Moved ATA driver into its own package
[movitz-core.git] / losp / los0-gc.lisp
1 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2003-2005,
4 ;;;; Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; For distribution policy, see the accompanying file COPYING.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; Filename: los0-gc.lisp
9 ;;;; Description: A simple GC architecture for los0.
10 ;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <>
11 ;;;; Created at: Sat Feb 21 17:48:32 2004
12 ;;;;
13 ;;;; $Id: los0-gc.lisp,v 1.62 2007/04/09 17:30:09 ffjeld Exp $
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
17 (provide :los0-gc)
19 (in-package los0)
21 (defvar *gc-quiet* nil)
22 (defvar *gc-running* nil)
23 (defvar *gc-break* nil)
24 (defvar *gc-trigger* nil)
25 (defvar *gc-consistency-check* nil)
28 (defmacro space-fresh-pointer (space)
29 `(memref ,space -6 :index 2))
31 (defmacro space-other (space)
32 `(memref ,space -6 :index 3))
34 (defun allocate-space (size &optional other-space)
35 (let ((space (make-array size :element-type '(unsigned-byte 32))))
36 (initialize-space space)
37 (setf (space-other space) other-space)
38 space))
40 (defun initialize-space (space)
41 (setf (space-fresh-pointer space) 2)
42 space)
44 (defun allocate-duo-space (size)
45 (let* ((space1 (allocate-space size))
46 (space2 (allocate-space size space1)))
47 (setf (space-other space1) space2)
48 space1))
50 (defun make-space (location size)
51 "Make a space vector at a fixed location."
52 (assert (evenp location))
53 (macrolet ((x (index)
54 `(memref location 0 :index ,index :type :unsigned-byte32)))
55 (setf (x 1) (* #.movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+ size)
56 (x 0) #.(cl:dpb (bt:enum-value 'movitz:movitz-vector-element-type :u32)
57 (cl:byte 8 8)
58 (bt:enum-value 'movitz:other-type-byte :basic-vector))))
59 (%word-offset location #.(movitz:tag :other)))
61 (defun make-duo-space (location size)
62 (when (oddp location)
63 (incf location))
64 (let ((space1 (make-space location size))
65 (space2 (make-space (logand -4 (+ location 3 size)) size)))
66 (initialize-space space1)
67 (initialize-space space2)
68 (setf (space-other space1) space2
69 (space-other space2) space1)
70 space1))
72 (defun duo-space-end-location (space1)
73 (let ((space2 (space-other space1)))
74 (max (+ (object-location space1) (length space2) 2)
75 (+ (object-location space2) (length space2) 2))))
77 (defun test ()
78 (warn "install..")
79 (install-los0-consing 4)
80 (warn "nursery: ~Z, other: ~Z"
81 (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space)
82 (space-other (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space)))
83 (warn "first cons: ~Z" (funcall 'truncate #x100000000 3))
84 (warn "second cons: ~Z" (funcall 'truncate #x100000000 3))
85 (halt-cpu)
86 (values))
88 (define-primitive-function los0-fast-cons ()
89 "Allocate a cons cell of EAX and EBX from nursery-space."
90 (macrolet
91 ((do-it ()
92 `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax)
93 retry-cons
95 ;; (:locally (:cmpl #xabbabee0 (:edi (:edi-offset values) ,(* 4 #x30))))
96 ;; (:je 'no-check)
97 ;; (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset nursery-space)) :edx))
98 ;; (:movl (:edx 6) :edx); other
99 ;; (:cmpl 8 (:edx 2))
100 ;; (:jne '(:sub-program ()
101 ;; (:locally (:movl #xabbabee0 (:edi (:edi-offset values) ,(* 4 #x30))))
102 ;; (:break)))
103 ;; no-check
105 ;; Set up thread-atomical execution
106 (:locally (:movl ,(movitz::atomically-continuation-simple-pf 'fast-cons)
107 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation))))
109 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset nursery-space)) :edx))
110 (:movl (:edx 2) :ecx)
111 (:cmpl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz:movitz-basic-vector 'movitz::num-elements))
112 :ecx)
113 (:jae '(:sub-program (allocation-failed)
114 (:int 113)))
115 (:movl :eax (:edx :ecx 2))
116 (:movl :ebx (:edx :ecx 6))
117 (:addl 8 :ecx)
118 (:movl :ecx (:edx 2)) ; Commit allocation
119 (:leal (:edx :ecx -5) :edx)
120 ;; Exit thread-atomical
121 (:locally (:movl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation))))
122 (:movl :edx :eax)
123 (:ret))))
124 (do-it)))
127 (defun trigger-full-newspace (free-space)
128 "Make it so that there's only free-space words left before newspace is full."
