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4 <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1">
5 <title>Mom -- Document processing: headers, footers and pagination</title>
6 </head>
7 <body bgcolor="#dfdfdf">
9 <!====================================================================>
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14 <p>
16 <a name="TOP"></a>
17 <a name="HEADFOOTPAGE">
18 <h1 align="center"><u>PAGE HEADERS, FOOTERS, AND PAGINATION</u></h1>
19 </a>
21 <ul>
22 <li><a href="#HEADFOOTPAGE_INTRO">Introduction -- VERY IMPORTANT; read me!</a>
23 <ul>
24 <li><a href="#PAGINATION_NOTE">An important note on pagination</a>
25 </ul>
26 <li><a href="#DESCRIPTION_GENERAL">General description of headers/footers</a>
27 <li><a href="#HEADER_STYLE">Default specs for headers/footers</a>
28 <li><a href="#VERTICAL_SPACING">Vertical placement and spacing of headers/footers</a>
29 <li><a href="#HEADFOOT_MANAGEMENT">Managing headers/footers</a> -- see also <a href="#HEADFOOT_TOC">Control macros for headers/footers</a>
30 <ul>
31 <li><a href="#HEADERS">HEADERS</a> -- on or off
32 <li><a href="#FOOTERS">FOOTERS</a> -- on or off
34 <li><a href="#USERDEF_HDRFTR">User-defined, single string recto/verso headers/footers</a>
35 <ul>
36 <li><a href="#USERDEF_HDRFTR_INTRO">Introduction</a>
38 </ul>
39 </ul>
40 <a name="HEADFOOT_TOC"></a>
41 <li><a href="#HEADFOOT_CONTROL">Control macros for headers/footers</a>
42 <ul>
43 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_STRINGS">Header/footer strings</a>
44 <ul>
45 <li><a href="#RESERVED_STRINGS">Using mom's &quot;reserved&quot; strings in header/footer definitions</a>
46 </ul>
47 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_STYLE">Header/footer style</a>
48 <ul>
49 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_STYLE_GLOBAL">Global style control</a>
50 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_STYLE_PART">Part-by-part style control</a>
51 </ul>
52 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_VERTICAL">Vertical placement and spacing of headers/footers</a>
53 <ul>
54 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_MARGIN">HEADER_MARGIN</a>
55 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_GAP">HEADER_GAP</a>
56 </ul>
57 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_SEPARATOR">The header/footer separator rule</a>
58 <ul>
59 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_RULE">HEADER_RULE</a> -- on or off
60 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_RULE_GAP">HEADER_RULE_GAP</a> -- distance of rule from header/footer
61 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_RULE_COLOR">HEADER_RULE_COLOR</a> -- colour of the header/footer rule
62 </ul>
63 </ul>
64 <li><a href="#PAGINATION">Pagination</a>
65 <ul>
66 <li><a href="#INDEX_PAGINATION">Pagination control macros</a>
67 </ul>
68 </ul>
71 <h2><u>Introduction</u></h2>
72 </a>
74 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">Headers</a>
75 and
76 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>,
77 as defined in the section
78 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_MOM">Mom's Document Processing Terms</a>,
79 are those parts of a document that contain information about the document
80 itself which appear in the margins either above or below
81 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>.
82 They are, in all respects but two, identical. The differences are:
83 <p>
84 <ol>
85 <li>headers appear in the margin <em>above</em> running text while
86 footers appear in the margin <em>beneath</em> running text;
87 <li>the (optional) rule that separates headers from running
88 text appears <em>below</em> the header while
89 the (optional) rule that separates footers from running
90 text appears <em>above</em> the footer.
91 </ol>
92 <a name="HEADERFOOTER"></a>
93 <p>
94 Because headers and footers are virtually identical, this
95 documentation addresses itself only to headers. In all cases,
96 unless otherwise noted, descriptions of headers
97 describe footers as well.
98 <p>
99 Furthermore, any
100 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_CONTROLMACRO">control macro</a>
101 that begins with <strong>HEADER_</strong> may be used to control
102 footers, simply by replacing <strong>HEADER_</strong> with
103 <strong>FOOTER_</strong>.
105 <strong>Author's note:</strong> Left to their own devices (i.e. if
106 you're happy with the way <strong>mom</strong> does things by default),
107 headers are something you never have to worry about. You can skip
108 reading this section entirely. But if you want to change them, be
109 advised that headers have more macros to control their appearance than
110 any other document element. The text of this documentation becomes
111 correspondingly dense at this point.
112 <a name="PAGINATION_NOTE"></a>
114 <strong>NOTE:</strong> While the single page number that
115 <strong>mom</strong> generates in either the top or bottom margin
116 above or below running text is technically a kind of header/footer,
117 <strong>mom</strong> and this documentation treat it as a
118 separate page element.
121 <a name="DESCRIPTION_GENERAL"><h3><u>General description of headers/footers</u></h3></a>
123 Headers comprise three distinct parts: a left part, a centre part,
124 and a right part. Each part contains text (a &quot;string&quot;)
125 that identifies some aspect of the document as a whole.
127 The left part (&quot;header left&quot;) lines up with the document's
128 left margin. The centre part (&quot;header centre&quot;) is
129 centred on the document's line length. The right part (&quot;header
130 right&quot;) lines up with the document's right margin. Not all parts
131 need contain a string, and if you don't want headers at all, you can
132 turn them off completely.
134 <strong>A note to groff experts:</strong> Although
135 <strong>mom</strong>'s headers resemble the three-part titles generated
136 by <code>.tl</code>, they're in no way related to it, nor based
137 upon it. <code>.tl</code> is not used at all in <strong>mom</strong>.
139 Normally, <strong>mom</strong> fills headers with strings appropriate
140 to the document type selected with
141 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE</a>.
142 You can, however, supply whatever strings you like -- including page
143 numbers -- to go in any part of headers. What's more, you can set the
144 family, font, size and capitalization style (caps or caps/lower-case)
145 for each header part individually.
147 By default, <strong>mom</strong> prints a horizontal rule beneath
148 headers to separate them visually from running text. In the case of
149 footers, the rule is <em>above</em> running text. You can increase
150 or decrease the space between the header and the rule if you like (with
151 <a href="#HDRFTR_RULE_GAP">HEADER_RULE_GAP</a>),
152 or remove it completely.
155 <a name="HEADER_STYLE"><h3><u>Default specs for headers/footers</u></h3></a>
157 <strong>Mom</strong> makes small type adjustments to each part of
158 the header (left, centre, right) to achieve an aesthetically
159 pleasing result. The defaults are listed below. (The strings
160 <strong>mom</strong> puts by default in each part are explained in
161 <a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE</a>.)
163 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Except for capitalization (all caps or
164 caps/lower-case), these defaults apply only to
165 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPESET</a>.
167 <pre>
169 --------- ----------- ------------- ------------
170 Family document default document default document default
171 Font roman italic roman
172 Colour (black) (black) (black)
173 All caps no no yes
174 Size* -.5 (points) -.5 (points) -2 (points)
175 (-2 if all caps) (-2 if all caps) (-.5 if not all caps)
177 *Relative to the point size of type in paragraphs
178 </pre>
180 You can, of course, change any of the defaults using the appropriate
181 control macros. And should you wish to design headers from the ground
182 up, <strong>mom</strong> has a special macro,
183 <a href="#HDRFTR_PLAIN">HEADER_PLAIN</a>,
184 that removes all type adjustments to headers. The straightforward
185 type specs for paragraphs are used instead, providing a simple
186 reference point for any alterations you want to make to the family,
187 font, size and capitalization style of any header part.
