Moved ATA driver into its own package
[movitz-core.git] / losp / scratch.lisp
1 ;;;;------------------ -*- movitz-mode: t -*--------------------------
2 ;;;;
3 ;;;; Copyright (C) 2007, Frode Vatvedt Fjeld
4 ;;;;
5 ;;;; Filename: scratch.lisp
6 ;;;; Description: Misc. testing code etc.
7 ;;;; Author: Frode Vatvedt Fjeld <>
8 ;;;; Distribution: See the accompanying file COPYING.
9 ;;;;
10 ;;;; $Id: scratch.lisp,v 1.3 2008/02/23 22:28:55 ffjeld Exp $
11 ;;;;
12 ;;;;------------------------------------------------------------------
14 (provide :scratch)
16 (in-package los0)
18 #+ignore
19 (defun set.2 ()
20 (let ((*var-used-in-set-tests* 'a)
21 (var '*var-used-in-set-tests*))
22 (declare (special *var-used-in-set-tests*))
23 (values
24 (let ((*var-used-in-set-tests* 'c))
25 (list (set var 'b) *var-used-in-set-tests* (symbol-value var)))
26 *var-used-in-set-tests*)))
27 ;; (b c b)
28 ;; b)
30 #+ignore
31 (defun test-lend-constant ()
32 (let ((symbols '(a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z))
33 (table (make-hash-table :test #'eq)))
34 (loop for sym in symbols
35 for i from 1
36 do (setf (gethash sym table) i))
37 (let ((sum 0))
38 (values (maphash #'(lambda (k v)
39 (assert (eq (elt symbols (1- v)) k))
40 (incf sum v))
41 table)
42 sum))))
44 #+ignore
45 (defun test-aux (x y &aux (sum (+ x y)))
46 sum)
48 #+ignore
49 (defun mapc.error.3 ()
50 (mapc #'append))
52 #+ignore
53 (defun with-hash-table-iterator.12 ()
54 (block done
55 (let ((x :bad))
56 (declare (special x))
57 (let ((x :good))
58 (with-hash-table-iterator (m (return-from done x))
59 (declare (special x))))))
60 :good)
62 #+ignore
63 (defun string.15 ()
64 (when (> char-code-limit 65536)
65 (loop for i = (random char-code-limit)
66 for c = (code-char i)
67 for s = (and c (string c))
68 repeat 2000
69 when (and c
70 (or (not (stringp s))
71 (not (= (length s) 1))
72 (not (eql c (char s 0)))))
73 collect (list i c s)))
74 nil)
76 (defun x (bios32)
77 (warn "X: ~S" (memref-int bios32))
78 (warn "X: ~S" (= (memref-int bios32) #x5f32335f)))
80 (defun setfint (x o)
81 (setf (memref x o :type :unsigned-byte32) 0))
83 (defun fint (x)
84 (memref-int x :type :unsigned-byte32 :physicalp t))
86 (defun good ()
87 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :untagged-fixnum-ecx)
88 ((:gs-override) :movl (#x1000000) :ecx)))
90 (defun (setf good) (x)
91 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :untagged-fixnum-ecx)
92 (:compile-form (:result-mode :untagged-fixnum-ecx) x)
93 ((:gs-override) :movl :ecx (#x1000000))))
95 (defun test2 ()
96 (funcall
97 (compile
98 nil
99 '(lambda (a) (declare (notinline > *))
100 (declare (optimize (compilation-speed 0) (safety 2) (speed 2) (debug 0) (space 3)))
101 (catch 'ct1 (* a (throw 'ct1 (if (> 0) a 0))))))
102 5445205692802))
104 (defun test3 ()
105 (loop for x below 2 count (not (not (typep x t)))))
107 (defun test4 ()
108 (let ((aa 1)) (if (not (/= aa 0)) aa 0)))
111 (defun test-floppy ()
112 (muerte.x86-pc::fd-start-disk) ; to initialize the controller and spin the drive up.
113 (muerte.x86-pc::fd-cmd-seek 70) ; to seek to track 70.
114 (setf (muerte.x86-pc::fd-motor) nil)) ; to turn the drive and controller off.
117 (defun alist-get-expand (alist key)
118 (let (cons)
119 (tagbody
120 loop
121 (setq cons (car alist))
122 (cond ((eq alist nil) (go end))
123 ((eq cons nil))
124 ((eq key (car cons)) (go end)))
125 (setq alist (cdr alist))
126 (go loop)
127 end)
128 (cdr cons)))
130 ;;;(defun test-irq ()
131 ;;; (with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values)
132 ;;; (:compile-form (:result-mode :multiple-values) (values 0 1 2 3 4 5))
133 ;;; (:int 42)))
135 ;;;(defun koo ()
136 ;;; (prog1 (make-values)
137 ;;; (format t "hello: ~S" (values 'a 'b 'c 'd))))
139 ;;;(defun test-complement (&rest args)
140 ;;; (declare (dynamic-extent args))
141 ;;; (apply (complement #'symbolp) args))
143 ;;;(defun test-constantly (&rest args)
144 ;;; (declare (dynamic-extent args))
145 ;;; (apply (constantly 'test-value) args))
147 (defun test-closure (x z)
148 (flet ((closure (y) (= x (1+ y))))
149 (declare (dynamic-extent (function closure)))
150 (closure z)
151 #+ignore (funcall (lambda (y) (= x (1+ y)))
152 z)))
154 (defun test-stack-cons (x y)
155 (muerte::with-dynamic-extent-scope (zap)
156 (let ((foo (muerte::with-dynamic-extent-allocation (zap)
157 (cons x (lambda () y)))))
158 (format t "~Z: ~S, ~S" foo foo (funcall (cdr foo))))))
160 (defun test-handler (x)
161 (let ((foo x))
162 (handler-bind
163 ((error (lambda (c)
164 (format t "error: ~S ~S" c x))))
165 (error "This is an error. ~S" foo))))
168 (defun fooo (v w)
169 (tagbody
170 (print (block blurgh
171 (progv (list v) (list w)
172 (format t "Uh: ~S" (symbol-value v))
173 (if (symbol-value v)
174 (return-from blurgh 1)
175 (go zap)))))
176 zap)
180 (defun test-break ()
181 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values)
182 (:movl 10 :ecx)
183 (:movl :esi :eax) ; This function should return itself!
