Sync usage with man page.
[netbsd-mini2440.git] / gnu / dist / groff / contrib / mm / examples / LT
1 .ND 1994-10-26
2 .\" .WA "Nisse Nilsson" notitle
3 .\" .WE
4 .WA "Sven Olsson" title
5 Return address
6 Street
7 City, State Zip Code
8 Text
9 .WE
10 .IA "Inside address" title
11 Addressee name XXXXXXX
13 Company xxxxxxxxxxxx
14 Street xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
15 City, State Zip Code
16 Text xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
17 .IE
18 .LO CN
19 .LO RN "referens"
20 .LO AT Attention
21 .LO SA "Hej hopp"
22 .LO SJ "Subject line"
23 .LT BL
24 hepp
25 granary
26 grand
27 grandchild
28 grandchildren
29 granddaughter
30 grandeur
31 grandfather
32 grandiloquent
33 grandiose
34 grandma
35 grandmother
36 grandnephew
37 grandniece
38 grandpa
39 grandparent
40 grandson
41 grandstand
42 granite
43 granitic
44 granny
45 granola
46 grant
47 grantee
48 grantor
49 granular
50 granulate
51 granule
52 Granville
53 grape
54 grapefruit
55 grapevine
56 graph
57 grapheme
58 graphic
59 graphite
60 grapple
61 grasp
62 grass
63 grassland
64 grassy
65 grata
66 grate
67 grateful
68 grater
69 gratify
70 gratis
71 gratitude
72 gratuitous
73 gratuity
74 grave
75 gravel
76 graven
77 Graves
78 gravestone
79 graveyard
80 gravid
81 gravitate
82 gravy
83 gray
84 graybeard
85 grayish
86 Grayson
87 graywacke
88 graze
89 grease
90 greasy
91 great
92 greatcoat
93 greater
94 grebe
95 Grecian
96 Greece
97 greed
98 greedy
99 Greek
100 green
101 Greenbelt
102 Greenberg
103 Greenblatt
104 Greenbriar
105 Greene
106 greenery
107 Greenfield
108 greengrocer
109 greenhouse
110 greenish
111 Greenland
112 Greensboro
113 greensward
114 greenware
115 Greenwich
116 greenwood
117 Greer
118 greet
119 Greg
120 gregarious
121 Gregg
122 Gregory
123 gremlin
124 grenade
125 Grendel
126 Grenoble
127 Gresham
128 Greta
129 Gretchen
130 grew
131 grey
132 greyhound
133 greylag
134 grid
135 griddle
136 gridiron
137 grief
138 grievance
139 grieve
140 grievous
141 griffin
142 Griffith
143 grill
144 grille
145 grilled
146 grillwork
147 grim
148 grimace
149 Grimaldi
150 grime
151 Grimes
152 Grimm
153 grin
154 grind
155 grindstone
156 grip
158 gripe
159 grippe
160 grisly
161 grist
162 gristmill
163 Griswold
164 grit
165 gritty
166 grizzle
167 grizzly
168 groan
169 groat
170 grocer
171 grocery
172 groggy
173 groin
174 grommet
175 groom
176 groove
177 grope
178 grosbeak
179 gross
180 Grosset
181 Grossman
182 Grosvenor
183 grotesque
184 Groton
185 ground
186 groundsel
187 groundskeep
188 groundwork
189 group
190 groupoid
191 grout
192 grove
193 grovel
194 Grover
195 grow
196 growl
197 grown
198 grownup
199 growth
200 grub
201 grubby
202 grudge
203 gruesome
204 gruff
205 grumble
206 Grumman
207 grunt
208 gryphon
212 Guam
213 guanidine
214 guanine
215 guano
216 guarantee
217 guaranteeing
218 guarantor
219 guaranty
220 guard
221 guardhouse
222 Guardia
223 guardian
224 Guatemala
225 gubernatorial
226 Guelph
227 Guenther
228 guerdon
229 guernsey
230 guerrilla
231 guess
232 guesswork
233 guest
234 guffaw
235 Guggenheim
236 Guiana
237 guidance
238 guide
239 guidebook
240 guideline
241 guidepost
242 guiding
243 guignol
