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[naev.git] / dat / outfit.xml
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <Outfits>
3 <!-- Short Range Weapons -->
4  <outfit name="Laser Cannon">
5   <general>
6    <slot>high</slot>
7    <tech>2</tech>
8    <mass>5</mass>
9    <price>5000</price>
10    <description>The laser cannon is a standard weapon on many vessels. It fires charged energy beams that do a decent amount of damage to both shield and armour, while remaining efficient enough to mount several even on small ships.</description>
11    <gfx_store>laser</gfx_store>
12    </general>
13   <specific type="bolt">
14    <cpu>4</cpu>
15    <gfx>laserred</gfx>
16    <sound>laser</sound>
17    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
18    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
19    <delay>900</delay>
20    <speed>550</speed>
21    <range>420</range>
22    <falloff>252</falloff>
23    <accuracy>18</accuracy>
24    <energy>4.25</energy>
25    <damage type="energy">7.5</damage>
26   </specific>
27  </outfit>
28  <outfit name="Laser Cannon MK2">
29   <general>
30    <slot>high</slot>
31    <tech>6</tech>
32    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
33    <mass>9</mass>
34    <price>15000</price>
35    <description>A new offering developed from the newly declassified Ripper MK2 specifications, the mark 2 laser cannon improves on the original in many ways. Featuring increased range and greater firepower while only moderately increasing power demands, it's become a favourite civilian armament.</description>
36    <gfx_store>laser2</gfx_store>
37    </general>
38   <specific type="bolt">
39    <cpu>8</cpu>
40    <gfx>laser2</gfx>
41    <sound>laser</sound>
42    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
43    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
44    <delay>900</delay>
45    <speed>550</speed>
46    <range>450</range>
47    <falloff>270</falloff>
48    <gfx_end>laser2-end</gfx_end>
49    <accuracy>18</accuracy>
50    <energy>8.87</energy>
51    <damage type="energy">12.5</damage>
52   </specific>
53  </outfit>
54  <outfit name="Laser Turret">
55   <general>
56    <slot>high</slot>
57    <tech>4</tech>
58    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
59    <mass>20</mass>
60    <price>25000</price>
61    <description>A pair of laser cannons mounted on a rotating turret, providing excellent point-defense capabilities. With a full 360 degrees of rotation, laser turrets provide affordable, energy-efficient firepower to less manoeuvrable ships.</description>
62    <gfx_store>laserturret</gfx_store>
63   </general>
64   <specific type="turret bolt">
65    <cpu>16</cpu>
66    <gfx>laserred</gfx>
67    <sound>laser</sound>
68    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
69    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
70    <delay>540</delay>
71    <speed>550</speed>
72    <range>420</range>
73    <falloff>252</falloff>
74    <accuracy>18</accuracy>
75    <energy>6.12</energy>
76    <damage type="energy">8.1</damage>
77   </specific>
78  </outfit>
79  <outfit name="Laser Turret MK2">
80  <general>
81    <slot>high</slot>
82    <tech>6</tech>
83    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
84    <mass>35</mass>
85    <price>45000</price>
86    <description>A pair of mark 2 laser cannons mounted on a rotating turret, providing excellent point-defense capabilities. This new offering has quickly won the hearts of high-value traders for its superior firepower and range, easily warding off most pirates.</description>
87    <gfx_store>laserturret2</gfx_store>
88   </general>
89   <specific type="turret bolt">
90    <cpu>28</cpu>
91    <gfx>laser2</gfx>
92    <sound>laser</sound>
93    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
94    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
95    <delay>540</delay>
96    <speed>550</speed>
97    <range>450</range>
98    <falloff>270</falloff>
99    <gfx_end>laser2-end</gfx_end>
100    <accuracy>18</accuracy>
101    <energy>12.75</energy>
102    <damage type="energy">13.5</damage>
103   </specific>
104  </outfit>
105  <outfit name="Plasma Blaster">
106   <general>
107    <slot>high</slot>
108    <tech>3</tech>
109    <mass>7</mass>
110    <price>9000</price>
111    <description>Highly volatile, the plasma blaster is among the best choices for fast attacks. As a result of its volatility, it is a potent weapon against both shields and armour, though it is known for dissipating quickly after being fired.</description>
112    <gfx_store>plasma</gfx_store>
113   </general>
114   <specific type="bolt">
115    <cpu>5</cpu>
116    <gfx>plasma</gfx>
117    <sound>plasma</sound>
118    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
119    <spfx_armour>PlaS</spfx_armour>
120    <delay>675</delay>
121    <speed>450</speed>
122    <range>350</range>
123    <falloff>210</falloff>
124    <accuracy>25</accuracy>
125    <energy>3.75</energy>
126    <damage type="energy">7.5</damage>
127   </specific>
128 </outfit>
129  <outfit name="Plasma Blaster MK2">
130   <general>
131    <slot>high</slot>
132    <tech>3</tech>
133    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
134    <mass>13</mass>
135    <price>18000</price>
136    <description>The mark 2 plasma blaster improves on its predecessor in many ways, maintaining good energy efficiency while augmenting range and firepower. Though intended primarily for military use, many have found their way to pirate hands.</description>
137    <gfx_store>plasma2</gfx_store>
138   </general>
139   <specific type="bolt">
140    <cpu>10</cpu>
141    <gfx>plasma2</gfx>
142    <sound>plasma</sound>
143    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
144    <spfx_armour>PlaS2</spfx_armour>
145    <delay>675</delay>
146    <speed>450</speed>
147    <range>375</range>
148    <falloff>225</falloff>
149    <gfx_end>plasma2-end</gfx_end>
150    <accuracy>25</accuracy>
151    <energy>7.5</energy>
152    <damage type="energy">12</damage>
153   </specific>
154 </outfit>
155  <outfit name="Neutron Disruptor">
156   <general>
157    <slot>high</slot>
158    <tech>9999</tech>
159    <mass>12</mass>
160    <price>45000</price>
161    <license>Heavy Weapon License</license>
162    <description>The Neutron Disruptor uses high-energy pulses that modify the base composition of molecules, causing heavy damage. This weapon was first popular with the Collective, as until recently, firing it would produce radiation lethal to humans aboard the ship.</description>
163    <gfx_store>neutron</gfx_store>
164   </general>
165   <specific type="bolt">
166    <cpu>10</cpu>
167    <gfx>neutron</gfx>
168    <sound>neutron</sound>
169    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