184 (:clc)
185 (:break)))
187 (defun test-upload (x)
188 ;; (warn "Test-upload blab la bla!!")
189 (setf x (cdr x))
192 ;;;(defun zzz (x)
193 ;;; (multiple-value-bind (symbol status)
194 ;;; (values-list x)
195 ;;; (warn "sym: ~S, stat: ~S" symbol status)))
198 #+ignore
199 (defun test-loop (x)
200 (format t "test-loop: ~S~%"
201 (loop for i from 0 to 10 collect x)))
203 #+ignore
204 (defun delay (time)
205 (dotimes (i time)
206 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing)
207 (:nop)
208 (:nop))))
210 ;;;(defun test-consp (x)
211 ;;; (with-inline-assembly (:returns :boolean-cf=1)
212 ;;; (:compile-form (:result-mode :ecx) x)
213 ;;; (:leal (:edi -4) :eax)
214 ;;; (:rorb :cl :al)))
217 #+ignore
218 (defun test-block (x)
219 (block nil
220 (let ((*print-base* (if x (return 3) 8)))
221 (jumbo 2 2 (and x 2) (+ 3 3 (or x 4)) (if x 2 (return nil)))))
222 #+ignore (+ x 2))
224 #+ignore
225 (defun jumbo (a b c &rest x)
226 (declare (dynamic-extent x))
227 (print a) (print b) (print c)
228 (print x)
229 'jumbo)
231 (defun jumbo2 (a b &rest x)
232 (declare (dynamic-extent x))
233 (print a) (print b)
234 (print x)
235 'jumbo)
237 (defun jumbo3 (a &rest x)
238 (declare (dynamic-extent x))
239 (print a)
240 (print x)
241 'jumbo)
243 (defun jumbo4 (&rest x)
244 (declare (dynamic-extent x))
245 (print x)
246 'jumbo)
248 #+ignore
249 (defun tagbodyxx (x)
250 (tagbody
251 (print 'hello)
252 haha
253 (unwind-protect
254 (when x (go hoho))
255 (warn "unwind.."))
256 (print 'world)
257 hoho
258 (print 'blrugh)))
260 #+ignore
261 (defun tagbodyxx (x)
262 (tagbody
263 (print 'hello)
264 haha
265 (unwind-protect
266 (funcall (lambda ()
267 (when x (go hoho))))
268 (warn "unwind.."))
269 (print 'world)
270 hoho
271 (print 'blrugh)))
273 #+ignore
274 (defun kumbo (&key a b (c (jumbo 1 2 3)) d)
275 (print a)
276 (print b)
277 (print c)
278 (print d))
280 #+ignore
281 (defun lumbo (a &optional (b 'zap))
282 (print a)
283 (print b))
285 (defmacro do-check-esp (&body body)
286 `(let ((before (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :eax))))
287 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing)
288 (:compile-form (:result-mode :multiple-values) (progn ,@body)))
289 (unless (eq before
290 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :eax)))
291 (error "ESP before body: ~S, after: ~S"
292 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esp :eax))))))
294 #+ignore
295 (defun test-m-v-call ()
296 (do-check-esp
297 (multiple-value-call #'format t "~@{ ~D~}~%"
298 'a (values) 'b (test-loop 1) (make-values)
299 'c 'd 'e (make-no-values) 'f)))
301 (defun test-m-v-call2 ()
302 (multiple-value-call #'format t "~@{ ~D~}~%"
303 'a 'b (values 1 2 3) 'c 'd 'e 'f))
305 (defun make-values ()
306 (values 0 1 2 3 4 5))
308 (defun xfuncall (&rest args)
309 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
310 (break "xfuncall:~{ ~S~^,~}" args)
311 (values))
313 (defun xfoo (f)
314 (do-check-esp
315 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d)
316 (multiple-value-prog1 (make-values)
317 (format t "hello world"))
318 (format t "~&a: ~S, b: ~S, c: ~S, d: ~S ~S" a b c d f))))
321 #+ignore
322 (defun make-no-values ()
323 (values))
325 #+ignore
326 (defun test-nth-values ()
327 (nth-value 2 (make-values)))
329 #+ignore
330 (defun test-values2 ()
331 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f g h)
332 (make-values)
333 (format t "test-values2: A: ~S, B: ~S, C: ~S, D: ~S, E: ~S, F: ~S G: ~S, H: ~S~%"
334 a b c d e f g h)))
336 #+ignore
337 (defun test-flet (zap)
338 (flet ((pingo (z y x)
339 (declare (ignore y z))
340 (format t "This is pingo: ~S with zap: ~W~%" x zap)))
