Add i18n comments to NACT user's manual
[nautilus-actions.git] / docs / nact / C / nact-starting.xml
1     <sect2 id="getting-started-starting">
2       <title>Starting &appname;</title>
3       <para>
4         You can start &appname; in the following ways:
5       </para>
6       <variablelist>
7         <varlistentry>
8           <term><guimenu>System</guimenu> menu</term>
9           <listitem>
10             <para>
11               Choose
12               <menuchoice>
13                 <guisubmenu>Preferences</guisubmenu>
14                 <guisubmenu>Look and Feel</guisubmenu>
15                 <guimenuitem>Nautilus-Actions Configuration Tool</guimenuitem>
16               </menuchoice>.
17             </para>
18           </listitem>
19         </varlistentry>
20         <varlistentry>
21           <term>Command line</term>
22           <listitem>
23             <para>
24               To start &appname; from a command line, type the following command:
25             </para>
26             <para>
27               <command><filename>nautilus-actions-config-tool</filename></command>
28             </para>
29             <para>
30               <!-- i18n: "Return" is a key name -->
31               then press <keycap>Return</keycap>.
32             </para>
33             <tip>
34               <para>
35                 To view available command line options, type:
36               </para>
37               <para>
38                 <command>
39                   <filename>nautilus-actions-config-tool</filename>
40                   <option>--help-all</option>
41                 </command>
42               </para>
43               <para>
44                 <!-- i18n: "Return" is a key name -->
45                 then press <keycap>Return</keycap>.
46               </para>
47             </tip>
48           </listitem>
49         </varlistentry>
50       </variablelist>
51     </sect2>
53     <sect2 id="getting-started-first-run">
54       <title>The first run</title>
55       <para>
56         When you start &appname;, the following window is displayed.
57       </para>
58       <figure id="nact-FIG-main-empty">
59         <title>&appname; Start Up Window</title>
60         <screenshot>
61           <mediaobject>
62             <imageobject>
63               <imagedata fileref="figures/nact-main-empty.png" format="PNG"/>
64             </imageobject>
65             <textobject>
66               <phrase>
67                 Shows &appname; main window.
68                 Contains menubar, toolbar, display area,
69                 an empty items list in the left, several disabled
70                 properties tabs, and statusbar.
71               </phrase>
72             </textobject>
73             <caption>
74               <para>The empty &appname; main window</para>
75             </caption>
76           </mediaobject>
77         </screenshot>
78       </figure>
80       <!-- Include any descriptions of the GUI immediately after the screenshot
81            of the main UI, for example, the items on the menubar and on the toolbar.
82            This section is optional. -->
84       <para>
85         The &appname; main window contains the following elements:
86       </para>
87       <variablelist>
88         <varlistentry>
89           <term>Menubar.</term>
90           <listitem>
91             <para>
92               The menus on the menubar contain all of the commands
93               you need to use in &appname;.