244 guild
245 guildhall
246 guile
247 Guilford
248 guillemot
249 guillotine
250 guilt
251 guilty
252 guinea
253 guise
254 guitar
255 gules
256 gulf
257 gull
258 Gullah
259 gullet
260 gullible
261 gully
262 gulp
264 gumbo
265 gumdrop
266 gummy
267 gumption
268 gumshoe
270 Gunderson
271 gunfight
272 gunfire
273 gunflint
274 gunk
275 gunky
276 gunman
277 gunmen
278 gunnery
279 gunny
280 gunplay
281 gunpowder
282 gunshot
283 gunsling
284 Gunther
285 gurgle
286 Gurkha
287 guru
289 gush
290 gusset
291 gust
292 Gustafson
293 Gustav
294 Gustave
295 Gustavus
296 gusto
297 gusty
299 Gutenberg
300 Guthrie
301 gutsy
302 guttural
305 Guyana
306 guzzle
307 Gwen
308 Gwyn
310 gymnasium
311 gymnast
312 gymnastic
313 gymnosperm
315 gypsite
316 gypsum
317 gypsy
318 gyrate
319 gyrfalcon
320 gyro
321 gyrocompass
322 gyroscope
325 Haag
326 Haas
327 habeas
328 haberdashery
329 Haberman
330 Habib
331 habit
332 habitant
333 habitat
334 habitation
335 habitual
336 habituate
337 hacienda
338 hack
339 hackberry
340 Hackett
341 hackle
342 hackmatack
343 hackney
344 hackneyed
345 hacksaw
347 Hadamard
348 Haddad
349 haddock
350 Hades
351 Hadley
352 hadn't
353 Hadrian
354 hadron
355 hafnium
356 Hagen
357 Hager
358 haggard
359 haggle
360 Hagstrom
361 Hague
362 Hahn
363 Haifa
364 haiku
365 hail
366 hailstone
367 hailstorm
368 Haines
369 hair
370 haircut
371 hairdo
372 hairpin
373 hairy
374 Haiti
375 Haitian
377 halcyon
378 hale
379 Haley
380 half
381 halfback
382 halfhearted
383 halfway
384 halibut
385 halide
386 Halifax
387 halite
388 hall
389 hallelujah
390 Halley
391 hallmark
392 hallow
393 Halloween
394 hallucinate
395 hallway
396 halma
397 halo
398 halocarbon
399 halogen
400 Halpern
401 Halsey
402 Halstead
403 halt
404 halvah
405 halve
406 Halverson
408 Hamal
409 Hamburg
410 hamburger
411 Hamilton
412 hamlet
413 Hamlin
414 hammerhead
415 hammock
416 Hammond
417 hamper
418 Hampshire
419 Hampton
420 hamster
422 Hancock
423 hand
424 handbag
425 handbook
426 handclasp
427 handcuff
428 Handel
429 handful
430 handgun
431 handhold
432 handicap
433 handicapped
434 handicapper
435 handicapping
436 handicraft
437 handicraftsman
438 handicraftsmen
439 handiwork
440 handkerchief
441 handle
442 handleable
443 handlebar
444 handline
445 handmade
446 handmaiden
447 handout
448 handset
449 handshake
450 handsome
451 handspike
452 handstand
453 handwaving
454 handwrite
455 handwritten
456 handy
457 handyman
458 handymen
459 Haney
460 Hanford
461 hang
462 hangable
463 hangar
464 hangman
465 hangmen
466 hangout
467 hangover
468 hank
469 Hankel
470 Hanley
471 Hanlon
472 Hanna
473 Hannah
474 Hannibal
475 Hanoi
476 Hanover
477 Hanoverian
478 Hans
479 Hansel
480 Hansen
481 hansom
482 Hanson
483 Hanukkah
485 haphazard
486 haploid
487 haploidy
488 haplology
489 happen
490 happenstance
491 happy
492 Hapsburg
493 harangue
494 harass
495 Harbin
496 harbinger
497 Harcourt
498 hard
499 hardbake
500 hardboard
501 hardboiled
502 hardcopy
503 harden
504 hardhat
505 Hardin
506 Harding
507 hardscrabble
508 hardtack
509 hardtop
510 hardware
511 hardwood
512 hardworking
513 hardy
514 hare
515 harelip
516 harem
517 hark
518 Harlan
519 Harlem
520 Harley
