loader bb-symtab)
403 (let ((asm-x86:*position-independent-p* nil)
404 (asm-x86:*cpu-mode* :16-bit))
405 (asm:assemble-proglist (mkasm16-bios-bootloader image-size load-address skip-sectors)
406 :start-pc #x7c00))
407 (multiple-value-bind (protected-loader protected-symtab)
408 (let ((asm-x86:*position-independent-p* nil)
409 (asm-x86:*cpu-mode* :32-bit))
410 (asm:assemble-proglist (mkasm-loader image-size load-address call-address)
411 :start-pc (cdr (or (assoc 'new-world bb-symtab)
412 (error "No new-world defined in bios-loader.")))))
413 (let* ((loader-length (+ (length bios-loader)
414 (length protected-loader)))
415 (bootblock (progn
416 (assert (<= loader-length 510) ()
417 "Bootblock size of ~D octets is too big, max is 510!" loader-length)
418 (make-array 512 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
419 :fill-pointer loader-length))))
420 (setf (subseq bootblock 0) bios-loader
421 (subseq bootblock (length bios-loader)) protected-loader)
422 (loop until (zerop (mod (fill-pointer bootblock) 4))
423 do (vector-push 0 bootblock))
424 (dolist (record include-records)
425 (let ((*endian* :little-endian))
426 (with-binary-output-to-vector (stream bootblock)
427 (write-binary-record record stream))))
428 (setf (fill-pointer bootblock) 512
429 (subseq bootblock 510) #(#x55 #xaa)) ; bootblock signature
430 (format t "~&;; Bootblock size is ~D octets.~%" loader-length)
431 (format t "~&;; Bootblock build ID: ~D.~%" *bootblock-build*)
432 (with-open-file (s #p"bootblock-id.txt"
433 :direction :output
434 :if-exists :supersede)
435 (with-standard-io-syntax
436 (write *bootblock-build* :stream s)))
437 (values bootblock (append bb-symtab protected-symtab))))))