1 Terms and Conditions for the use of the Netwide Assembler
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4 Can I have the gist without reading the legalese?
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7 Basically, NASM is free. You can't charge for it. You can copy it as
8 much as you like. You can incorporate it, or bits of it, into other
9 free programs if you want. (But we want to know about it if you do,
10 and we want to be mentioned in the credits.) We may well allow you
11 to incorporate it into commercial software too, but we'll probably
12 demand some money for it, and we'll certainly demand to be given
13 credit. And in extreme cases (although I can't immediately think of
14 a reason we might actually want to do this) we may refuse to let you
18 ======================
20 By "the Software" this licence refers to the complete contents of
21 the NASM archive, excluding this licence document itself, and
22 excluding the contents of the `test' directory. The Netwide
23 Disassembler, NDISASM, is specifically included under this licence.
25 I. The Software is freely redistributable; anyone may copy the
26 Software, or parts of the Software, and give away as many copies as
27 they like to anyone, as long as this licence document is kept with
28 the Software. Charging a fee for the Software is prohibited,
29 although a fee may be charged for the act of transferring a copy,
30 and you can offer warranty protection and charge a fee for that.
32 II. The Software, or parts thereof, may be incorporated into other
33 freely redistributable software (by which we mean software that may
34 be obtained free of charge) without requiring permission from the
35 authors, as long as due credit is given to the authors of the
36 Software in the resulting work, as long as the authors are informed
37 of this action, and as long as those parts of the Software that are
38 used remain under this licence.
40 III. The Software, or parts thereof, may be incorporated into other
41 software which is not freely redistributable (i.e. software for
42 which a fee is charged), as long as permission is granted from the
43 authors of the Software. The authors reserve the right to grant this
44 permission only for a fee, which may at our option take the form of
45 royalty payments. The authors also reserve the right to refuse to
46 grant permission if they deem it necessary.
48 IV. You may not copy, modify or distribute the Software except under
49 the terms given in this licence document. You may not sublicense the
50 Software or in any way place it under any other licence than this
51 one. Since you have not signed this licence, you are not of course
52 required to accept it; however, no other licence applies to the
53 Software, and nothing else grants you any permission to copy,
54 modify, sublicense or distribute the Software in any way. These
55 actions are therefore prohibited if you do not accept this licence.
57 V. There is no warranty for the Software, to the extent permitted by
58 applicable law. The authors provide the Software "as is" without
59 warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not
60 limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
61 a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and
62 performance of the Software is with you. Should the Software prove
63 defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or
66 VI. In no event, unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
67 writing, will any of the authors be liable to you for damages,
68 including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages,
69 arising out of the use or the inability to use the Software,
70 including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered
71 inaccurate or a failure of the Software to operate with any other
72 programs, even if you have been advised of the possibility of such