Fix build on karmic: Work around Python/tar bug
[nacl-build.git] /
1 # Copyright (C) Cmed Ltd, 2008, 2009
3 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
4 # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
5 # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the
6 # License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
9 # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
11 # Lesser General Public License for more details.
13 # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
14 # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
15 # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
16 # 02110-1301, USA.
18 import errno
19 import os
20 import pprint
21 import signal
22 import subprocess
23 import time
26 def read_file(filename):
27 fh = open(filename, "r")
28 try:
29 return
30 finally:
31 fh.close()
34 def write_file(filename, data):
35 fh = open(filename, "w")
36 try:
37 fh.write(data)
38 finally:
39 fh.close()
42 class CommandFailedError(Exception):
44 def __init__(self, message, rc):
45 Exception.__init__(self, message)
46 self.rc = rc
49 class BasicEnv(object):
51 def cmd(self, args, do_wait=True, fork=True, **kwargs):
52 if fork:
53 process = subprocess.Popen(args, **kwargs)
54 if do_wait:
55 rc = process.wait()
56 if rc != 0:
57 raise CommandFailedError(
58 "Command failed with return code %i: %s" % (rc, args),
59 rc)
60 return process
61 else:
62 # TODO: support other keyword args
63 assert len(kwargs) == 0, kwargs
64 os.execvp(args[0], args)
67 def call(args, **kwargs):
68 return BasicEnv().cmd(args, **kwargs)
71 class VerboseWrapper(object):
73 def __init__(self, env):
74 self._env = env
76 def cmd(self, args, **kwargs):
77 pprint.pprint(args)
78 return self._env.cmd(args, **kwargs)
81 class PrefixCmdEnv(object):
83 def __init__(self, prefix_cmd, env):
84 self._prefix_cmd = prefix_cmd
85 self._env = env
87 def cmd(self, args, **kwargs):
88 return self._env.cmd(self._prefix_cmd + args, **kwargs)
91 def in_dir(dir_path):
92 return ["sh", "-c", 'cd "$1" && shift && exec "$@"',
93 "inline_chdir_script", dir_path]
96 def write_file_cmd(filename, data):
97 return ["sh", "-c", 'echo -n "$1" >"$2"', "inline_script", data, filename]
100 def append_file_cmd(filename, data):
101 return ["sh", "-c", 'echo -n "$1" >>"$2"', "inline_script", data, filename]
104 def clean_environ_except_home_env(env):
105 # Resets everything except HOME, so make sure wrapped env sets
106 # HOME correctly (e.g. sudo -H).
107 path = "PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
108 return PrefixCmdEnv(
109 ["sh", "-c", 'env -i HOME="$HOME" %s "$@"' % path,
110 "clean_environ_env"], env)
113 def set_environ_vars_env(vars, env):
114 return PrefixCmdEnv(["env"] + ["%s=%s" % (key, value)
115 for key, value in vars], env)
118 def get_all_mounts():
119 fh = open("/proc/mounts", "r")
120 for line in fh:
121 parts = line.split()
122 yield parts[1]
123 fh.close()
126 def is_mounted(path):
127 return os.path.realpath(path) in list(get_all_mounts())
130 def is_path_below(parent, child):
131 parent = parent.rstrip("/")
132 child = child.rstrip("/")
133 return parent == child or child.startswith(parent + "/")
136 DELETED_SUFFIX = "\\040(deleted)"
139 def get_mounts_below(pathname):
140 prefix = os.path.realpath(pathname)
141 for mount_path in get_all_mounts():
142 # The 2.6.22-14 kernel on our buildbot machine seems to add
143 # this to lines in /proc/mounts if the source directory of the
144 # bind mount gets deleted.
145 if mount_path.endswith(DELETED_SUFFIX):
146 mount_path = mount_path[:-len(DELETED_SUFFIX)]
147 if is_path_below(prefix, mount_path):
148 yield mount_path
151 def unmount_below(as_root, dir_path):
152 # When you use "mount --rbind", you can end up with bind mounts
153 # under bind mounts, such as /dev and /dev/pts. The latter needs
154 # to get unmounted first, so sort longest first.
155 mounts = sorted(get_mounts_below(dir_path), key=len, reverse=True)
156 for mount_path in mounts:
157 as_root.cmd(["umount", mount_path])
160 def mount_proc(root_env, chroot_dir):
161 proc_path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, "proc")
162 if not is_mounted(proc_path):
163 root_env.cmd(["mount", "-t", "proc", "proc", proc_path])
166 def bind_mount_dev_log(root_env, chroot_dir):
167 # Needed for logging to work inside a chroot
168 devlog_path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, "dev", "log")
169 if not is_mounted(devlog_path):
170 root_env.cmd(["touch", devlog_path])
171 root_env.cmd(["mount", "--bind", "/dev/log", devlog_path])
174 def mount_dev_pts(root_env, chroot_dir):
175 # /dev/ptmx and /dev/pts are needed for openpty() to work.
