2 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
3 # This is Aaron's attempt at a MAGIC file for Xilinx .bit files.
4 # Xilinx-Magic@RevRagnarok.com
5 # Got the info from FPGA-FAQ 0026
7 # First there is the sync header and its length
10 >>&0 belong =0x0ff00ff0
12 >>>>&0 pstring a Xilinx BIT data
13 # Next is a Pascal-style string with the NCD name. We want to capture that.
14 >>>>0x0F pstring x - from %s
15 # It is followed by a NUL
19 # With the part number:
20 #>>>>>&5 string 4v (Virtex4)
21 #>>>>>&5 string 2v (Virtex II
22 #>>>>>>&0 string !p \b)
23 #>>>>>>&0 string p Pro)
24 >>>>>&4 pstring x - for %s
25 # And then NUL / 'c' / Build Data / NUL / 'd' / Date / NUL / 'e' / Data Length
28 >>>>>>&4 pstring x - built %s
31 >>>>>>>&4 pstring x \b(%s)
34 >>>>>>>>&4 belong x - data length 0x%lx