Refactor the negotiate() and connected functions
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1 <!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [
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12 <!-- Fill in your name for FIRSTNAME and SURNAME. -->
13 <!ENTITY dhfirstname "<firstname>Wouter</firstname>">
14 <!ENTITY dhsurname "<surname>Verhelst</surname>">
15 <!-- Please adjust the date whenever revising the manpage. -->
16 <!ENTITY dhdate "<date>$Date: 2006-10-18 15:01:57 +0200 (wo, 18 okt 2006) $</date>">
17 <!-- SECTION should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection other parameters are
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19 <!ENTITY dhsection "<manvolnum>5</manvolnum>">
20 <!ENTITY dhemail "<email></email>">
21 <!ENTITY dhusername "Wouter Verhelst">
22 <!ENTITY dhucpackage "<refentrytitle>nbdtab</refentrytitle>">
23 <!ENTITY dhpackage "@MAN_SYSCONFDIR@/nbdtab">
25 <!ENTITY debian "<productname>Debian GNU/Linux</productname>">
26 <!ENTITY gnu "<acronym>GNU</acronym>">
29 <refentry>
30 <refentryinfo>
31 <address>
32 &dhemail;
33 </address>
34 <author>
35 &dhfirstname;
36 &dhsurname;
37 </author>
38 <copyright>
39 <year>2015</year>
40 <holder>&dhusername;</holder>
41 </copyright>
42 &dhdate;
43 </refentryinfo>
44 <refmeta>
45 &dhucpackage;
47 &dhsection;
48 </refmeta>
49 <refnamediv>
50 <refname>&dhpackage;</refname>
52 <refpurpose>configuration file for nbd-client</refpurpose>
53 </refnamediv>
54 <refsynopsisdiv>
55 <cmdsynopsis>
56 <command>&dhpackage; </command>
58 </cmdsynopsis>
59 </refsynopsisdiv>
60 <refsect1>
61 <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
63 <para>This file allows to configure predefined connections for
64 nbd-client. It may contain multiple definitions, one per line,
65 each of which contains four space-separated fields.</para>
67 <para>To connect a device specified in the nbdtab file,
68 run <command>nbd-client</command>(8) with the short name of that
69 device as the sole argument. It will then look up the required
70 information in <filename>nbdtab</filename>, and make the
71 connection.</para>
73 <para>Fields are separated from one another by any number of space
74 or tab characters; records are separated from one another by
75 newline characters. The file may also contain any number of
76 comments, which start with a '#' character and continue until the
77 end of the line or the end of the file, whichever is first.</para>
78 <refsect2>
79 <title>Fields</title>
80 <para>The file contains the following fields:</para>
81 <orderedlist>
82 <listitem>
83 <para>The short name of the device file. That is, it should
84 contain the name of the device without the leading
85 <filename>/dev/</filename> part; e.g., it could say
86 <filename>nbd0</filename>.</para>
87 </listitem>
88 <listitem>
89 <para>The hostname (in case of a TCP socket) or filename (in
90 case of a unix domain socket) on which the server is
91 listening.</para>
92 </listitem>
93 <listitem>
94 <para>The name of the export as exported by
95 <command>nbd-server</command>.</para>
96 </listitem>
97 <listitem>
98 <para>Any extra options. This field is optional (no pun
99 intended), and need not appear in a file if no options are
100 necessary. The options recognized by
101 <command>nbd-client</command>(8) are specified below, in the
102 section "Options". Any unknown options in
103 this field will produce a warning by
104 <command>nbd-client</command>, unless they are prepended by
105 an underscore ('_') character; the underscore is
106 specifically reserved for local use, or for distribution
107 customization.</para>
108 </listitem>
109 </orderedlist>
110 </refsect2>
111 <refsect2>
112 <title>Options</title>
113 <para>Every command-line <command>nbd-client</command> option
114 which allows to configure specific options for a particular
115 device node has a corresponding option in the
116 <filename>nbdtab</filename> file, and vice versa; where this
117 isn't the case, that is a bug.</para>
118 <para>Individual options in this field should be separated from
119 one another by the comma character.</para>
120 <variablelist>
121 <varlistentry>
122 <term><option>bs=<replaceable>block size</replaceable></option></term>
123 <listitem>
124 <para>The block size for this export. If this option is
125 not used, the kernel's default will be used
126 instead.</para>
127 <para>Corresponds to the <option>-b</option> option on the
128 command line.</para>
129 </listitem>
130 </varlistentry>
131 <varlistentry>
132 <term><option>cacertfile=<replaceable>certificate
133 file</replaceable></option></term>
134 <listitem>
135 <para>The CA certificate file for TLS. Corresponds to the
136 <option>-A</option> option on the command line.</para>
137 </listitem>
138 </varlistentry>
139 <varlistentry>
140 <term><option>certfile=<replaceable>certificate file</replaceable></option></term>
141 <listitem>
142 <para>The certificate file for TLS. Corresponds to the
143 <option>-F</option> option on the command line.</para>
144 </listitem>
145 </varlistentry>
146 <varlistentry>
147 <term><option>conns=<replaceable>number</replaceable></option></term>
148 <listitem>
149 <para>The number of connections to use for this device.