176 devpts_path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, "dev", "pts")
177 if not is_mounted(devpts_path):
178 root_env.cmd(["mount", "-t", "devpts", "devpts", devpts_path])
181 def mount_sys(root_env, chroot_dir):
182 # Needed for activitymonitor in chroots on machines without a static IP
183 sys_path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, "sys")
184 if not is_mounted(sys_path):
185 root_env.cmd(["mount", "-t", "sysfs", "sys", sys_path])
188 def bind_mount_x11(root_env, chroot_dir):
189 dest_path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, "tmp/.X11-unix")
190 if not is_mounted(dest_path):
191 root_env.cmd(["mount", "--bind", "/tmp/.X11-unix", dest_path])
194 class EnvWithHook(object):
196 # Wrapper for an environment with a hook function that gets run
197 # the first time the wrapper is used.
199 def __init__(self, hook_func, env):
200 self._hook_func = hook_func
201 self._env = env
203 def cmd(self, args, **kwargs):
204 self._hook_func()
205 self._hook_func = lambda: None
206 return self._env.cmd(args, **kwargs)
209 def chroot_env(chroot_dir, as_root, environ_vars,
210 do_forward_x11=False, do_forward_ssh_agent=False):
211 def hook():
212 # This reads the local /proc/mounts so will not work properly
213 # if as_root is remote.
214 mount_proc(as_root, chroot_dir)
215 mount_sys(as_root, chroot_dir)
216 bind_mount_dev_log(as_root, chroot_dir)
217 mount_dev_pts(as_root, chroot_dir)
218 if do_forward_x11:
219 bind_mount_x11(as_root, chroot_dir)
220 as_root.cmd(["bash", "-c",
221 """\
222 xauth nlist | HOME=/root env -u XAUTHORITY chroot "$1" xauth nmerge -""",
223 "inline_chroot_script", chroot_dir])
224 if do_forward_ssh_agent:
225 forward_ssh_agent(as_root, environ_vars, chroot_dir)
226 after_hook = EnvWithHook(hook, as_root)
227 if do_forward_x11:
228 # Unset XAUTHORITY so that it is treated as defaulting to
229 # $HOME/.Xauthority.
230 return PrefixCmdEnv(["env", "-u", "XAUTHORITY", "HOME=/root",
231 "chroot", chroot_dir], after_hook)
232 else:
233 return PrefixCmdEnv(["chroot", chroot_dir], after_hook)
236 # "user" is a string to pass to sudo, or None for root.
237 def chroot_and_sudo_env(chroot_dir, as_root, environ_vars,
238 user, do_forward_x11, do_forward_ssh_agent):
239 in_chroot = chroot_env(chroot_dir, as_root, environ_vars,
240 do_forward_x11=do_forward_x11,
241 do_forward_ssh_agent=do_forward_ssh_agent)
242 if user is not None:
243 if do_forward_x11:
244 in_chroot = xsudo_env(user, in_chroot)
245 else:
246 in_chroot = PrefixCmdEnv(["sudo", "-H", "-u", user], in_chroot)
247 in_chroot = clean_environ_except_home_env(in_chroot)
248 vars_to_keep = {}
249 if do_forward_x11 and "DISPLAY" in environ_vars:
250 vars_to_keep["DISPLAY"] = environ_vars["DISPLAY"]
251 if do_forward_ssh_agent and "SSH_AUTH_SOCK" in environ_vars:
252 vars_to_keep["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"] = environ_vars["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"]
253 return set_environ_vars_env(vars_to_keep.items(), in_chroot)
256 def xsudo_env(user_name, env):
257 # This copies all Xauthority entries across (using nlist) instead
258 # of just the one for DISPLAY (which would use nextract).
259 # "xauth nextract" has a bug when used with TCP displays of the
260 # form "localhost:N".
261 return PrefixCmdEnv(["bash", "-c", """
262 set -e
263 function my_sudo {
264 sudo -H -p "Password to get from %u to %U on %H: " -u '"""+user_name+"""' "$@"
266 xauth nlist | my_sudo xauth nmerge -
267 my_sudo "$@"
268 """, "inline_sudo_script"], env)
271 def bash_login_env(env):
272 # This is useful when running a command directly without starting
273 # up an interactive shell, assuming that ~/.bash_profile or
274 # ~/.bashrc are responsible for setting PYTHONPATH etc.