190 <a name="VERTICAL_SPACING"><h3><u>Vertical placement and spacing of headers/footers</u></h3></a>
192 As explained in the section on
193 <a href="typedocmac.html">typesetting macros in document processing</a>,
194 the top and bottom margins of a <strong>mom</strong> document
195 are the vertical start and end positions of
196 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>,
197 not the vertical positions of headers or footers, which, by definition,
198 appear in the margins <em>above</em> (or below) running text.
200 The vertical placement of headers
201 is controlled by the macro
203 which establishes the
204 <a href="definitions.html">baseline</a>
205 position of headers relative to the <em>top</em> edge of the page.
206 The header rule, whose position is relative to the header itself,
207 is controlled by a separate macro.
208 <strong>FOOTER_MARGIN</strong> establishes the baseline position of
209 footers relative to the <em>bottom</em> edge of the page.
211 <a href="#HDRFTR_GAP">HEADER_GAP</a> establishes
212 the distance between headers and the <em>start</em> of running text (effectively
213 making <strong>HEADER_MARGIN + HEADER_GAP</strong> the top margin of
214 running text unless you give <strong>mom</strong> a literal top margin
215 (with
216 <a href="typesetting.html#T_MARGIN">T_MARGIN</a>),
217 in which case she ignores <strong>HEADER_GAP</strong> and starts
218 running text at whatever top margin you gave.
219 <strong>FOOTER_GAP</strong> and
220 <a href="typesetting.html#B_MARGIN">B_MARGIN</a>
221 work similarly, except they determine where running text
222 <em>ends</em> on the page. (See
224 for a warning about possible conflicts between the footer margin
225 and the bottom margin.)
227 Confused? <strong>Mom</strong> apologizes. It's really quite
228 simple. By default, <strong>mom</strong> sets headers 4-1/2
229 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>
230 down from the top of the page and starts running text 3 picas (the
231 <strong>HEADER_GAP</strong>) beneath that, which means the
232 effective top margin of running text is 7-1/2 picas (visually approx. 1
233 inch). If you give <strong>mom</strong> a literal top margin (with
234 <a href="typesetting.html#T_MARGIN">T_MARGIN</a>),
235 she ignores the <strong>HEADER_GAP</strong> and starts running
236 text at whatever top margin you gave.
238 Footers are treated the same way, the only difference being the
239 default distances. <strong>Mom</strong> sets footers 3 picas up from
240 the bottom of the page, and interrupts the processing of running text 3
241 picas (the <strong>FOOTER_GAP</strong>) above that (again, visually
242 approx. 1 inch). If you give <strong>mom</strong> a literal bottom
243 margin (with <a
244 href="typesetting.html#B_MARGIN">B_MARGIN</a>), she ignores the
245 <strong>FOOTER_GAP</strong> and interrupts the processing of running
246 text at whatever bottom margin you gave.
248 If <strong>mom</strong> is paginating your document (she
249 does, by default, at the bottom of each page), the vertical
250 spacing and placement of page numbers, whether at the top
251 or the bottom of the page, is managed exactly as if the
252 page numbers were headers (or footers), and are controlled
253 by the same macros. See
254 <a href="#PAGINATION">Pagination control</a>.
256 <hr>
258 <!========================================================================>
261 <h2><u>Managing headers/footers</u></h2>
262 </a>
265 The following are the basic macros for turning
266 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">headers</a>
268 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>
269 on or off. They should be invoked prior to
270 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
272 By default, <strong>mom</strong> prints page headers. If you turn
273 them off, she will begin
274 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
275 on each page with a default top margin of 6
276 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>
277 unless you have requested a different top margin (with
278 <a href="typesetting.html#T_MARGIN">T_MARGIN</a>)
279 prior to
280 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>.
282 Please note that headers and footers are mutually exclusive. If
283 headers are on, footers (but NOT bottom-of-page numbering) are
284 automatically turned off. Equally, if footers are on, headers
285 (but NOT top-of-page numbering) are automatically turned off. Thus, if
286 you'd prefer footers in a document, you need only invoke
287 <a href="#FOOTERS">FOOTERS</a>;
288 there's no need to turn headers off first.
291 <!---HEADERS--->
293 <hr width="66%" align="left">
295 <a name="HEADERS"></a>
296 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADERS</strong> toggle</nobr>
299 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">Page headers</a>
300 are on by default. If you don't want them, turn them off by
301 invoking <strong>HEADERS</strong> with any argument
302 (<strong>OFF, QUIT, END, X...</strong>), e.g.
304 <pre>
306 </pre>
308 <strong>NOTE:</strong> <strong>HEADERS</strong> automatically
309 disables
310 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>
311 (you can't have both), but not the page numbers that normally
312 appear at the bottom of the page.
314 <strong>ADDITIONAL NOTE:</strong> If <strong>HEADERS</strong>
315 are <strong>OFF</strong>, <strong>mom</strong>'s normal top
316 margin for
317 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>
318 (7.5
319 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>)
320 changes to 6 picas (visually approx. 1 inch). This does NOT apply
321 to the situation where footers have been explicitly turned on
322 (with
323 <a href="#FOOTERS">FOOTERS</a>).
324 Explicitly invoking footers moves page numbering to the
325 top of the page, where its placement and spacing are the same as
326 for headers. (I.e. the top margin of running text remains 7.5
327 picas.)
330 <!---FOOTERS--->
332 <hr width="66%" align="left">
334 <a name="FOOTERS"></a>
335 <nobr>Macro: <strong>FOOTERS</strong> toggle</nobr>
338 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">Page footers</a>
339 are off by default. If you want them instead of
340 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">headers</a>
341 (you can't have both), turn them on by invoking
342 <strong>FOOTERS</strong> without an argument, e.g.
344 <pre>
346 </pre>
349 <strong>FOOTERS</strong> automatically disables headers, and
350 <strong>mom</strong> shifts the placement of page numbers from their
351 normal position at page bottom to the top of the page.
353 <strong>NOTE:</strong> By default, when footers are on,
354 <strong>mom</strong> does not print a page number on the first
355 page of a document, nor on first pages after
356 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>.
357 If you don't want this behaviour, you can change it with
363 <hr width="66%" align="left">
365 <a name="FOOTER_ON_FIRST_PAGE"></a>
366 <nobr>Macro: <strong>FOOTER_ON_FIRST_PAGE</strong> toggle</nobr>
369 If you invoke
370 <a href="#FOOTERS">FOOTERS</a>,
371 <strong>mom</strong>, by default, does not print a footer on the
372 first page of the document. (The
373 <a href="definitions.html">docheader</a>
374 on page 1 makes it redundant.) However, should you wish a footer on
375 page 1, invoke <strong>FOOTER_ON_FIRST_PAGE</strong> without any argument.
377 <hr>
379 <!---USERDEF_HDRFTR--->
381 <a name="USERDEF_HDRFTR">
382 <h2><u>User-defined, single string recto/verso headers/footers</u></h2>
383 </a>
385 <a name="USERDEF_HDRFTR_INTRO"><h3><u>Introduction</u></h3></a>
387 Sometimes, you'll find you can't get <strong>mom</strong>'s handling
388 of 3-part headers or footers to do exactly what you want in the
389 order you want. This is most likely happen when you want the
390 information contained in the headers/footers split over two pages,
391 as is often the case with recto/verso documents.