150 Corresponds to the <option>-C</option> option on the command
151 line; see nbd-client(8) for more details on that
152 option.</para>
153 </listitem>
154 </varlistentry>
155 <varlistentry>
156 <term><option>keyfile=<replaceable>key
157 file</replaceable></option></term>
158 <listitem>
159 <para>The private key file for TLS. Corresponds to the
160 <option>-K</option> option on the command line.</para>
161 </listitem>
162 </varlistentry>
163 <varlistentry>
164 <term><option>no_optgo</option></term>
165 <listitem>
166 <para>Disable the use of NBD_OPT_GO in the conversation.
167 Corresponds to the <option>-g</option> option on the command
168 line.</para>
169 </listitem>
170 </varlistentry>
171 <varlistentry>
172 <term><option>persist</option></term>
173 <listitem>
174 <para>Persist the connection, using the semantics of the
175 <option>-p</option> command-line option.</para>
176 </listitem>
177 </varlistentry>
178 <varlistentry>
179 <term><option>port=<replaceable>port number</replaceable></option></term>
180 <listitem>
181 <para>The port on which to communicate with the
182 <command>nbd-server</command>. Defaults to the
183 IANA-assigned port for NBD, 10809.</para>
184 </listitem>
185 </varlistentry>
186 <varlistentry>
187 <term><option>priority=<replaceable>GnuTLS priority string</replaceable></option>
188 <listitem>
189 <para>The GnuTLS priority string to use.</para>
190 <para>Corresponds to the <option>-y</option> option on the
191 command line.</para>
192 </listitem>
193 </varlistentry>
194 <varlistentry>
195 <term><option>swap</option></term>
196 <listitem>
197 <para>Optimize for swap; <option>-s</option>.</para>
198 </listitem>
199 </varlistentry>
200 <varlistentry>
201 <term><option>timeout=<replaceable>timeout</replaceable></option></term>
202 <listitem>
203 <para>The timeout. If this option is not specified, no
204 timeout is configured.</para>
205 <para>Corresponds to the <option>-t</option> option on the
206 command line.</para>
207 </listitem>
208 </varlistentry>
209 <varlistentry>
210 <term><option>tlshostname=<replaceable>TLS
211 hostname</replaceable></option></term>
212 <listitem>
213 <para>The hostname for TLS purposes;
214 <option>-H</option></para>
215 </listitem>
216 </varlistentry>
217 <varlistentry>
218 <term><option>unix</option></term>
219 <listitem>
220 <para>Use a Unix Domain socket to connect to the server;
221 <option>-u</option>.</para>
222 </listitem>
223 </varlistentry>
224 </variablelist>
225 </refsect2>
226 </refsect1>
227 <refsect1>
228 <title>SEE ALSO</title>
230 <para>nbd-server (1), nbd-client (8), nbd-trdump (8)</para>
233 </refsect1>
234 <refsect1>
235 <title>AUTHOR</title>
236 <para>The NBD kernel module and the NBD tools were originally
237 written by Pavel Machek (</para>
239 <para>The Linux kernel module is now maintained by Paul Clements
240 (, while the userland tools are
241 maintained by &dhusername; (&dhemail;)</para>
243 <para>On The Hurd there is a regular translator available to perform the
244 client side of the protocol, and the use of
245 <command>nbd-client</command> is not required. Please see the
246 relevant documentation for more information.</para>
248 <para>This manual page was written by &dhusername; (&dhemail;).
249 Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
250 document under the terms of the <acronym>GNU</acronym> General
251 Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software
252 Foundation.</para>
254 </refsect1>
255 <refsect1>
256 <title>EXAMPLES</title>
257 <para>A simple <filename>nbdtab</filename> file could look like
258 this:</para>
259 <programlisting>
260 # swap space, called "swapexport" on the server
261 # optimize for swap, and try to reconnect upon disconnect.
262 nbd0 swapexport swap,persist
263 # other export, called "data" on the server. No options for this one.
264 nbd1 data
265 </programlisting>
266 </refsect1>
267 </refentry>