129 (unless *gc-running*
130 (let ((trigger (if (consp *gc-trigger*)
131 (pop *gc-trigger*)
132 *gc-trigger*)))
133 (when trigger
134 (macrolet
135 ((do-it ()
136 `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing)
137 retry
138 (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) (+ free-space trigger))
139 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset nursery-space)) :edx))
140 (:testl ,(logxor #xffffffff
141 (* #xfff movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+))
142 :eax)
143 (:jnz '(:sub-program () (:int 64)))
144 (:addl 4 :eax)
145 (:andl -8 :eax)
146 (:movl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz:movitz-basic-vector 'movitz::num-elements))
147 :ecx)
148 (:subl :eax :ecx)
149 (:movl (:edx 2) :ebx)
150 (:cmpl :ecx :ebx)
151 (:jc '(:sub-program ()
152 ;; Current newspace was too full, so trigger a GC.
153 (:int 113)
154 (:jmp 'retry)))
155 (:movl :ecx (:edx 2))
156 (:addl 8 :ebx)
157 fill-loop
158 (:movl :edi (:edx :ebx -6))
159 (:addl 4 :ebx)
160 (:cmpl :ebx :ecx)
161 (:ja 'fill-loop)
163 (do-it))))))
166 (define-primitive-function los0-cons-pointer ()
167 "Return in EAX the next object location with space for EAX words, with tag 6.
168 Preserve ECX."
169 (macrolet
170 ((do-it ()
171 `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values)
172 (:locally (:cmpl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation)))) ; Atomically?
173 (:je '(:sub-program ()
174 (:int 63))) ; This must be called inside atomically.
175 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset nursery-space)) :edx))
176 (:movl (:edx 2) :ebx)
177 (:leal (:ebx :eax 4) :eax)
178 (:andl -8 :eax)
179 (:cmpl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz:movitz-basic-vector 'movitz::num-elements))
180 :eax)
181 (:ja '(:sub-program (probe-failed)
182 (:int 113)
183 (:int 63)))
184 (:movl #xabbabee3 (:edx :ebx 8 ,movitz:+other-type-offset+)) ; a recognizable illegal value?
185 (:leal (:edx :ebx 8) :eax)
186 (:ret))))
187 (do-it)))
189 (define-primitive-function los0-cons-commit ()
190 "Commit allocation of ECX/fixnum words.
191 Preserve EAX and EBX."
192 (macrolet
193 ((do-it ()
194 `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values)
195 (:locally (:cmpl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation)))) ; Atomically?
196 (:je '(:sub-program ()
197 (:int 63))) ; This must be called inside atomically.
198 (:addl ,movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+ :ecx)
199 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset nursery-space)) :edx))
200 (:andl -8 :ecx)
201 (:addl (:edx 2) :ecx)
202 (:cmpl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz:movitz-basic-vector 'movitz::num-elements))
203 :ecx)
204 (:ja '(:sub-program (commit-failed)
205 (:int 113)
206 (:int 63)))
207 (:movl :ecx (:edx 2))
208 (:leal (:edx :ecx) :ecx)
209 (:ret))))
210 (do-it)))
212 (define-primitive-function los0-box-u32-ecx ()
213 "Make u32 in ECX into a fixnum or bignum in EAX."
