Moved ATA driver into its own package
[movitz-core.git] / losp / muerte / simple-streams.lisp
1 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2001, 2003-2005,
4 ;;;; Department of Computer Science, University of Tromso, Norway.
5 ;;;;
6 ;;;; For distribution policy, see the accompanying file COPYING.
7 ;;;;
8 ;;;; Filename: simple-streams.lisp
9 ;;;; Description:
10 ;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <>
11 ;;;; Created at: Fri Aug 29 13:39:43 2003
12 ;;;;
13 ;;;; $Id: simple-streams.lisp,v 1.8 2005/06/10 18:35:44 ffjeld Exp $
14 ;;;;
15 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
17 (require :muerte/basic-macros)
18 (require :muerte/los-closette)
19 (provide :muerte/simple-streams)
21 (in-package muerte)
23 (defvar *default-external-format* :ascii)
26 (defconstant +flag-bits+ '(:simple ; instance is valid
27 :input :output ; direction
28 :dual :string ; type of stream
29 :eof ; latched EOF
30 :dirty ; output buffer needs write
31 :interactive)) ; interactive stream
34 (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
35 (defun %flags (flags)
36 (loop for flag in flags
37 as pos = (position flag +flag-bits+)
38 when (eq flag :gray) do
39 (error "Gray streams not supported.")
40 if pos
41 sum (ash 1 pos) into bits
42 else
43 collect flag into unused
44 finally (when unused
45 (warn "Invalid stream instance flag~P: ~{~S~^, ~}"
46 (length unused) unused))
47 (return bits))))
49 (defmacro simple-stream-dispatch (stream single-clause dual-clause string-clause)
50 (assert (eq 'single-channel-simple-stream (car single-clause)))
51 (assert (eq 'dual-channel-simple-stream (car dual-clause)))
52 (assert (eq 'string-simple-stream (car string-clause)))
53 (let ((s (gensym "stream-")))
54 `(let ((,s ,stream))
55 (with-stream-class (simple-stream ,s)
56 (let ((%flags (sm %flags ,s)))
57 (cond ((zerop (logand %flags ,(%flags '(:string :dual))))
58 ,@(cdr single-clause))
59 ((zerop (logand %flags ,(%flags '(:string))))
60 ,@(cdr dual-clause))
61 (t ,@(cdr string-clause))))))))
63 (defmacro with-stream-class ((class-name &optional stream) &body body)
64 (if stream
65 (let ((stream-var (gensym "stream-"))
66 (slots-var (gensym "stream-slots-")))
67 `(let* ((,stream-var ,stream)
68 (,slots-var (std-instance-slots ,stream-var)))
69 (declare (type ,class-name ,stream-var)
70 (type simple-vector ,slots-var)
71 (ignorable ,slots-var))
72 (macrolet ((sm (slot-name stream)
73 (declare (ignore stream))
74 `(slot-value ,',stream-var ',slot-name)
75 #+ignore `(svref%unsafe ,',slots-var
76 ,(slot-location ,(movitz-find-class class-name)
77 slot-name)))
78 (add-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
79 (declare (ignore stream))
80 `(setf (sm %flags ,',stream-var)
81 (logior (sm %flags ,',stream-var)
82 ,(%flags flags))))
83 (remove-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
84 (declare (ignore stream))
85 `(setf (sm %flags ,',stream-var)
86 (logandc2 (sm %flags ,',stream-var)
87 ,(%flags flags))))
88 (any-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
89 (declare (ignore stream))
90 `(not (zerop (logand (sm %flags ,',stream-var)
91 ,(%flags flags))))))
92 ,@body)))
93 `(macrolet ((sm (slot-name stream)
94 `(svref%unsafe (std-instance-slots stream)
95 ,(slot-location ,(movitz-find-class class-name)
96 slot-name))))
97 ,@body)))
99 (defmacro sm (slot-name stream)
100 "Access the named slot in Stream."
101 ;; (warn "Using ~S macro outside ~S." 'sm 'with-stream-class)
102 `(slot-value ,stream ',slot-name))
104 (defmacro funcall-stm-handler (slot-name stream &rest args)
105 "Call the strategy function named by Slot-Name on Stream."