393 Say, for example, you want recto page headers to contain a document's
394 author, centred, and verso page headers to contain the document's
395 title, also centred, like this:
397 <pre>
398 +------------------------+ +------------------------+
399 | Author | | Title |
400 | | | |
401 | | | |
402 | | | |
403 | | | |
404 | | | |
405 | | | |
406 | | | |
407 | | | |
408 | | | |
409 | | | |
410 | | | |
411 | | | |
412 | | | |
413 +------------------------+ +------------------------+
414 </pre>
416 With <strong>mom</strong>'s standard 3-part headers, this isn't
417 possible, even when
418 <a href="rectoverso.html#RECTO_VERSO">RECTO_VERSO</a>
419 is enabled. <strong>RECTO_VERSO</strong> switches the left and
420 right parts of headers on alternate pages, but the centre
421 part remains unchanged.
423 Any time you need distinctly different headers on alternate
424 pages, <strong>mom</strong> has macros that let you manually
425 design and determine what goes into headers on recto pages, and
426 what goes into headers on verso pages. The macros are
427 <a href="#HDRFTR_RECTO">HEADER_RECTO</a>
429 <a href="#HDRFTR_VERSO">HEADER_VERSO</a>.
430 Both allow you to state whether the header is flush left, centred,
431 or flush right, and both take a single
432 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_STRINGARGUMENT">string argument</a>
433 with which, by combining text and
434 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escapes</a>,
435 you can make the headers come out just about any way you want.
436 Use of the <strong>\*[PAGE#]</strong> escape is permitted in the
437 string argument (see
438 <a href="#PAGE_NUMBER_INCL">Including the page number in header-left, -centre or -right</a>),
439 and as an added bonus, <strong>mom</strong> provides a special
440 mechanism whereby it's possible to &quot;pad&quot; the string as well.
445 <hr width="66%" align="left">
447 <a name="HDRFTR_RECTOVERSO"></a>
448 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong> LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT &quot;&lt;header recto string&gt;&quot;</nobr>
449 <br>
450 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_VERSO</strong> LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT &quot;&lt;header verso string&gt;&quot;</nobr>
451 <br>
454 <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong> and <strong>HEADER_VERSO</strong> behave
455 identically, hence all references to <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong>
456 in this section also refer to <strong>HEADER_VERSO</strong>.
457 Furthermore, <strong>FOOTER_</strong> can be used instead of
458 <strong>HEADER_</strong> to set up recto/verso footers.
460 The first argument to <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong> is the
461 direction in which you want the header
462 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_QUAD">quadded</a>.
463 <strong>L, C</strong> and <strong>R</strong> may be used in
464 place of <strong>LEFT, CENTER</strong> and
465 <strong>RIGHT</strong>. The second argument is a string,
466 surrounded by double-quotes, containing what you want in the
467 header. <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong> disables <strong>mom</strong>'s
468 normal 3-part headers, therefore anything you want in the
469 headers must be entered by hand in the string, including colours
470 (via the
471 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>
472 <a href="color.html#COLOR_INLINE">\*[&lt;colorname&gt;]</a>).
474 By default, <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong> is set at the same
475 size, and in the same family and font, as paragraph text. The
476 control macros
480 may be used to change the default family and size. Changes to
481 the font(s) within the string must be accomplished with the
482 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escapes</a>
483 <strong>\*[ROM], \*[IT], \*[BD], \*[BDI]</strong> and
484 <strong>\*[PREV]</strong> (see
485 <a href="inlines.html#INLINE_FONTS_MOM">Changing fonts</a>).
486 Additional refinements to the style of the header-recto string,
487 including horizontal spacing and/or positioning, can also be made with
488 inline escapes.
490 To include the current page number in the string, use the
491 <strong>\*[PAGE#]</strong> inline.
492 <br>
494 <h3><u>*Padding the HEADER_RECTO/HEADER_VERSO string</u></h3>
495 You can &quot;pad&quot; the header-recto string, a convenience you'll
496 appreciate in circumstances such as the following.
498 <pre>
500 +------------------------+ +------------------------+
501 | Author Page# | | Page# Title |
502 | | | |
503 | | | |
504 | | | |
505 | | | |
506 | | | |
507 | | | |
508 | | | |
509 | | | |
510 | | | |
511 | | | |
512 | | | |
513 | | | |
514 | | | |
515 +------------------------+ +------------------------+
516 </pre>
518 To pad the string argument passed to <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong>,
519 begin and end the string (inside the double-quotes) with the caret
520 character (<kbd>^</kbd>). Enter the pound sign (<kbd>#</kbd>) at any
521 point in the string where you want an equalized amount of whitespace
522 inserted. (If you're unsure what padding is, see
523 <a href="goodies.html#PAD">Insert space into lines</a>.)
524 Note that if you're padding the string, it doesn't matter what
525 quad direction you give <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong> since
526 padding, by its nature, justifies text to the left and right
527 margins.
529 The situation depicted above is accomplished like this:
531 <pre>
532 .HEADER_RECTO LEFT "^\*[PAGE#]#Title^"
533 .HEADER_VERSO LEFT "^Author#\*[PAGE#]^"
534 </pre>
536 Note that <strong>mom</strong> does not interpret the <kbd>#</kbd>
537 in <strong>\*[PAGE#]</strong> as a padding marker (i.e. as a place
538 to insert whitespace).
540 Also, notice that the argument <strong>LEFT</strong> is used in both
541 cases. When padding a header, it doesn't matter whether you use
542 LEFT, CENTER or RIGHT as the argument.
544 Furthermore, should you need a user-defined header of
545 the sort provided by <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong> and
546 <strong>HEADER_VERSO</strong> but aren't actually printing
547 recto/verso, you can use <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong> to design the
548 header that appears at the top of every page.
550 <strong>IMPORTANT:</strong> The
551 <a href="goodies.html#PAD_MARKER">PAD_MARKER</a>
552 macro, which changes the default pad marker (<kbd>#</kbd>) used by
553 <a href="goodies.html#PAD">PAD</a>,
554 has no effect on the pad marker used in the
555 <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong> string. If you absolutely must
556 have a literal pound sign in your <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong>
557 string, use the escape sequence for the pound sign
558 (<kbd>\[sh]</kbd>) where you want the pound sign to go.
560 <hr>
562 <a name="HEADFOOT_CONTROL">
563 <h2><u>Control macros for headers/footers</u></h2>
564 </a>
565 Virtually every part of headers (see the paragraph on how
566 <a href="#HEADERFOOTER">&quot;headers&quot; means &quot;footers&quot;</a>
567 in the
568 <a href="#HEADFOOTPAGE_INTRO">introduction to headers/footers</a>)
569 can be designed to your own specifications.