170    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
171    <delay>900</delay>
172    <speed>650</speed>
173    <range>420</range>
174    <falloff>252</falloff>
175    <gfx_end>neutron-end</gfx_end>
176    <accuracy>15</accuracy>
177    <energy>13.75</energy>
178    <damage type="energy">15</damage>
179   </specific>
180  </outfit>
181 <!-- Medium Range Weapons -->
182  <outfit name="Ion Cannon">
183   <general>
184    <slot>high</slot>
185    <tech>7</tech>
186    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
187    <mass>10</mass>
188    <price>20000</price>
189    <description>Ion pulses were designed to deactivate shields and complement radiation weaponry, which had been rendered useless in combat by shields. However, they were extremely effective against both armour and shields, supplanting radiation weaponry. With the latest generation of shields and armour materials, ion pulses are no longer as devastating.</description>
190    <gfx_store>ioncannon</gfx_store>
191   </general>
192   <specific type="bolt">
193    <cpu>7</cpu>
194    <gfx>ion</gfx>
195    <sound>ion</sound>
196    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
197    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
198    <delay>1440</delay>
199    <speed>500</speed>
200    <range>560</range>
201    <falloff>392</falloff>
202    <gfx_end>ion-end</gfx_end>
203    <accuracy>13</accuracy>
204    <energy>15</energy>
205    <damage type="ion">18.8</damage>
206   </specific>
207  </outfit>
208  <outfit name="Heavy Ion Turret">
209   <general>
210    <slot>high</slot>
211    <tech>11</tech>
212    <mass>42</mass>
213    <license>Heavy Weapon License</license>
214    <price>75000</price>
215    <description>The heavy ion turret uses a more powerful generator for each of its two ion cannons, giving each more punch than a lone ion cannon. The drawback is that this increases the power consumption considerably. Given their intended mounting on capital ships, their power consumption is eclipsed by the firepower they provide.</description>
216    <gfx_store>ionturret</gfx_store>
217   </general>
218   <specific type="turret bolt">
219    <cpu>34</cpu>
220    <gfx>ion</gfx>
221    <sound>ion</sound>
222    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
223    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
224    <delay>765</delay>
225    <speed>500</speed>
226    <range>560</range>
227    <falloff>392</falloff>
228    <gfx_end>ion-end</gfx_end>
229    <accuracy>7</accuracy>
230    <energy>25</energy>
231    <damage type="ion">22.5</damage>
232   </specific>
233  </outfit>
234  <outfit name="40mm Autocannon">
235   <general>
236    <slot>high</slot>
237    <tech>4</tech>
238    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
239    <mass>15</mass>
240    <price>25000</price>
241    <description>Though the autocannon's design originated many centuries ago, it has remained in service as an effective, if somewhat primitive design. The hail of high-explosive shells it unleashes decimates armour while remaining useful against modern shields.</description>
242    <gfx_store>gatling</gfx_store>
243   </general>
244   <specific type="bolt">
245    <cpu>8</cpu>
246    <gfx>autocannon</gfx>
247    <sound>autocannon</sound>
248    <sound_hit>medexp0</sound_hit>
249    <spfx_shield>ExpS</spfx_shield>
250    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
251    <delay>1440</delay>
252    <speed>500</speed>
253    <range blowup="armour">450</range>
254    <accuracy>12</accuracy>
255    <energy>25</energy>
256    <damage type="kinetic">30</damage>
257   </specific>
258  </outfit>
259 <!-- Long Range Weapons -->
260  <outfit name="150mm Railgun">
261   <general>
262    <slot>high</slot>
263    <tech>8</tech>
264    <license>Heavy Weapon License</license>
265    <mass>20</mass>
266    <price>55000</price>
267    <description>The railgun is a cannon that uses heavy magnetic pulses to accelerate pieces of debris to extremely high velocities. The impact caused by the pieces of debris can tear apart even the strongest ship hulls.</description>
268    <gfx_store>railgun</gfx_store>
269   </general>
270   <specific type="bolt">
271    <cpu>16</cpu>
272    <gfx>mass</gfx>
273    <sound>mass</sound>
274    <sound_hit>medexp0</sound_hit>
275    <spfx_shield>ShiM</spfx_shield>
276    <spfx_armour>ExpM</spfx_armour>
277    <delay>1980</delay>
278    <speed>650</speed>
279    <range>800</range>
280    <falloff>600</falloff>
281    <gfx_end>mass-end</gfx_end>
282    <accuracy>10</accuracy>
283    <energy>52.5</energy>
284    <damage type="kinetic">43.75</damage>
285   </specific>
286  </outfit>
287   <outfit name="150mm Railgun Turret">
288   <general>
289    <slot>high</slot>
290    <tech>11</tech>
291    <mass>60</mass>
292    <license>Heavy Weapon License</license>
293    <price>190000</price>
294    <description>While one 150mm railgun is a formidable weapon, the ultimate in brute-force capital ship weaponry is the 150mm railgun turret. Mounting two railguns in a specialized turret housing, it manages to mitigate the recoil normally associated with railguns, at a slight velocity cost.</description>
295    <gfx_store>railgunturret</gfx_store>
296   </general>
297   <specific type="turret bolt">
298    <cpu>50</cpu>
299    <gfx>mass</gfx>
300    <sound>mass</sound>
301    <spfx_shield>ShiM</spfx_shield>
302    <spfx_armour>ExpM</spfx_armour>
303    <delay>1102</delay>
304    <speed>625</speed>
305    <range>720</range>
306    <falloff>540</falloff>
307    <gfx_end>mass-end</gfx_end>
308    <accuracy>10</accuracy>
309    <energy>66</energy>
310    <damage type="kinetic">46.25</damage>
311   </specific>
312  </outfit>
313  <outfit name="Ripper MK2">
314   <general>
315    <slot>high</slot>
316    <tech>11</tech>
317    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
318    <mass>12</mass>
319    <price>35000</price>
320    <description>By modulating the frequency of the basic laser, the Empire military increased its range, accuracy and destructive power. After reworking the power conduits, their efforts culminated in the devastating Ripper. Further revision to this design brought the Ripper MK2, though it still shares the original's heavy power demands.</description>
321    <gfx_store>ripper</gfx_store>
322   </general>
323   <specific type="bolt">
324    <cpu>12</cpu>
325    <gfx>ripper</gfx>390
326    <sound>ripper</sound>
327    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
328    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
329    <delay>1260</delay>
330    <speed>700</speed>
331    <range>600</range>
332    <falloff>450</falloff>
333    <gfx_end>ripper-end</gfx_end>
334    <accuracy>10</accuracy>
335    <energy>23.75</energy>
336    <damage type="energy">22.5</damage>