214 (macrolet
215 ((do-it ()
216 `(with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values)
217 (:cmpl ,movitz:+movitz-most-positive-fixnum+ :ecx)
218 (:ja 'not-fixnum)
219 (:leal ((:ecx ,movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+)) :eax)
220 (:ret)
221 not-fixnum
222 (:locally (:movl ,(movitz::atomically-continuation-simple-pf 'box-u32-ecx)
223 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation))))
224 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset nursery-space)) :edx))
225 (:movl (:edx 2) :eax)
226 (:cmpl (:edx ,(bt:slot-offset 'movitz:movitz-basic-vector 'movitz::num-elements))
227 :eax)
228 (:jae '(:sub-program ()
229 (:int 113)))
230 (:movl ,(dpb movitz:+movitz-fixnum-factor+
231 (byte 16 16) (movitz:tag :bignum 0))
232 (:edx :eax 2))
233 (:movl :ecx (:edx :eax 6))
234 (:addl 8 :eax)
235 (:movl :eax (:edx 2)) ; Commit allocation
236 (:leal (:edx :eax) :eax)
237 ;; Exit thread-atomical
238 (:locally (:movl 0 (:edi (:edi-offset atomically-continuation))))
239 (:ret))))
240 (do-it)))
242 (defvar *gc-stack* nil)
243 (defvar *gc-stack2* nil)
245 (defmacro with-hack-space ((&key (size 409600)) &body body)
246 `(let* ((id (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :eax)))
247 (save-space (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space))
248 (hack-space (make-duo-space (duo-space-end-location save-space) ,size)))
249 (warn "[~A] hack-space ~Z from ~Z/~Z: ~A" id hack-space save-space (space-other save-space) ',body)
250 (unwind-protect
251 (progn
252 (setf (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space) hack-space)
253 ,@body)
254 (warn "[~A] hack-space done." id)
255 (setf (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space) save-space))))
257 (defun install-los0-consing (&key (context (current-run-time-context))
258 (kb-size 1024)
259 duo-space)
260 "Install the 'Los0' GC architecture on run-time-context CONTEXT.
261 Either use an explicitly provided DUO-SPACE, or allocate a fresh
262 duo-space where each space is KB-SIZE kilobytes."
263 (setf (exception-handler 113)
264 (lambda (exception interrupt-frame)
265 (declare (ignore exception interrupt-frame))
266 (without-interrupts
267 (let ((muerte::*active-condition-handlers* nil)
268 (*debugger-hook* nil)
269 (*standard-output* *terminal-io*))
270 (cond
271 (*gc-running*
272 (let* ((full-space (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space))
273 (hack-space (make-duo-space (duo-space-end-location full-space) 102400)))
274 (setf (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space) hack-space)
275 (break "Recursive GC triggered. Full-space: ~Z, hack-space: ~Z"
276 full-space hack-space)))
277 (t (let ((*gc-running* t))
278 (unless *gc-quiet*
279 (format t "~&;; GC ~Z.." (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space)))
280 (let* ((space0 (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space))
281 (space1 (space-other space0)))
282 (unless (= 2 (space-fresh-pointer space1))
283 (with-hack-space ()
284 (error "PRE space-other is not initialized: ~S" (space-fresh-pointer space1)))))
285 (unwind-protect
286 (stop-and-copy)
287 (let* ((space0 (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space))
288 (space1 (space-other space0)))
289 (unless (= 2 (space-fresh-pointer space1))
290 (with-hack-space ()
291 (error "UP space-other is not initialized: ~S" (space-fresh-pointer space1))))
292 )))))
293 (if *gc-break*
294 (break "GC break.")
295 (loop ; This is a nice opportunity to poll the keyboard..
296 (case (muerte.x86-pc.keyboard:poll-char)
297 ((#\escape)
298 (break "Los0 GC keyboard poll."))
299 ((nil)
300 (return)))))))))
301 (let* ((actual-duo-space (or duo-space
302 (allocate-duo-space (* kb-size #x100))))
303 (last-location (object-location (cons 1 2))))
304 (macrolet ((install-primitive (name slot)
305 `(let ((code-vector (symbol-value ',name)))
306 (check-type code-vector code-vector)
307 (if (eq context (current-run-time-context))
308 ;; The point of this is to not trigger CLOS bootstrapping.
309 (setf (%run-time-context-slot nil ',slot) code-vector)
310 (setf (%run-time-context-slot context ',slot) code-vector)))))
311 (install-primitive los0-fast-cons muerte::fast-cons)
312 (install-primitive los0-box-u32-ecx muerte::box-u32-ecx)
313 (install-primitive los0-cons-pointer muerte::cons-pointer)
314 (install-primitive los0-cons-commit muerte::cons-commit))
315 (if (eq context (current-run-time-context))
316 (setf (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space)
317 actual-duo-space)
318 (setf (%run-time-context-slot context 'muerte::nursery-space)
319 actual-duo-space))
320 ;; Pretend that the heap stops here, so that we don't have to scan
321 ;; the entire tail end of memory, which isn't going to be used.
