Moved ATA driver into its own package
[movitz-core.git] / losp / muerte / restarts.lisp
1 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2003-2005,
4 ;;;; Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; For distribution policy, see the accompanying file COPYING.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; Filename: restarts.lisp
9 ;;;; Description:
10 ;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <>
11 ;;;; Created at: Tue Oct 28 09:27:13 2003
12 ;;;;
13 ;;;; $Id: restarts.lisp,v 1.6 2005/05/05 20:51:51 ffjeld Exp $
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
17 (require :muerte/basic-macros)
18 (provide :muerte/restarts)
20 (in-package muerte)
22 (defmacro restart-bind (restart-specs &body body)
23 (if (null restart-specs)
24 `(progn ,@body)
25 (let ((restart-spec (car restart-specs))
26 (rest-specs (cdr restart-specs)))
27 (destructuring-bind (name function &key interactive-function
28 report-function
29 test-function)
30 restart-spec
31 `(with-basic-restart (,name ,function ,interactive-function
32 ,test-function ,report-function)
33 (restart-bind ,rest-specs ,@body))))))
35 (defun dynamic-context->basic-restart (context)
36 (assert (< (%run-time-context-slot nil 'stack-bottom)
37 context
38 (%run-time-context-slot nil 'stack-top)))
39 (assert (eq (load-global-constant restart-tag)
40 (stack-frame-ref nil context 1 :lisp)))
41 (let ((x (- (%run-time-context-slot nil 'stack-top) context)))
42 (assert (below x #x1000000))
43 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax)
44 (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) x)
45 (:shll 6 :eax)
46 (:movb #.(movitz::tag :basic-restart) :al))))
48 (defun basic-restart->dynamic-context (basic-restart)
49 (check-type basic-restart basic-restart)
50 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax)
51 (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) basic-restart)
52 (:movb 0 :al)
53 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset stack-top)) :ecx))
54 (:shrl 6 :eax)
55 (:negl :eax)
56 (:leal (:eax :ecx) :eax)))
58 (define-simple-typep (basic-restart basic-restart-p) (x)
59 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-zf=1)
60 (:compile-form (:result-mode :eax) x)
61 (:cmpb #.(movitz::tag :basic-restart) :al)
62 (:jne 'fail)
63 (:shrl 6 :eax)
64 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset stack-top)) :ecx))
65 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset dynamic-env)) :ebx))
66 ;; (:shll 2 :ebx)
67 (:subl :ebx :ecx)
68 (:cmpl :eax :ecx)
69 (:jna 'fail)
70 (:globally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset restart-tag)) :ebx))
71 (:negl :eax)
72 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset stack-top)) :ecx))
73 (:cmpl :ebx (:eax :ecx 4))
74 fail))
76 (defun restart-name (restart)
77 (etypecase restart
78 (basic-restart
79 (stack-frame-ref nil (basic-restart->dynamic-context restart)
80 -1 :lisp))))
82 (defun restart-function (restart)
83 (etypecase restart
84 (basic-restart
85 (stack-frame-ref nil (basic-restart->dynamic-context restart)
86 -2 :lisp))))
88 (defun restart-interactive-function (restart)
89 (etypecase restart
90 (basic-restart
91 (stack-frame-ref nil (basic-restart->dynamic-context restart)
92 -3 :lisp))))
94 (defun restart-test (restart)
95 (etypecase restart
96 (basic-restart
97 (stack-frame-ref nil (basic-restart->dynamic-context restart)
98 -4 :lisp))))
100 (defun restart-format-control (restart)
101 (etypecase restart
102 (basic-restart
103 (stack-frame-ref nil (basic-restart->dynamic-context restart)
104 -5 :lisp))))
106 (defun restart-args (restart)
107 (etypecase restart
108 (basic-restart
109 (stack-frame-ref nil (basic-restart->dynamic-context restart)
110 -6 :lisp))))
112 (defun invoke-restart (restart-designator &rest arguments)
113 (declare (dynamic-extent arguments))
114 (let ((restart (find-restart restart-designator)))
115 (typecase restart
116 (basic-restart
117 (let ((function (restart-function restart)))
118 (etypecase function
119 (function
120 (apply function arguments))
121 (symbol
122 (exact-throw (basic-restart->dynamic-context restart)
123 (ecase function
124 ((with-simple-restart)
125 (values nil t))))))))
126 (t (error 'control-error
127 :format-control "Can't invoke invalid restart ~S."
128 :format-arguments (list restart-designator))))))
130 (defun invoke-restart-interactively (restart-designator)
131 (let ((restart (find-restart restart-designator)))
132 (typecase restart
133 (basic-restart
134 (let ((interactive-function (restart-interactive-function restart)))
135 (etypecase interactive-function
136 (function
137 (apply 'invoke-restart restart (funcall interactive-function)))
138 (null
139 (invoke-restart restart)))))
140 (t (error 'control-error
141 :format-control "Can't interactively invoke invalid restart ~S."
142 :format-arguments (list restart-designator))))))
144 (defun find-restart-from-context (specifier context &optional condition)
145 (declare (ignore condition))
146 (etypecase specifier
147 (basic-restart
148 specifier)
149 (symbol
150 (with-each-dynamic-context (context)
151 ((:basic-restart context name)
152 (when (eq name specifier)
153 (return (dynamic-context->basic-restart context))))))))
155 (defun find-restart (specifier &optional condition)
156 (find-restart-from-context specifier (current-dynamic-context) condition))
158 (defun find-restart-by-index (index &optional (context (current-dynamic-context)))
159 (let ((counter 0))
160 (with-each-dynamic-context (context)
161 ((:basic-restart context)
162 (when (= counter index)
163 (return (dynamic-context->basic-restart context)))
164 (incf counter)))))
166 (defun compute-restarts (&optional condition)
167 (declare (ignore condition))
168 (let (computed-restarts)
169 (with-each-dynamic-context ()
170 ((:basic-restart context name)
171 (declare (ignore name))
172 (push (dynamic-context->basic-restart context)
173 computed-restarts)))
174 (nreverse computed-restarts)))
176 (defun map-active-restarts (&optional function (context (current-dynamic-context)))
177 "Map function over each active restart, ordered by the innermost one first.
178 The function is called with two arguments: the restart and the index.
179 Returns the number of restarts."
180 (let ((index 0))
181 (with-each-dynamic-context (context)
182 ((:basic-restart context)
183 (when function
184 (funcall function (dynamic-context->basic-restart context) index))
185 (incf index)))
186 index))
188 (defmethod print-object ((restart restart) stream)
189 (cond
190 (*print-escape*
191 (print-unreadable-object (restart stream :type nil :identity t)
192 (format stream "Restart ~W" (restart-name restart))))
193 ((not *print-escape*)
194 (etypecase restart
195 (basic-restart
196 (if (not (restart-format-control restart))
197 (write (restart-name restart) :stream stream)
198 (apply 'format stream
199 (restart-format-control restart)
200 (restart-args restart)))))))
201 restart)
203 ;;;;
205 (defun abort (&optional condition)
206 (let ((r (find-restart 'abort condition)))
207 (when r (invoke-restart r))
208 (formatted-error 'control-error "Abort failed.")))
210 (defun continue ()
211 (let ((r (find-restart 'continue)))
212 (when r
213 (invoke-restart r))))
215 (defun muffle-warning (&optional condition)
216 (let ((r (find-restart 'muffle-warning condition)))
217 (when r (invoke-restart r))
218 (formatted-error 'control-error "Muffle-warning failed.")))