276 # This is loosely equivalent to "bash --login", which makes bash
277 # load ~/.bash_profile. This typically sets PATH to include
278 # conductor/bin. On typical ThirdPhase stations, ~/.bash_profile
279 # just sources /etc/conductor/profile.
281 # The default Ubuntu bashrc exits early if PS1 is not set; we set
282 # PS1 as a workaround. (bash sets PS1 when started in interactive
283 # mode; it unsets PS1 when started in non-interactive mode.)
284 return PrefixCmdEnv(
285 ["bash", "-c", """
286 PS1="$ "
287 if [ -f ~/.bash_profile ]
288 then
289 source ~/.bash_profile
290 else
291 source ~/.profile
293 exec "$@"
294 """,
295 "inline_shell_script"], env)
298 def setup_sudo(as_root, username):
299 # Warning: this overwrites your sudo config
300 as_root.cmd(write_file_cmd("/etc/sudoers", """\
301 root ALL=(ALL) ALL
303 """ % username))
306 def make_relative_to_root(path):
307 assert path.startswith("/")
308 return path.lstrip("/")
311 def bind_mount(as_root, chroot_dir, abs_path):
312 path = make_relative_to_root(abs_path)
313 dest_path = os.path.join(chroot_dir, path)
314 if not is_mounted(dest_path):
315 as_root.cmd(["mkdir", "-p", dest_path])
316 as_root.cmd(["mount", "--bind", os.path.join("/", path), dest_path])
319 def forward_ssh_agent(as_root, environ, chroot_dir):
320 path = os.path.dirname(environ["SSH_AUTH_SOCK"])
321 bind_mount(as_root, chroot_dir, path)
324 def disable_daemons(as_root):
325 as_root.cmd(write_file_cmd("/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d", "#!/bin/sh\nexit 101"))
326 as_root.cmd(["chmod", "+x", "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"])
329 def reenable_daemons(as_root):
330 as_root.cmd(["rm", "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d"])
333 class Process(object):
335 def __init__(self, pid):
336 self._pid = pid
337 try:
338 args = read_file(
339 os.path.join("/proc/%i/cmdline" % pid)).split("\0")
340 except (OSError, IOError), e:
341 if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
342 # The process may have exited
343 args = None
344 else:
345 raise
346 if args is not None and args[-1] == "":
347 # There is usually a useless trailing \0 in the cmdline
348 # file, with the exception of /sbin/init and some programs
349 # that modify their argv such as avahi-daemon.
350 args.pop()
351 self._cmdline = args
352 try:
353 self._root_dir = os.readlink(os.path.join("/proc/%i/root" % pid))
354 except (OSError, IOError), e:
355 if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
356 # * If the process terminates, /proc/$pid will not exist
357 # * readlink can fail with ENOENT even if /proc/$pid/root shows
358 # up in listdir
359 self._root_dir = None
360 elif e.errno == errno.EACCES:
361 # If we don't own the process we probably will not be
362 # allowed to read this
363 self._root_dir = None
364 else:
365 raise
367 def get_pid(self):
368 return self._pid
370 def get_cmdline(self):
371 return self._cmdline
373 def get_root_dir(self):
374 return self._root_dir
376 def kill(self, signal_number):
377 """Send the specified signal to the specified process
379 Returns True if the signal was sent succesfully and False if the
380 specified process did not exist at the time of the attempt.
382 try:
383 os.kill(self._pid, signal_number)
384 except OSError, e:
385 if e.errno == errno.ESRCH:
386 return False
387 else:
388 raise
389 else:
390 return True
393 def list_processes():
394 for pid_string in os.listdir("/proc"):
395 try:
396 pid = int(pid_string)
397 except ValueError:
398 pass
399 else:
400 yield Process(pid)
403 def find_chrooted(chroot):
404 chroot_realpath = os.path.realpath(chroot)
405 for proc in list_processes():
406 if (proc.get_root_dir() is not None
407 and is_path_below(chroot_realpath, proc.get_root_dir())):
408 yield proc
411 def kill_chrooted(chroot):
412 found = set()
413 while True:
414 procs = list(find_chrooted(chroot))
415 if len(procs) == 0:
416 break
417 for proc in procs:
418 if proc.get_pid() not in found:
419 print "killing process running in chroot:", \
420 proc.get_pid(), proc.get_cmdline()
421 found.add(proc.get_pid())
422 proc.kill(signal.SIGKILL)
423 time.sleep(0.5)