337   </specific>
338  </outfit>
339  <outfit name="Base Ripper MK2">
340   <general>
341    <slot>high</slot>
342    <tech>100000000</tech>
343    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
344    <mass>12</mass>
345    <price>1</price>
346    <description>Specially modified ripper for bases. Not for sale (I hope).</description>
347    <gfx_store>ripper</gfx_store>
348   </general>
349   <specific type="turret bolt">
350    <cpu>12</cpu>
351    <gfx>ripper</gfx>390
352    <sound>ripper</sound>
353    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
354    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
355    <delay>1260</delay>
356    <speed>700</speed>
357    <range>900</range>
358    <falloff>650</falloff>
359    <gfx_end>ripper-end</gfx_end>
360    <accuracy>10</accuracy>
361    <energy>23.75</energy>
362    <damage type="energy">22.5</damage>
363   </specific>
364  </outfit>
365 <!-- Beam Weapons -->
366  <outfit name="Orion Beam">
367   <general>
368    <slot>high</slot>
369    <tech>11</tech>
370    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
371    <mass>30</mass>
372    <price>184000</price>
373    <description>The Orion Beam is a fixed-mount weapon designed to be mounted on heavy fighters and up. Based on a heavily-modified, liquid-cooled laser, it's capable of bursts of continuous fire, resulting in a destructive beam.</description>
374    <gfx_store>orion</gfx_store>
375   </general>
376   <specific type="beam" secondary="1">
377    <cpu>15</cpu>
378    <delay>6000</delay>
379    <duration>3</duration>
380    <range>300</range>
381    <energy>65</energy>
382    <damage type="energy">50</damage>
383    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
384    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
385    <gfx>beam_orion</gfx>
386    <sound>beam0</sound>
387    <sound_off>beam_off0</sound_off>
388   </specific>
389  </outfit>
390  <outfit name="Ragnarok Beam">
391   <general>
392    <slot>high</slot>
393    <tech>13</tech>
394    <license>Heavy Weapon License</license>
395    <mass>140</mass>
396    <price>745000</price>
397    <description>The Ragnarok Beam is one of the most powerful beam class weapons on the market. It's designed for capital ship combat, although its extremely large payload makes it somewhat useful for clearing enemy fighters.</description>
398    <gfx_store>ragnarok</gfx_store>
399   </general>
400   <specific type="turret beam" secondary="1">
401    <cpu>80</cpu>
402    <delay>10000</delay>
403    <duration>5</duration>
404    <range>400</range>
405    <turn>35</turn>
406    <energy>200</energy>
407    <damage type="energy">150</damage>
408    <spfx_shield>ShiS</spfx_shield>
409    <spfx_armour>ExpS</spfx_armour>
410    <gfx>beam_ragnarok</gfx>
411    <sound>beam0</sound>
412    <sound_off>beam_off0</sound_off>
413   </specific>
414  </outfit>
415 <!-- Missile Weapons -->
416  <outfit name="Seeker Launcher">
417   <general>
418    <slot>high</slot>
419    <tech>4</tech>
420    <mass>10</mass>
421    <price>25000</price>
422    <description>A compact base for launching Seeker missiles, a Seeker launcher is an inexpensive way to augment a ship's ranged combat capabilities.</description>
423    <gfx_store>seekerlauncher</gfx_store>
424   </general>
425   <specific type="launcher" secondary="1">
426    <cpu>6</cpu>
427    <ammo>Seeker Missile</ammo>
428    <delay>1800</delay>
429    <amount>20</amount>
430   </specific>
431  </outfit>
432  <outfit name="Seeker Missile">
433   <general>
434    <tech>2</tech>
435    <mass>1</mass>
436    <price>400</price>
437    <description>The cheapest smart missile on the market, while it lacks advanced tracking abilities, it makes up for that with affordability and firepower in spades.</description>
438    <gfx_store>seeker</gfx_store>
439   </general>
440   <specific type="ammo">
441    <gfx>seeker</gfx>
442    <sound>seeker</sound>
443    <sound_hit>medexp1</sound_hit>
444    <spfx_shield>ExpM</spfx_shield>
445    <spfx_armour>ExpM</spfx_armour>
446    <duration blowup="armour">5</duration>
447    <lockon>0.5</lockon>
448    <thrust>400</thrust>
449    <turn>60</turn>
450    <speed>800</speed>
451    <damage type="kinetic">20</damage>
452    <ai>seek</ai>
453   </specific>
454  </outfit>
455  <outfit name="Headhunter Launcher">
456   <general>
457    <slot>high</slot>
458    <tech>5</tech>
459    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
460    <mass>12</mass>
461    <price>40000</price>
462    <description>The Headhunter launcher is one of the most-used missile launchers by the security companies. Far more reliable than Seeker missiles, Headhunters feature newer sensors and an advanced tracking system making them much better at hitting their targets.</description>
463    <gfx_store>headhunterlauncher</gfx_store>
464   </general>
465   <specific type="launcher" secondary="1">
466    <cpu>8</cpu>
467    <ammo>Headhunter Missile</ammo>
468    <delay>2000</delay>
469    <amount>15</amount>
470   </specific>
471  </outfit>
472  <outfit name="Headhunter Missile">
473   <general>
474    <tech>5</tech>
475    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
476    <mass>1</mass>
477    <price>800</price>
478    <description>Headhunters first gained fame in the crush of the Araknoid, a fearsome battle against a pirate stronghold where the Empire crushed the pirates thanks to the advanced guidance system on the Headhunter. Now used by mercenaries and bounty hunters throughout the galaxy.</description>
479    <gfx_store>headhunter</gfx_store>
480   </general>
481   <specific type="ammo">
482    <gfx>headhunter</gfx>
483    <sound>missile</sound>
484    <sound_hit>medexp0</sound_hit>
485    <spfx_shield>ExpM</spfx_shield>
486    <spfx_armour>ExpM</spfx_armour>
487    <duration blowup="armour">7</duration>
488    <lockon>0.25</lockon>
489    <resist>5</resist>
490    <thrust>325</thrust>
491    <turn>90</turn>
492    <speed>550</speed>
493    <damage type="kinetic">20</damage>
494    <ai>smart</ai>
495   </specific>
496  </outfit>
497  <outfit name="Banshee Launcher">
498   <general>
499    <slot>high</slot>
500    <tech>9</tech>
501    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
502    <mass>10</mass>
503    <price>25000</price>
504    <gfx_store>bansheelauncher</gfx_store>
505    <description>The Banshee Launcher uses a quick-action firing mechanism to be able to quickly launch the Banshee rockets. The only drawback is that this mechanism can only be used with light rockets, limiting the payload the rockets can have.</description>
506   </general>
507   <specific type="launcher" secondary="1">
508    <cpu>6</cpu>
509    <ammo>Banshee Rocket</ammo>
510    <delay>375</delay>
511    <amount>40</amount>
512   </specific>
513  </outfit>