572 <a name="INDEX_REFERENCE">
573 <h3><u>Header/footer control macros</u></h3>
574 </a>
576 <ul>
577 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_STRINGS"><strong>STRINGS</strong></a>
578 <ul>
579 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_LEFT">HEADER_LEFT</a>
580 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_CENTER">HEADER_CENTER</a>
581 <ul>
582 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_CENTER_PAD">HEADER_CENTER_PAD</a> -- stick some space left of right of the centre string
583 </ul>
584 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_RIGHT">HEADER_RIGHT</a>
585 <li><a href="#PAGE_NUMBER_SYMBOL">Replacing header left, centre or right with the page number</a>
586 <li><a href="#PAGE_NUMBER_INCL">Including the page number in header left, centre or right</a>
587 </ul>
588 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_STYLE"><strong>STYLE</strong></a>
589 <ul>
590 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_STYLE_GLOBAL"><strong>Global changes</strong></a>
591 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_GLOBAL_FAMILY">HEADER_FAMILY</a>&nbsp;-- family for entire header
592 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_GLOBAL_SIZE">HEADER_SIZE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- size for entire header
593 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_PLAIN">HEADER_PLAIN</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;-- disable default adjustments to header parts
594 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_COLOR">HEADER_COLOR</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;-- colourize the header
595 </ul>
596 <ul>
597 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_STYLE_PART"><strong>Part-by-part changes</strong></a>
598 <li><a href="#_FAMILY">_FAMILY</a>&nbsp;-- left, centre or right family
599 <li><a href="#_FONT">_FONT</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- left, centre or right font
600 <li><a href="#_SIZE">_SIZE</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- left, centre or right size
601 <li><a href="#_CAPS">_CAPS</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;-- left, centre or right all caps
602 <li><a href="#_COLOR">_COLOR</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;-- left, centre or right colour
603 </ul>
604 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_VERTICAL"><strong>VERTICAL PLACEMENT AND SPACING</strong></a>
605 <ul>
606 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_MARGIN">HEADER_MARGIN</a>
607 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_GAP">HEADER_GAP</a>
608 </ul>
609 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_SEPARATOR"><strong>SEPARATOR RULE</strong></a>
610 <ul>
611 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_RULE">HEADER_RULE</a>
612 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_RULE_GAP">HEADER_RULE_GAP</a>
614 </ul>
615 </ul>
617 <!---HDRFTR_STRINGS--->
619 <hr width="66%" align="left">
620 <a name="HDRFTR_STRINGS"><h3><u>Header/footer strings</u></h3></a>
622 <a name="HDRFTR_LEFT">
623 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_LEFT</strong> &quot;&lt;text of header left&gt;&quot; | #</nobr>
624 </a>
625 <br>
626 <a name="HDRFTR_CENTER">
627 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_CENTER</strong> &quot;&lt;text of header centre&gt;&quot; | #</nobr>
628 </a>
629 <br>
630 <a name="HDRFTR_RIGHT">
631 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_RIGHT</strong> &quot;&lt;text of header right&gt;&quot; | #</nobr>
632 </a>
635 To change the text (the &quot;string&quot;) of the left, centre,
636 or right part of headers, invoke the appropriate macro above with
637 the string you want. For example, <strong>mom</strong>, by default,
638 prints the document's author in the header-left position. If your
639 document has, say, two authors, and you want both their names to
640 appear header-left, change <strong>HEADER_LEFT</strong> like this:
642 <pre>
643 .HEADER_LEFT "R. Stallman, E. Raymond"
644 </pre>
646 Because the arguments to <strong>HEADER_LEFT, _CENTER,</strong>
647 and <strong>_RIGHT</strong> are
648 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_STRINGARGUMENT">string arguments</a>,
649 they must be enclosed in double-quotes.
651 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
652 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to change the strings in footers.
654 <a name="HDRFTR_CENTER_PAD"><h3><u>*Padding the header/footer centre string</u></h3></a>
656 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_CENTER_PAD</strong> LEFT | RIGHT &lt;amount of space by which to pad centre string left or right&gt;</nobr>
657 <br>
658 <em>*Requires a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a></em>
660 By default, <strong>mom</strong> centres the header centre string
661 literally on the line length in effect for page headers. In some
662 cases, notably when the header left or header right strings are
663 particularly long, the effect isn't pretty. The offendingly long
664 header left or right crowds, or even overprints, the header centre.
665 That's where <strong>HEADER_CENTER_PAD</strong> comes in. With a
666 bit of experimentation (yes, you have to preview the document), you
667 can use <strong>HEADER_CENTER_PAD</strong> to move the header
668 centre string left or right until it looks acceptably centred
669 between the two other strings.
671 For example, say your document is an outline for a novel called "By
672 the Shores of Lake Attica." You've told <strong>mom</strong>
673 you want
675 &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="docprocessing.html#DOCTYPE">DOCTYPE</a>
676 <halign="center">
677 <strong>NAMED</strong> "Outline"
679 but when you preview your work, you see that "Outline", in the
680 centre of the page header, is uncomfortably close to the title,
681 which is to the right of it. By invoking
683 <pre>
685 </pre>
687 you can scoot the word "Outline" over three
688 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>
689 to the left (the padding's added to the right of the string)
690 so that your head looks nicely spaced out. Invoking
691 <strong>HEADER_CENTER_PAD</strong> with the <strong>LEFT</strong>
692 argument obviously puts the padding on the left side of the string.
694 Most reassuring of all is that if you use
695 <strong>HEADER_CENTER_PAD</strong> conjunction with
696 <a href="rectoverso.html#RECTO_VERSO">RECTO_VERSO</a>,
697 <strong>mom</strong> will pad the centre string appropriately left
698 OR right, depending on which page you're on, without you having to
699 tell her to do so.
702 <hr width="66%" align="left">
704 <a name="RESERVED_STRINGS"><h3><u>Using mom's &quot;reserved&quot; strings in header/footer definitions</u></h3></a>
706 As pointed out in the author's note in the introduction to
707 headers/footers, headers and footers are something you don't
708 normally have to worry much about. <strong>Mom</strong> usually
709 knows what to do.
711 However, situations do arise where you need to manipulate what goes
712 in the header/footer strings, setting and resetting them as you go
713 along. A case where you might want to do this would be if you want
714 to output endnotes at the end of each document in a series of
715 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">collated</a>
716 documents, and you want the word "Endnotes" to go in the header
717 centre position of the endnotes, but want, say, the
718 <a href="docprocessing.html#TITLE">TITLE</a>
719 to go back into the centre position for the next output document.
721 In scenarios like the above, <strong>mom</strong> has a number of
722 &quot;reserved&quot; strings that you can plug into the
723 <strong>HEADER_LEFT, _CENTER</strong> and <strong>_RIGHT</strong>
724 macros. They are:
726 <pre>
727 \*[$TITLE] -- the argument passed to .TITLE
728 \*[$DOCTITLE] -- the argument passed to .DOCTITLE
729 \*[$AUTHOR_1] -- the first argument passed to .AUTHOR
730 \*[$CHAPTER_STRING] -- the argument passed to .CHAPTER_STRING,
731 if invoked, otherwise, "Chapter"
732 \*[$CHAPTER] -- the argument (typically a number) passed
733 to .CHAPTER
734 \*[$CHAPTER_TITLE] -- the argument passed to .CHAPTER_TITLE
735 </pre>
737 Returning to the scenario above, first, you'd define a centre
738 string for the endnotes page:
740 <pre>
741 .HEADER_CENTER "Endnotes"
742 </pre>
744 Then, you'd output the endnotes:
746 <pre>
748 </pre>
750 Then, you'd prepare <strong>mom</strong> for the next document:
752 <pre>
754 .TITLE "New Doc Title"
755 .AUTHOR "Josephine Blough"
756 </pre>
758 Then, you'd redefine the header centre string using the reserved
759 string \*[$TITLE], like this:
761 <pre>
763 </pre>
765 And last, you'd do:
767 <pre>
768 .START
769 </pre>
771 Voilà! Any argument you pass to <strong>TITLE</strong> from here
772 on in (say, for subsequent documents) is back in the header centre
773 position. Here's the whole routine again:
775 <pre>
776 .HEADER_CENTER "Endnotes"
779 .TITLE "New Doc Title"
780 .AUTHOR "Josephine Blough"
782 .START
783 </pre>
785 If need be, you can concatenate the strings, as in the following
786 example.