322 (setf (cdar muerte::%memory-map-roots%) last-location))
323 (values))
325 (defun object-in-space-p (space object)
326 (check-type space (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) 1))
327 (and (typep object 'pointer)
328 (<= (+ 2 (object-location space))
329 (object-location object)
330 (+ 1 (object-location space)
331 (array-dimension space 0)))))
333 (defun report-nursery (x location)
334 "Write a message if x is inside newspace."
335 (when (object-in-space-p (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space) x)
336 (format t "~&~Z: ~S: ~S from ~S" x (type-of x) x location))
339 (defun report-inactive-space (x location)
340 "Check that x is not pointing into (what is presumably) oldspace."
341 (when (object-in-space-p (space-other (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space)) x)
342 (break "~Z: ~S: ~S from ~S" x (type-of x) x location))
345 (defun location-finder (find-location)
346 (lambda (x location)
347 (when (location-in-object-p x find-location)
348 (break "The location ~S is in the object at ~Z referenced from location ~S."
349 find-location x location))
352 #+ignore
353 (defun tenure ()
354 (install-old-consing)
355 (install-los0-consing))
357 #+ignore
358 (defun kill-the-newborns ()
359 (let* ((oldspace (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space))
360 (newspace (space-other oldspace)))
361 (setf (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space) newspace)
362 (flet ((zap-oldspace (x location)
363 (declare (ignore location))
364 (if (object-in-space-p oldspace x)
366 x)))
367 (map-header-vals #'zap-oldspace 0 (malloc-end))
368 (map-stack-vector #'zap-oldspace nil (current-stack-frame))
369 (initialize-space oldspace)
370 (values))))
373 (defparameter *x* (make-array #x1000 :fill-pointer 0)) ; Have this in static space.
374 ;;;(defparameter *xx* #4000(nil)) ; Have this in static space.
376 (defvar *gc-x1* nil)
377 (defvar *gc-x2* nil)
379 (defparameter *code-vector-foo* 0)
380 (defvar *old-code-vectors* #250(nil))
381 (defvar *new-code-vectors* #250(nil))
383 (defun stop-and-copy (&optional evacuator)
384 (setf (fill-pointer *x*) 0)
385 (setf (fill-pointer *old-code-vectors*) 0)
386 (multiple-value-bind (newspace oldspace)
387 (without-interrupts
388 (let* ((space0 (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space))
389 (space1 (space-other space0)))
390 (check-type space0 (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) 1))
391 (check-type space1 (simple-array (unsigned-byte 32) 1))
392 (assert (eq space0 (space-other space1)))
393 (unless (= 2 (space-fresh-pointer space1))
394 (with-hack-space ()
395 (error "space1 is not initialized: ~S" (space-fresh-pointer space1))
396 nil))
397 (setf (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space) space1)
398 (values space1 space0)))
399 ;; Evacuate-oldspace is to be mapped over every potential pointer.
400 (let ((*code-vector-foo* (incf *code-vector-foo* 2))
401 (evacuator
402 (or evacuator
403 (lambda (x location)
404 "If x is in oldspace, migrate it to newspace."
405 (declare (ignore location))
406 (cond
407 ((null x)
408 nil)
409 ((object-in-space-p newspace x)
411 #+ignore ((and (typep x 'code-vector)
412 (not (object-in-space-p oldspace x))
413 (not (object-in-space-p newspace x))
414 (= (ldb (byte 12 0) (object-location x))
415 (ldb (byte 12 0) *code-vector-foo*))
416 (not (eq x (funobj-code-vector #'stop-and-copy)))
417 (not (eq x (symbol-value 'muerte::default-interrupt-trampoline)))
418 (not (muerte::scavenge-find-pf (lambda (x y) x) (object-location x))))
419 (let ((p (position (object-location x) *old-code-vectors*)))
420 (if p
421 (aref *new-code-vectors* p)
422 (setf (aref *new-code-vectors*
423 (vector-push (object-location x) *old-code-vectors*))
424 (let ((new (shallow-copy x)))
425 (warn "[~S] Migrating ~@[~S ~]~Z => ~Z."