341 ;; (declare (dynamic-extent pingo))
342 (pingo 100 200 300)))
344 #+ignore
345 (defun test-flet2 (zap)
346 (flet ((pingo (z y x)
347 (declare (ignore y z))
348 (format t "This is pingo: ~S with zap: ~W~%" x zap)))
349 ;; (declare (dynamic-extent pingo))
350 (lambda (x)
351 (pingo 100 200 300))))
353 (defun test-boo ()
354 (let ((real-cmuc #'test-flet2))
355 (let ((plongo (lambda (x)
356 (warn "~S real-cmuc: ~S" x real-cmuc)
357 (funcall real-cmuc x))))
358 (funcall plongo 'zooom))))
360 (defun test-labels ()
361 (labels ((pingo (x)
362 (format t "~&This is pingo: ~S~%" x)
363 (when (plusp x)
364 (pingo (1- x)))))
365 (pingo 5)))
367 #+ignore
368 (defun foo-type (length start1 sequence-1)
369 (do* ((i 0 #+ignore (+ start1 length -1) (1- i)))
370 ((< i start1) sequence-1)
371 (declare (type muerte::index i length))
372 (setf (sequence-1-ref i)
373 'foo)))
376 #+ignore
377 (defun test-values ()
378 (multiple-value-bind (a b c d e f g h i j)
379 (multiple-value-prog1
380 (make-values)
381 ;;; (format t "this is the resulting form.~%")
382 (format t "this is the first ignorable form.~%" 1 2 3)
383 (format t "this is the second ignorable form.~%"))
384 ;;; (format t "test-values num: ~D~%" (capture-reg8 :cl))
385 (format t "test-values: A: ~Z, B: ~Z, C: ~Z, D: ~Z ~Z ~Z ~Z ~Z ~Z ~Z~%" a b c d e f g h i j)))
388 #+ignore
389 (defun test-keywords (&key a b (c 100) ((:d x) 5 x-p))
390 (format t "test-keywords: a: ~S, b: ~S, c: ~S, x: ~S, x-p: ~S~%"
391 a b c x x-p))
393 #+ignore
394 (defun test-k1 (a b &key x)
395 (declare (ignore a b))
396 (warn "x: ~S" x))
398 (defun test-funcall (&rest args)
399 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
400 (format t "~&test-funcall args: ~S~%" args))
402 #+ignore
403 (defun test-rest (&optional (a0 nil a0-p) a1 a3 &rest args)
404 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
405 (when a0-p
406 (format t "args: ~S, ~S, ~S: ~S~%" a0 a1 a3 args)))
409 (defun test-return ()
410 (print (block nil
411 (values 'x 'y (if (foo) (return 'foo) (return-from test-return 'not-foo)) 'bar)))
414 #+ignore
415 (defun test-lexthrow (x)
416 (apply (lambda (a b)
417 (unwind-protect
418 (if (plusp a) 0 (return-from test-lexthrow (+ a b)))
419 (warn "To serve and protect!")))
422 #+ignore
423 (defun test-lexgo (x)
424 (let ((*print-base* 2))
425 (return-from test-lexgo (print 123))))
427 #+ignore
428 (defun test-xgo (c x)
429 (tagbody
430 loop
431 (warn "c: ~S" c)
432 (apply (lambda (a)
433 (decf c)
434 (if (plusp a) (go exit) (go loop))
435 (warn "juhu, a or x: ~S, c: ~S" a c))
437 exit
438 (warn "exited: ~S" c)))
441 (defun test-bignum ()
442 123456789123456)
444 (defun fe32 ()
445 #xfffffffe)
447 (defun fe64 ()
448 #xfffffffffffffffe)
450 (defun fe96 ()
451 #xfffffffffffffffffffffffe)
453 (defun one32 ()
454 #x100000000)
456 (defun z (op x y)
457 (let ((foo (cons 1 2))
458 (result (funcall op x y))
459 (bar (cons 3 4)))
460 (if (not (typep result 'pointer))
461 (warn "foo: ~Z result: ~Z, bar: ~Z, diff foo-bar: ~D."
462 foo result bar
463 (- (object-location bar) (object-location foo)))
464 (warn "foo: ~Z result: ~Z, bar: ~Z, diff: ~D, ~D."
465 foo result bar
466 (- (object-location result) (object-location foo))
467 (- (object-location bar) (object-location result))))
468 (values foo result bar)))
470 (defun modx (x)
471 (lambda ()
472 (print x)))
474 (defun mod30 (x)
475 (ldb (Byte 30 0) x))
477 (defun mod32-4 (x)
478 (ldb (byte 28 4) x))
480 (defun mod24-4 (x)
481 (ldb (Byte 24 4) x))
483 (defun zz (op x y)
484 (let ((foo (vector 1 2))
485 (result (funcall op x y))
486 (bar (vector 3 4)))
487 (if (not (typep result 'pointer))
488 (warn "foo: ~Z result: ~Z, bar: ~Z, diff foo-bar: ~D."