788 <pre>
790 </pre>
792 which, assuming a <strong>.CHAPTER_STRING</strong> of
793 &quot;Chapter&quot; and a <strong>.CHAPTER</strong> of
794 &quot;2&quot;, would put &quot;Chapter 2&quot; in the header centre
795 position.
798 <a name="PAGE_NUMBER_SYMBOL">
799 <h3><u>*Replacing header-left, -CENTER or -right with the page number</u></h3>
800 </a>
802 If you would like to have the current page number to appear
803 header-left, -center, or -right <em>instead</em> of a text
804 string, invoke the appropriate macro, above, with the single
805 argument <code>#</code> (the &quot;number&quot; or
806 &quot;pound&quot; sign). Do <strong>NOT</strong> use
807 double-quotes. For example,
809 <pre>
811 </pre>
813 will print the current page number in the CENTER part of
814 headers.
817 <a name="PAGE_NUMBER_INCL">
818 <h3><u>*Including the page number in header-left, -CENTER or -right</u></h3>
819 </a>
821 If you would like to <em>include</em> the current page number in
822 the string you pass to <strong>HEADER_LEFT, _CENTER,</strong> or
823 <strong>_RIGHT</strong>, use the special
824 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>
825 <code>\*[PAGE#]</code> in the string argument.
827 For example, say you have a document that's ten pages long, and
828 you want header-right to say "page &lt;whichever&gt; of 10",
829 invoke <strong>HEADER_RIGHT</strong> as follows:
831 <pre>
832 .HEADER_RIGHT "page \*[PAGE#] of 10"
833 </pre>
835 Header-right of page two will read &quot;page 2 of 10&quot;,
836 header-right of page three will read &quot;page 3 of 10&quot;,
837 and so on.
839 <hr>
841 <!---HDRFTR_STYLE--->
843 <a name="HDRFTR_STYLE"><h3><u>Header/footer style</u></h3></a>
846 <a name="HDRFTR_STYLE_GLOBAL"><strong>Global changes</strong></a>
848 The following macros allow you to make changes that affect all
849 parts of the header at once.
851 Please note that <strong>HEADER_FAMILY</strong> and
852 <strong>HEADER_FONT</strong> have no effect on
853 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>.
855 <ul>
857 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_GLOBAL_SIZE">HEADER_SIZE</a>
858 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_PLAIN">HEADER_PLAIN</a>
859 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_COLOR">HEADER_COLOR</a>
860 </ul>
862 <hr width="33%" align="left">
865 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_FAMILY</strong> &lt;family&gt;</nobr>
866 </a>
869 By default, <strong>mom</strong> uses the default document family
870 for headers. If you would like her to use another
871 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FAMILY">family</a>
872 in headers, invoke <strong>HEADER_FAMILY</strong> with the identifier
873 for the family you want. The argument is the same as for the
874 typesetting macro
875 <a href="typesetting.html#FAMILY">FAMILY</a>.
877 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
878 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to change the footer family.
881 <hr width="33%" align="left">
883 <a name="HDRFTR_GLOBAL_SIZE">
884 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_SIZE</strong> &lt;+|-number of points&gt;</nobr>
885 <br>
886 <em>*Argument is relative to the point size of type in paragraphs</em>
887 </a>
890 By default, <strong>mom</strong> makes small adjustments to the size
891 of each part of a header to achieve an aesthetically pleasing result.
892 If you'd like her to continue to do so, but would like the overall
893 appearance of headers to be a little smaller or a little larger,
894 invoke <strong>HEADER_SIZE</strong> with + or - the number of
895 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>
896 (fractions allowed) by which you want her to in/decrease the size
897 of headers. For example,
899 <pre>
900 .HEADER_SIZE +.75
901 </pre>
903 increases the size of every part of a header by 3/4 of a point while
904 respecting <strong>mom</strong>'s own little size changes.
907 <a href="docelement.html#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>
908 for an explanation of how control macros ending in
909 <strong>_SIZE</strong> work.
911 <a name="FOOTER_GLOBAL_SIZE"></a>
912 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
913 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to change the footer size.
915 <strong>ADDITIONAL NOTE:</strong> Normally, macros that control headers have no
916 effect on
917 <a href="docprocessing.html#PRINTSTYLE">PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</a>.
918 <strong>HEADER_SIZE</strong> is an exception. While all parts of a
919 header in <strong>PRINTSTYLE TYPEWRITE</strong> are always the same
920 size, you can use <strong>HEADER_SIZE</strong> with <strong>PRINTSTYLE
921 TYPEWRITE</strong> to reduce the header's overall point size.
922 You'll most likely require this when the
923 <a href="docprocessing.html#COPYSTYLE">COPYSTYLE</a>
924 is <strong>DRAFT</strong>, since portions of the header may overprint
925 if, say, the title of your document is very long.
928 <hr width="33%" align="left">
930 <a name="HDRFTR_PLAIN">
931 Macro: <strong>HEADER_PLAIN</strong>
932 </a>
935 By default, <strong>mom</strong> makes adjustments to the font,
936 size, and capitalization style of each part of headers to achieve
937 an aesthetically pleasing look. Should you wish to design your own
938 headers from the ground up without worrying how changes to the various
939 elements of header style interact with <strong>mom</strong>'s defaults,
940 invoke <strong>HEADER_PLAIN</strong> by itself, with no argument.
941 <strong>Mom</strong> will disable her default behaviour for headers,
942 and reset all elements of header style to the same family, font,
943 and point size as she uses in paragraphs.
945 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
946 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to disable <strong>mom</strong>'s
947 default behaviour for the various elements of footer style.
950 <hr width="33%" align="left">
952 <a name="HDRFTR_COLOR">
953 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_COLOR</strong> &lt;colorname&gt;</nobr>
954 </a>
957 If you want your headers in a colour different from the document
958 default (usually black), invoke <strong>HEADER_COLOR</strong> with
959 the name of a colour pre-defined (or &quot;initialized&quot;) with
960 <a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>
962 <a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>.
964 <strong>HEADER_COLOR</strong> will set all the parts of the header
965 AND the header rule in the colour you give it as an argument. If
966 you wish finer control over colour in headers, you can use
967 <a href="#_COLOR">HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_COLOR</a>
968 to colourize each part of the header separately, as well as
970 to change the colour of the header rule.
972 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
973 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to colourize footers.
976 <hr width="66%" align="left">
978 <a name="HDRFTR_STYLE_PART"><strong>Part by part changes</strong></a>
980 <strong>NOTE:</strong> When using the following control macros,
981 replace &quot;&lt;POSITION&gt;&quot; by <strong>LEFT, CENTER,</strong>
982 or <strong>RIGHT</strong> as appropriate.
