Split Plugin finished
[mx3r.git] / mx3r.c
1 /*
2 Prueba de concepto de buscador de diferencias por bloques.
3 */
5 #include <stdio.h>
6 #include <stdlib.h>
7 #include <string.h>
9 // CLIG - Command Line Interpreter Generator:
10 #include "cmdline.h"
11 #include "util.h"
15 void showUsage()
17 printf("Usage: \n"); usage();
20 int doBLRMerge(char *base, char *local, char *remote)
22 BLRintA split=splitBLR(base, local, remote);
24 fprintf( stderr, "Base File: %d blocks found\n",split.basesz);
25 fprintf( stderr, "Local File: %d blocks found\n",split.localsz);
26 fprintf( stderr, "Remote File: %d blocks found\n",split.remotesz);
29 //return;
30 int *base_file=NULL, base_file_size=0;
31 base_file=hash_loadfile(base,&base_file_size);
32 if (!base_file) exit( 0 ); // Error de memoria.
33 fprintf( stderr, "Base File: %d lines loaded\n",base_file_size);
35 int *local_file=NULL, local_file_size=0;
36 local_file=hash_loadfile(local,&local_file_size);
37 if (!local_file) exit( 0 ); // Error de memoria.
38 fprintf( stderr, "Local File: %d lines loaded\n",local_file_size);
40 hashblock bloque_BL[64];
41 int nbloquesBL = compare2hashvectors(base_file,base_file_size,
42 local_file,local_file_size,256,bloque_BL,64);
44 int *remote_file=NULL, remote_file_size=0;
45 remote_file=hash_loadfile(remote,&remote_file_size);
46 if (!remote_file) exit( 0 ); // Error de memoria.
47 fprintf( stderr, "Remote File: %d lines loaded\n",remote_file_size);
49 hashblock bloque_BR[64];
50 int nbloquesBR = compare2hashvectors(base_file,base_file_size,
51 remote_file,remote_file_size,256,bloque_BR,64);
53 hashblock *bloque=bloque_BR;
55 int lbb=0;
56 int l2bb=0;
57 int total=0;
58 int total_huerfanas=0;
59 int total_huerfanas2=0,j;
61 for (j=0;j<nbloquesBR;j++)
63 total_huerfanas2+=bloque[j].line2-l2bb;
64 total_huerfanas+=bloque[j].line1-lbb;
65 total+=bloque[j].size;
66 printf("\t-- %d -> %d lineas huerfanas -- \n",bloque[j].line1-lbb, bloque[j].line2-l2bb);
68 printf("BLOQUE %d: @%d:%d \t--> \t%d:%d \t(%d:%d)\n", j, bloque[j].line1,bloque[j].line2, bloque[j].line1+bloque[j].size,bloque[j].line2+bloque[j].size,
69 bloque[j].line2-bloque[j].line1,bloque[j].size);
71 lbb=bloque[j].line1+bloque[j].size+1;
72 l2bb=bloque[j].line2+bloque[j].size+1;
74 if (base_file_size!=lbb+1 || local_file_size!=l2bb+1)
76 total_huerfanas2+=local_file_size-l2bb-1;
77 printf("\t-- %d -> %d lineas huerfanas -- \n",base_file_size-lbb-1, local_file_size-l2bb-1);
80 float p100_found=100*total/(float)base_file_size;
81 float p100_obsolete=100*(total_huerfanas)/(float)base_file_size;
82 float p100_new=100*total_huerfanas2/(float)local_file_size;
83 float p100_probability=100-p100_obsolete-p100_new;
85 printf("\n\nRESUMEN: %d lineas encontradas en %d bloques (%.2f%% del total)\n",
86 total,nbloquesBR, p100_found);
87 printf("\t(Total: %d lineas huerfanas. %.2f%% del fichero base es obsoleto)\n", total_huerfanas,p100_obsolete);
88 printf("\t(Total: %d lineas nuevas. %.2f%% del fichero local es nuevo)\n",total_huerfanas2,p100_new);
89 printf(" -- %.2f%% de probabilidad de completar el merge correctamente -- \n",p100_probability);
92 free(base_file);
93 free(local_file);
94 return 0;
98 int main(int argc, char **argv) {
99 // Parse the command line args.
100 Cmdline *cmd = parseCmdline(argc, argv);
102 if (cmd->show_helpP) showUsage();
104 if (cmd->do_blrmergeP)
106 return doBLRMerge(cmd->do_blrmerge[0],cmd->do_blrmerge[1],cmd->do_blrmerge[2]);
108 if (cmd->test_pluginP)
110 printf("\n Intentando cargar el plugin... \n");
111 if (loadsplitplugin())
113 printf("\n - El plugin se cargó correctamente -\n");
114 return 0;
115 } else
117 printf("\n ** ERROR \n");
118 return 1;
121 if (cmd->do_hashcmpP)
123 int i,b;
124 int nhashes=cmd->do_hashcmpC-1;
125 int block_size=4;
126 unsigned int *int_hash=malloc((nhashes)*sizeof(unsigned int));
127 fprintf( stderr, "nhashes: %d\n",nhashes );
128 for (i=1;i<cmd->do_hashcmpC;i++)
130 int_hash[i-1]=ihash(cmd->do_hashcmp[i]);
133 for (i=0;i<nhashes-block_size+1;i++)
135 for (b=0;b<block_size;b++)
137 printf( "%08X", int_hash[i+b]);
139 printf( "\n");
141 free(int_hash);
142 return 0;
145 printf("* Nothing to do.\n");
146 showUsage();
147 return 1;