514  <outfit name="Banshee Rocket">
515   <general>
516    <tech>6</tech>
517    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
518    <mass>0</mass>
519    <price>70</price>
520    <description>The Banshee Rocket gets its name from the wail it makes when launched. It carries an EMP payload which is very helpful when attempting to disable ships.</description>
521    <gfx_store>banshee</gfx_store>
522   </general>
523   <specific type="ammo">
524    <gfx>banshee</gfx>
525    <sound>missile</sound>
526    <sound_hit>bansheeexp</sound_hit>
527    <spfx_shield>EmpS</spfx_shield>
528    <spfx_armour>EmpS</spfx_armour>
529    <duration blowup="shield">0.8</duration>
530    <accuracy>12</accuracy>
531    <thrust>0</thrust>
532    <speed>600</speed>
533    <damage type="emp">15</damage>
534    <ai>dumb</ai>
535   </specific>
536  </outfit>
537  <outfit name="Mace Launcher">
538   <general>
539    <slot>high</slot>
540    <tech>3</tech>
541    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
542    <mass>10</mass>
543    <price>19000</price>
544    <description>A base for launching Dvaered Mace rockets.</description>
545    <gfx_store>macelauncher</gfx_store>
546   </general>
547   <specific type="launcher" secondary="1">
548    <cpu>5</cpu>
549    <ammo>Mace Rocket</ammo>
550    <delay>2000</delay>
551    <amount>10</amount>
552   </specific>
553  </outfit>
554  <outfit name="Mace Rocket">
555   <general>
556    <tech>2</tech>
557    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
558    <mass>2</mass>
559    <price>200</price>
560    <description>The Mace rocket is a very heavy, quickly-accelerating rocket designed for high speed collisions. It has little explosive payload, instead carrying a large amount of fuel to facilitate its acceleration. Most of the damage it does is derived from the impact and not the explosion.</description>
561    <gfx_store>mace</gfx_store>
562   </general>
563   <specific type="ammo">
564    <gfx>mace</gfx>
565    <sound>mace</sound>
566    <sound_hit>lrgexp0</sound_hit>
567    <spfx_shield>ExpM</spfx_shield>
568    <spfx_armour>ExpM</spfx_armour>
569    <duration blowup="armour">3</duration>
570    <thrust>300</thrust>
571    <speed>1000</speed>
572    <damage type="kinetic">44</damage>
573    <ai>dumb</ai>
574   </specific>
575  </outfit>
576  <outfit name="Caesar IV Launcher">
577   <general>
578    <slot>high</slot>
579    <tech>9</tech>
580    <license>Heavy Weapon License</license>
581    <mass>30</mass>
582    <price>120000</price>
583    <description>The launcher for the Caesar IV is quite remarkable. A new loading mechanism allows it to load and fire a missile once every 5 seconds, besting older mechanisms by a substantial margin.</description>
584    <gfx_store>caesarlauncher</gfx_store>
585   </general>
586   <specific type="launcher" secondary="1">
587    <cpu>16</cpu>
588    <ammo>Caesar IV Missile</ammo>
589    <delay>5000</delay>
590    <amount>6</amount>
591   </specific>
592  </outfit>
593  <outfit name="Caesar IV Missile">
594   <general>
595    <tech>9</tech>
596    <license>Heavy Weapon License</license>
597    <mass>3</mass>
598    <price>3000</price>
599    <description>The Caesar IV holds true to its predecessors, delivering an immense explosive payload at the expense of manoeuvrability. Its electronics are somewhat antiquated, making it a poor choice for attacking smaller ships. Its mass complicates trajectory calculations, causing the tracking module to take up to 2 seconds to initialize.</description>
600    <gfx_store>caesar</gfx_store>
601   </general>
602   <specific type="ammo">
603    <gfx>caesar</gfx>
604    <sound>mace</sound>
605    <sound_hit>lrgexp0</sound_hit>
606    <spfx_shield>ExpL</spfx_shield>
607    <spfx_armour>ExpL</spfx_armour>
608    <duration blowup="armour">12</duration>
609    <lockon>2</lockon>
610    <thrust>125</thrust>
611    <turn>20</turn>
612    <speed>350</speed>
613    <damage type="kinetic">140</damage>
614    <ai>seek</ai>
615   </specific>
616  </outfit>
617  <outfit name="Imperator Launcher">
618   <general>
619    <slot>high</slot>
620    <tech>9999</tech>
621    <license>Heavy Weapon License</license>
622    <mass>34</mass>
623    <price>160000</price>
624    <description>While the Imperator's launcher is an ugly affair (it doesn't fit any ship hull known to man), no-one will laugh at a captain fielding it, lest they be brutally removed from existence.</description>
625    <gfx_store>caesarlauncher</gfx_store>
626   </general>
627   <specific type="launcher" secondary="1">
628    <cpu>20</cpu>
629    <ammo>Imperator Missile</ammo>
630    <delay>7000</delay>
631    <amount>5</amount>
632   </specific>
633  </outfit>
634  <outfit name="Imperator Missile">
635   <general>
636    <tech>9999</tech>
637    <license>Heavy Weapon License</license>
638    <mass>3</mass>
639    <price>9000</price>
640    <description>The Imperator employs an unconventional, semi-nuclear warhead. Its destructive power is immense, but its complicated design makes it less cost-effective than the Caesar IV.</description>
641    <gfx_store>caesar</gfx_store>
642   </general>
643   <specific type="ammo">
644    <gfx>caesar</gfx>
645    <sound>mace</sound>
646    <sound_hit>lrgexp0</sound_hit>
647    <spfx_shield>ExpL</spfx_shield>
648    <spfx_armour>ExpL</spfx_armour>
649    <duration blowup="armour">12</duration>
650    <lockon>0.2</lockon>
651    <thrust>125</thrust>
652    <turn>20</turn>
653    <speed>350</speed>
654    <damage type="kinetic">300</damage>
655    <ai>seek</ai>
656   </specific>
657  </outfit>
658  <outfit name="EMP Grenade Launcher">
659   <general>
660    <slot>high</slot>
661    <tech>7</tech>
662    <mass>17</mass>
663    <price>31000</price>
664    <gfx_store>empgrenadelauncher</gfx_store>
665    <description>This launcher can fire EMP grenades in any direction using a unique internal guidance system. These are favoured by traders for escaping from pirates.</description>
666   </general>
667   <specific type="turret launcher" secondary="1">
668    <cpu>8</cpu>
669    <ammo>EMP Grenade</ammo>
670    <delay>2000</delay>
671    <amount>18</amount>
672   </specific>
673  </outfit>
674  <outfit name="EMP Grenade">
675   <general>
676    <tech>6</tech>
677    <mass>1</mass>
678    <price>300</price>
679    <gfx_store>empgrenade</gfx_store>
680    <description>This is a grenade that can be launched to unleash an electromagnetic pulse, rapidly disabling the electronics of enemy ships. Useful for taking ships alive, as the EM pulses rarely destroy the ship; leaving it floating disabled in space.</description>
681   </general>
682   <specific type="turret ammo">
683    <gfx spin="0.3">empgrenade</gfx>
684    <sound>grenadefire</sound>
685    <sound_hit>empexplode</sound_hit>
686    <spfx_shield>EmpS</spfx_shield>