984 <ul>
985 <li><a href="#_FAMILY">HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_FAMILY</a>
986 <li><a href="#_FONT">HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_FONT</a>
987 <li><a href="#_SIZE">HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_SIZE</a>
988 <li><a href="#_CAPS">HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_CAPS</a>
989 <li><a href="#_COLOR">HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_COLOR</a>
990 </ul>
992 <hr width="33%" align="left">
994 <a name="_FAMILY">
995 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_FAMILY</strong> &lt;family&gt;</nobr>
996 </a>
998 Use <strong>HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_FAMILY</strong> to change the
999 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FAMILY">family</a>
1000 of any part of headers. See
1001 <a href="docelement.html#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>
1002 for an explanation of how control macros ending in
1003 <strong>_FAMILY</strong> work.
1005 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
1006 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to change a footer part's family.
1009 <hr width="33%" align="left">
1011 <a name="_FONT">
1012 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_FONT</strong> &lt;font&gt;</nobr>
1013 </a>
1015 Use <strong>HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_FONT</strong> to change the
1016 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FONT">font</a>
1017 of any part of headers. See
1018 <a href="docelement.html#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>
1019 for an explanation of how control macros ending in
1020 <strong>_FONT</strong> work.
1022 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
1023 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to change a footer part's font.
1026 <hr width="33%" align="left">
1028 <a name="_SIZE">
1029 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_SIZE</strong> &lt;+|-number of points&gt;</nobr>
1030 </a>
1032 Use <strong>HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_SIZE</strong> to change the size of any
1033 part of headers (relative to the point size of type in
1034 paragraphs). See
1035 <a href="docelement.html#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>
1036 for an explanation of how control macros ending in
1037 <strong>_SIZE</strong> work.
1039 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
1040 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to change a footer part's size.
1043 <hr width="33%" align="left">
1045 <a name="_CAPS">
1046 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_CAPS</strong> toggle</nobr>
1047 </a>
1049 <strong>HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_CAPS</strong> is a
1050 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_TOGGLE">toggle macro</a>.
1051 If you want any part of headers to be set in all caps,
1052 regardless of the capitalization of that part's string as given
1053 to the
1054 <a href="docprocessing.html#REFERENCE_MACROS">reference macros</a>
1055 or as defined by you with the
1056 <a href="#HDRFTR_STRINGS">header string control macros</a>,
1057 simply invoke this macro (using the appropriate position) with no
1058 argument. If you wish to turn capitalization off (say, for the
1059 header-right string that <strong>mom</strong> capitalizes by
1060 default), invoke the argument with any argument (e.g. <strong>OFF,
1061 QUIT, END, X...</strong>).
1063 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
1064 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to change a footer part's
1065 capitalization style.
1068 <hr width="33%" align="left">
1070 <a name="_COLOR">
1071 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_COLOR</strong> &lt;colorname&gt;</nobr>
1072 </a>
1074 <strong>HEADER_&lt;POSITION&gt;_COLOR</strong> allows you to set a
1075 colour for each of the three possible parts of a page header
1076 separately. For example, say you want the right part of the header
1077 (by default, the document title) in red, this is how you'd get it:
1079 <pre>
1081 </pre>
1083 The other parts of the header will be in the default header colour
1084 (usually black, but that can be changed with
1085 <a href="#HDRFTR_COLOR">HEADER_COLOR</a>).
1087 Remember that you have to define (or &quot;initialize&quot;) a
1088 colour with
1089 <a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>
1091 <a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>
1092 before you can use the colour.
1094 If you create a
1095 <a href="#USERDEF_HDRFTR">user-defined header</a>
1096 with
1097 <a href="#HDRFTR_RECTO">HEADER_RECTO</a>
1099 <a href="#HDRFTR_VERSO">HEADER_VERSO</a>,
1100 and you want various elements within the header to be colourized,
1101 embed the colours in the string passed to <strong>HEADER_RECTO</strong>
1102 or <strong>HEADER_VERSO</strong> with the
1103 <a href="color.html#COLOR_INLINE">\*[&lt;colorname&gt;]</a>
1104 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_INLINES">inline escape</a>.
1106 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
1107 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to set the colours for the various
1108 elements of footers.
1110 <hr>
1112 <!---HDRFTR_VERTICAL--->
1114 <a name="HDRFTR_VERTICAL">
1115 <h2><u>Header/footer vertical placement and spacing</u></h2>
1116 </a>
1120 <a href="#VERTICAL_SPACING">Vertical placement and spacing of headers/footers</a>
1121 for an explanation of how <strong>mom</strong> deals with
1122 headers, footers, and top/bottom page margins.
1125 <!---HDRFTR_MARGIN--->
1127 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1129 <a name="HDRFTR_MARGIN"></a>
1130 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_MARGIN</strong> &lt;distance to baseline of header&gt;</nobr>
1131 <br>
1132 <em>*Requires a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a></em>
1135 Use <strong>HEADER_MARGIN</strong> to set the distance from the
1136 top edge of the page to the
1137 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
1138 of type in headers. A unit of measure is required, and decimal
1139 fractions are allowed.
1141 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default header margin is 4-1/2
1142 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>,
1143 but if you want a different margin, say, 1/2-inch, do
1145 <pre>
1147 </pre>
1149 If your document uses
1150 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>,
1151 replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above, with
1152 <strong>FOOTER_</strong>. The argument to
1153 <strong>FOOTER_MARGIN</strong> is the distance from the bottom
1154 edge of the page to the baseline of type in footers.
1156 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default footer margin is 3
1157 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>.
1159 <a name="FOOTER_MARGIN"></a>
1163 <strong>Mom</strong> requires a footer margin for proper operation,
1164 hence she sets one, even if you don't. (As stated above, her default
1165 footer margin is 3-picas).
1167 If you set a bottom margin for your document (with
1168 <a href="typesetting.html#B_MARGIN">B_MARGIN</a>,
1169 prior to
1170 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>)
1171 and the margin's too close to <strong>mom</strong>'s default
1172 footer margin (or a footer margin you set yourself
1173 with <strong>FOOTER_MARGIN</strong>), <strong>mom</strong> will
1174 not print your footers; additionally, she'll give you a warning
1175 and some advice on standard error. When this happens, you must
1176 reset either <strong>B_MARGIN</strong> or
1177 <strong>FOOTER_MARGIN</strong> so there's an adequate amount of
1178 space for <strong>mom</strong> to print the bottom line of running
1179 text and the footer.
1181 If you see the warning even when footers and/or bottom-of-page page
1182 numbering are disabled, set a nominal footer margin of 0 prior to
1183 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>,
1184 as in these examples.
1186 <strong>Example 1</strong>
1188 <pre>
1189 &lt;reference macros, etc&gt;
1191 .B_MARGIN .25i
1193 .START
1194 </pre>
1196 <strong>Example 2</strong>
1198 <pre>
1199 &lt;reference macros, etc&gt;
1202 .B_MARGIN .25i
1204 .START
1205 </pre>
1207 <h3>A note on header/footer margins and page numbering</h3>
1208 <strong>Mom</strong> uses HEADER_MARGIN</strong> and
1209 <strong>FOOTER_MARGIN</strong> to establish the baseline
1210 position of page numbers in addition to the baseline position of
1211 headers and footers.
1213 By default, page numbers appear at the bottom of the page, therefore
1214 if you want the default position (bottom), but want to change the
1215 baseline placement, use <strong>FOOTER_MARGIN</strong>. Conversely,
1216 if page numbers are at the top of the page, either because you turned
1217 <a href="#FOOTERS">FOOTERS</a>
1218 on or because you instructed <strong>mom</strong> to put them
1219 there with
1220 <a href="#PAGENUM_POS">PAGENUM_POS</a>,
1221 you'd use <strong>HEADER_MARGIN</strong> to change their
1222 baseline placement.
