5 Description: BSD Automounter Utilities
6 Replaces the old amd-upl102. Offers NFS V3 support, many
7 new features, and numerous ports. The home page for
8 am-utils is in http://www.am-utils.org
9 Keywords: amd amq hlfsd fsinfo wire-test fixmount mk-amd-map automount
10 Author: ezk AT cs.columbia.edu (Erez Zadok)
11 Maintained-by: ezk AT cs.columbia.edu (Erez Zadok)
12 Primary-site: shekel.mcl.cs.columbia.edu /pub/am-utils
13 1.3MB am-utils-6.0.1.tar.gz
15 1.3MB am-utils-snapshot.tar.gz
16 Alternate-site: http://www.am-utils.org/mirrors.html
17 Original-site: ftp.cs.columbia.edu /pub/amd
18 Platforms: all modern Unix systems