687    <spfx_armour>EmpM</spfx_armour>
688    <duration blowup="shield">1.3</duration>
689    <thrust>0</thrust>
690    <speed>400</speed>
691    <damage type="emp">50</damage>
692    <ai>dumb</ai>
693   </specific>
694  </outfit>
695 <!-- Energy-Related Outfits -->
696  <outfit name="Battery">
697   <general>
698    <typename>Power Modifier</typename>
699    <slot>low</slot>
700    <tech>3</tech>
701    <mass>15</mass>
702    <price>40000</price>
703    <description>A large battery unit designed to hold 200 MJ of energy. Small enough to mount on many light vessels.</description>
704    <gfx_store>capacitor-g</gfx_store>
705   </general>
706   <specific type="modification">
707    <cpu>0</cpu>
708    <energy>200</energy>
709   </specific>
710  </outfit>
711   <outfit name="Battery II">
712   <general>
713    <typename>Power Modifier</typename>
714    <slot>low</slot>
715    <tech>3</tech>
716    <mass>60</mass>
717    <price>120000</price>
718    <description>A large battery unit designed to hold 400 MJ of energy. Ideally mounted on medium-to-large vessels.</description>
719    <gfx_store>capacitor2-g</gfx_store>
720   </general>
721   <specific type="modification">
722    <cpu>0</cpu>
723    <energy>400</energy>
724   </specific>
725  </outfit>
726   <outfit name="Battery III">
727   <general>
728    <typename>Power Modifier</typename>
729    <slot>low</slot>
730    <tech>5</tech>
731    <mass>240</mass>
732    <price>360000</price>
733    <description>A massive battery unit designed to hold 800 MJ of energy. Given the mass of this battery, it's advisable to only mount it on capital ships.</description>
734    <gfx_store>capacitor4-g</gfx_store>
735   </general>
736   <specific type="modification">
737    <cpu>0</cpu>
738    <energy>800</energy>
739   </specific>
740  </outfit>
741  <outfit name="Solar Panel">
742   <general>
743    <typename>Energy Modifier</typename>
744    <slot>low</slot>
745    <tech>5</tech>
746    <mass>3</mass>
747    <price>25000</price>
748    <description>A large panel that generates energy by collecting light and converting it into electricity. This will allow your ship to regenerate its energy supplies more quickly.</description>
749    <gfx_store>solar</gfx_store>
750   </general>
751   <specific type="modification">
752    <energy_regen>60</energy_regen>
753   </specific>
754  </outfit>
755  <outfit name="Reactor Class I">
756   <general>
757    <typename>Energy Modifier</typename>
758    <slot>medium</slot>
759    <tech>10</tech>
760    <mass>14</mass>
761    <price>170000</price>
762    <gfx_store>reactor_i</gfx_store>
763    <description>Adding a complementary reactor to your ship is a great way to get that extra energy boost you need. This does not replace the existing reactor but works alongside it and hooks up directly to the energy flux.</description>
764   </general>
765   <specific type="modification">
766    <cpu>-5</cpu>
767    <energy>20</energy>
768    <energy_regen>280</energy_regen>
769   </specific>
770  </outfit>
771  <outfit name="Reactor Class II">
772   <general>
773    <typename>Energy Modifier</typename>
774    <slot>medium</slot>
775    <tech>11</tech>
776    <mass>42</mass>
777    <price>530000</price>
778    <gfx_store>reactor_ii</gfx_store>
779    <description>The class II reactor uses a newer fusion technology than the class I, permitting it to have greater energy density. The result is a mid-sized reactor that is best used on ships with moderate energy demands.</description>
780   </general>
781   <specific type="modification">
782    <cpu>-10</cpu>
783    <energy>60</energy>
784    <energy_regen>630</energy_regen>
785   </specific>
786  </outfit>
787  <outfit name="Reactor Class III">
788   <general>
789    <typename>Energy Modifier</typename>
790    <slot>medium</slot>
791    <tech>12</tech>
792    <mass>105</mass>
793    <price>970000</price>
794    <gfx_store>reactor_iii</gfx_store>
795    <description>The immense class III reactor provides enough power for nearly anything. The technology used in this reactor is particularly groundbreaking, with the best energy density of the three reactor classes. The huge size of the class III results in it only fitting comfortably on large vessels, though its energy output would be excessive for anything less.</description>
796   </general>
797   <specific type="modification">
798    <cpu>-20</cpu>
799    <energy>180</energy>
800    <energy_regen>1420</energy_regen>
801   </specific>
802  </outfit>
803 <!-- Shield and Armour-Related Outfits -->
804  <outfit name="Shield Capacitor">
805   <general>
806    <typename>Shield Power Modifier</typename>
807    <slot>low</slot>
808    <tech>7</tech>
809    <mass>12</mass>
810    <price>60000</price>
811    <description>An enhancement for the shield power system, allowing it to resist heavier fire.</description>
812    <gfx_store>capacitor</gfx_store>
813   </general>
814   <specific type="modification">
815    <cpu>-3</cpu>
816    <shield>40</shield>
817   </specific>
818  </outfit>
819   <outfit name="Shield Capacitor II">
820   <general>
821    <typename>Shield Power Modifier</typename>
822    <slot>low</slot>
823    <tech>8</tech>
824    <mass>24</mass>
825    <price>110000</price>
826    <description>An enhancement for the shield power system, allowing it to resist heavier fire.</description>
827    <gfx_store>capacitor2</gfx_store>
828   </general>
829   <specific type="modification">
830    <cpu>-7</cpu>
831    <shield>75</shield>
832   </specific>
833  </outfit>
834  <outfit name="Shield Capacitor III">
835   <general>
836    <typename>Shield Power Modifier</typename>
837    <slot>low</slot>
838    <tech>9</tech>
839    <mass>48</mass>
840    <price>220000</price>
841    <description>An enhancement for the shield power system, allowing it to resist heavier fire.</description>
842    <gfx_store>capacitor4</gfx_store>
843   </general>
844   <specific type="modification">
845    <cpu>-14</cpu>
846    <shield>145</shield>
847   </specific>
848  </outfit>
849  <outfit name="Shield Capacitor IV">
850   <general>
851    <typename>Shield Power Modifier</typename>
852    <slot>low</slot>
853    <tech>11</tech>
854    <mass>96</mass>
855    <price>400000</price>
856    <description>An enhancement for the shield power system, allowing it to resist heavier fire.</description>
857    <gfx_store>capacitor8</gfx_store>
858   </general>
859   <specific type="modification">
860    <cpu>-29</cpu>
861    <shield>280</shield>
862   </specific>
863  </outfit>
864  <outfit name="Shield Booster">
865   <general>
866    <typename>Shield Energy Modifier</typename>
867    <slot>medium</slot>
868    <tech>10</tech>
869    <mass>5</mass>
870    <price>145000</price>