94             </para>
95             <para>
96               Shortcuts are available for some commands:
97             </para>
98             <variablelist>
99               <varlistentry>
100                 <term>
101                     <keycombo>
102                       <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
103                       <keycap>N</keycap>
104                     </keycombo>
105                 </term>
106                 <listitem>
107                   <para>
108                     Create a new action.
109                   </para>
110                 </listitem>
111               </varlistentry>
112               <varlistentry>
113                 <term>
114                     <keycombo>
115                       <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
116                       <keycap>S</keycap>
117                     </keycombo>
118                 </term>
119                 <listitem>
120                   <para>
121                     Save modified actions and menus.
122                   </para>
123                 </listitem>
124               </varlistentry>
125               <varlistentry>
126                 <term>
127                     <keycombo>
128                       <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
129                       <keycap>Q</keycap>
130                     </keycombo>
131                 </term>
132                 <listitem>
133                   <para>
134                     Quit the application.
135                   </para>
136                 </listitem>
137               </varlistentry>
138               <varlistentry>
139                 <term>
140                     <keycombo>
141                       <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
142                       <keycap>X</keycap>
143                     </keycombo>
144                 </term>
145                 <listitem>
146                   <para>
147                     Cut the current selection, keeping it in the clipboard.
148                   </para>
149                 </listitem>
150               </varlistentry>
151               <varlistentry>
152                 <term>
153                     <keycombo>
154                       <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
155                       <keycap>C</keycap>
156                     </keycombo>
157                 </term>
158                 <listitem>
159                   <para>
160                     Copy the current selection to the clipboard.
161                   </para>
162                 </listitem>
163               </varlistentry>
164               <varlistentry>
165                 <term>
166                     <keycombo>
167                       <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
168                       <keycap>V</keycap>
169                     </keycombo>
170                 </term>
171                 <listitem>
172                   <para>
173                     Insert the content of the clipboard before the current item.
174                   </para>
175                 </listitem>
176               </varlistentry>
177               <varlistentry>
178                 <term>
179                     <keycombo>
180                       <keycap>Shift</keycap>
181                       <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
182                       <keycap>V</keycap>
183                     </keycombo>
184                 </term>
185                 <listitem>
186                   <para>
187                     Insert the content of the clipboard as subitem(s) of the current item.
188                   </para>
189                 </listitem>
190               </varlistentry>
191               <varlistentry>
192                 <term>
193                     <keycombo>
194                       <keycap>Delete</keycap>
195                     </keycombo>
196                 </term>
197                 <listitem>
198                   <para>
199                     Delete the current selection.
200                   </para>
201                 </listitem>
202               </varlistentry>
203               <varlistentry>
204                 <term>
205                     <keycombo>
206                       <keycap>F5</keycap>
207                     </keycombo>
208                 </term>
209                 <listitem>
210                   <para>
211                     Reload the actions and menus.
212                   </para>
213                 </listitem>
214               </varlistentry>
215               <varlistentry>
216                 <term>
217                     <keycombo>
218                       <keycap>F1</keycap>
219                     </keycombo>
220                 </term>
221                 <listitem>
222                   <para>
223                     Display the help.
224                   </para>
225                 </listitem>
226               </varlistentry>
227             </variablelist>
228           </listitem>
229         </varlistentry>
230         <varlistentry>
231           <term>Toolbar.</term>
232           <listitem>
233             <para>
234               Several toolbars may be displayed below the menubar,
235               depending of your choices in the
236               <menuchoice>
237                 <guimenu>View</guimenu>
238                 <guimenuitem>Toolbars</guimenuitem>
239               </menuchoice> submenu.
240             </para>
241           </listitem>
242         </varlistentry>
243         <varlistentry>
244           <term>Items list.</term>
245           <listitem>
246             <para>
247               The list on the left of the main window contains all items,
248               whether they are actions or menus, currently available for
249               edition in &appname;.
250             </para>
251             <para>
252               Items may be sorted in ascending or descending alphabetical
253               order, or not sorted at all, being directly organized and
254               managed by the user.
255             </para>
256             <para>
257               Invalid items are displayed in red color.
258             </para>
259             <para>
260               Modified items are displayed in italic characters.
261             </para>
262           </listitem>
263         </varlistentry>
264         <varlistentry>
265           <term>Sort buttons</term>
266           <listitem>
267             <para>
268               Three buttons allow you to toggle between sort modes.
269             </para>
270           </listitem>
271         </varlistentry>
272         <varlistentry>
273           <term>Properties tabs.</term>
274           <listitem>
275             <para>
276               The right part of the main window displays all is needed
277               to define how, when and where actions and menus should be
278               displayed.
279             </para>
280             <variablelist>
281               <varlistentry>
282                 <term>
283                   Action/Menu
284                 </term>
285                 <listitem>
286                   <para>
287                     Define in which &nautilus; menus the item should
288                     appear, and how it will be displayed.
289                   </para>
290                 </listitem>
291               </varlistentry>
292               <varlistentry>
293                 <term>
294                   Command
295                 </term>
296                 <listitem>
297                   <para>
298                     Specify which command to execute, and which parameters
299                     pass to it.
300                   </para>
301                 </listitem>
302               </varlistentry>
303               <varlistentry>
304                 <term>
305                   Execution
306                 </term>
307                 <listitem>
308                   <para>
309                     Specify how the command should be executed.
310                   </para>
311                 </listitem>
312               </varlistentry>
313               <varlistentry>
314                 <term>
315                   Basenames
316                 </term>
317                 <listitem>
318                   <para>
319                     Define the basename filters the &nautilus; selection
320                     must satisfy in order the action or menu be candidate
321                     for display.