106 (let ((s (gensym)))
107 `(let ((,s ,stream))
108 (funcall (sm ,slot-name ,s) ,s ,@args))))
110 (defmacro funcall-stm-handler-2 (slot-name arg1 stream &rest args)
111 "Call the strategy function named by Slot-Name on Stream."
112 (let ((s (gensym)))
113 `(let ((,s ,stream))
114 (funcall (sm ,slot-name ,s) ,arg1 ,s ,@args))))
116 (defmacro add-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
117 "Set the given Flags in Stream."
118 (let ((s (gensym "STREAM")))
119 `(let ((,s ,stream))
120 (with-stream-class (simple-stream ,s)
121 (add-stream-instance-flags ,s ,@flags)))))
123 (defmacro remove-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
124 "Clear the given Flags in Stream."
125 (let ((s (gensym "STREAM")))
126 `(let ((,s ,stream))
127 (with-stream-class (simple-stream ,s)
128 (remove-stream-instance-flags ,s ,@flags)))))
130 (defmacro any-stream-instance-flags (stream &rest flags)
131 "Determine whether any one of the Flags is set in Stream."
132 (let ((s (gensym "STREAM")))
133 `(let ((,s ,stream))
134 (with-stream-class (simple-stream ,s)
135 (any-stream-instance-flags ,s ,@flags)))))
138 (defun ill-in-any (stream &rest ignore)
139 (declare (ignore ignore))
140 (error 'simple-type-error
141 :datum stream
142 :expected-type '(satisfies input-stream-p)
143 :format-control "~S is not an input stream."
144 :format-arguments (list stream)))
146 (defun ill-out-any (stream &rest ignore)
147 (declare (ignore ignore))
148 (error 'simple-type-error
149 :datum stream
150 :expected-type '(satisfies output-stream-p)
151 :format-control "~S is not an output stream."
152 :format-arguments (list stream)))
154 (defclass simple-stream (stream)
155 ((%flags
156 :initform 0
157 :type fixnum)
158 (plist
159 :initform nil
160 :type list
161 :accessor stream-plist)
163 (j-listen
164 :initform 'ill-in-any
165 :type j-listen-fn)
166 (j-read-char
167 :initform 'ill-in-any
168 :type j-read-char-fn)
169 (j-read-chars
170 :initform 'ill-in-any
171 :type j-read-chars-fn)
172 (j-unread-char
173 :initform 'ill-in-any
174 :type j-unread-char-fn)
175 (j-write-char
176 :initform 'ill-out-any
177 :type j-write-char-fn) ;@@
178 (j-write-chars
179 :initform 'ill-out-any
180 :type j-write-chars-fn) ;@@
182 (oc-state
183 :initform nil)
184 (co-state
185 :initform nil)
186 (external-format
187 :initform *default-external-format*)
189 (input-handle
190 :initform nil
191 :initarg :input-handle
192 :type (or null fixnum stream)
194 :accessor stream-input-handle)
195 (output-handle
196 :initform nil
197 :initarg :output-handle
198 :type (or null fixnum stream)
199 :accessor stream-output-handle)
200 (control-in
201 :initform nil
202 :type (or null simple-vector))
203 (control-out
204 :initform nil
205 :type (or null simple-vector))
207 (melded-stream
208 :type (or null simple-stream))
209 (melding-base
210 :type (or null simple-stream))
212 (encapsulated-char-read-size
213 :initform 0
214 :type fixnum)
215 (last-char-read-size
216 :initform 0
217 :type fixnum)
218 (charpos
219 :initform 0
220 :type (or null integer)
221 :accessor stream-line-column)
222 (record-end
223 :initform nil
224 :type (or null fixnum))
226 (buffer
227 :initform nil
228 :type (or simple-stream-buffer null))
229 (buffpos
230 :initform 0
231 :type fixnum)
232 (buffer-ptr
233 :initform 0
234 :type fixnum)
235 (buf-len
236 :initform 0
237 :type fixnum)
239 (pending
240 :initform nil
241 :type list)
242 (handler
243 :initform nil
244 :type (or null handler))))
246 (defclass single-channel-simple-stream (simple-stream)
247 ((mode
248 :initform 0
249 :type fixnum)))
251 (defclass dual-channel-simple-stream (simple-stream)
252 ((out-buffer
253 :initform nil
254 :type (or simple-stream-buffer null))
255 (outpos
256 :initform 0
257 :type fixnum)
258 (max-out-pos
259 :initform 0
260 :type fixnum)))
262 (defclass string-simple-stream (simple-stream) ())
