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14 Status of TR1 features in GCC
15 - GNU Project - Free Software Foundation (FSF)
23 Status of TR1 features in GCC
27 This table is based on the table of contents of ISO/IEC DTR
28 Doc No: N1836=
0096 Date:
29 Draft Technical Report on C++ Library Extensions
33 In this implementation the header names are prefixed by
34 <code>tr1/
</code>, for instance
35 <code><tr1/memory
></code>, and so on.
39 This page describes the TR1 support in GCC
45 <td><span style=
"font-weight: bold;">Section
46 <td><span style=
"font-weight: bold;">Description
47 <td><span style=
"font-weight: bold;">Done
48 <td><span style=
"font-weight: bold;">Broken
49 <td><span style=
"font-weight: bold;">Missing
50 <td><span style=
"font-weight: bold;">Comments
56 <td colspan=
"5"><b>General Utilities
60 <td>Reference wrappers
68 <td>Additions to header
></code> synopsis
76 <td>Class template
84 <td><code>reference_wrapper
</code> construct/copy/destroy
92 <td><code>reference_wrapper
</code> assignment
100 <td><code>reference_wrapper
</code> access
108 <td><code>reference_wrapper
</code> invocation
116 <td><code>reference_wrapper
</code> helper functions
124 <td>Smart pointers
132 <td>Additions to header
></code> synopsis
140 <td>Class
148 <td>Class template
152 <td><a href=
156 <td><code>shared_ptr
</code> constructors
164 <td><code>shared_ptr
</code> destructor
172 <td><code>shared_ptr
</code> assignment
180 <td><code>shared_ptr
</code> modifiers
188 <td><code>shared_ptr
</code> observers
196 <td><code>shared_ptr
</code> comparison
204 <td><code>shared_ptr
</code> I/O
212 <td><code>shared_ptr
</code> specialized algorithms
220 <td><code>shared_ptr
</code> casts
228 <td><code>get_deleter
236 <td>Class template
244 <td><code>weak_ptr
</code> constructors
252 <td><code>weak_ptr
</code> destructor
260 <td><code>weak_ptr
</code> assignment
268 <td><code>weak_ptr
</code> modifiers
276 <td><code>weak_ptr
</code> observers
284 <td><code>weak_ptr
</code> comparison
292 <td><code>weak_ptr
</code> specialized algorithms
300 <td>Class template
308 <td colspan=
"5"><b>Function objects
320 <td>Additions to
> synopsis
328 <td>Requirements
336 <td>Function return types
344 <td>Function template
352 <td>Function object binders
360 <td>Class template
368 <td>Class template
376 <td>Function template
384 <td>Placeholders
392 <td>Polymorphic function wrappers
400 <td>Class
408 <td><code>bad_function_call
</code> constructor
416 <td>Class template
424 <td><code>function
</code> construct/copy/destroy
432 <td><code>function
</code> modifiers
440 <td><code>function
</code> capacity
448 <td><code>function
</code> invocation
456 <td><code>function
</code> target access
464 <td>undefined operators
472 <td>null pointer comparison operators
480 <td>specialized algorithms
488 <td colspan=
"5"><b>Metaprogramming and type traits
492 <td>Requirements
500 <td>Header
></code> synopsis
508 <td>Helper classes
516 <td>General Requirements
524 <td>Unary Type Traits
532 <td>Primary Type Categories
540 <td>Composite type traits
548 <td>Type properties
556 <td>Relationships between types
564 <td>Transformations between types
572 <td>Const-volatile modifications
580 <td>Reference modifications
588 <td>Array modifications
596 <td>Pointer modifications
604 <td>Other transformations
612 <td>Implementation requirements
620 <td colspan=
"5"><b>Numerical facilities
624 <td>Random number generation
632 <td>Requirements
640 <td>Header
></code> synopsis
648 <td>Class template
656 <td>Random number engine class templates
664 <td>Class template
672 <td>Class template
680 <td>Class template
688 <td>Class template
696 <td>Class template