871    <description>A shield generator that feeds off the ship's main energy line. It will allow you to regenerate your shield faster and give you a small shield capacity boost, at the expense of draining some of the ship's energy.</description>
872    <gfx_store>shield</gfx_store>
873   </general>
874   <specific type="modification">
875    <cpu>-5</cpu>
876    <shield>15</shield>
877    <shield_regen>30</shield_regen>
878    <energy_regen>-50</energy_regen>
879   </specific>
880  </outfit>
881  <outfit name="Plasteel Plating">
882   <general>
883    <typename>Armour Modifier</typename>
884    <slot>low</slot>
885    <tech>6</tech>
886    <mass>15</mass>
887    <price>65000</price>
888    <gfx_store>plasteel</gfx_store>
889    <description>Plasteel was one of man's greatest improvements on materials. It's a cheap, strong armour that seems to take the best from both plastic and steel, bending easily yet keeping its incredible strength. The Second Growth was only possible with this material. Although it is no longer cutting-edge, its low price point attracts many buyers.</description>
890   </general>
891   <specific type="modification">
892    <armour_rel>5</armour_rel>
893    <mass_rel>5</mass_rel>
894   </specific>
895  </outfit>
896  <outfit name="Nanobond Plating">
897   <general>
898    <typename>Armour Modifier</typename>
899    <slot>low</slot>
900    <tech>9</tech>
901    <mass>35</mass>
902    <price>365000</price>
903    <gfx_store>nanobond</gfx_store>
904    <description>Nanobond is the successor to Plasteel. It follows the same approach but has a greatly refined manufacturing process, providing greater particle density. The result is a much more robust material, although it is substantially more expensive.</description>
905   </general>
906   <specific type="modification">
907    <armour_rel>25</armour_rel>
908    <mass_rel>15</mass_rel>
909   </specific>
910  </outfit>
911  <outfit name="Biometal Armour">
912   <general>
913    <typename>Armour Modifier</typename>
914    <slot>low</slot>
915    <tech>15</tech>
916    <mass>57</mass>
917    <price>1120000</price>
918    <gfx_store>biometal</gfx_store>
919    <description>Biometal is an armour that regenerates itself due to genetically-engineered bacteria throughout it. Due to the compartmentalization to permit bacterial life, and the difficulty of cultivating the bacteria, Biometal has greater mass than alternatives, and is the most expensive hull plating.</description>
920   </general>
921   <specific type="modification">
922    <armour_rel>20</armour_rel>
923    <armour_regen>60</armour_regen>
924    <mass_rel>20</mass_rel>
925   </specific>
926  </outfit>
927  <outfit name="Droid Repair Crew">
928   <general>
929    <typename>Armour Repair Modifier</typename>
930    <slot>medium</slot>
931    <tech>8</tech>
932    <mass>3</mass>
933    <price>430000</price>
934    <gfx_store>droid</gfx_store>
935    <description>This low maintenance droid crew will scour your ship to repair any damages caused by space hazards. They are very small and able to work both on the interior or exterior of the ship. Power is drawn from the ship to feed the robots, although the load is generally very low compared to the benefits of having a robotic repair crew.</description>
936   </general>
937   <specific type="modification">
938    <armour_regen>100</armour_regen>
939    <energy>-5</energy>
940    <energy_regen>-40</energy_regen>
941   </specific>
942  </outfit>
943 <!-- Movement-Related Outfits -->
944  <outfit name="Engine Reroute">
945   <general>
946    <typename>Manoevrability Modifier</typename>
947    <slot>low</slot>
948    <tech>9</tech>
949    <mass>0</mass>
950    <price>125000</price>
951    <description>This enhancement routes energy from the ship's energy supplies to the engine, giving the ship an increased thrust. It does not increase the ship's max speed nor turning abilities.</description>
952    <gfx_store>reroute</gfx_store>
953   </general>
954   <specific type="modification">
955    <cpu>0</cpu>
956    <thrust>3</thrust>
957    <thrust_rel>10</thrust_rel>
958    <energy_regen>-50</energy_regen>
959   </specific>
960  </outfit>
961  <outfit name="Improved Stabilizer">
962   <general>
963    <typename>Manoevrability Modifier</typename>
964    <slot>low</slot>
965    <tech>13</tech>
966    <mass>0</mass>
967    <price>135000</price>
968    <description>By improving your ship's stabilization systems drastically, this modification will allow you to reach higher speeds while still keeping the ship stable.</description>
969    <gfx_store>stabilizer</gfx_store>
970   </general>
971   <specific type="modification">
972    <cpu>-2</cpu>
973    <speed>3</speed>
974    <speed_rel>15</speed_rel>
975    <turn_rel>3</turn_rel>
976    <energy_regen>-10</energy_regen>
977   </specific>
978  </outfit>
979  <outfit name="Steering Thrusters">
980   <general>
981    <typename>Manoevrability Modifier</typename>
982    <slot>low</slot>
983    <tech>13</tech>
984    <mass>0</mass>
985    <price>130000</price>
986    <description>With the addition of several additional steering thrusters, you can increase your ship's turning rate. A favourite among fighter pilots.</description>
987    <gfx_store>thruster</gfx_store>
988   </general>
989   <specific type="modification">
990    <cpu>0</cpu>
991    <turn>5</turn>
992    <turn_rel>10</turn_rel>
993    <energy_regen>-10</energy_regen>
994   </specific>
995  </outfit>
996  <outfit name="Generic Afterburner">
997   <general>
998    <slot>medium</slot>
999    <tech>3</tech>
1000    <mass>6</mass>
1001    <price>20000</price>
1002    <description>Being able to run from your enemies has saved many a pilot, and a generic afterburner will allow you that luxury. Though it may not be as powerful as higher-end alternatives, it makes up for that difference by entering at a much lower price point.</description>
1003    <gfx_store>afterburner</gfx_store>
1004   </general>
1005   <specific type="afterburner">
1006    <cpu>2</cpu>
1007    <rumble>0.5</rumble>
1008    <sound>afterburner</sound>
1009    <thrust>100</thrust>
1010    <speed>50</speed>
1011    <energy>60</energy>
1012   </specific>
1013  </outfit>
1014  <outfit name="Hellburner">
1015   <general>
1016    <slot>medium</slot>
1017    <tech>13</tech>
1018    <mass>10</mass>
1019    <price>95000</price>
1020    <description>The Hellburner is one of the best afterburners on the market. Through proprietary pressurization ducts, the Hellburner is able to generate far more thrust than generic alternatives, despite using only slightly more energy. A great asset to any pilot who seeks manoeuvrability and speed.</description>
1021    <gfx_store>afterburner2</gfx_store>
1022   </general>
1023   <specific type="afterburner">
1024    <cpu>6</cpu>
1025    <rumble>0.9</rumble>
1026    <sound>afterburner</sound>
1027    <thrust>185</thrust>
