3 # This is a hacked version of files.pl for systems that can't do a 'make files'.
4 # Do a perl util/mkminfo.pl >MINFO to build MINFO
5 # Written by Steve Henson 1999.
7 # List of directories to process
76 &files_dir
($_, "Makefile");
83 my ($dir, $makefile) = @_;
87 open (IN
, "$dir/$makefile") || die "Can't open $dir/$makefile";
95 if (/^(\S+)\s*=\s*(.*)$/)
118 $o =~ s/\$[({]([^)}]+)[)}]/$top{$1} or $sym{$1}/ge;
119 $sym{$s}=($top{$s} or $o);
123 print "RELATIVE_DIRECTORY=$dir\n";
125 foreach (sort keys %sym)
127 print "$_=$sym{$_}\n";
129 if ($dir eq "." && defined($sym{"BUILDENV"}))
131 foreach (split(' ',$sym{"BUILDENV"}))
138 print "RELATIVE_DIRECTORY=\n";