704 <td>Class template
712 <td>Engines with predefined parameters
720 <td>Class
728 <td>Random distribution class templates
736 <td>Class template
744 <td>Class
752 <td>Class template
760 <td>Class template
768 <td>Class template
776 <td>Class template
784 <td>Class template
792 <td>Class template
800 <td>Class template
808 <td>Mathematical special functions
816 <td>Additions to header
></code> synopsis
824 <td>associated Laguerre polynomials
832 <td>associated Legendre functions
840 <td>beta function
848 <td>(complete) elliptic integral of the first kind
856 <td>(complete) elliptic integral of the second kind
864 <td>(complete) elliptic integral of the third kind
872 <td>confluent hypergeometric functions
880 <td>regular modified cylindrical Bessel functions
888 <td>cylindrical Bessel functions (of the first kind)
896 <td>irregular modified cylindrical Bessel functions
904 <td>cylindrical Neumann functions
912 <td>(incomplete) elliptic integral of the first kind
920 <td>(incomplete) elliptic integral of the second kind
928 <td>(incomplete) elliptic integral of the third kind
936 <td>exponential integral
944 <td>Hermite polynomials
952 <td>hypergeometric functions
960 <td>Laguerre polynomials
968 <td>Legendre polynomials
976 <td>Riemann zeta function
984 <td>spherical Bessel functions (of the first kind)
992 <td>spherical associated Legendre functions
1000 <td>spherical Neumann functions
1008 <td>Additions to header
></code> synopsis
1016 <td colspan=
1020 <td>Tuple types
1028 <td>Header
></code> synopsis
1036 <td>Additions to header
></code> synopsis
1044 <td>Class template
1052 <td>Construction
1060 <td>Tuple creation functions
1068 <td>Tuple helper classes
1076 <td>Element access
1084 <td>Relational operators
1100 <td>Fixed size array
1108 <td>Header
></code> synopsis
1116 <td>Class template
1124 <td><code>array
</code> constructors, copy, and assignment
1132 <td><code>array
</code> specialized algorithms
1140 <td><code>array
</code> size
1148 <td>Zero sized
1156 <td>Tuple interface to class template
1164 <td>Unordered associative containers
1172 <td>Unordered associative container requirements
1180 <td>Exception safety guarantees
1188 <td>Additions to header
></code> synopsis
1196 <td>Class template
1204 <td>Unordered associative container classes
1212 <td>Header
></code> synopsis
1220 <td>Header
></code> synopsis
1228 <td>Class template
1236 <td><code>unordered_set
</code> constructors
1244 <td><code>unordered_set
</code> swap
1252 <td>Class template
1260 <td><code>unordered_map
</code> constructors
1268 <td><code>unordered_map
</code> element access
1276 <td><code>unordered_map
</code> swap
1284 <td>Class template
1292 <td><code>unordered_multiset
</code> constructors
1300 <td><code>unordered_multiset
</code> swap
1308 <td>Class template
1316 <td><code>unordered_multimap
</code> constructors
1324 <td><code>unordered_multimap
</code> swap
1332 <td colspan=
"5"><b>Regular expressions
1336 <td>Definitions
1344 <td>Requirements
1352 <td>Regular expressions summary
1360 <td>Header
></code> synopsis
1368 <td>Namespace
1376 <td>Bitmask Type
1384 <td>Bitmask Type
1392 <td>Implementation defined
1400 <td>Class
1408 <td>Class template
1416 <td>Class template
1424 <td><code>basic_regex
</code> constants
1432 <td><code>basic_regex
</code> constructors
1440 <td><code>basic_regex
</code> assign
1448 <td><code>basic_regex
</code> constant operations
1456 <td><code>basic_regex
</code> locale
1464 <td><code>basic_regex
</code> swap
1472 <td><code>basic_regex
</code> non-member functions
1480 <td><code>basic_regex
</code> non-member swap
1488 <td>Class template
1496 <td><code>sub_match