265 ;;;;
267 ;;;; Generic function definitions
269 (defgeneric device-open (stream options)
270 (:documentation "Write me"))
272 (defgeneric device-close (stream abort)
273 (:documentation "Write me"))
275 (defgeneric device-buffer-length (stream)
276 (:documentation "Write me"))
278 (defgeneric device-file-position (stream)
279 (:documentation "Write me"))
281 (defgeneric (setf device-file-position) (value stream)
282 ;; (:argument-precedence-order stream value)
283 (:documentation "Write me"))
285 (defgeneric device-file-length (stream)
286 (:documentation "Write me"))
288 (defgeneric device-read (stream buffer start end blocking)
289 (:documentation "Write me"))
291 (defgeneric device-clear-input (stream buffer-only)
292 (:documentation "Write me"))
294 (defgeneric device-write (stream buffer start end blocking)
295 (:documentation "Write me"))
297 (defgeneric device-clear-output (stream)
298 (:documentation "Write me"))
300 (defgeneric device-finish-record (stream blocking action)
301 (:documentation "Write me"))
303 (defmethod shared-initialize :after ((instance simple-stream) slot-names
304 &rest initargs &key &allow-other-keys)
305 (declare (ignore slot-names)
306 (dynamic-extent initargs))
307 (unless (slot-boundp instance 'melded-stream)
308 (setf (slot-value instance 'melded-stream) instance)
309 (setf (slot-value instance 'melding-base) instance))
310 (unless (device-open instance initargs)
311 (device-close instance t)))
313 (defmethod print-object ((object simple-stream) stream)
314 (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type nil :identity nil)
315 (cond ((not (any-stream-instance-flags object :simple))
316 (princ "Invalid " stream))
317 ((not (any-stream-instance-flags object :input :output))
318 (princ "Closed " stream)))
319 (format stream "~:(~A~)" (type-of object))))
321 #+ignore
322 (defmethod device-close :around ((stream simple-stream) abort)
323 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
324 (when (any-stream-instance-flags stream :input :output)
325 (when (any-stream-instance-flags stream :output)
326 (ignore-errors (if abort
327 (clear-output stream)
328 (%finish-output stream))))
329 (call-next-method)
330 (setf (sm input-handle stream) nil
331 (sm output-handle stream) nil)
332 (remove-stream-instance-flags stream :input :output)
333 ;; (ext:cancel-finalization stream)
334 (setf (stream-external-format stream) :void))))
336 (defmethod device-close ((stream simple-stream) abort)
337 (declare (ignore abort))
340 (defmethod device-buffer-length ((stream simple-stream))
341 4096)
343 (defmethod device-file-position ((stream simple-stream))
344 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
345 (sm buffpos stream)))
347 (defmethod (setf device-file-position) (value (stream simple-stream))
348 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
349 (setf (sm buffpos stream) value)))
351 (defmethod device-file-length ((stream simple-stream))
352 nil)
354 (defmethod (setf stream-external-format) (ef (stream simple-stream))
355 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
356 (setf (sm external-format stream) (find-external-format ef)))
359 (defmethod (setf stream-external-format) :after (ef (stream single-channel-simple-stream))
360 (with-stream-class (single-channel-simple-stream stream)
361 (compose-encapsulating-streams stream ef)
362 (install-single-channel-character-strategy (melding-stream stream)
363 ef nil)))
365 (defmethod (setf stream-external-format) :after (ef (stream dual-channel-simple-stream))
366 (with-stream-class (dual-channel-simple-stream stream)
367 (compose-encapsulating-streams stream ef)
368 (install-dual-channel-character-strategy (melding-stream stream) ef)))
370 ;;;(defmethod device-read ((stream single-channel-simple-stream) buffer start end blocking)
371 ;;; (read-octets stream buffer start end blocking))