1028    <speed>85</speed>
1029    <energy>65</energy>
1030   </specific>
1031  </outfit>
1032   <outfit name="Auxiliary Processing Unit I">
1033   <general>
1034    <typename>CPU Modifier</typename>
1035    <slot>medium</slot>
1036    <max>1</max>
1037    <tech>8</tech>
1038    <mass>15</mass>
1039    <price>80000</price>
1040    <gfx_store>cpu_i</gfx_store>
1041    <description>The Advanced Nanosystems APU I is an obsolete design intended for light vessels. It is relatively light weight, though it's less power efficient than its successors.</description>
1042   </general>
1043   <specific type="modification">
1044    <cpu>10</cpu>
1045    <energy_regen>-200</energy_regen>
1046   </specific>
1047  </outfit>
1048  <outfit name="Auxiliary Processing Unit II">
1049   <general>
1050    <typename>CPU Modifier</typename>
1051    <slot>medium</slot>
1052    <max>1</max>
1053    <tech>10</tech>
1054    <mass>45</mass>
1055    <price>170000</price>
1056    <gfx_store>cpu_ii</gfx_store>
1057    <description>The Advanced Nanosystems APU II is a mid-range design suitable for medium-sized vessels as well as lightly-equipped capital ships. Its substantial mass and power consumption make it unsuitable for light vessels.</description>
1058   </general>
1059   <specific type="modification">
1060    <cpu>20</cpu>
1061    <energy_regen>-375</energy_regen>
1062   </specific>
1063  </outfit>
1064   <outfit name="Auxiliary Processing Unit III">
1065   <general>
1066    <typename>CPU Modifier</typename>
1067    <slot>medium</slot>
1068    <max>1</max>
1069    <tech>12</tech>
1070    <mass>120</mass>
1071    <price>360000</price>
1072    <gfx_store>cpu_iii</gfx_store>
1073    <description>The Advanced Nanosystems APU III is a high-end general-purpose processor suitable for capital ships. Its high power-efficiency is achieved by using cutting-edge superconducting materials.</description>
1074   </general>
1075   <specific type="modification">
1076    <cpu>40</cpu>
1077    <energy_regen>-725</energy_regen>
1078   </specific>
1079  </outfit>
1080 <!-- Miscellaneous Outfits (Expansion outfits, countermeasures, map.) -->
1081  <outfit name="Fuel Pod">
1082   <general>
1083    <typename>Fuel Expansion</typename>
1084    <slot>low</slot>
1085    <tech>3</tech>
1086    <mass>5</mass>
1087    <price>15000</price>
1088    <description>The fuel pod allows a ship to store more fuel for hyperspace jumps. Each pod effectively increases a ship's range by two jumps. Without these, long-range interstellar trade would slow to a crawl.</description>
1089    <gfx_store>fuel_pod</gfx_store>
1090   </general>
1091   <specific type="modification">
1092    <fuel>200</fuel>
1093   </specific>
1094  </outfit>
1095  <outfit name="Cargo Pod">
1096   <general>
1097    <typename>Cargo Expansion</typename>
1098    <slot>low</slot>
1099    <tech>6</tech>
1100    <mass>3</mass>
1101    <price>35000</price>
1102    <description>Cargo pods are large containers you can attach to dedicated weapon space allowing you to transport more cargo. The drawback is that you lose a substantial amount of weapon space and won't be able to defend your cargo as well.</description>
1103    <gfx_store>cargo_pod</gfx_store>
1104   </general>
1105   <specific type="modification">
1106    <cargo>15</cargo>
1107   </specific>
1108  </outfit>
1109  <outfit name="Targeting Array">
1110   <general>
1111    <typename>Weapon Modifier (Turret)</typename>
1112    <slot>low</slot>
1113    <tech>12</tech>
1114    <mass>15</mass>
1115    <price>125000</price>
1116    <description>An improved targeting array allows your turrets to more quickly acquire targets, and minimizes accuracy losses at range. It requires a short period to compute an ideal vector, slightly slowing firing rates.</description>
1117    <gfx_store>accuracy_turret</gfx_store>
1118   </general>
1119   <specific type="modification">
1120    <accuracy_turret>25</accuracy_turret>
1121    <firerate_turret>-10</firerate_turret>
1122   </specific>
1123  </outfit>
1124  <outfit name="Forward Shock Absorbers">
1125   <general>
1126    <typename>Weapon Modifier (Forward)</typename>
1127    <slot>low</slot>
1128    <tech>5</tech>
1129    <mass>1</mass>
1130    <price>35000</price>
1131    <description>These shock absorbers are attached to the forward mounts, isolating them from the hull and providing increased accuracy.</description>
1132    <gfx_store>accuracy_forward</gfx_store>
1133   </general>
1134   <specific type="modification">
1135    <accuracy_forward>15</accuracy_forward>
1136   </specific>
1137  </outfit>
1138  <outfit name="Power Regulation Override">
1139   <general>
1140    <typename>Weapon Modifier (Forward)</typename>
1141    <slot>low</slot>
1142    <tech>9</tech>
1143    <mass>0</mass>
1144    <price>55000</price>
1145    <description>This outfit allows your forward mounts to dump more power into the weapons, providing greatly enhanced destructive potential. Unfortunately, exceeding design specifications results in decreased accuracy.</description>
1146    <gfx_store>damage_forward</gfx_store>
1147   </general>
1148   <specific type="modification">
1149    <damage_forward>15</damage_forward>
1150    <accuracy_forward>-5</accuracy_forward>
1151    <energy_forward>5</energy_forward>
1152   </specific>
1153  </outfit>
1154  <outfit name="Improved Power Regulator">
1155   <general>
1156    <typename>Weapon Modfier (Turret)</typename>
1157    <slot>low</slot>
1158    <tech>11</tech>
1159    <mass>3</mass>
1160    <price>130000</price>
1161    <gfx_store>efficiency_turret</gfx_store>
1162    <description>Improved power regulation allows your turrets to waste less power when firing, though feeding turrets the bare minimum wattage results in a slightly decreased rate of fire.</description>
1163   </general>
1164   <specific type="modification">
1165    <firerate_turret>-5</firerate_turret>
1166    <energy_turret>-10</energy_turret>
1167   </specific>
1168  </outfit>
1169  <outfit name="Improved Refrigeration Cycle">
1170   <general>
1171    <typename>Weapon Modfier (Turret)</typename>
1172    <slot>low</slot>
1173    <tech>8</tech>
1174    <mass>5</mass>
1175    <price>90000</price>
1176    <description>By adding an auxiliary coolant reservoir, the ship can keep is able to dissipate heat more quickly, allowing it to exceed standard firing rates. The side effect of having everything cool faster is minor instabilities that end up affecting both accuracy and damage. Only the turrets are affected by this modification.</description>
1177    <gfx_store>firerate_turret</gfx_store>
1178   </general>
1179   <specific type="modification">
1180    <firerate_turret>15</firerate_turret>
1181    <accuracy_turret>-5</accuracy_turret>
1182    <damage_turret>-5</damage_turret>
1183   </specific>
1184  </outfit>