489 foo result bar
490 (- (object-location bar) (object-location foo)))
491 (warn "foo: ~Z result: ~Z, bar: ~Z, diff: ~D, ~D."
492 foo result bar
493 (- (object-location result) (object-location foo))
494 (- (object-location bar) (object-location result))))
495 (values foo result bar)))
497 (defun testb ()
498 #(1 2 3 4))
500 (defun gt5 (x)
501 (<= x 5))
503 (defun xplus (x)
504 (typep x '(integer 0 *)))
506 (defstruct (xxx :constructor (:constructor boa-make-xxx (x y z)))
507 x y (z 'init-z))
509 (defun test-struct ()
510 (format t "make-xxx: ~S~%" (let ((s (make-xxx))) s))
511 (format t "make-xxx: ~S~%" (xxx-z (make-xxx))))
513 (defun test-dynamic ()
514 #+ignore
515 (let ((x 100))
516 (let ((y x))
517 (let ((z y))
518 (format t "y: ~S, x: ~S, z: ~S~%" y x z))))
519 #+ignore
520 (format t "~D ~D ~D~%" 0 1
521 (let ((*x* 100))
522 (declare (special *x*))
523 (format t "*x*: ~S~%" *x*)
524 (symbol-value '*x*)))
525 #+ignore
526 (format t "~D ~D ~D~%" 0 1
527 (progv '(*x*) '(101)
528 (format t "*x*: ~S~%" (symbol-value '*x*))
529 (symbol-value '*x*)))
530 (let ((*x* 200))
531 (declare (special *x*))
532 (format t "*x*: ~S~%" *x*)
533 #+ignore
534 (let ((*x* 300))
535 (declare (special *x*))
536 (format t "*x*: ~S~%" *x*))
537 *x*))
539 #+ignore
540 (defun test-dynamic-formal (*print-base*)
541 (print *print-base*))
543 #+ignore
544 (defun verify-throw ()
545 "CLHS speaketh:
546 The following prints ``The inner catch returns :SECOND-THROW'' and then returns :outer-catch."
547 (catch 'foo
548 (format t "The inner catch returns ~s.~%"
549 (catch 'foo
550 (unwind-protect (throw 'foo :first-throw)
551 (throw 'foo :second-throw))))
552 :outer-catch))
554 #+ignore
555 (defun do-throw ()
556 (unwind-protect (print 'hello)
557 (throw 'foo :second-throw)))
560 #+ignore
561 (defun bloo (x)
562 #'bloo
563 (multiple-value-prog1
564 (sloo x (1+ x))
565 (print 'hello)))
567 #+ignore
568 (defun sloo (&rest x)
569 (declare (dynamic-extent x))
570 (let ((y (car x)))
571 (sloo y)))
573 #+ignore
574 (defun test-throw (tag)
575 (unwind-protect
576 (warn "throw: ~Z" (throw tag (values 'throw1 (make-values) 'throw2)))
577 (warn "Something happened: ~W" (make-values))
578 #+ignore (return-from test-throw 'interrupted-value))
579 (error "Huh?"))
581 #+ignore
582 (defun test-catch (x)
583 (catch 'test-tag
584 (test-throw x 'test-tag)
585 (format t "Hello world")))
587 (defun test-throw (x tag)
588 (when x
589 (warn "Throwing ~S.." tag)
590 (throw tag (values-list x))))
592 #+ignore
593 (defun test-up-catch ()
594 (catch 'test-tag
595 (test-up 'test-tag)
596 (format t "Hello world")))
598 #+ignore
599 (defun test-up (tag)
600 (unwind-protect
601 (test-throw tag)
602 (print 'hello-cleanup)))
604 (defun test-cons (x)
605 (let ((cc (cons x x)))
606 (cdr cc)))
608 (defun xx (x)
609 (eql nil x))
611 (defun test-fixed (x y z)
612 (warn "x: ~W, y: ~W, z: ~W" x y z))
614 (defun test-let-closure ()
615 (tagbody
616 (let ((*print-base* 10)
617 (x (go zz))
618 (*print-radix* nil))
619 (warn "lending x: ~W" x)
620 (values (lambda ()
621 (warn "borrowed x: ~W" x)
622 (* x 2))
623 #+ignore
624 (lambda (y)
625 (setf x y))))
627 (warn "zz")))
629 (defun test-not (x)
630 (if (not x) 0 100))
632 (defun test-pingo (z)
633 (block zzz
634 (warn "hello world")
635 (let ((zingo (+ z 23)))
636 (return-from zzz
637 (let ((x (* z zingo)))
638 (print (* x 2)))))
639 (warn "not this")))
641 (defun display-hash (x)
642 (loop for k being the hash-keys of x using (hash-value v)
643 do (format t "~&~S => ~S" k v))
644 (values))
646 ;;;(defclass test-class ()
647 ;;; (s1 s2))
649 (defun show-hash (x)
650 (loop for y being the hash-keys of x
651 do (format t "~&key: ~W [~W]" y (symbol-package y)))
652 (values))
655 ;;;(defclass c () (s1 s2))
657 ;;;(defgeneric m (x))
658 ;;;(defmethod m ((x c))
659 ;;; (declare (ignore x))
660 ;;; (warn "more m's: ~{~W~}" (when (next-method-p)
661 ;;; (list (call-next-method))))
662 ;;; #'call-next-method)
664 ;;;(defmethod m ((x standard-object))
665 ;;; (declare (ignore x))
666 ;;; 'this-is-m-on-standard-object)
668 ;;;(defmethod m ((x fixnum))
669 ;;; (declare (ignore x))
670 ;;; 'this-is-m-on-fixnum)
672 (defun test-nested-extent ()
673 ;; Check that the compiler doesn't suffer from the let nested-extent problem.