</code> members
1504 <td><code>sub_match
</code> non-member operators
1512 <td>Class template
1520 <td><code>match_results
</code> constructors
1528 <td><code>match_results
</code> size
1536 <td><code>match_results
</code> element access
1544 <td><code>match_results
</code> formatting
1552 <td><code>match_results
</code> allocator
1560 <td><code>match_results
</code> swap
1568 <td>Regular expression algorithms
1584 <td><code>regex_match
1592 <td><code>regex_search
1600 <td><code>regex_replace
1608 <td>Regular expression Iterators
1616 <td>Class template
1624 <td><code>regex_iterator
</code> constructors
1632 <td><code>regex_iterator
</code> comparisons
1640 <td><code>regex_iterator
</code> dereference
1648 <td><code>regex_iterator
</code> increment
1656 <td>Class template
1664 <td><code>regex_token_iterator
</code> constructors
1672 <td><code>regex_token_iterator
</code> comparisons
1680 <td><code>regex_token_iterator
</code> dereference
1688 <td><code>regex_token_iterator
</code> increment
1696 <td>Modified ECMAScript regular expression grammar
1704 <td colspan=
"5"><b>C compatibility
1708 <td>Additions to header
1724 <td>Function
1732 <td>Function
1740 <td>Function
1748 <td>Function
1756 <td>Function
1764 <td>Function
1772 <td>Function
1780 <td>Additional Overloads
1788 <td>Header
1796 <td>Header
1804 <td>Additions to header
1820 <td>Function
1828 <td>Additions to header
1836 <td>Header
1852 <td>Definitions
1860 <td>Header
1868 <td>Additions to header
1876 <td>Additions to header
1884 <td>Additions to header
1900 <td>Function
1908 <td>Header
1924 <td>Definitions
1932 <td>Header
1940 <td>Additions to header
1948 <td>Additions to header
1956 <td>Additions to header
1964 <td>Additions to header
1980 <td>Definitions
1988 <td>Function template definitions
1996 <td>Additional overloads
2004 <td>Additions to header
2012 <td>Additions to header
2020 <td>Additions to header
2028 <td>The header
2036 <td>The header
2044 <td>The header
2060 <td>Definitions
2068 <td>The header
2076 <td>Additions to header
2092 <td>Definitions
2100 <td>Additional format specifiers
2108 <td>Additions to header
2116 <td>Additions to header
2132 <td>Definitions
2140 <td>Function
2148 <td>Function
2156 <td>Additions to header
2164 <td>Header
2172 <td>Header
2180 <td>Additions to header
2188 <td>Additions to header
2204 <td>Definitions
2212 <td>Additional wide format specifiers
2220 <td>Additions to header
2228 <td>Additions to header
2244 <td>Function
2252 <td>Additions to header
2267 The shared_ptr implementation uses some code from the
2268 <a href=
2269 shared_ptr
</a> library.
2275 Please send FSF
& GNU inquiries
& questions to
2276 <a href=
2277 There are also
<a href=
"http://www.gnu.org/home.html#ContactInfo">other ways
2278 to contact
</a> the FSF.
2282 These pages are maintained by
2283 <a href=
"http://gcc.gnu.org/about.html">the GCC team
2287 For questions related to the use of GCC, please consult these web
2288 pages and the
<a href=
"http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/">GCC manuals
</a>. If
2289 that fails, the
<a href=
2290 mailing list might help.
<br />
2291 Please send comments on these web pages and the development of GCC to our
2292 developer mailing list at
<a href=
2293 or
<a href=
</a>. All of our lists
2294 have
<a href=
"http://gcc.gnu.org/lists.html">public archives
2298 Copyright (C) Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
2299 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110, USA.
2302 Verbatim copying and distribution of this entire article is
2303 permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved.
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