Moved ATA driver into its own package
[movitz-core.git] / losp / ll-testing.lisp
1 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2005,
4 ;;;; Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; For distribution policy, see the accompanying file COPYING.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; Filename: ll-testing.lisp
9 ;;;; Description: low-level test code.
10 ;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <>
11 ;;;; Created at: Thu Apr 14 08:18:43 2005
12 ;;;;
13 ;;;; $Id: ll-testing.lisp,v 1.12 2005/08/24 07:32:52 ffjeld Exp $
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
17 (provide :ll-testing)
18 (in-package muerte)
20 ;;;(defun dump-global-segment-table (&key table entries nofill)
21 ;;; "Dump contents of the current global (segment) descriptor table into a vector."
22 ;;; (multiple-value-bind (gdt-base gdt-limit)
23 ;;; (%sgdt)
24 ;;; (let* ((gdt-entries (/ (1+ gdt-limit) 8))
25 ;;; (entries (or entries gdt-entries)))
26 ;;; (check-type entries (integer 1 8192))
27 ;;; (let ((table (or table
28 ;;; (make-array (* 2 entries)
29 ;;; :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32)
30 ;;; :initial-element 0))))
31 ;;; (check-type table (vector (unsigned-byte 32)))
32 ;;; (unless nofill
33 ;;; (loop for i upfrom 0 below (* 2 gdt-entries)
34 ;;; do (setf (aref table i)
35 ;;; (memref gdt-base 0 :index i :type :unsigned-byte32 :physicalp t))))
36 ;;; table))))
40 (defmacro control-stack-fs (stack)
41 `(stack-frame-ref ,stack 0 2))
43 (defmacro control-stack-esp (stack)
44 `(stack-frame-ref ,stack 0 1))
46 (defmacro control-stack-ebp (stack)
47 `(stack-frame-ref ,stack 0 0))
49 (defun control-stack-init (&optional (stack (make-array 254 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
50 (let ((i (length stack)))
51 (setf (control-stack-esp stack) i
52 (control-stack-ebp stack) 0)
53 stack))
55 (defun control-stack-push (value stack &optional (type :lisp))
56 (let ((i (decf (control-stack-esp stack))))
57 (assert (< 1 i (length stack)))
58 (setf (stack-frame-ref stack i 0 type) value)))
60 (defun control-stack-enter-frame (stack &optional function)
61 (control-stack-push (control-stack-ebp stack) stack)
62 (setf (control-stack-ebp stack) (control-stack-esp stack))
63 (when function
64 (check-type function function)
65 (control-stack-push function stack))
66 stack)
68 (defun stack-stopper (&rest args)
69 (declare (ignore args))
70 (declare (without-function-prelude))
71 (error "Stack stop.")
72 (format *terminal-io* "~&Stack-stopper halt.")
73 (loop (halt-cpu)))
75 (defun alloc-context (segment-descriptor-table)
76 (let* ((fs-index 8)
77 (thread (muerte::clone-run-time-context :name 'subthread)))
78 (setf (segment-descriptor segment-descriptor-table fs-index)
79 (segment-descriptor segment-descriptor-table (truncate (segment-register :fs) 8)))
80 (warn "Thread ~S FS base: ~S"
81 thread
82 (setf (segment-descriptor-base-location segment-descriptor-table fs-index)
83 (+ (object-location thread)
84 (muerte::location-physical-offset))))
85 (values thread (* 8 fs-index))))
87 (defun control-stack-bootstrap (stack function &rest args)
88 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
89 (check-type function function)
90 (control-stack-init stack)
91 (control-stack-push 0 stack)
92 (control-stack-enter-frame stack #'stack-stopper)
93 (let ((stack-top (+ (object-location stack) 2 (length stack)))
94 (stack-bottom (+ (object-location stack) 2)))
95 (dolist (arg (cddr args))
96 (control-stack-push arg stack))
97 (control-stack-push (+ 2 1 (object-location (funobj-code-vector #'stack-stopper)))
98 stack) ; XXX The extra word skips the frame-setup.
99 (multiple-value-bind (ebp esp)
100 (control-stack-fixate stack)
101 (stack-yield stack esp ebp
102 :eax (car args)
103 :ebx (cadr args)
104 :ecx (length args)
105 :esi function)))
106 stack)
108 ;;;(defun make-thread (&key (name (gensym "thread-")) (function #'invoke-debugger) (args '(nil)))
109 ;;; "Make a thread and initialize its stack to apply function to args."
110 ;;; (let* ((fs-index 8) ; a vacant spot in the global segment descriptor table..