674 ;; identity is used so the compiler won't shortcut the bindings.
675 (let ((foo (identity 'foo-value))
676 (bar (let ((zot (identity 'test-nested-extent)))
677 (setq zot 'zot-value)
678 (identity zot))))
679 (if (eq foo 'foo-value)
680 (format t "~&Success: foo is ~W, bar is ~W" foo bar)
681 (format t "~&Failure! foo is ~W, bar is ~W" foo bar))))
683 (defun bar (x)
684 (multiple-value-prog1
685 (values 0 1 2)
686 (format t "blungolo: ~S" x)))
690 #+ignore
691 (defun test-ncase (x y z)
692 (numargs-case
693 (1 (x) (values x 'one))
694 (2 (x y) (values (+ x y) 'one 'two))
695 (3 (x y z) (values (+ x y z) 'one 'two 'three))
696 (t (args) (declare (ignore args)) 27)))
698 #+ignore
699 (defun xbar ()
700 (print-dynamic-context :terse t)
701 (block handler-case-block
702 (let (handler-case-var)
703 (tagbody
704 (handler-bind
705 ((error (lambda (handler-case-temp-var)
706 (setq handler-case-var handler-case-temp-var)
707 (go handler-case-clause-tag))))
708 (print-dynamic-context :terse t)
709 (return-from handler-case-block
710 (signal "hello world")))
711 handler-case-clause-tag
712 (return-from handler-case-block
713 (let ((|c| handler-case-var))
714 (format t "got an error: ~s" |c|))))))
715 (print-dynamic-context :terse t))
717 #+ignore
718 (defun plingu (&optional v)
719 (let ((x (1+ *print-base*)))
720 (print "foo")
721 (print "foo")
722 (print x)
723 (print v)))
725 #+ignore
726 (defun (setf dingu) (x y)
727 (when (> x y)
728 (return-from dingu 'fooob))
729 (+ x y))
732 (defun foo (&edx edx x &optional (y nil yp))
733 (format t "~@{ ~A~}" x y yp edx))
735 (defun wefwe (&rest args)
736 (declare (dynamic-extent args))
737 (do ((p args (cdr p)))
738 ((endp p))
739 (let ((x (car p)))
740 (print x))))
742 (defun mubmo ()
743 (let ((x (muerte::copy-funobj #'format))
744 (y (cons 1 2)))
745 (warn "x: ~Z, y: ~Z" x y)))
747 ;;;;;
749 (defclass food () ())
751 (defgeneric cook (food))
753 ;;;(defmethod cook :before ((f food))
754 ;;; (declare (ignore f))
755 ;;; (print "A food is about to be cooked."))
757 ;;;(defmethod cook :after ((f food))
758 ;;; (declare (ignore f))
759 ;;; (print "A food has been cooked."))
761 (defmethod cook :after ((f food))
762 (declare (ignore f))
763 (print "Cooking some food."))
765 (defun test-pie (n pie)
766 (dotimes (i n)
767 (pie-filling pie)))
769 (defun test-inc (n)
770 (dotimes (i n)
771 (warn "foo: ~S" (lambda ()
772 (setf i 5)))))
774 (defun test-id (n x)
775 (dotimes (i n)
776 (identity x)))
778 (defun test-inc2 (x)
779 (print (prog1 x (incf x)))
780 (print x))
782 (defclass pie (food)
783 ((filling :accessor pie-filling
784 :initarg :filling
785 :initform 'apple))
786 #+ignore (:default-initargs :filling (if (foo) 'apple 'banana)))
788 (defclass pie2 (food)
789 ((filling :accessor pie-filling
790 :initarg :filling
793 (defmethod cook ((p (eql 'pie)))
794 (warn "Won't really cook a symbolic pie!")
795 (values))
797 (defmethod cook ((p (eql 'pudding)))
798 'cooked-pudding)
800 (defmethod slot-value-using-class :after (class (pie pie2) slot)
801 (warn "HEy, don't poke inside my pie2!"))
803 (defmethod cook :after ((p symbol))
804 (warn "A symbol may or may not have been cooked."))
806 (defmethod cook ((p pie))
807 (cond
808 ((eq 'banana (pie-filling p))
809 (print "Won't cook a banana-pie, trying next.")
810 (call-next-method))
811 (t (print "Cooking a pie.")
812 (setf (pie-filling p) (list 'cooked (pie-filling p))))))
814 (defmethod cook :before ((p pie))
815 (declare (ignore p))
816 (print "A pie is about to be cooked."))
818 (defmethod cook :after ((p pie))
819 (declare (ignore p))
820 (print "A pie has been cooked."))