322                   </para>
323                 </listitem>
324               </varlistentry>
325               <varlistentry>
326                 <term>
327                   Mimetypes
328                 </term>
329                 <listitem>
330                   <para>
331                     Define the mimetype filters the &nautilus; selection
332                     must satisfy in order the action or menu be candidate
333                     for display.
334                   </para>
335                 </listitem>
336               </varlistentry>
337               <varlistentry>
338                 <term>
339                   Folders
340                 </term>
341                 <listitem>
342                   <para>
343                     Define the folder filters the &nautilus; selection
344                     must satisfy in order the action or menu be candidate
345                     for display.
346                   </para>
347                 </listitem>
348               </varlistentry>
349               <varlistentry>
350                 <term>
351                   Schemes
352                 </term>
353                 <listitem>
354                   <para>
355                     Define the scheme filters the &nautilus; selection
356                     must satisfy in order the action or menu be candidate
357                     for display.
358                   </para>
359                 </listitem>
360               </varlistentry>
361               <varlistentry>
362                 <term>
363                   Capabilities
364                 </term>
365                 <listitem>
366                   <para>
367                     Define the capability filters the &nautilus; selection
368                     must satisfy in order the action or menu be candidate
369                     for display.
370                   </para>
371                 </listitem>
372               </varlistentry>
373               <varlistentry>
374                 <term>
375                   Environment
376                 </term>
377                 <listitem>
378                   <para>
379                     Define some environment conditions the &nautilus;
380                     selection must satisfy in order the action or menu
381                     be candidate for display.
382                   </para>
383                 </listitem>
384               </varlistentry>
385               <varlistentry>
386                 <term>
387                   Properties
388                 </term>
389                 <listitem>
390                   <para>
391                     Display item properties.
392                   </para>
393                 </listitem>
394               </varlistentry>
395             </variablelist>
396           </listitem>
397         </varlistentry>
398         <varlistentry>
399           <term>Statusbar.</term>
400           <listitem>
401             <para>
402               The statusbar displays some status informations about the
403               currently selected row in the items list.
404             </para>
405             <para>
406               When no relevant information is to be displayed, the
407               statusbar displays the count of loaded menus, actions
408               and profiles.
409             </para>
410             <para>
411               <!-- i18n: "read-only" may be translated -->
412               The &laquosp;read-only&spraquo; icon 
413               <inlinegraphic fileref="figures/read-only.png" />
414               is displayed in
415               the right of the statusbar when appropriate.
416             </para>
417           </listitem>
418         </varlistentry>
419       </variablelist>
420     </sect2>
422     <sect2 id="getting-started-first-action">
423       <title>Creating your first action</title>
424       <para>
425         In this example, we are going to create an action which displays
426         some pretty informations about the current selection.
427       </para>
428       <formalpara>
429         <title>Checking for prerequisites</title>
430         <para>
431           This action will require &zenity;.
432         </para>
433       </formalpara>
434       <para>
435         &zenity; is a program which will allow you to create a graphical
436         user interface from a command-line.
437       </para>
438       <para>
439         You should check that this program
440         is installed on your system, by example by typing the following
441         command in a terminal:
442       </para>
443       <para>
444         <command>
445           <filename>zenity</filename>
446         </command>
447       </para>
448       <para>
449         then press <keycap>Return</keycap>.
450       </para>
451       <formalpara>
452         <title>Creating the action</title>
453         <para>
454           To create a new action, choose
455           <menuchoice>
456             <shortcut>
457               <keycombo>
458                 <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
459                 <keycap>N</keycap>
460               </keycombo>
461             </shortcut>
462             <guimenu>File</guimenu>
463             <guisubmenu>New action</guisubmenu>
464           </menuchoice>.
465         </para>
466       </formalpara>
467       <para>
468         A new action is inserted in the items list,
469         and its properties are displayed in the tabs on the right pane.
470       </para>
471       <para>
472         The label of the currently edited action (this one) is added
473         to the application name in the title bar.
