Updated doc/mp_index.txt.
[mp-5.x.git] / mp.iss
1 ; InnoSetup file
3 [Setup]
4 AppName=Minimum Profit
5 AppVerName=Minimum Profit version 5.x
6 DefaultDirName={pf}\mp-5
7 UsePreviousAppDir=no
8 DefaultGroupName=Minimum Profit
9 UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\mp-5.exe
10 Compression=lzma
11 SolidCompression=yes
12 ; OutputDir=userdocs:Inno Setup Examples Output
14 [Files]
15 Source: "mp-5.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"
16 Source: "mp_*.mpsl"; DestDir: "{app}"
17 Source: "lang\*.mpsl"; DestDir: "{app}\lang"
18 Source: "doc\*.html"; DestDir: "{app}\doc"
19 Source: "README" ; DestDir: "{app}\doc"
20 Source: "AUTHORS" ; DestDir: "{app}\doc"
21 Source: "COPYING" ; DestDir: "{app}\doc"
22 Source: "RELEASE_NOTES" ; DestDir: "{app}\doc"
23 Source: "mp_templates.sample" ; DestDir: "{app}\doc"
24 Source: "TODO" ; DestDir: "{app}\doc"
25 Source: "mp.reg" ; DestDir: "{app}\doc"
27 [Icons]
28 Name: "{group}\Minimum Profit"; Filename: "{app}\mp-5.exe"
30 [Registry]
31 Root: HKCR; Subkey: "*\shell\Open with MP"; ValueType: string;
32 Root: HKCR; Subkey: "*\shell\Open with MP\command"; ValueType: string; ValueData: "{app}\mp-5.exe %1"
33 Root: HKCR; Subkey: "Directory\shell\minimum_profit"; ValueType: string; ValueData: "Open MP Here"
34 Root: HKCR; Subkey: "Directory\shell\minimum_profit\command"; ValueType: string; ValueData: "{app}\mp-5.exe -d %1"