111 ;;; (fs (* 8 fs-index))
112 ;;; (thread (muerte::clone-run-time-context :name name))
113 ;;; (segment-descriptor-table (symbol-value 'muerte.init::*segment-descriptor-table*)))
114 ;;; (setf (segment-descriptor segment-descriptor-table fs-index)
115 ;;; (segment-descriptor segment-descriptor-table (truncate (segment-register :fs) 8)))
116 ;;; (setf (segment-descriptor-base-location segment-descriptor-table fs-index)
117 ;;; (+ (object-location thread) (muerte::location-physical-offset)))
118 ;;; (let ((cushion nil)
119 ;;; (stack (control-stack-init-for-yield (make-array 4094 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))
120 ;;; function args)))
121 ;;; (multiple-value-bind (ebp esp)
122 ;;; (control-stack-fixate stack)
123 ;;; (setf (control-stack-fs stack) fs
124 ;;; (control-stack-ebp stack) ebp
125 ;;; (control-stack-esp stack) esp))
126 ;;; (setf (%run-time-context-slot 'dynamic-env thread) 0
127 ;;; (%run-time-context-slot 'stack-vector thread) stack
128 ;;; (%run-time-context-slot 'stack-top thread) (+ 2 (object-location stack)
129 ;;; (length stack))
130 ;;; (%run-time-context-slot 'stack-bottom thread) (+ (object-location stack) 2
131 ;;; (or cushion
132 ;;; (if (>= (length stack) 200)
133 ;;; 100
134 ;;; 0))))
135 ;;; (values thread))))
137 (defun stack-bootstrapper (&rest ignore)
138 (declare (ignore ignore))
139 (let ((frame (current-stack-frame)))
140 (assert (eql 0 (stack-frame-uplink nil frame)))
141 (let ((function (stack-frame-ref nil frame 1))
142 (args (stack-frame-ref nil frame 2)))
143 (check-type function function)
144 (check-type args list)
145 (apply function args)))
146 (error "Nothing left to do for ~S." (current-run-time-context))
147 (format *terminal-io* "~&stack-bootstrapper halt.")
148 (loop (halt-cpu)))
150 (defun control-stack-init-for-yield (stack function args)
151 (check-type function function)
152 (control-stack-init stack)
153 (control-stack-push args stack)
154 (control-stack-push function stack)
155 (control-stack-enter-frame stack #'stack-bootstrapper)
156 ;; Now pretend stack-bootstrapper called yield. First, the return address
157 (control-stack-push (+ 2 2 (object-location (funobj-code-vector #'stack-bootstrapper)))
158 stack) ; XXX The extra 2 words skip the frame-setup,
159 ; XXX which happens to be 8 bytes..
160 (control-stack-enter-frame stack #'yield)
161 stack)
164 (defun yield (target-rtc &optional value)
165 (declare (dynamic-extent values))
166 (assert (not (eq target-rtc (current-run-time-context))))
167 (let ((my-stack (%run-time-context-slot 'stack-vector))
168 (target-stack (%run-time-context-slot 'stack-vector target-rtc)))
169 (assert (not (eq my-stack target-stack)))
170 (let ((fs (control-stack-fs target-stack))
171 (esp (control-stack-esp target-stack))
172 (ebp (control-stack-ebp target-stack)))
173 (assert (location-in-object-p target-stack esp))
174 (assert (location-in-object-p target-stack ebp))
175 (assert (eq (stack-frame-funobj nil ebp)
176 (asm-register :esi)) ()
177 "Will not yield to a non-yield frame.")
178 ;; Push eflags for later..
179 (setf (memref (decf esp) 0) (eflags))
180 ;; Store EBP and ESP so we can get to them after the switch
181 (setf (%run-time-context-slot 'scratch1 target-rtc) ebp
182 (%run-time-context-slot 'scratch2 target-rtc) esp)
183 ;; Enable someone to yield back here..
184 (setf (control-stack-fs my-stack) (segment-register :fs)
185 (control-stack-ebp my-stack) (asm-register :ebp)
186 (control-stack-esp my-stack) (asm-register :esp))
187 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax)
188 (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding fs) :untagged-fixnum-ecx)
189 (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding value) :eax)
190 (:cli)
191 (:movw :cx :fs)
192 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset scratch1)) :ebp))
193 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset scratch2)) :esp))
194 (:popfl)))))
196 (defun stack-yield (stack esp ebp &key eax ebx ecx edx esi eflags (dynamic-env 0) cushion)
197 "Activate stack for the current run-time-context, and load the indicated CPU state.
198 EIP is loaded from ESI's code-vector."
199 (assert (not (eq stack (%run-time-context-slot 'stack-vector))))
200 (assert (location-in-object-p stack esp))
201 (assert (location-in-object-p stack ebp))
202 (assert (or (= 0 dynamic-env) (location-in-object-p stack dynamic-env)))
203 (let ((stack-top (+ (object-location stack) 2 (length stack)))
204 (stack-bottom (+ (object-location stack) 2
205 (or cushion
206 (if (>= (length stack) 200)
208 0)))))
209 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :non-local-exit)
210 (:clc)
211 (:pushfl)
212 (:popl :ebx)
213 (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) eflags)
214 (:cmpl :edi :eax)
215 (:je 'no-eflags-provided)
216 (:movl :eax :ebx)
217 no-eflags-provided
218 (:locally (:movl :ebx (:edi (:edi-offset raw-scratch0)))) ; Keep eflags in raw-scratch0
219 (:cli) ; Disable interrupts for a little while
220 (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) stack)
221 (:locally (:movl :eax (:edi (:edi-offset stack-vector))))
222 (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) dynamic-env)
223 (:locally (:movl :eax (:edi (:edi-offset dynamic-env))))
224 (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) stack-top stack-bottom)
225 (:locally (:movl :eax (:edi (:edi-offset stack-top))))
226 (:locally (:movl :ebx (:edi (:edi-offset stack-bottom))))
228 (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) esp ebp)
229 (:locally (:movl :eax (:edi (:edi-offset scratch1))))
230 (:locally (:movl :ebx (:edi (:edi-offset scratch2))))
232 (:compile-form (:result-mode :untagged-fixnum-ecx) ecx)
233 (:compile-two-forms (:eax :ebx) eax ebx)
234 (:compile-two-forms (:edx :esi) edx esi)
235 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset scratch1)) :esp))
236 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset scratch2)) :ebp))
237 (:locally (:pushl (:edi (:edi-offset raw-scratch0)))) ; reset eflags
238 (:popfl)
239 (:jmp (:esi (:offset movitz-funobj code-vector))))))