474       </para>
475       <figure id="nact-FIG-tab-action">
476         <title>Default properties of a new action</title>
477         <screenshot>
478           <mediaobject>
479             <imageobject>
480               <imagedata fileref="figures/nact-action-tab.png" format="PNG"/>
481             </imageobject>
482             <textobject>
483               <phrase>
484                 Shows the default properties of a newly created action.
485               </phrase>
486             </textobject>
487             <caption>
488               <para>Default properties of a new action</para>
489             </caption>
490           </mediaobject>
491         </screenshot>
492       </figure>
493       <para>
494         <!-- i18n: "Items list" is a UI label -->
495         In the <guilabel>Items list</guilabel>, the new action is
496         displayed in italic characters.
497       </para>
498       <para>
499         Italics are used as a reminder that the item has not yet been
500         saved.
501       </para>
502       <para>
503         As another reminder that there is some pending modifications,
504         an asterisk (&laquosp;<literal>*</literal>&spraquo;)
505         comes to prefix the application name in the title bar. 
506       </para>
507       <formalpara>
508         <title>Qualifying your new action</title>
509         <para>
510           It merely consists of choosing how your action will be
511           displayed in the file manager context menu.
512         </para>
513       </formalpara>
514       <itemizedlist>
515         <listitem>
516           <para>
517             <!-- i18n: "My first action" is a user entry -->
518             Enter <userinput>My first action</userinput>
519             <!-- i18n: "Context label" is a UI label -->
520             in the <guilabel>Context label</guilabel> entry box.
521           </para>
522           <para>
523             <!-- i18n: "Context label" is a UI label -->
524             The <guilabel>Context label</guilabel> entry box contains
525             the label of the action as you want it to be displayed in
526             the file manager context menu.
527           </para>
528          <para>
529             The label is a mandatory property of your action. If it
530             happens to be empty, then your action will be considered as
531             invalid by &prodname;: it will be displayed in red in
532             <!-- i18n: "Items list" is a UI label -->
533             <guilabel>Items list</guilabel> and will never be candidate
534             to be displayed in the file manager context menus.
535           </para>
536         </listitem>
537         <listitem>
538           <para>
539             Enter <userinput>This will execute an action with some parameters</userinput>
540             <!-- i18n: "Tooltip" is a UI label -->
541             in the <guilabel>Tooltip</guilabel> entry box.
542           </para>
543           <para>
544             <!-- i18n: "Tooltip" is a UI label -->
545             The <guilabel>Tooltip</guilabel> entry box contains the text
546             you want to be displayed as a short help to your action.
547           </para>
548         </listitem>
549         <listitem>
550           <para>
551             Select <inlinegraphic fileref="figures/stock-icon-about.png" /> 
552             <!-- i18n: "Icon" is a UI label -->
553             in the <guilabel>Icon</guilabel> drop-down list.
554           </para>
555           <para>
556             <!-- i18n: "Icon" is a UI label -->
557             The <guilabel>Icon</guilabel> selection defines the icon
558             which will be associated with your action in file manager
559             context menus and in the toolbar.
560           </para>
561           <para>
562             You have two ways of choosing the icon associated to your
563             action:
564           </para>
565           <itemizedlist>
566             <listitem>
567               <para>
568                 <!-- i18n: "Icon" is a UI label -->
569                 Click on the <guilabel>Icon</guilabel> drop-down list
570                 to select an icon.
571               </para>
572             </listitem>
573             <listitem>
574               <para>
575                 Click on <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> to search 
576                 for an image in the filesystem.
577               </para>
578             </listitem>
579           </itemizedlist>
580         </listitem>
581       </itemizedlist>
582       <formalpara>
583         <title>Specifying the command to be executed</title>
584         <para>
585           When you will select your action in the file manager
586           context menu, this command will be executed, with
587           arguments of your choice.
588         </para>
589       </formalpara>
590       <para>
591         <!-- i18n: "Command" is a UI label -->
592         Click on the <guilabel>Command</guilabel> tab to show the page
593         which will permit you to enter the command.
594       </para>
595       <figure id="nact-FIG-tab-command">
596         <title>Command page</title>
597         <screenshot>
598           <mediaobject>
599             <imageobject>
600               <imagedata fileref="figures/nact-command-tab.png" format="PNG"/>
601             </imageobject>
602             <textobject>
603               <phrase>
604                 Shows the Command tab.
605                 This tab contains the name of the profile, the command to
606                 be executed along with its parameters, and the configuration
607                 of the starting working directory.
