Moved ATA driver into its own package
[movitz-core.git] / losp / muerte / environment.lisp
1 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2001-2005,
4 ;;;; Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; For distribution policy, see the accompanying file COPYING.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; Filename: environment.lisp
9 ;;;; Description:
10 ;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <>
11 ;;;; Created at: Sat Oct 20 00:41:57 2001
12 ;;;;
13 ;;;; $Id: environment.lisp,v 1.15 2006/04/07 21:53:47 ffjeld Exp $
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
17 (require :muerte/basic-macros)
18 (provide :muerte/environment)
20 (in-package muerte)
22 (defun pprint-clumps (stream clumps &optional colon at)
23 "A clump is the quantity of 8 bytes."
24 (declare (ignore colon at))
25 (cond
26 ((< clumps 64)
27 (format stream "~D bytes" (* clumps 8)))
28 ((< clumps #x20000)
29 (format stream "~D.~D KB"
30 (truncate clumps 128)
31 (truncate (* 10 (rem clumps 128)) 128)))
32 (t (format stream "~D.~D MB"
33 (truncate clumps (* 128 1024))
34 (truncate (* 10 (rem clumps #x20000)) #x20000)))))
36 (defun room (&optional x)
37 (declare (ignore x))
38 (let ((clumps (malloc-cons-pointer)))
39 (format t "Heap used: ~D clumps = ~/muerte:pprint-clumps/." clumps clumps))
40 (values))
42 (defparameter *trace-level* 0)
43 (defparameter *trace-escape* nil)
44 (defvar *trace-map* nil)
46 (defun function-name-symbol (function-name)
47 (etypecase function-name
48 (symbol
49 function-name)
50 ((cons (eql setf) (cons symbol null))
51 (gethash (cadr function-name) *setf-namespace*))))
53 (defun match-caller (name)
54 (do ((frame (stack-frame-uplink nil (current-stack-frame))
55 (stack-frame-uplink nil frame)))
56 ((not (plusp frame)))
57 (let ((f (stack-frame-funobj nil frame)))
58 (cond
59 ((not (typep f 'function))
60 (return nil))
61 ((equal name (funobj-name f))
62 (return t))
63 ((and (consp (funobj-name f)) (eq 'method (car (funobj-name f)))
64 (equal name (second (funobj-name f))))
65 (return t))
66 ((equal name 'eval)
67 (return nil))))))
69 (defun do-trace (function-name &key (callers t))
70 (when (assoc function-name *trace-map* :test #'equal)
71 (do-untrace function-name))
72 (let ((function-symbol (function-name-symbol function-name)))
73 (assert (fboundp function-symbol) (function-name)
74 "Can't trace undefined function ~S." function-name)
75 (let* ((real-function (symbol-function function-symbol))
76 (wrapper (lambda (&rest args)
77 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
78 (if *trace-escape*
79 (apply real-function args)
80 (let ((*trace-escape* t))
81 (cond
82 ((and (not (eq t callers))
83 (notany 'match-caller callers))
84 (apply real-function args))
85 (t (let ((*trace-escape* t))
86 (fresh-line *trace-output*)
87 (dotimes (i *trace-level*)
88 (write-string " " *trace-output*))
89 (format *trace-output* "~D: (~S~{ ~S~})~%"
90 *trace-level* function-name args))
91 (multiple-value-call
92 (lambda (&rest results)
93 (declare (dynamic-extent results))
94 (let ((*trace-escape* t))
95 (fresh-line *trace-output*)
96 (dotimes (i (min *trace-level* 10))
97 (write-string " " *trace-output*))
98 (format *trace-output* "~D: =>~{ ~W~^,~}.~%"
99 *trace-level* results)
100 (values-list results)))
101 (let ((*trace-level* (1+ *trace-level*))
102 (*trace-escape* nil))
103 (apply real-function args))))))))))
104 (push (cons function-name
105 real-function)
106 *trace-map*)
107 (setf (symbol-function function-symbol)
108 wrapper)))
109 (values))
111 (defun do-untrace (name)
112 (let ((map (assoc name *trace-map*)))
113 (assert map () "~S is not traced." name)
114 (let ((function-name-symbol (function-name-symbol name))
115 (function (cdr map)))
116 (setf (symbol-function function-name-symbol)
117 function)
118 (setf *trace-map*
119 (delete name *trace-map* :key 'car))))
120 (values))
122 (defun time-skew-measure (mem x-lo x-hi)
123 (declare (ignore mem))
124 (multiple-value-bind (y-lo y-hi)
125 (read-time-stamp-counter)
126 (assert (<= x-hi y-hi))
127 (- y-lo x-lo (if (< y-lo x-lo) most-negative-fixnum 0))))
129 (defun report-time (start-mem start-time-lo start-time-hi)
130 (multiple-value-bind (end-time-lo end-time-hi)
131 (read-time-stamp-counter)
132 (let* ((skew (or (get 'report-time 'skew)
133 (setf (get 'report-time 'skew)
134 (loop repeat 10 ; warm up caches.
135 as x = (multiple-value-bind (x-lo x-hi)
136 (read-time-stamp-counter)
137 (constantly-true 123)
138 (time-skew-measure start-mem x-lo x-hi))
139 finally (return x)))))
140 (clumps (and start-mem (- (malloc-cons-pointer) start-mem)))
141 (delta-time (+ (ash (- end-time-hi start-time-hi) 29)
142 (- end-time-lo start-time-lo skew))))
143 (format t "~&;; CPU cycles: ~:D.~%~@[;; Space used: ~D clumps = ~/muerte:pprint-clumps/.~]~%"
144 delta-time clumps clumps))))
146 (defmacro time (form)
147 `(let ((start-mem (malloc-cons-pointer)))
148 (multiple-value-bind (start-time-lo start-time-hi)
149 (read-time-stamp-counter)
150 (multiple-value-prog1
151 ,form
152 (report-time start-mem start-time-lo start-time-hi)))))
154 (defun describe (object &optional stream)
155 (describe-object object (output-stream-designator stream))
156 (values))
158 (defmethod describe-object (object stream)
159 (format stream "Don't know how to describe ~S." object))
161 (defmethod describe-object ((object function) stream)
162 (let ((arglist (funobj-lambda-list object)))
163 (format stream "The function ~S takes arglist ~:A."
164 (funobj-name object)
165 arglist)))
167 (defun sleep (seconds)
168 (declare (ignore seconds))
169 (error "There is no default implementation of sleep."))
171 (defstruct random-state state)
172 (defstruct pathname name)