521 harm
522 harmful
523 Harmon
524 harmonic
525 harmonica
526 harmonious
527 harmony
528 harness
529 Harold
530 harp
531 harpoon
532 harpsichord
533 Harpy
534 Harriet
535 Harriman
536 Harrington
537 Harris
538 Harrisburg
539 Harrison
540 harrow
541 harry
542 harsh
543 harshen
544 hart
545 Hartford
546 Hartley
547 Hartman
548 Harvard
550 harvest
551 harvestman
552 Harvey
553 hash
554 hashish
555 hasn't
556 hasp
557 hassle
558 hast
559 haste
560 hasten
561 Hastings
562 hasty
564 hatch
565 hatchet
566 hatchway
567 hate
568 hateful
569 hater
570 Hatfield
571 hath
572 Hathaway
573 hatred
574 Hatteras
575 Hattie
576 Hattiesburg
577 Haugen
578 haughty
579 haul
580 haulage
581 haunch
582 haunt
583 Hausdorff
584 Havana
585 have
586 haven
587 haven't
588 Havilland
589 havoc
591 Hawaii
592 Hawaiian
593 hawk
594 Hawkins
595 Hawley
596 hawthorn
597 Hawthorne
599 Hayden
600 Haydn
601 Hayes
602 hayfield
603 Haynes
604 Hays
605 haystack
606 Hayward
607 hayward
608 hazard
609 hazardous
610 haze
611 hazel
612 hazelnut
613 hazy
615 head
616 headache
617 headboard
618 headdress
619 headland
620 headlight
621 headline
622 headmaster
623 headphone
624 headquarter
625 headquarters
626 headroom
627 headset
628 headsman
629 headsmen
630 headstand
631 headstone
632 headstrong
633 headwall
634 headwater
635 headway
636 headwind
637 heady
638 heal
639 Healey
640 health
641 healthful
642 healthy
643 Healy
644 heap
645 hear
646 heard
647 hearken
648 hearsay
649 hearse
650 Hearst
651 heart
652 heartbeat
653 heartbreak
654 hearten
655 heartfelt
656 hearth
657 hearty
658 heat
659 heater
660 heath
661 heathen
662 heathenish
663 Heathkit
664 heave
665 heaven
666 heavenward
667 heavy
668 heavyweight
669 Hebe
670 hebephrenic
671 Hebraic
672 Hebrew
673 Hecate
674 hecatomb
675 heck
676 heckle
677 Heckman
678 hectic
679 hector
680 Hecuba
681 he'd
682 hedge
683 hedgehog
684 hedonism
685 hedonist
686 heed
687 heel
688 heft
689 hefty
690 Hegelian
691 hegemony
692 Heidelberg
693 heigh
694 height
695 heighten
696 Heine
697 Heinrich
698 Heinz
699 heir
700 heiress
701 Heisenberg
702 held
703 Helen
704 Helena
705 Helene
706 Helga
707 helical
708 helicopter
709 heliocentric
710 heliotrope
711 helium
712 helix
713 he'll
714 hell
715 hellbender
716 hellebore
717 Hellenic
718 hellfire
719 hellgrammite
720 hellish
721 hello
722 helm
723 helmet
724 Helmholtz
725 helmsman
726 helmsmen
727 Helmut
728 help
729 helpful
730 helpmate
731 Helsinki
732 Helvetica
734 hematite
735 Hemingway
736 hemisphere
737 hemispheric
738 hemlock
739 hemoglobin
740 hemolytic
741 hemorrhage
742 hemorrhoid
743 hemosiderin
744 hemp
745 Hempstead
747 henbane
748 hence
749 henceforth
750 henchman
751 henchmen
752 Henderson
753 Hendrick
754 Hendricks
755 Hendrickson
756 henequen
757 Henley
758 henpeck
759 Henri
760 Henrietta
761 henry
762 hepatica
763 hepatitis
764 Hepburn
765 heptane
767 Hera
768 Heraclitus
769 herald
770 herb
771 Herbert
772 Herculean
773 Hercules
774 herd
775 herdsman
776 here
777 hereabout
778 hereafter
779 hereby
780 hereditary
781 heredity
782 Hereford
783 herein
784 hereinabove
785 hereinafter
786 hereinbelow
787 hereof
788 heresy
789 heretic