822 (defun xwrite (object)
823 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing)
824 (:locally (:movl (:edi (:edi-offset muerte::dynamic-env)) :eax))
825 (:movl :eax (#x1000000))
826 (:movl :ebp (#x1000004))
827 (:movl :esi (#x1000008)))
828 (block handler-case-block-1431896
829 (let (handler-case-var-1431897)
830 (tagbody
831 (handler-bind
832 ((serious-condition
833 (lambda (handler-case-temp-var-1431898)
834 (setq handler-case-var-1431897 handler-case-temp-var-1431898)
835 (go handler-case-clause-tag-1431899))))
836 (return-from handler-case-block-1431896
837 (muerte::internal-write object)))
838 handler-case-clause-tag-1431899
839 (return-from handler-case-block-1431896
840 (let ((c handler-case-var-1431897))
841 (print-unreadable-object (c *standard-output* :type t :identity t)
842 (format t " while printing ~z" object))))))))
844 (defun ub (x)
845 `(hello world ,x or . what))
847 (define-primitive-function test-irq-pf ()
849 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing)
850 (:int 113)
851 (:ret)))
853 (defun test-irq (&optional eax ebx ecx edx)
854 (multiple-value-bind (p1 p2)
855 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :multiple-values)
856 (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding eax) :eax)
857 (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ebx) :ebx)
858 (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding ecx) :ecx)
859 (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding edx) :edx)
860 (:pushl :eax)
861 (:pushl :ebx)
862 (:jecxz 'dont-call)
863 (:globally (:call (:edi (:edi-offset values) 80)))
864 dont-call
865 (:store-lexical (:lexical-binding eax) :eax :type t)
866 (:store-lexical (:lexical-binding ebx) :ebx :type t)
867 (:store-lexical (:lexical-binding ecx) :ecx :type t)
868 (:store-lexical (:lexical-binding edx) :edx :type t)
869 (:popl :ebx)
870 (:popl :eax)
871 (:movl 2 :ecx)
872 (:stc))
873 (values eax ebx ecx edx p1 p2)))
875 (defun null-primitive-function (x)
876 "This function is just like identity, except it also calls a null primitive function.
877 Can be used to measure the overhead of primitive function."
878 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax)
879 (:load-lexical (:lexical-binding x) :eax)
880 (:% :bytes 8 #xff #x97) ; (:call-local-pf ret-trampoline)
881 (:% :bytes 32 #.(bt:slot-offset 'movitz::movitz-run-time-context 'movitz::ret-trampoline))))
883 (defun my-test-labels (x)
884 (labels (#+ignore (p () (print x))
885 (q (y) (list x y)))
886 (declare (ignore q))
887 (1+ x)))
889 (defparameter *timer-stack* nil)
890 (defparameter *timer-prevstack* nil)
891 (defparameter *timer-esi* nil)
892 (defparameter *timer-frame* #100(nil))
893 (defparameter *timer-base* 2)
894 (defparameter *timer-variation* 1000)
896 (defun test-format (&optional timeout (x #xab))
897 (let ((fasit (format nil "~2,'0X" x)))
898 (test-timer timeout)
899 (format t "~&Fasit: ~S" fasit)
900 (loop
901 (let ((x (format nil "~2,'0X" x)))
902 (assert (string= fasit x) ()
903 "Failed tesT. Fasit: ~S, X: ~S" fasit x)))))
905 (defun test-clc (&optional (timeout #xfffe) no-timer)
906 (unless no-timer
907 (test-timer timeout))
908 (loop
909 (funcall (find-symbol (string :test-clc) :clc))))
911 (defun test-timer (function
912 &key (base *timer-base*)
913 (variation *timer-variation*)
914 (timeout (+ base (random variation))))
915 (setf (exception-handler 32)
916 (lambda (exception-vector exception-frame)
917 (declare (ignore exception-vector exception-frame))
918 ;;; (loop with f = *timer-frame*
919 ;;; for o from 20 downto -36 by 4 as i upfrom 0
920 ;;; do (setf (aref f i) (memref exception-frame o 0 :lisp)))
921 ;;; (let ((ts *timer-stack*))
922 ;;; (setf (fill-pointer ts) 0)
923 ;;; (loop for stack-frame = exception-frame then (stack-frame-uplink stack-frame)
924 ;;; while (plusp stack-frame)
925 ;;; do (multiple-value-bind (offset code-vector funobj)
926 ;;; (stack-frame-call-site stack-frame)
927 ;;; (vector-push funobj ts)
928 ;;; (vector-push offset ts)
929 ;;; (vector-push code-vector ts))))
930 ;;; (muerte::cli)
931 (when (eql #\esc (muerte.x86-pc.keyboard:poll-char))
932 (break "Test-timer keyboard break."))
933 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing)
934 (:compile-form (:result-mode :ecx) muerte.x86-pc::*screen*)
935 (:shrl 2 :ecx)
936 ((:gs-override) :addb 1 (:ecx 158))
937 ((:gs-override) :movb #x40 (:ecx 159)))
938 (do ((frame (muerte::stack-frame-uplink nil (muerte::current-stack-frame))
939 (muerte::stack-frame-uplink nil frame)))
940 ((plusp frame))
941 (when (eq (with-inline-assembly (:returns :eax) (:movl :esi :eax))
942 (muerte::stack-frame-funobj nil frame))
943 (error "Double interrupt.")))
