1 #name
: MIPS16 interlinking
for local functions
2 #source
: mips16
4 #ld
: -Ttext
0x20000000 -e caller1
7 Disassembly of section \
10 20000000: 03e00008 jr ra
11 20000004: 00000000 nop
14 20000008: 03e00008 jr ra
15 2000000c
: 00000000 nop
22 20000014: 03e00008 jr ra
23 20000018: 00000000 nop
26 2000001c
: 03e00008 jr ra
27 20000020: 00000000 nop
34 20000028: 03e00008 jr ra
35 2000002c
: 00000000 nop
38 20000030: 03e00008 jr ra
39 20000034: 00000000 nop
46 2000003c
: 0c000000 jal
20000000 <f1
47 20000040: 00000000 nop
48 20000044: 0c000005 jal
20000014 <f2
49 20000048: 00000000 nop
50 2000004c
: 0c000002 jal
20000008 <g1
51 20000050: 00000000 nop
52 20000054: 0c000007 jal
53 20000058: 00000000 nop
54 2000005c
: 0c000024 jal
20000090 <stub_for_h1
55 20000060: 00000000 nop
56 20000064: 0c000028 jal
57 20000068: 00000000 nop
60 2000006c
: 1c00
0030 jalx
62 20000072: 1c00
0038 jalx
64 20000078: 1c00
0034 jalx
200000d0 <stub_for_g1
66 2000007e
: 1c00
003c jalx
200000f0 <stub_for_g2
68 20000084: 1800 0004 jal
20000010 <h1
70 2000008a
: 1800 0009 jal
20000024 <h2
73 20000090 <stub_for_h1
74 20000090: 3c012000 lui at
75 20000094: 24210011 addiu at
76 20000098: 00200008 jr at
77 2000009c
: 00000000 nop
79 200000a0
80 200000a0
: 3c012000 lui at
81 200000a4
: 24210025 addiu at
82 200000a8
: 00200008 jr at
83 200000ac
: 00000000 nop
85 # This isn
't actually called, but is referenced from the .pdr section.
86 200000b0 <stub_for_h3>:
87 200000b0: 3c012000 lui at,0x2000
88 200000b4: 24210039 addiu at,at,57
89 200000b8: 00200008 jr at
90 200000bc: 00000000 nop
92 200000c0 <stub_for_f1>:
93 200000c0: 3c012000 lui at,0x2000
94 200000c4: 24210000 addiu at,at,0
95 200000c8: 00200008 jr at
96 200000cc: 00000000 nop
98 200000d0 <stub_for_g1>:
99 200000d0: 3c012000 lui at,0x2000
100 200000d4: 24210008 addiu at,at,8
101 200000d8: 00200008 jr at
102 200000dc: 00000000 nop
104 200000e0 <stub_for_f2>:
105 200000e0: 3c012000 lui at,0x2000
106 200000e4: 24210014 addiu at,at,20
107 200000e8: 00200008 jr at
108 200000ec: 00000000 nop
110 200000f0 <stub_for_g2>:
111 200000f0: 3c012000 lui at,0x2000
112 200000f4: 2421001c addiu at,at,28
113 200000f8: 00200008 jr at
114 200000fc: 00000000 nop