ignore on .netrwhist
[my-vim-dotfolder.git] / colors / railscasts2.vim
1 " Vim color scheme
3 " Name:        railscast.vim
4 " Maintainer:  Josh O'Rourke <jorourke23@gmail.com> 
5 " License:     public domain
7 " A GUI Only port of the RailsCasts TextMate theme [1] to Vim.
8 " Some parts of this theme were borrowed from the well-documented Lucius theme [2].
10 " [1] http://railscasts.com/about 
11 " [2] http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2536
13 set background=dark
14 hi clear
15 if exists("syntax_on")
16   syntax reset
17 endif
18 let g:colors_name = "railscasts"
20 " Colors
21 " Brown        #BC9458
22 " Dark Blue    #6D9CBE
23 " Dark Green   #519F50
24 " Dark Orange  #CC7833
25 " Light Blue   #D0D0FF
26 " Light Green  #A5C261
27 " Tan          #FFC66D
29 hi Normal                    guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#2B2B2B
30 hi Cursor                    guibg=#FFFFFF
31 hi CursorLine                guibg=#333435
32 hi LineNr                    guifg=#888888 guibg=#DEDEDE
33 hi Search                    guibg=#5A647E
34 hi Visual                    guibg=#5A647E
36 " Folds
37 " -----
38 " line used for closed folds
39 hi Folded                    guifg=#F6F3E8 guibg=#444444 gui=NONE
41 " Misc
42 " ----
43 " directory names and other special names in listings
44 hi Directory                 guifg=#A5C261 gui=NONE
46 " Popup Menu
47 " ----------
48 " normal item in popup
49 hi Pmenu                     guifg=#F6F3E8 guibg=#444444 gui=NONE
50 " selected item in popup
51 hi PmenuSel                  guifg=#000000 guibg=#A5C261 gui=NONE
52 " scrollbar in popup
53 hi PMenuSbar                 guibg=#5A647E gui=NONE
54 " thumb of the scrollbar in the popup
55 hi PMenuThumb                guibg=#AAAAAA gui=NONE
58 "rubyComment
59 hi Comment                   guifg=#BC9458 gui=italic
60 hi Todo                      guifg=#BC9458 guibg=NONE gui=italic
62 "rubyPseudoVariable
63 "nil, self, symbols, etc
64 hi Constant                  guifg=#6D9CBE
66 "rubyClass, rubyModule, rubyDefine
67 "def, end, include, etc
68 hi Define                    guifg=#CC7833
70 "rubyInterpolation
71 hi Delimiter                 guifg=#519F50
73 "rubyError, rubyInvalidVariable
74 hi Error                     guifg=#FFFFFF guibg=#990000
76 "rubyFunction
77 hi Function                  guifg=#FFC66D gui=NONE
79 "rubyIdentifier
80 "@var, @@var, $var, etc
81 hi Identifier                guifg=#D0D0FF gui=NONE
83 "rubyInclude
84 "include, autoload, extend, load, require
85 hi Include                   guifg=#CC7833 gui=NONE
87 "rubyKeyword, rubyKeywordAsMethod
88 "alias, undef, super, yield, callcc, caller, lambda, proc
89 hi Keyword                   guifg=#CC7833
91 " same as define
92 hi Macro                     guifg=#CC7833 gui=NONE
94 "rubyInteger
95 hi Number                    guifg=#A5C261
97 " #if, #else, #endif
98 hi PreCondit                 guifg=#CC7833 gui=NONE
100 " generic preprocessor
101 hi PreProc                   guifg=#CC7833 gui=NONE
103 "rubyControl, rubyAccess, rubyEval
104 "case, begin, do, for, if unless, while, until else, etc.
105 hi Statement                 guifg=#CC7833 gui=NONE
107 "rubyString
108 hi String                    guifg=#A5C261
110 hi Title                     guifg=#FFFFFF
112 "rubyConstant
113 hi Type                      guifg=#DA4939 gui=NONE
115 hi DiffAdd                   guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#144212
116 hi DiffDelete                guifg=#E6E1DC guibg=#660000
118 hi link htmlTag              xmlTag
119 hi link htmlTagName          xmlTagName
120 hi link htmlEndTag           xmlEndTag
122 hi xmlTag                    guifg=#E8BF6A
123 hi xmlTagName                guifg=#E8BF6A
124 hi xmlEndTag                 guifg=#E8BF6A