426 location
427 (muerte::locate-function (object-location x))
428 x new)
429 new)))))
430 ((not (object-in-space-p oldspace x))
432 #+ignore ((when (typep x 'run-time-context)
433 (warn "Scavenging ~S" x)))
434 (t (or (and (eq (object-tag x)
435 (ldb (byte 3 0)
436 (memref (object-location x) 0 :type :unsigned-byte8)))
437 (let ((forwarded-x (memref (object-location x) 0)))
438 (and (object-in-space-p newspace forwarded-x)
439 forwarded-x)))
440 (let ((forward-x (shallow-copy x)))
441 (when (and *gc-consistency-check*
442 (typep x 'muerte::pointer))
443 (let ((a *x*))
444 (vector-push (%object-lispval x) a)
445 (vector-push (memref (object-location x) 0 :type :unsigned-byte32) a)
446 (assert (vector-push (%object-lispval forward-x) a))))
447 (setf (memref (object-location x) 0) forward-x)
448 forward-x))))))))
449 ;; Scavenge roots
450 (with-simple-restart (nil "Scanning stack.")
451 (map-stack-vector evacuator nil (current-stack-frame)))
452 (with-simple-restart (nil "Scanning heap.")
453 (dolist (range muerte::%memory-map-roots%)
454 (map-header-vals evacuator (car range) (cdr range))))
455 ;; Scan newspace, Cheney style.
456 (loop with newspace-location of-type index = (+ 2 (object-location newspace))
457 with scan-pointer of-type index = 2
458 as fresh-pointer of-type index = (space-fresh-pointer newspace)
459 while (< scan-pointer fresh-pointer)
460 do (let ((start (+ newspace-location scan-pointer))
461 (end (+ newspace-location (space-fresh-pointer newspace))))
462 (map-header-vals evacuator start end)
463 (setf *gc-x1* start)
464 (setf *gc-x2* end))
465 (setf scan-pointer fresh-pointer))
466 (when *gc-consistency-check*
467 ;; Consistency check..
468 (map-stack-vector (lambda (x foo)
469 (declare (ignore foo))
472 (current-stack-frame))
473 (with-simple-restart (continue "Skip GC consistency check.")
474 (without-interrupts
475 (let ((a *x*))
476 ;; First, restore the state of old-space
477 (do ((end (- (length a) 2))
478 (i 0 (+ i 3)))
479 ((>= i end))
480 (let ((old (%lispval-object (aref a i)))
481 (old-class (aref a (+ i 1))))
482 (setf (memref (object-location old) 0 :type :unsigned-byte32) old-class)))
483 ;; Then, check that each migrated object is equalp to its new self.
484 (do ((i 0 (+ i 3)))
485 ((>= i (length a)))
486 (let ((old (%lispval-object (aref a i)))
487 (new (%lispval-object (aref a (+ i 2)))))
488 (unless (and (object-in-space-p newspace new)
489 (not (object-in-space-p newspace old))
490 (objects-equalp old new))
491 (let ((*evacuator* evacuator)
492 (*old* old)
493 (*new* new)
494 (*old-class* (aref a (+ i 1))))
495 (declare (special *old* *new* *old-class* *evacuator*))
496 (error "GC consistency check failed:
497 old object: ~Z: ~S
498 new object: ~Z: ~S
499 equalp: ~S
500 oldspace: ~Z, newspace: ~Z, i: ~D"
501 old old new new (objects-equalp old new) oldspace newspace i))))))
502 (map-header-vals (lambda (x y)
503 (declare (ignore y))
504 (when (location-in-object-p (space-other (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space))
505 (object-location x))
506 (break "Seeing old object in values-vector: ~Z" x))
508 #x38 #xb8)
509 #+ignore
510 (let* ((stack (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::stack-vector))
511 (stack-start (- (length stack) (muerte::current-control-stack-depth))))
512 (do ((i 0 (+ i 3)))
513 ((>= i (length a)))
514 (let* ((offender? (aref a i))
515 (offender-index (position offender? stack :start stack-start)))
516 (when offender-index
517 (break "Seeing old object ~S in current stack at ~S, new is ~S"
518 offender?
519 (+ (object-location stack)
520 offender-index 2)
521 (aref a (+ i 2))))))
522 (loop for i from stack-start below (length stack)
523 as o = (aref stack i)
524 do (when (and (typep o 'pointer)
525 (location-in-object-p oldspace (object-location o)))
526 (break "Seeing old (unmapped) object ~Z in stack at ~S."