1225 <!---HDRFTR_GAP--->
1227 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1229 <a name="HDRFTR_GAP"></a>
1230 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_GAP</strong> &lt;distance from header to start of running text&gt;</nobr>
1231 <br>
1232 <em>*Requires a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a></em>
1235 Use <strong>HEADER_GAP</strong> to set the distance from the
1236 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
1237 of type in headers to the start of
1238 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>.
1239 A unit of measure is required, and decimal fractions are allowed.
1241 As explained in
1242 <a href="#VERTICAL_SPACING">Vertical placement and spacing of headers/footers</a>,
1243 <strong>HEADER_MARGIN + HEADER_GAP</strong> determine the
1244 default vertical starting position of running text on the page
1245 UNLESS you have given <strong>mom</strong> your own top margin
1246 (with
1247 <a href="typesetting.html#T_MARGIN">T_MARGIN</a>). If you give
1248 a top margin, <strong>mom</strong> ignores
1249 <strong>HEADER_GAP</strong>; running text starts at your stated
1250 top margin.
1253 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default header gap is 3
1254 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>,
1255 but if you want a different gap, say, 2 centimetres, do
1257 <pre>
1258 .HEADER_GAP 2c
1259 </pre>
1261 If your document uses
1262 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>,
1263 replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above, with
1264 <strong>FOOTER_</strong>. The argument to
1265 <strong>FOOTER_GAP</strong> is the distance from the
1266 baseline of type in footers to the last baseline of running text
1267 on the page.
1269 As explained in
1270 <a href="#VERTICAL_SPACING">Vertical placement and spacing of headers/footers</a>,
1271 <strong>FOOTER_MARGIN + FOOTER_GAP</strong> determine the
1272 default vertical end position of running text on the page
1273 UNLESS you have given <strong>mom</strong> a bottom margin
1274 (with
1275 <a href="typesetting.html#B_MARGIN">B_MARGIN</a>). If you give
1276 a bottom margin, <strong>mom</strong> ignores
1277 <strong>FOOTER_GAP</strong>; running text ends at your stated
1278 bottom margin.
1280 <strong>Mom</strong>'s default footer gap is 3
1281 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">picas</a>.
1283 <strong>NOTE:</strong> <strong>Mom</strong> uses
1284 <strong>HEADER_GAP</strong> and
1285 <strong>FOOTER_GAP</strong> to establish the start and end baseline
1286 positions of running text with respect to both headers and footers
1287 AND page numbers. If you wish to change the gap between
1288 the last line of running text and a bottom page number, use
1289 <strong>FOOTER_GAP</strong>. If page numbers are at the top of the
1290 page, change the gap between the number and the first line of running
1291 text with <strong>HEADER_GAP</strong>.
1293 <hr>
1295 <!---HDRFTR_SEPARATOR--->
1297 <a name="HDRFTR_SEPARATOR">
1298 <h2><u>Header/footer separator rule</u></h2>
1299 </a>
1302 The header/footer separator rule is a modest horizontal rule,
1303 set slightly below the header (or above the footer), that runs
1304 the length of the
1305 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">header</a>
1306 and helps separate it visually from
1307 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>. If
1308 you don't want the rule, you can turn it off. If you want it,
1309 but at a different vertical position relative to the header (or
1310 footer), you can alter its placement.
1312 <ul>
1313 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_RULE">HEADER_RULE</a> -- on or off
1314 <li><a href="#HDRFTR_RULE_GAP">HEADER_RULE_GAP</a> -- distance of rule from header
1315 </ul>
1317 <!---HDRFTR_RULE--->
1319 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1321 <a name="HDRFTR_RULE"></a>
1322 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_RULE</strong> toggle</nobr>
1325 By default, <strong>mom</strong> prints a header separator rule
1326 underneath headers (or above footers). If you don't want the
1327 rule, turn it off by invoking <strong>HEADER_RULE</strong> with any
1328 argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, END, X...</strong>), e.g.
1330 <pre>
1332 </pre>
1334 To turn the rule (back) on, invoke <strong>HEADER_RULE</strong>
1335 without any argument.
1337 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
1338 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to enable/disable the printing of
1339 the footer separator rule. (Most likely, if you're using
1340 <a href="#FOOTERS">FOOTERS</a>, you'll want it off.)
1343 <!---HDRFTR_RULE_GAP--->
1345 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1347 <a name="HDRFTR_RULE_GAP"></a>
1348 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_RULE_GAP</strong> distance of rule beneath header</nobr>
1349 <br>
1350 <em>*Requires a <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_UNITOFMEASURE">unit of measure</a></em>
1353 <strong>HEADER_RULE_GAP</strong> is the distance from the
1354 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_BASELINE">baseline</a>
1355 of type in headers to the rule underneath. A unit of measure is
1356 required, and decimal fractions are allowed. Please note that
1357 <strong>HEADER_RULE_GAP</strong> has no effect on
1358 <a href="#HEADER_GAP">HEADER_GAP</a>
1359 (i.e. <strong>HEADER_RULE_GAP</strong> is NOT added to
1360 <strong>HEADER_GAP</strong> when <strong>mom</strong> calculates
1361 the space between headers and the start of
1362 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_RUNNING">running text</a>).
1364 By default, the header rule gap is 4
1365 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_PICASPOINTS">points</a>.
1366 If you'd like to change it to, say, 1/4
1367 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_EM">em</a>, do
1369 <pre>
1370 .HEADER_RULE_GAP .25m
1371 </pre>
1373 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
1374 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> if you're using
1375 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>
1376 and want to change the separator rule gap. In footers, the gap
1377 is measured from the top of the tallest
1378 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_ASCENDER">ascender</a>
1379 in the footer.
1381 <strong>ADDITIONAL NOTE:</strong> When using
1385 make sure that the default size for footers
1386 (<a href="#FOOTER_GLOBAL_SIZE">FOOTER_SIZE</a>)
1387 is set to the largest size of type that will be used in the
1388 footer or <strong>mom</strong> may not get the rule gap right.
1389 Inline changes to the size of type in
1390 <strong>FOOTER_RECTO</strong> and <strong>FOOTER_VERSO</strong>
1391 should always be negative (smaller) than the default.
1394 <!---HDRFTR_RULE_COLOR--->
1396 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1398 <a name="HDRFTR_RULE_COLOR"></a>
1399 <nobr>Macro: <strong>HEADER_RULE_COLOR</strong> &lt;colorname&gt;</nobr>
1402 If you wish to change the colour of the header rule, invoke
1403 <strong>HEADER_RULE_COLOR</strong> with the name of a colour
1404 pre-defined (or &quot;initialized&quot;) with
1405 <a href="color.html#NEWCOLOR">NEWCOLOR</a>
1407 <a href="color.html#XCOLOR">XCOLOR</a>.
1409 Please note that <strong>HEADER_RULE_COLOR</strong> overrides the
1410 colour set with
1411 <a href="#HDRFTR_COLOR">HDRFTR_COLOR</a>,
1412 so that it's possible to have the heads entirely in, say, blue (set
1413 with <strong>HEADER_COLOR</strong>), and the header rule in, say,
1414 red.