944 ;;; (dolist (range muerte::%memory-map-roots%)
945 ;;; (map-header-vals (lambda (x type)
946 ;;; (declare (ignore type))
947 ;;; x)
948 ;;; (car range) (cdr range)))
949 (map-stack-vector #'muerte::identity* nil (muerte::current-stack-frame))
950 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing)
951 (:compile-form (:result-mode :ecx) muerte.x86-pc::*screen*)
952 (:shrl 2 :ecx)
953 ((:gs-override) :movb #x20 (:ecx 159)))
954 #+ignore (setf *timer-prevstack* *timer-stack*
955 *timer-stack* (muerte::copy-current-control-stack))
956 (pic8259-end-of-interrupt 0)
957 (setf (pit8253-timer-mode 0) +pit8253-mode-single-timeout+
958 (pit8253-timer-count 0) (or timeout (+ base (random variation))))
959 ;;; (muerte::sti)
961 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing)
962 (:compile-form (:result-mode :ecx) muerte.x86-pc::*screen*)
963 (:shrl 2 :ecx)
964 ((:gs-override) :movw #x4646 (:ecx 158)))
965 (setf (pit8253-timer-mode 0) +pit8253-mode-single-timeout+
966 (pit8253-timer-count 0) (or timeout (+ base (random variation))))
967 (setf (pic8259-irq-mask) #xfffe)
968 (pic8259-end-of-interrupt 0)
969 (with-inline-assembly (:returns :nothing) (:sti))
970 (unwind-protect
971 (when function
972 (funcall function))
973 (muerte::cli)
974 (setf (pic8259-irq-mask) #xffff)))
976 (defun wetweg (x)
977 (memref-int (memref x 2 :type :unsigned-byte32) :physicalp nil :type :unsigned-byte8))
979 (defun test-throwing (&optional (x #xffff))
980 (when x
981 (test-timer x))
982 (loop
983 (catch 'foo
984 (unwind-protect
985 (funcall (lambda ()
986 (unwind-protect
987 (progn
988 ;;; (unless (logbitp 9 (eflags))
989 ;;; (break "Someone switched off interrupts!"))
990 ;;; (incf (memref-int muerte.x86-pc::*screen* :type :unsigned-byte16))
991 (throw 'foo 'inner-peace))
992 (incf (memref-int muerte.x86-pc::*screen* :index 80 :type :unsigned-byte16)))))
993 (incf (memref-int muerte.x86-pc::*screen* :index 160 :type :unsigned-byte16))))))
995 #+ignore
996 (defun fvf-textmode-screendump ()
997 (muerte.ip4::ip4-init)
998 (let* ((w muerte.x86-pc::*screen-width*)
999 (h muerte.x86-pc::*screen-height*)
1000 (data (make-array (* w h)
1001 :element-type 'character
1002 :fill-pointer 0)))
1003 (loop for y below h
1004 do (loop for x below w
1005 do (vector-push (code-char
1006 (ldb (byte 8 0)
1007 (memref-int muerte.x86-pc::*screen*
1008 :index (+ x (* y muerte.x86-pc::*screen-stride*))
1009 :type :unsigned-byte16)))
1010 data)))
1011 (muerte.ip4:tftp/ethernet-write : "movitz-screendump.txt" data
1012 :quiet t
1013 :mac (muerte.ip4::polling-arp
1014 muerte.ip4::*ip4-router*
1015 (lambda ()
1016 (eql #\escape (muerte.x86-pc.keyboard:poll-char)))))))
1019 (defun memdump (start length)
1020 (loop for addr upfrom start repeat length
1021 collect (memref-int addr :type :unsigned-byte8)))
1023 (defun plus (a b)
1024 (+ (muerte::check-the fixnum a)
1025 (muerte::check-the fixnum b)))
1027 (defun vector-non-dups (vector)
1028 "Count the number of unique elements in vector."
1029 (loop for i from 1 to (length vector)
1030 for x across vector
1031 count (not (find x vector :start i))))
1033 (defun blit (buffer)
1034 (loop for i from 0 below 16000
1035 do (setf (memref-int #xa0000 :index i :type :unsigned-byte32)
1036 (memref buffer 2 :index i :type :unsigned-byte32))))
1038 #+ignore
1039 (defun ztstring (physical-address)
1040 (let ((s (make-string (loop for i upfrom 0
1041 until (= 0 (memref-int physical-address :index i :type :unsigned-byte8))
1042 finally (return i)))))
1043 (loop for i from 0 below (length s)
1044 do (setf (char s i)
1045 (code-char (memref-int physical-address :index i :type :unsigned-byte8))))
1048 (defmacro do-default ((var &rest error-spec) &body init-forms)
1049 `(or (and (boundp ',var)
1050 (symbol-value ',var))
1051 (setf (symbol-value ',var)
1052 (progn ,@init-forms))
1053 ,(when error-spec
1054 `(error ,@error-spec))))
1056 #+ignore
1057 (defun bridge (&optional (inside (do-default (*inside* "No inside NIC.")
1058 (muerte.x86-pc.ne2k:ne2k-probe #x300)))
1059 (outside (do-default (*outside* "No outside NIC.")
1060 (muerte.x86-pc.ne2k:ne2k-probe #x280))))
1061 (let ((buffer (make-array +max-ethernet-frame-size+
1062 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 8)
1063 :fill-pointer t)))
1064 (loop
1065 (ignore-errors
1066 (reset-device inside)
1067 (reset-device outside)
1068 (setf (promiscuous-p inside) t
1069 (promiscuous-p outside) t)
1070 (loop
1071 (when (receive inside buffer)
1072 (transmit outside buffer))
1073 (when (receive outside buffer)
1074 (transmit inside buffer))
1075 (case (muerte.x86-pc.keyboard:poll-char)
1076 (#\escape (break "Under the bridge."))