1185  <outfit name="Star Map">
1186   <general>
1187    <tech>4</tech>
1188    <mass>0</mass>
1189    <price>5000</price>
1190    <description>A star map will give you details about all systems up to 2 jumps away. It's a great risk-free way to discover parts of the universe.</description>
1191    <gfx_store>map</gfx_store>
1192   </general>
1193   <specific type="map">
1194    <radius>2</radius>
1195   </specific>
1196  </outfit>
1197  <outfit name="Civilian Jammer">
1198   <general>
1199    <slot>medium</slot>
1200    <tech>7</tech>
1201    <mass>2</mass>
1202    <price>40000</price>
1203    <description>This jammer allows you to interfere with the targeting systems of missiles headed toward you, yielding an unpredictable change in trajectory likely to miss your ship. Though it is widely used, many have derided the civilian jammer for its unreliable nature.</description>
1204    <gfx_store>jammer0</gfx_store>
1205   </general>
1206   <specific type="jammer">
1207    <cpu>4</cpu>
1208    <range>400</range>
1209    <chance>20</chance>
1210    <energy>15</energy>
1211   </specific>
1212  </outfit>
1213  <outfit name="Milspec Jammer">
1214   <general>
1215    <slot>medium</slot>
1216    <tech>13</tech>
1217    <mass>3</mass>
1218    <price>250000</price>
1219    <description>This jammer follows strict military specifications, allowing it to deflect a greater amount of missiles at longer range than the civilian counterpart. With increased functionality, it also consumes more power than the civilian variant.</description>
1220    <gfx_store>jammer1</gfx_store>
1221   </general>
1222   <specific type="jammer">
1223    <cpu>8</cpu>
1224    <range>600</range>
1225    <chance>40</chance>
1226    <energy>30</energy>
1227   </specific>
1228  </outfit>
1229 <!-- Escort Outfits -->
1230  <outfit name="Lancelot Fighter Bay">
1231   <general>
1232    <slot>high</slot>
1233    <tech>14</tech>
1234    <license>Light Combat Vessel License</license>
1235    <mass>900</mass>
1236    <price>830000</price>
1237    <gfx_store>lancelot_fighter</gfx_store>
1238    <description>This fighter bay allows your ship to carry a pair of Lancelot class fighters. It comes with all the devices required for the maintenance and flight of the fighters.</description>
1239   </general>
1240   <specific type="fighter bay" secondary="1">
1241    <cpu>60</cpu>
1242    <ammo>Lancelot Fighter</ammo>
1243    <delay>4000</delay>
1244    <amount>2</amount>
1245   </specific>
1246  </outfit>
1247  <outfit name="Lancelot Fighter">
1248   <general>
1249    <tech>12</tech>
1250    <license>Light Combat Vessel License</license>
1251    <mass>90</mass>
1252    <price>500000</price>
1253    <gfx_store>lancelot_fighter</gfx_store>
1254    <description>This is a Lancelot class fighter adapted for usage in the Lancelot Fighter Bay. It contains all the features of the standalone Lancelot with improved encrypted communication.</description>
1255   </general>
1256   <specific type="fighter">
1257    <ship>Lancelot</ship>
1258   </specific>
1259  </outfit>
1260  <outfit name="Drone Fighter Bay">
1261   <general>
1262    <slot>high</slot>
1263    <tech>9999</tech>
1264    <license>Light Combat Vessel License</license>
1265    <mass>600</mass>
1266    <price>1200000</price>
1267    <gfx_store>drone_fighter</gfx_store>
1268    <description>The Drone Fighter bay uses the advanced collective technologies to sustain a trio of Drone Fighters. Drone Fighters require no pilot making them a safer approach in dangerous situations. They do however need some careful maintenance. All the tools needed to take care of them are provided with the bay.</description>
1269   </general>
1270   <specific type="fighter bay" secondary="1">
1271    <cpu>120</cpu>
1272    <ammo>Drone Fighter</ammo>
1273    <delay>1000</delay>
1274    <amount>3</amount>
1275   </specific>
1276  </outfit>
1277  <outfit name="Drone Fighter">
1278   <general>
1279    <tech>9999</tech>
1280    <license>Light Combat Vessel License</license>
1281    <mass>15</mass>
1282    <price>700000</price>
1283    <gfx_store>drone_fighter</gfx_store>
1284    <description>The Drone is a fearsome craft using very advanced AI techniques to be able to pilot itself. The fact it doesn't need a pilot nor life support systems makes it a much smaller and compact vessel.</description>
1285   </general>
1286   <specific type="fighter">
1287    <ship>Drone</ship>
1288   </specific>
1289  </outfit>
1290 <!-- Licenses -->
1291  <outfit name="Large Civilian Vessel License">
1292   <general>
1293    <tech>7</tech>
1294    <mass>0</mass>
1295    <price>75000</price>
1296    <gfx_store>license</gfx_store>
1297    <description>This license will authorize you to buy freighter-class ships.</description>
1298   </general>
1299   <specific type="license" />
1300  </outfit>
1301  <outfit name="Medium Weapon License">
1302   <general>
1303    <tech>5</tech>
1304    <mass>0</mass>
1305    <price>50000</price>
1306    <gfx_store>license</gfx_store>
1307    <description>This license will authorize you to buy and use medium weapons like the ion cannon.</description>
1308   </general>
1309   <specific type="license" />
1310  </outfit>
1311  <outfit name="Heavy Weapon License">
1312   <general>
1313    <license>Medium Weapon License</license>
1314    <tech>9999</tech>
1315    <mass>0</mass>
1316    <price>125000</price>
1317    <gfx_store>license</gfx_store>
1318    <description>This license will authorize you to buy and use heavy weapons like the heavy ion turret.</description>
1319   </general>
1320   <specific type="license" />
1321  </outfit>
1322  <outfit name="Light Combat Vessel License">
1323   <general>
1324    <tech>9</tech>
1325    <mass>0</mass>
1326    <price>175000</price>
1327    <gfx_store>license</gfx_store>
1328    <description>This license will authorize you to buy fighter and bomber class ships.</description>
1329   </general>
1330   <specific type="license" />
1331  </outfit>
1332  <outfit name="Medium Combat Vessel License">
1333   <general>
1334    <license>Light Combat Vessel License</license>
1335    <tech>11</tech>
1336    <mass>0</mass>
1337    <price>350000</price>
1338    <gfx_store>license</gfx_store>
1339    <description>This license will authorize you to buy destroyer and corvette-class ships.</description>
1340   </general>
1341   <specific type="license" />
1342  </outfit>
1343  <outfit name="Heavy Combat Vessel License">
1344   <general>
1345    <license>Medium Combat Vessel License</license>
1346    <tech>9999</tech>
1347    <mass>0</mass>
1348    <price>900000</price>
1349    <gfx_store>license</gfx_store>
1350    <description>This license will authorize you to buy cruiser and carrier-class ships.</description>
1351   </general>
1352   <specific type="license" />
1353  </outfit>
1354 </Outfits>