373 ;;;(defmethod device-read ((stream dual-channel-simple-stream) buffer start end blocking)
374 ;;; (read-octets stream buffer start end blocking))
376 (defmethod device-clear-input ((stream simple-stream) buffer-only)
377 (declare (ignore buffer-only))
378 nil)
380 (defmethod device-write ((stream single-channel-simple-stream) buffer
381 start end blocking)
382 ;; buffer may be :flush to force/finish-output
383 (when (or (and (null buffer) (not (eql start end)))
384 (eq buffer :flush))
385 (with-stream-class (single-channel-simple-stream stream)
386 (setf buffer (sm buffer stream))
387 (setf end (sm buffpos stream))))
388 (write-octets stream buffer start end blocking))
390 (defmethod device-write ((stream dual-channel-simple-stream) buffer
391 start end blocking)
392 ;; buffer may be :flush to force/finish-output
393 (when (or (and (null buffer) (not (eql start end)))
394 (eq buffer :flush))
395 (with-stream-class (dual-channel-simple-stream stream)
396 (setf buffer (sm out-buffer stream))
397 (setf end (sm outpos stream))))
398 (write-octets stream buffer start end blocking))
400 (defmethod device-clear-output ((stream simple-stream))
401 nil)
403 ;;;; CL layer interface
405 (defun %check (stream kind)
406 (declare (type simple-stream stream)
407 (optimize (speed 3) (space 1) (debug 0) (safety 0)))
408 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
409 (cond ((not (any-stream-instance-flags stream :simple))
410 (error "~S is uninitialized." stream))
411 ((and (eq kind :open)
412 (not (any-stream-instance-flags stream :input :output)))
413 (closed-flame stream))
414 ((and (or (eq kind :input) (eq kind :io))
415 (not (any-stream-instance-flags stream :input)))
416 (ill-in-any stream))
417 ((and (or (eq kind :output) (eq kind :io))
418 (not (any-stream-instance-flags stream :output)))
419 (ill-out-any stream)))))
421 (defun %write-char (character stream)
422 (etypecase stream
423 (function
424 (funcall stream 'stream-write-char character))
425 (simple-stream
426 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
427 (%check stream :output)
428 (funcall-stm-handler-2 j-write-char character (sm melded-stream stream))))
429 (string
430 (vector-push-extend character stream))))
432 (defun %read-line (stream eof-error-p eof-value recursive-p)
433 (declare (ignore recursive-p))
434 (etypecase stream
435 (function
436 (funcall stream 'read-line eof-error-p eof-value))
437 (simple-stream
438 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
439 (%check stream :input)
440 (when (any-stream-instance-flags stream :eof)
441 (return-from %read-line
442 (eof-or-lose stream eof-error-p eof-value)))
443 ;; for interactive streams, finish output first to force prompt
444 (when (and (any-stream-instance-flags stream :output)
445 (any-stream-instance-flags stream :interactive))
446 (%finish-output stream))
447 (let* ((encap (sm melded-stream stream)) ; encapsulating stream
448 (cbuf (make-string 80)) ; current buffer
449 (bufs (list cbuf)) ; list of buffers
450 (tail bufs) ; last cons of bufs list
451 (index 0) ; current index in current buffer
452 (total 0)) ; total characters
453 (loop
454 (multiple-value-bind (chars done)
455 (funcall-stm-handler j-read-chars encap cbuf
456 #\Newline index (length cbuf) t)
457 (incf index chars)
458 (incf total chars)
459 (when (and (eq done :eof) (zerop total))
460 (if eof-error-p
461 (error 'end-of-file :stream stream)
462 (return (values eof-value t))))
463 (when done
464 ;; If there's only one buffer in use, return it directly
465 (when (null (cdr bufs))
466 (return (values (shrink-vector cbuf total)
467 (eq done :eof))))
468 ;; If total fits in final buffer, use it
469 (when (<= total (length cbuf))
470 (replace cbuf cbuf :start1 (- total index) :end2 index)
471 (let ((idx 0))
472 (declare (type index idx))
473 (do ((list bufs (cdr list)))