608               </phrase>
609             </textobject>
610             <caption>
611               <para>Command page</para>
612             </caption>
613           </mediaobject>
614         </screenshot>
615       </figure>
616       <itemizedlist>
617         <listitem>
618           <para>
619             Enter <userinput>zenity</userinput> in the
620             <!-- i18n: "Path" is a UI label -->
621             <guilabel>Path</guilabel> entry box.
622           </para>
623           <para>
624             <!-- i18n: "Path" is a UI label -->
625             The <guilabel>Path</guilabel> entry box defines the command
626             which will be executed when you will select your action in
627             the file manager context menu.
628           </para>
629           <para>
630             You have two ways of defining the command to be executed:
631           </para>
632           <itemizedlist>
633             <listitem>
634               <para>
635                 <!-- i18n: "Path" is a UI label -->
636                 Enter it in the <guilabel>Path</guilabel> entry box.
637               </para>
638             </listitem>
639             <listitem>
640               <para>
641                 Click on <guibutton>Browse</guibutton> to select
642                 the executable file on the filesystem.
643               </para>
644             </listitem>
645           </itemizedlist>
646           <para>
647             If the command you enter does not have an absolute path,
648             then it will be searched for in the <envar>PATH</envar>
649             variable at execution time.
650           </para>
651         </listitem>
652         <listitem>
653           <para>
654             <!-- i18n: only "selected item(s)" is translatable -->
655             Enter <userinput>--info --text='%c selected item(s): %U'</userinput>
656             <!-- i18n: "Parameters" is a UI label -->
657             in the <guilabel>Parameters</guilabel>
658             entry box.
659           </para>
660           <para>
661             <!-- i18n: "Parameters" is a UI label -->
662             The <guilabel>Parameters</guilabel> contains the arguments
663             which will be passed to your command when it will be executed.
664             These arguments may embed parameters which will be expanded
665             at runtime.
666           </para>
667           <para>
668             <!-- i18n: "Path" and "Parameters" are UI labels -->
669             If both <guilabel>Path</guilabel> and <guilabel>Parameters</guilabel>
670             are empty, then this action will be considered as invalid:
671             <!-- i18n: "Items list" is a UI label -->
672             it will be displayed in red in <guilabel>Items list</guilabel>
673             and will never be candidate to be displayed in the file
674             manager context menus.
675           </para>
676         </listitem>
677       </itemizedlist>
678       <formalpara>
679         <title>Saving</title>
680         <para>
681           To save all pending modifications, choose
682           <menuchoice>
683             <shortcut>
684               <keycombo>
685                 <keycap>Ctrl</keycap>
686                 <keycap>S</keycap>
687               </keycombo>
688             </shortcut>
689             <guimenu>File</guimenu>
690             <guisubmenu>Save</guisubmenu>
691           </menuchoice>.
692         </para>
693       </formalpara>
694       <para>
695         &nautilus; automatically takes into account your new action,
696         and displays it in its context menu.
697       </para>
698       <figure id="nact-FIG-start-nautilus-context">
699         <title>Your first action in the &nautilus; context menu</title>
700         <screenshot>
701           <mediaobject>
702             <imageobject>
703               <imagedata fileref="figures/start-context-menu-nautilus.png" format="PNG"/>
704             </imageobject>
705             <textobject>
706               <phrase>Shows the first action in the &nautilus; context menu.
707               </phrase>
708             </textobject>
709             <caption>
710               <para>Your first action in the &nautilus; context menu</para>
711             </caption>
712           </mediaobject>
713         </screenshot>
714       </figure>
715       <para>
716         Cliking of the item in the &nautilus; context menu activates it,
717         and executes the corresponding command.
718       </para>
719       <figure id="nact-FIG-start-zenity">
720         <title>The result of the execution of your first action</title>
721         <screenshot>
722           <mediaobject>
723             <imageobject>
724               <imagedata fileref="figures/start-zenity-result.png" format="PNG"/>
725             </imageobject>
726             <textobject>
727               <phrase>
728                 Shows the result of the execution of your first action.
729                 This is &zenity; dialog box, displaying the URI of the selected item.
730               </phrase>
731             </textobject>
732             <caption>
733               <para>The result of the execution of your first action</para>
734             </caption>
735           </mediaobject>
736         </screenshot>
737       </figure>
738     </sect2>