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[mymicroprocessor.git] / Lab_1 / ParameterizableALU / ALU_param.vhd
1 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 --
3 -- Uni : University of York
4 -- Course : Electronic Engineering
5 -- Module : Computer Architectures
6 -- Engineers : Y3839090 & Y3840426
7 --
8 -- Create Date : 13:19:20 02/17/2017
9 -- Design Name : ALU_param - Behavioral
10 -- Description : A paramateriable integer ALU.
12 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13 library IEEE;
14 use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;
16 use work.DigEng.ALL;
18 entity ALU_param is
19 Generic (
20 N : natural := 8 -- data size in bits
22 Port (
23 A : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0);
24 B : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0);
25 X : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (log2(N)-1 downto 0); -- shift/rotate amount input
26 ctrl : in STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0); -- control signals from opcode
27 O : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (N-1 downto 0);
28 flags :out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 downto 0) -- flags
30 end ALU_param;
32 architecture Behavioral of ALU_param is
34 -- internal signed signal for A and B inpy=uts
35 signal A_itrn : SIGNED (N-1 downto 0);
36 signal B_itrn : SIGNED (N-1 downto 0);
38 -- internal integer for X
39 signal X_itrn : integer;
41 -- internal signed signal for output
42 signal O_itrn : SIGNED (N-1 downto 0);
45 -- max positive and negitive N bit signed numbers
46 constant max_pos : SIGNED (N-1 downto 0) := to_signed(( 2 ** (N-1) ) - 1, N);
47 constant max_neg : SIGNED (N-1 downto 0) := to_signed( -2 ** (N-1) , N);
49 begin
51 A_itrn <= signed(A); -- converts A to signed and maps the result to A_itrn
52 B_itrn <= signed(B); -- converts A to signed and maps the result to B_itrn
54 -- converts X to integer and maps the result to X_itrn
55 X_itrn <= to_integer(unsigned(X));
57 -- converts O_itrn to a plain std_logic_vector and maps it to O
58 O <= std_logic_vector(O_itrn);
60 -- Main ALU multiplexer for each possible command
61 O_itrn <=
62 A_itrn when ctrl = "0000" else -- Output A
63 A_itrn and B_itrn when ctrl = "0100" else -- Output A & B
64 A_itrn or B_itrn when ctrl = "0101" else -- Output A || B
65 A_itrn xor B_itrn when ctrl = "0110" else -- Output A xor B
66 not A_itrn when ctrl = "0111" else -- Output not A
67 A_itrn + 1 when ctrl = "1000" else -- Output A + 1
68 A_itrn - 1 when ctrl = "1001" else -- Output A - 1
69 A_itrn + B_itrn when ctrl = "1010" else -- Output A + B
70 A_itrn - B_itrn when ctrl = "1011" else -- Output A - B
71 SHIFT_LEFT (A_itrn , X_itrn) when ctrl = "1100" else -- Output A sla X
72 SHIFT_RIGHT (A_itrn , X_itrn) when ctrl = "1101" else -- Output A sra X
73 ROTATE_LEFT (A_itrn , X_itrn) when ctrl = "1110" else -- Output A rotl X
74 ROTATE_RIGHT (A_itrn , X_itrn) when ctrl = "1111" else -- Output A rotr X
75 (others =>'U');
77 -- Overflow flag
78 flags(7) <=
79 -- Will overflow if you add one to the max positive value
80 '1' when ctrl = "1000" and A_itrn = max_pos else
82 -- Will overflow if you minus one to the max negitive value
83 '1' when ctrl = "1001" and A_itrn = max_neg else
85 -- Will overflow if two neg values added give a pos result
86 '1' when ctrl = "1010" and A_itrn(N-1) = '1' and B_itrn(N-1) = '1' and O_itrn(N-1) = '0' else
87 -- Will overflow if two pos values added give a neg result
88 '1' when ctrl = "1010" and A_itrn(N-1) = '0' and B_itrn(N-1) = '0' and O_itrn(N-1) = '1' else
90 -- Will overflow if a pos value is subtracted from a neg value gives a pos result
91 '1' when ctrl = "1011" and A_itrn(N-1) = '1' and B_itrn(N-1) = '0' and O_itrn(N-1) = '0' else
92 -- Will overflow if a neg value is subtracted from a pos value gives a neg result
93 '1' when ctrl = "1011" and A_itrn(N-1) = '0' and B_itrn(N-1) = '1' and O_itrn(N-1) = '1'
95 -- If none of the above are true then the result hasn't overflown
96 else '0';
98 -- Other flags
99 flags(6) <= '1' when O_itrn >= 0 else '0'; -- grater than or equal to zero
100 flags(5) <= '1' when O_itrn <= 0 else '0'; -- less than or equal to zero
101 flags(4) <= '1' when O_itrn > 0 else '0'; -- grater than zero
102 flags(3) <= '1' when O_itrn < 0 else '0'; -- less than zero
103 flags(2) <= '1' when O_itrn = 1 else '0'; -- one flag
104 flags(1) <= '1' when O_itrn /= 0 else '0'; -- not zero flag
105 flags(0) <= '1' when O_itrn = 0 else '0'; -- zero flag
108 end Behavioral;