474 ((eq list tail))
475 (let ((buf (car list)))
476 (declare (type simple-base-string buf))
477 (replace cbuf buf :start1 idx)
478 (incf idx (length buf)))))
479 (return (values (shrink-vector cbuf total)
480 (eq done :eof))))
481 ;; Allocate new string of appropriate length
482 (let ((string (make-string total))
483 (index 0))
484 (declare (type index index))
485 (dolist (buf bufs)
486 (declare (type simple-base-string buf))
487 (replace string buf :start1 index)
488 (incf index (length buf)))
489 (return (values string (eq done :eof)))))
490 (when (>= index (length cbuf))
491 (setf cbuf (make-string (the index (* 2 index))))
492 (setf index 0)
493 (setf (cdr tail) (cons cbuf nil))
494 (setf tail (cdr tail))))))))))
496 (defun %read-char (stream eof-error-p eof-value recursive-p blocking-p)
497 (declare (ignore recursive-p))
498 (etypecase stream
499 (function
500 (funcall stream 'stream-read-char))
501 (simple-stream
502 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
503 (%check stream :input)
504 (when (any-stream-instance-flags stream :eof)
505 (return-from %read-char
506 (eof-or-lose stream eof-error-p eof-value)))
507 ;; for interactive streams, finish output first to force prompt
508 (when (and (any-stream-instance-flags stream :output)
509 (any-stream-instance-flags stream :interactive))
510 (%finish-output stream))
511 (funcall-stm-handler j-read-char (sm melded-stream stream)
512 eof-error-p eof-value blocking-p)))))
514 (defun %read-key (stream eof-error-p eof-value recursive-p blocking-p)
515 (etypecase stream
516 (function
517 (funcall stream 'stream-read-key))
518 (simple-stream ; XXX
519 (%read-char stream eof-error-p eof-value recursive-p blocking-p))))
521 (defun %unread-char (stream character)
522 (declare (type simple-stream stream) (ignore character))
523 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
524 (%check stream :input)
525 (if (zerop (sm last-char-read-size stream))
526 (error "Nothing to unread.")
527 (progn
528 (funcall-stm-handler j-unread-char (sm melded-stream stream) nil)
529 (remove-stream-instance-flags stream :eof)
530 (setf (sm last-char-read-size stream) 0)))))
532 (defun %peek-char (stream peek-type eof-error-p eof-value recursive-p)
533 (declare (type simple-stream stream)
534 (ignore recursive-p))
535 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
536 (%check stream :input)
537 (when (any-stream-instance-flags stream :eof)
538 (return-from %peek-char
539 (eof-or-lose stream eof-error-p eof-value)))
540 (let* ((encap (sm melded-stream stream))
541 (char (funcall-stm-handler j-read-char encap
542 eof-error-p stream t)))
543 (cond ((eq char stream) eof-value)
544 ((characterp peek-type)
545 (do ((char char (funcall-stm-handler j-read-char encap
546 eof-error-p
547 stream t)))
548 ((or (eq char stream) (char= char peek-type))
549 (unless (eq char stream)
550 (funcall-stm-handler j-unread-char encap t))
551 (if (eq char stream) eof-value char))))
552 ((eq peek-type t)
553 (do ((char char (funcall-stm-handler j-read-char encap
554 eof-error-p
555 stream t)))
556 ((or (eq char stream)
557 (not (char-whitespace-p char)))
558 (unless (eq char stream)
559 (funcall-stm-handler j-unread-char encap t))
560 (if (eq char stream) eof-value char))))
562 (funcall-stm-handler j-unread-char encap t)
563 char)))))
566 (defun %finish-output (stream)
567 (declare (type simple-stream stream))
568 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
569 (%check stream :output)
570 (when (sm handler stream)
571 (do ()
572 ((null (sm pending stream)))
573 #+ignore (sys:serve-all-events)))
574 (device-write stream :flush 0 nil t)
575 (simple-stream-dispatch stream
576 (single-channel-simple-stream
577 (setf (sm buffpos stream) 0))
578 (dual-channel-simple-stream
579 (with-stream-class (dual-channel-simple-stream stream)
580 (setf (sm outpos stream) 0)))
