1 HALT 2.2 Produce control flow backtrace
2 BEG s,W,w," 2.2,1.8 Write second part of block mark, enter block
3 END 2.2,1.8 End block execution
4 CALL l,A 2.2,1.8 Procedure or function call
5 NODUMP s,W,w," 2.2 \s-2BEG\s0 main program, suppress dump
6 PUSH s 2.2,1.9 Clear space (for function result)
7 POP s 2.2,1.9 Pop (arguments) off stack
8 LINO s 2.2 Set line number, count statements
9 TRA a 2.2 Short control transfer (local branching)
10 TRA4 A 2.2 Long control transfer
11 GOTO l,A 2.2,1.8 Non-local goto statement
12 IF a 2.3 Conditional transfer
13 REL* r 2.3 Relational test yielding Boolean result
17 LRV* l,A 2.5 Right value (load) operators
18 RV* l,a 2.5 Right value (load) operators
19 CON* v 2.5 Load constant operators
20 AS* 2.5 Assignment operators
21 OFF s 2.5 Offset address, typically used for field reference
22 INX* s,w,w 2.6 Subscripting (indexing) operator
23 NIL 2.6 Assert non-nil pointer
24 LLV l,W 2.6 Address of operator
25 LV l,w 2.6 Address of operator
26 IND* 2.6 Indirection operators
29 MUL* 2.7 Multiplication
31 DIV* 2.7 Fixed division
33 ABS* 2.7 Absolute value
35 DVD* 2.7 Floating division
36 RANG* v 2.8 Subrange checking
37 CASEOP* 2.9 Case statements
38 FOR* a 2.12 For statements
39 PXPBUF w 2.10 Initialize \fIpxp\fP count buffer
40 TRACNT w,A 2.10 Count a procedure entry
41 COUNT w 2.10 Count a statement count point
42 CTTOT s,w,w 2.11 Construct set
43 CARD s 2.11 Cardinality of set
44 STOI 2.12 Convert short to long integer
45 STOD 2.12 Convert short integer to real
46 ITOD 2.12 Convert integer to real
47 ITOS 2.12 Convert integer to short integer
48 GET 3.7 Get next record from a file
49 PUT 3.8 Output a record to a file
50 MESSAGE 3.6 Write to terminal
51 FNIL 3.7 Check file initialized, not eof, synced
52 FLUSH 3.11 Flush a file
53 BUFF 3.11 Specify buffering for file "output"
54 EOF 3.10 Returns \fItrue\fR if end of file
55 EOLN 3.10 Returns \fItrue\fR if end of line on input text file
56 RESET 3.11 Open file for input
57 REWRITE 3.11 Open file for output
58 REMOVE 3.11 Remove a file
59 UNIT* 3.10 Set active file
60 READ* 3.7 Read a record from a file
61 WRITEC 3.8 Character unformatted write
62 WRITEF l 3.8 General formatted write
63 WRITES l 3.8 String unformatted write
64 WRITLN 3.8 Output a newline to a text file
65 PAGE 3.8 Output a formfeed to a text file
66 MIN s 3.8 Minimum of top of stack and \fIs\fR
67 MAX s,w 3.8 Maximum of top of stack and \fIw\fR
68 NAM A 3.8 Convert enumerated type value to print format
69 FILE 3.9 Push descriptor for active file
70 DEFNAME 3.11 Attach file name for \fBprogram\fR statement files
71 PACK s,w,w,w 2.15 Convert and copy from unpacked to packed
72 UNPACK s,w,w,w 2.15 Convert and copy from packed to unpacked
73 LLIMIT 2.14 Set linelimit for output text file
74 ARGC 2.14 Returns number of arguments to current process
75 ARGV 2.14 Copy specified process argument into char array
76 CLCK 2.14 Returns user time of program
77 SCLCK 2.14 Returns system time of program
78 WCLCK 2.14 Returns current time stamp
79 DATE 2.14 Copy date into char array
80 TIME 2.14 Copy time into char array
81 SEED 2.13 Set random seed, return old seed
82 RANDOM 2.13 Returns random number
83 DISPOSE 2.15 Dispose of a heap allocation
84 NEW s 2.15 Allocate a record on heap, set pointer to it
85 EXPO 2.13 Returns machine representation of real exponent
86 ATAN 2.13 Returns arctangent of argument
87 EXP 2.13 Returns exponential of argument
88 LN 2.13 Returns natural log of argument
89 COS 2.13 Returns cos of argument
90 SIN 2.13 Returns sin of argument
91 SQRT 2.13 Returns square root of argument
92 CHR* 2.15 Returns integer to ascii mapping of argument
93 ODD* 2.15 Returns \fItrue\fR if argument is odd, \fIfalse\fR if even
94 PRED* 2.7 Returns predecessor of argument
95 STLIM 2.14 Set program statement limit
96 SUCC* 2.7 Returns successor of argument
97 ROUND 2.13 Returns \s-2TRUNC\s0(argument + 0.5)
98 TRUNC 2.13 Returns integer part of argument
99 UNDEF 2.15 Returns \fIfalse\fR
100 SDUP 2.2 Duplicate top stack word
101 ASRT 2.12 Assert \fItrue\fR to continue
102 IN s,w,w 2.11 Set membership
103 INCT 2.11 Membership in a constructed set