2 -- Configuration file is written in lua
3 -- Long comments can be done with --[[ and ended with ]] (or ]]--).
6 -- Data file. Should have the actual ndata file in the path.
13 --fsaa = 8 -- Full Scene Anti Aliasing
14 --vsync = false -- Syncronize rendering to vertical refresh rate
15 --vbo = true -- Enable/Disable Vertex Buffer Objects
20 --width = 800 -- Window width.
21 --height = 600 -- Window height.
22 --fullscreen = false -- Whether or not to use fullscreen.
23 --scalefactor = 1. -- Scale factor of the screen. 2. would make screen twice as big.
28 --showfps = false -- Whether or not to display them on screen.
29 --maxfps = 200 -- 0 is unlimited fps
34 --zoom_min = 0.5 -- Maximum zoom to go to (zoom out)
35 --zoom_max = 1. -- Minimum zoom to go to (zoom in)
36 --zoom_speed = 0.25 -- Maximum zoom speed change
37 --afterburn_sensitivity = 250 -- ms between accel taps to trigger afterburner
49 -- can be by id number or substring of joystick name
50 --joystick = nil -- default is no joystick
52 --joystick = "Precision"
58 -- * type can be keyboard, jaxispos, jaxisneg or jbutton
59 -- * keyboard has the key refer to the keyboard which can be by keysym or name.
60 - You can get the keysym on linux with xev.
61 -- * jaxispos Refers to positive axis. In the case the key supports absolute
62 -- usage, it'll use absolute value, otherwise it'll act like a button.
63 -- key should be the axis number.
64 -- * jaxisneg Refers to the negative values on the axis, works like jaxispos.
65 -- * jbutton Button on joystick, key should be the button number.
67 -- * key depends on what the type is.
69 -- * mod is only used in the case of keyboard and indicates modifier. Valid modifiers
70 -- are none, any, lctrl, rctrl, lshift, rshift, lmeta, rmeta, lalt, ralt.
71 -- By default none is used.
75 --accel = { type = "keyboard", key = "up", mod = "any" }
76 --left = { type = "keyboard", key = "left", mod = "any" }
77 --right = { type = "keyboard", key = "right", mod = "any" }
78 --reverse = { type = "keyboard", key = "down", mod = "any" }
79 --afterburn = { type = "keyboard", key = 0 }
82 --target_next = { type = "keyboard", key = "tab" }
83 --target_prev = { type = "keyboard", key = "tab", mod = "lctrl" }
84 --target_nearest = { type = "keyboard", key = "T" }
85 --target_nextHostile = { type = "keyboard", key = "R", mod = "lctrl" }
86 --target_prevHostile = { type = "keyboard", key = 0 }
87 --target_hostile = { type = "keyboard", key = "R" }
90 --primary = { type = "keyboard", key = "space", mod = "any" }
91 --face = { type = "keyboard", key = "A" }
92 --board = { type = "keyboard", key = "B" }
93 --safety = { type = "keyboard", key = "S", mod = "lctrl" }
96 --weap_all = { type = "keyboard", key = "1" }
97 --weap_turret = { type = "keyboard", key = "2" }
98 --weap_forward = { type = "keyboard", key = "3" }
100 -- Secondary weapons.
101 --secondary = { type = "keyboard", key = "left shift", mod = "any" }
102 --secondary_next = { type = "keyboard", key = "W" }
103 --secondary_prev = { type = "keyboard", key = "W", mod = "lctrl" }
106 --e_targetNext = { type = "keyboard", key = "E" }
107 --e_targetPrev = { type = "keyboard", key = "E", mod = "lctrl" }
108 --e_attack = { type = "keyboard", key = "F" }
109 --e_hold = { type = "keyboard", key = "G" }
110 --e_return = { type = "keyboard", key = "C", mod = "lctrl" }
111 --e_clear = { type = "keyboard", key = "C" }
114 --autonav = { type = "keyboard", key = "J", mod = "lctrl" }
115 --target_planet = { type = "keyboard", key = "P" }
116 --land = { type = "keyboard", key = "L" }
117 --thyperspace = { type = "keyboard", key = "H" }
118 --starmap = { type = "keyboard", key = "M" }
119 --jump = { type = "keyboard", key = "J" }
122 --hail = { type = "keyboard", key = "Y" }
125 --mapzoomin = { type = "keyboard", key = "[+]", mod = "any" }
126 --mapzoomout = { type = "keyboard", key = "[-]", mod = "any" }
127 --screenshot = { type = "keyboard", key = "[*]", mod = "any" }
128 --pause = { type = "keyboard", key = "Z" }
129 --speed = { type = "keyboard", key = "`", mod = "any" }
130 --menu = { type = "keyboard", key = "escape", mod = "any" }
131 --info = { type = "keyboard", key = "I" }
132 --console = { type = "keyboard", key = "f2" }