581 (string-simple-stream
582 nil)))
583 nil)
585 (defun %force-output (stream)
586 (declare (type simple-stream stream))
587 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
588 (%check stream :output)
589 (device-write stream :flush 0 nil nil)
590 (simple-stream-dispatch stream
591 (single-channel-simple-stream
592 (setf (sm buffpos stream) 0))
593 (dual-channel-simple-stream
594 (with-stream-class (dual-channel-simple-stream stream)
595 (setf (sm outpos stream) 0)))
596 (string-simple-stream)))
597 nil)
599 (defun %clear-output (stream)
600 (declare (type simple-stream stream))
601 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
602 (%check stream :output)
603 (when (sm handler stream)
604 (setf (sm handler stream) nil
605 (sm pending stream) nil))
606 (simple-stream-dispatch stream
607 (single-channel-simple-stream
608 (with-stream-class (single-channel-simple-stream stream)
609 (case (sm mode stream)
610 (1 (setf (sm buffpos stream) 0))
611 (3 (setf (sm mode stream) 0)))))
612 (dual-channel-simple-stream
613 (with-stream-class (dual-channel-simple-stream stream)
614 (setf (sm outpos stream) 0)))
615 (string-simple-stream))
616 (device-clear-output stream)))
621 ;;;; Null stream
623 (defun null-read-char (stream eof-error-p eof-value blocking)
624 (declare (ignore blocking))
625 (eof-or-lose stream eof-error-p eof-value))
627 (defun null-read-chars (stream string search start end blocking)
628 (declare (ignore stream string search start end blocking))
629 (values 0 :eof))
631 (defun null-unread-char (stream relaxed)
632 (declare (ignore stream relaxed)))
634 (defun null-write-char (character stream)
635 (declare (ignore stream))
636 character)
638 (defun null-write-chars (string stream start end)
639 (declare (ignore string stream))
640 (- end start))
642 (defun null-listen (stream)
643 (declare (ignore stream))
644 nil)
646 (defclass null-simple-stream (single-channel-simple-stream) ())
648 (defmethod device-open ((stream null-simple-stream) options)
649 (with-stream-class (null-simple-stream stream)
650 (add-stream-instance-flags stream :simple :input :output)
651 (setf (sm j-read-char stream) 'null-read-char
652 (sm j-read-chars stream) 'null-read-chars
653 (sm j-unread-char stream) 'null-unread-char
654 (sm j-write-char stream) 'null-write-char
655 (sm j-write-chars stream) 'null-write-chars
656 (sm j-listen stream) 'null-listen))
657 stream)
659 (defmethod device-buffer-length ((stream null-simple-stream))
660 256)
662 (defmethod device-write ((stream null-simple-stream) buffer start end blocking)
663 (declare (ignore buffer blocking))
664 (- end start))
666 (defmethod device-read ((stream null-simple-stream) buffer start end blocking)
667 (declare (ignore buffer start end blocking))
670 ;;;;; String stream
672 (defclass string-input-simple-stream (string-simple-stream) ())
674 (defclass string-output-simple-stream (string-simple-stream)
675 ((out-buffer
676 :initform nil
677 :type (or simple-stream-buffer null))
678 (outpos
679 :initform 0
680 :type fixnum)
681 (max-out-pos
682 :initform 0
683 :type fixnum)))
685 (defclass composing-stream (string-simple-stream) ())
687 (defun install-string-input-character-strategy (stream)
688 #| implement me |#
689 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
690 (setf (sm j-read-char stream) #'string-read-char-e-crlf))
691 stream)
693 (defun install-string-output-character-strategy (stream)
694 (declare (ignore stream))
695 #| implement me |#)
697 (defun string-read-char-e-crlf (stream eof-error-p eof-value blocking)
698 (with-stream-class (composing-stream stream)
699 (let* ((encap (sm melded-stream stream))
700 (ctrl (sm control-in stream))
701 (char (funcall-stm-handler j-read-char encap nil stream blocking)))
702 ;; if CHAR is STREAM, we hit EOF; if NIL, blocking is NIL and no
703 ;; character was available...