1077 (#\e (error "this is an error!"))))))))
1080 (defparameter *write-barrier* nil)
1082 (defun show-writes ()
1083 (loop with num = (length *write-barrier*)
1084 for i from 0 below num by 4
1085 initially (format t "~&Number of writes: ~D" (truncate num 4))
1086 do (format t "~&~D ~S: [~Z] Write to ~S: ~S."
1087 i (aref *write-barrier* (+ i 3))
1088 (aref *write-barrier* i)
1089 (aref *write-barrier* i) (aref *write-barrier* (+ i 2))))
1090 (values))
1092 (defun es-test (&optional (barrier-size 1000))
1093 (setf *write-barrier* (or *write-barrier*
1094 (make-array (* 4 barrier-size) :fill-pointer 0))
1095 (fill-pointer *write-barrier*) 0
1096 (exception-handler 13) #'general-protection-handler
1097 (segment-register :es) 0)
1098 (values))
1100 (defun general-protection-handler (vector dit-frame)
1101 (assert (= vector 13))
1102 (let ((eip (dit-frame-ref nil dit-frame :eip :unsigned-byte32)))
1103 (assert (= #x26 (memref-int eip :offset 0 :type :unsigned-byte8 :physicalp nil))) ; ES override prefix?
1104 (let ((opcode (memref-int eip :offset 1 :type :unsigned-byte8 :physicalp nil))
1105 (mod/rm (memref-int eip :offset 2 :type :unsigned-byte8 :physicalp nil)))
1106 (if (not (= #x89 opcode))
1107 (interrupt-default-handler vector dit-frame)
1108 (let ((value (ecase (ldb (byte 3 3) mod/rm)
1109 (0 (dit-frame-ref nil dit-frame :eax :lisp))
1110 (3 (dit-frame-ref nil dit-frame :ebx :lisp)))))
1111 ;; If we return, don't execute with the ES override prefix:
1112 (setf (dit-frame-ref nil dit-frame :eip :unsigned-byte32) (1+ eip))
1113 ;; If value isn't a pointer, we don't care..
1114 (when (typep value 'pointer)
1115 (multiple-value-bind (object offset)
1116 (case (logand mod/rm #xc7)
1117 (#x40 ; (:movl <value> (:eax <disp8>))
1118 (values (dit-frame-ref nil dit-frame :eax)
1119 (memref-int eip :offset 3 :type :signed-byte8 :physicalp nil)))
1120 (#x43 ; (:movl <value> (:ebx <disp8>))
1121 (values (dit-frame-ref nil dit-frame :ebx)
1122 (memref-int eip :offset 3 :type :signed-byte8 :physicalp nil)))
1123 (#x44 ; the disp8/SIB case
1124 (let ((sib (memref-int eip :offset 3 :type :unsigned-byte8 :physicalp nil)))
1125 (case sib
1126 ((#x19 #x0b)
1127 (values (dit-frame-ref nil dit-frame :ebx)
1128 (+ (dit-frame-ref nil dit-frame :ecx :unsigned-byte8)
1129 (memref-int eip :offset 4 :type :signed-byte8 :physicalp nil))))
1130 ((#x1a)
1131 (values (dit-frame-ref nil dit-frame :ebx)
1132 (+ (dit-frame-ref nil dit-frame :edx :unsigned-byte8)
1133 (memref-int eip :offset 4 :type :signed-byte8 :physicalp nil))))))))
1134 (when (not object)
1135 (setf (segment-register :es) (segment-register :ds))
1136 (break "[~S] With value ~S, unknown movl at ~S: ~S ~S ~S ~S"
1137 dit-frame value eip
1138 (memref-int eip :offset 1 :type :unsigned-byte8 :physicalp nil)
1139 (memref-int eip :offset 2 :type :unsigned-byte8 :physicalp nil)
1140 (memref-int eip :offset 3 :type :unsigned-byte8 :physicalp nil)
1141 (memref-int eip :offset 4 :type :unsigned-byte8 :physicalp nil)))
1142 (check-type object pointer)
1143 (check-type offset fixnum)
1144 (let ((write-barrier *write-barrier*)
1145 (location (object-location object)))
1146 (assert (not (location-in-object-p
1147 (los0::space-other (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space))
1148 location)) ()
1149 "Write ~S to old-space at ~S." value location)
1150 (unless (or (eq object write-barrier)
1151 #+ignore
1152 (location-in-object-p (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space)
1153 location)
1154 (location-in-object-p (%run-time-context-slot nil 'stack-vector)
1155 location))
1156 (if (location-in-object-p (%run-time-context-slot nil 'nursery-space)
1157 location)
1158 (vector-push 'stack-actually write-barrier)
1159 (vector-push object write-barrier))
1160 (vector-push offset write-barrier)
1161 (vector-push value write-barrier)
1162 (unless (vector-push eip write-barrier)
1163 (setf (segment-register :es) (segment-register :ds))
1164 (break "Write-barrier is full: ~D" (length write-barrier))))))))))))