1 /* Check that protocol qualifiers are compiled and encoded properly. */
2 /* Author: Ziemowit Laski <zlaski@apple.com> */
6 #include <objc/Protocol.h>
7 #ifndef __NEXT_RUNTIME__
8 #include <objc/objc-api.h>
13 /* The encoded parameter sizes will be rounded up to match pointer alignment. */
14 #define ROUND(s,a) (a * ((s + a - 1) / a))
15 #define aligned_sizeof(T) ROUND(sizeof(T),__alignof(void *))
17 #define CHECK_IF(expr) if(!(expr)) abort()
20 + (oneway void)retainArgument:(out bycopy id)arg1 with:(in signed char **)arg2;
21 - (bycopy) address:(byref inout id)location with:(out short unsigned **)arg2;
24 @interface Foo <Retain>
25 + (oneway void)retainArgument:(out bycopy id)arg with:(in signed char **)arg2;
29 + (oneway void)retainArgument:(out bycopy id)arg1 with:(in signed char **)arg2 { }
30 - (bycopy) address:(byref inout id)location with:(out short unsigned **)arg2 { return nil; }
33 Protocol *proto = @protocol(Retain);
34 struct objc_method_description *meth;
35 unsigned totsize, offs0, offs1, offs2, offs3, offs4, offs5, offs6, offs7;
37 static void scan_initial(const char *pattern) {
38 totsize = offs0 = offs1 = offs2 = offs3 = offs4 = offs5 = offs6 = offs7 = (unsigned)-1;
39 sscanf(meth->types, pattern, &totsize, &offs0, &offs1, &offs2, &offs3,
40 &offs4, &offs5, &offs6, &offs7);
41 CHECK_IF(!offs0 && offs1 == aligned_sizeof(id) && offs2 == offs1 + aligned_sizeof(SEL) && totsize >= offs2);
45 meth = [proto descriptionForInstanceMethod: @selector(address:with:)];
46 scan_initial("O@%u@%u:%uNR@%uo^^S%u");
47 CHECK_IF(offs3 == offs2 + aligned_sizeof(id) && totsize == offs3 + aligned_sizeof(unsigned));
48 meth = [proto descriptionForClassMethod: @selector(retainArgument:with:)];
49 scan_initial("Vv%u@%u:%uOo@%un^*%u");
50 CHECK_IF(offs3 == offs2 + aligned_sizeof(id) && totsize == offs3 + aligned_sizeof(char **));