704 (when (eql char #\Return)
705 (let ((next (funcall-stm-handler j-read-char encap nil stream blocking)))
706 ;; if NEXT is STREAM, we hit EOF, so we should just return the
707 ;; #\Return (and mark the stream :EOF? At least unread if we
708 ;; got a soft EOF, from a terminal, etc.
709 ;; if NEXT is NIL, blocking is NIL and there's a CR but no
710 ;; LF available on the stream: have to unread the CR and
711 ;; return NIL, letting the CR be reread later.
713 ;; If we did get a linefeed, adjust the last-char-read-size
714 ;; so that an unread of the resulting newline will unread both
715 ;; the linefeed _and_ the carriage return.
716 (if (eql next #\Linefeed)
717 (setq char #\Newline)
718 (funcall-stm-handler j-unread-char encap nil))))
719 (when (characterp char)
720 (let ((code (char-code char)))
721 (when (and (< code 32) ctrl (svref ctrl code))
722 (setq char (funcall (the (or symbol function) (svref ctrl code))
723 stream char)))))
724 (if (eq char stream)
725 (eof-or-lose stream eof-error-p eof-value)
726 char))))
728 (defmethod device-open :before ((stream string-input-simple-stream) options)
729 ;; Taken with permission from
730 (with-stream-class (string-input-simple-stream stream)
731 (let ((string (getf options :string)))
732 (when (and string (null (sm buffer stream)))
733 (let ((start (getf options :start))
734 (end (or (getf options :end) (length string))))
735 (setf (sm buffer stream) string
736 (sm buffpos stream) start
737 (sm buffer-ptr stream) end))))
738 (install-string-input-character-strategy stream)
739 (add-stream-instance-flags stream :string :input :simple)))
741 #+ignore
742 (defmethod device-open :before ((stream string-output-simple-stream) options)
743 ;; Taken with permission from
744 (with-stream-class (string-output-simple-stream stream)
745 (unless (sm out-buffer stream)
746 (let ((string (getf options :string)))
747 (if string
748 (setf (sm out-buffer stream) string
749 (sm max-out-pos stream) (length string))
750 (let ((buflen (max (device-buffer-length stream) 16)))
751 (setf (sm out-buffer stream) (make-string buflen)
752 (sm max-out-pos stream) buflen)))))
753 (unless (sm control-out stream)
754 (setf (sm control-out stream) *std-control-out-table*))
755 (install-string-output-character-strategy stream)
756 (add-stream-instance-flags stream :string :output :simple)))
758 (defmethod device-open ((stream string-simple-stream) options)
759 (declare (ignore options))
760 (with-stream-class (string-simple-stream stream)
761 (if (and (any-stream-instance-flags stream :simple)
762 (any-stream-instance-flags stream :input :output))
764 nil)))
766 (defmethod device-file-position ((stream string-simple-stream))
767 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
768 (sm buffpos stream)))
770 (defmethod (setf device-file-position) (value (stream string-simple-stream))
771 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
772 (cond ((or (> value (sm buffer-ptr stream))
773 (< value (- -1 (sm buffer-ptr stream))))
774 nil)
775 ((>= value 0)
776 (setf (sm buffpos stream) value)
779 (setf (sm buffpos stream) (+ (sm buffer-ptr stream) value 1))
780 t))))
782 (defmethod device-file-length ((stream string-simple-stream))
783 (with-stream-class (simple-stream stream)
784 (sm buffer-ptr stream)))