790 hereto
791 heretofore
792 hereunder
793 hereunto
795 herewith
796 heritable
797 heritage
798 Herkimer
799 Herman
800 Hermann
801 hermeneutic
802 Hermes
803 hermetic
804 Hermite
805 hermitian
806 Hermosa
807 Hernandez
808 hero
809 Herodotus
810 heroes
811 heroic
812 heroin
813 heroine
814 heroism
815 heron
816 herpes
817 herpetology
818 Herr
819 herringbone
820 Herschel
821 herself
822 Hershel
823 Hershey
824 hertz
825 Hertzog
826 hesitant
827 hesitate
828 hesitater
829 Hesperus
830 Hess
831 Hesse
832 Hessian
833 Hester
834 heterocyclic
835 heterodyne
836 heterogamous
837 heterogeneity
838 heterogeneous
839 heterosexual
840 heterostructure
841 heterozygous
842 Hetman
843 Hettie
844 Hetty
845 Heublein
846 heuristic
847 Heusen
848 Heuser
850 Hewett
851 Hewitt
852 Hewlett
853 hewn
855 hexachloride
856 hexadecimal
857 hexafluoride
858 hexagon
859 hexagonal
860 hexameter
861 hexane
863 heyday
865 Hiatt
866 hiatus
867 Hiawatha
868 hibachi
869 Hibbard
870 hibernate
871 Hibernia
872 hick
873 Hickey
874 Hickman
875 hickory
876 Hicks
878 hidalgo
879 hidden
880 hide
881 hideaway
882 hideous
883 hideout
884 hierarchal
885 hierarchic
886 hierarchy
887 hieratic
888 hieroglyphic
889 Hieronymus
890 hifalutin
891 Higgins
892 high
893 highball
894 highboy
895 highest
896 highfalutin
897 highhanded
898 highland
899 highlight
900 highroad
901 hightail
902 highway
903 highwayman
904 highwaymen
905 hijack
906 hijinks
907 hike
908 hilarious
909 hilarity
910 Hilbert
911 Hildebrand
912 hill
913 hillbilly
914 Hillcrest
915 Hillel
916 hillman
917 hillmen
918 hillock
919 hillside
920 hilltop
921 hilly
922 hilt
923 Hilton
924 hilum
926 Himalaya
927 himself
928 hind
929 hindmost
930 hindrance
931 hindsight
932 Hindu
933 Hinduism
934 Hines
935 hinge
936 Hinman
937 hint
938 hinterland
940 hippo
941 Hippocrates
942 Hippocratic
943 hippodrome
944 hippopotamus
945 hippy
946 hipster
947 Hiram
948 hire
949 hireling
950 Hiroshi
951 Hiroshima
952 Hirsch
953 hirsute
955 Hispanic
956 hiss
957 histamine
958 histidine
959 histochemic
960 histochemistry
961 histogram
962 histology
963 historian
964 historic
965 historiography
966 history
967 histrionic
969 Hitachi
970 hitch
971 Hitchcock
972 hither
973 hitherto
974 Hitler
975 hive
977 hoagie
978 Hoagland
979 hoagy
980 hoar
981 hoard
982 hoarfrost
983 hoarse
985 Hobart
986 Hobbes
987 hobble
988 Hobbs
989 hobby
991 hobbyhorse
992 hobgoblin
993 hobo
994 Hoboken
996 hock
997 hockey
998 hocus
999 hodge
1000 hodgepodge
1001 Hodges
1002 Hodgkin
1004 Hoff
1005 Hoffman
1007 hogan
1008 hogging
1010 Hokan
1011 Holbrook
1012 Holcomb
1013 hold
1014 holden
1015 holdout
1016 holdover
1017 holdup
1018 hole
1019 holeable
1020 holiday
1021 Holland
1022 Hollandaise
1023 holler
1024 Hollerith
1025 Hollingsworth
1026 Hollister
1027 hollow
1028 Holloway
1029 hollowware
1030 holly
1031 hollyhock
1032 Hollywood
1033 Holm
1034 Holman
1035 Holmdel
1036 Holmes
1037 holmium
1038 holocaust
1039 Holocene
1040 hologram
1041 holography
1042 Holst
1043 Holstein
1044 holster
1045 holt
1046 Holyoke
1047 holystone
1050 .NS 7
1051 text text text
1052 text text text
1053 .NS 12
1054 Holyoke
1055 holystone
1057 holt