527 o (+ (object-location stack) i 2))))))))
528 (loop for o across *old-code-vectors*
529 for n across *new-code-vectors*
530 do (setf (memref o 0) (memref n -6))
531 (fill (muerte::%location-object o 6) #xcc))
532 ;; GC completed, oldspace is evacuated.
533 (unless *gc-quiet*
534 (let ((old-size (truncate (- (space-fresh-pointer oldspace) 2) 2))
535 (new-size (truncate (- (space-fresh-pointer newspace) 2) 2)))
536 (format t "Old space: ~/muerte:pprint-clumps/, new space: ~
537 ~/muerte:pprint-clumps/, freed: ~/muerte:pprint-clumps/.~%"
538 old-size new-size (- old-size new-size))))
539 (dolist (hook *gc-hooks*)
540 (funcall hook))
541 (initialize-space oldspace)
542 (when *gc-consistency-check*
543 (fill oldspace #x13 :start 2)
544 ;; (setf *gc-stack2* *gc-stack*)
545 (setf *gc-stack* (muerte::copy-current-control-stack))
546 #+ignore (setf (fill-pointer *xx*) (fill-pointer *x*))
547 #+ignore (replace *xx* *x*))))
548 (values))
550 (defun simple-stop-and-copy (newspace oldspace)
551 (flet ((evacuator (x)
552 "If x is in oldspace, migrate it to newspace."
553 (if (not (object-in-space-p oldspace x))
555 (or (and (eq (object-tag x)
556 (memref (object-location x) 0 :type :tag))
557 (let ((forwarded-x (memref (object-location x) 0)))
558 (and (object-in-space-p newspace forwarded-x)
559 forwarded-x)))
560 (setf (memref (object-location x) 0)
561 (shallow-copy x))))))
562 ;; Scavenge roots
563 (map-stack-vector #'evacuator nil (current-stack-frame))
564 (dolist (range muerte::%memory-map-roots%)
565 (map-header-vals #'evacuator (car range) (cdr range)))
566 ;; Scan newspace, Cheney style.
567 (loop with newspace-location = (+ 2 (object-location newspace))
568 with scan-pointer = 2
569 as fresh-pointer = (space-fresh-pointer newspace)
570 while (< scan-pointer fresh-pointer)
571 do (map-header-vals #'evacuator
572 (+ newspace-location scan-pointer)
573 (+ newspace-location (space-fresh-pointer newspace)))
574 (setf scan-pointer fresh-pointer))
575 (initialize-space oldspace)
576 (values)))
579 (defun find-object-by-location (location &key (continuep t) (breakp nil))
580 "Scan the heap for a (pointer) object that matches location.
581 This is a debugging tool."
582 (let ((results nil))
583 (flet ((searcher (x ignore)
584 (declare (ignore ignore))
585 (when (and (typep x '(or muerte::tag1 muerte::tag6 muerte::tag7))
586 (not (eq x (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space)))
587 (location-in-object-p x location)
588 (not (member x results)))
589 (push x results)
590 (funcall (if breakp #'break #'warn)
591 "Found pointer ~Z of type ~S at location ~S."
592 x (type-of x) (object-location x)))
594 (handler-bind
595 ((serious-condition (lambda (c)
596 (when (and continuep
597 (find-restart 'muerte::continue-map-header-vals))
598 (warn "Automatic continue from scanning error: ~A" c)
599 (invoke-restart 'muerte::continue-map-header-vals)))))
600 (dolist (range muerte::%memory-map-roots%)
601 (map-header-vals #'searcher (car range) (cdr range)))
602 (let ((nursery (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space)))
603 (map-header-vals #'searcher
604 (+ 4 (object-location nursery))
605 (+ 4 (object-location nursery) (space-fresh-pointer nursery))))
606 (map-stack-vector #'searcher nil (current-stack-frame))))
607 results))
609 (defun report-lispval (lispval &optional breakp newspace)
610 (let* ((location (truncate lispval 4))
611 (newspace (or newspace (%run-time-context-slot nil 'muerte::nursery-space)))
612 (oldspace (space-other newspace)))
613 (cond
614 ((location-in-object-p newspace location)
615 (format t "#x~X is in newspace ~Z." lispval newspace))
616 ((location-in-object-p oldspace location)
617 (funcall (if breakp 'break 'warn) "#x~X is in oldspace ~Z." lispval oldspace))
618 (t (funcall (if breakp 'break 'warn) "#x~X is neither old nor new?" lispval))))
619 (values))