1416 <strong>NOTE:</strong> Replace <strong>HEADER_</strong>, above,
1417 with <strong>FOOTER_</strong> to change the colour of the footer
1418 rule.
1420 <hr>
1422 <a name="PAGINATION">
1423 <h2><u>Pagination</u></h2>
1424 </a>
1427 By default, <strong>mom</strong> paginates documents. Page numbers
1428 appear in the bottom margin of the page, centred between two hyphens.
1429 As with all elements of <strong>mom</strong>'s document processing,
1430 most aspects of pagination style can be altered to suit your taste
1431 with control macros.
1434 <a name="INDEX_PAGINATION">
1435 <h3><u>Pagination macros list</u></h3>
1436 </a>
1438 <ul>
1439 <li><a href="#PAGINATE">PAGINATE</a> -- pagination on or off
1440 <li><a href="#PAGENUMBER">PAGENUMBER</a> -- user-defined (starting) page number
1441 <li><a href="#PAGENUM_STYLE">PAGENUM_STYLE</a> -- digits, roman numerals, etc
1442 <li><a href="#PAGENUM_ON_FIRST_PAGE">PAGENUM_ON_FIRST_PAGE</a> -- applies only when footers are enabled
1443 <li><a href="#DRAFT_WITH_PAGENUMBER">DRAFT_WITH_PAGENUMBER</a> -- attach draft/revision information to page numbers
1444 <li><a href="#PAGINATE_CONTROL">Control macros</a>
1445 </ul>
1448 <!---PAGINATE--->
1450 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1452 <a name="PAGINATE"></a>
1453 <nobr>Macro: <strong>PAGINATE</strong> toggle</nobr>
1454 <br>
1455 Alias: <strong>PAGINATION</strong>
1458 By default, <strong>mom</strong> paginates documents (in the bottom
1459 margin). If you'd prefer she not paginate, turn pagination off
1460 by invoking <strong>PAGINATE</strong> with any argument (<strong>OFF,
1461 NO, QUIT, END, X...</strong>), e.g.
1463 <pre>
1465 </pre>
1467 To (re)start pagination, invoke <strong>PAGINATE</strong>
1468 without any argument.
1471 <!---PAGENUMBER--->
1473 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1475 <a name="PAGENUMBER"></a>
1476 <nobr>Macro: <strong>PAGENUMBER</strong> &lt;number&gt;</nobr>
1479 As is to be expected, pagination of documents begins at page 1.
1480 If you'd prefer that <strong>mom</strong> begin with a different
1481 number on the first page of a document, invoke
1482 <strong>PAGENUMBER</strong> with the number you want.
1484 <strong>PAGENUMBER</strong> need not be used only to give
1485 <strong>mom</strong> a "first page" number. It can be used at
1486 any time to tell <strong>mom</strong> what number you want a
1487 page to have. Subsequent page numbers will, of course, be
1488 incremented by 1 from that number.
1491 <!---PAGENUM_STYLE--->
1493 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1495 <a name="PAGENUM_STYLE"></a>
1496 <nobr>Macro: <strong>PAGENUM_STYLE</strong> DIGIT | ROMAN | roman | ALPHA | alpha</nobr>
1499 <strong>PAGENUM_STYLE</strong> lets you tell
1500 <strong>mom</strong> what kind of page numbering you want.
1502 <table valign="baseline" summary="pagenumstyle">
1503 <tr><td>DIGIT<td align="center" width="15">=<td>Arabic digits (1, 2, 3...)
1504 <tr><td>ROMAN<td align="center" width="15">=<td>upper case roman numerals (I, II, III...)
1505 <tr><td>roman<td align="center" width="15">=<td>lower case roman numerals (i, ii, iii...)
1506 <tr><td>ALPHA<td align="center" width="15">=<td>upper case letters (A, B, C...)
1507 <tr><td>alpha<td align="center" width="15">=<td>lower case letters (a, b, c...)</td></tr>
1508 </table>
1513 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1515 <a name="PAGENUM_ON_FIRST_PAGE"></a>
1516 <nobr>Macro: <strong>PAGENUM_ON_FIRST_PAGE</strong> toggle</nobr>
1519 This macro applies only if you've enabled
1520 <a href="#FOOTERS">FOOTERS</a>.
1521 If <strong>FOOTERS</strong> are on, <strong>mom</strong> automatically
1522 places page numbers at the tops of pages except on
1523 the first page of a document (or on first pages after
1524 <a href="rectoverso.html#COLLATE">COLLATE</a>). If you'd
1525 like the page number to appear on &quot;first&quot; pages when
1526 footers are on, invoke <strong>PAGENUM_ON_FIRST_PAGE</strong> with
1527 no argument. Any other argument turns the feature off (<strong>OFF,
1528 QUIT, END, X...</strong>).
1530 As with most of the <a
1531 href="definitions.html#TERMS_CONTROLMACRO">control macros</a>,
1532 <strong>PAGENUM_ON_FIRST_PAGE</strong> can be invoked at any time,
1533 meaning that if you don't want a page number on the very first
1534 page of a document, but do want one on pages that appear after
1535 <strong>COLLATE</strong>, omit it before the first
1536 <a href="docprocessing.html#START">START</a>
1537 of the document, then invoke it either just before or after your
1538 first <strong>COLLATE</strong>.
1543 <hr width="66%" align="left">
1545 <a name="DRAFT_WITH_PAGENUMBER"></a>
1546 Macro: <strong>DRAFT_WITH_PAGENUMBER</strong>
1549 Sometimes, in
1550 <a href="docprocessing.html#COPYSTYLE">COPYSTYLE DRAFT</a>,
1551 the CENTER part of page headers gets overcrowded because of the draft
1552 and revision information that go there by default.
1553 <strong>DRAFT_WITH_PAGENUMBER</strong> is one way to
1554 fix the problem.
1556 Invoked without an argument, <strong>DRAFT_WITH_PAGENUMBER</strong>
1557 removes draft/revision information from the page headers and attaches
1558 it instead to the document's page numbering, in the form
1560 <pre>
1561 Draft #, Rev. # / &lt;pagenumber&gt;
1562 </pre>
1564 See the note in
1565 <a href="docprocessing.html#COPYSTYLE">COPYSTYLE DRAFT</a>
1566 for other ways of dealing with crowded page headers when formatting
1567 draft-style copy.
1569 <hr>
1571 <!---PAGINATE_CONTROL--->
1573 <a name="PAGINATE_CONTROL"><h3><u>Pagination control macros</u></h3></a>
1575 <ol>
1576 <li><a href="#PAGINATE_GENERAL">Family/font/size/colour</a>
1577 <li><a href="#PAGENUM_POS">Page number position (vertical and horizontal)</a>
1578 <li><a href="#PAGENUM_HYPHENS">Enclose page numbers with hyphens (on or off)</a>
1579 </ol>
1580 <br>
1581 <a name="PAGINATE_GENERAL"><h3><u>1. Page number family/font/size/colour</u></h3></a>
1584 <a href="#CONTROL_MACRO_ARGS">Arguments to the control macros</a>.
1586 <pre>
1587 .PAGENUM_FAMILY default = prevailing document family; default is Times Roman
1588 .PAGENUM_FONT default = roman
1589 .PAGENUM_SIZE default = 0 (i.e. same size as paragraph text)
1590 .PAGENUM_COLOR default= black
1591 </pre>
1593 <a name="PAGENUM_POS"><h3><u>2. Page number position</u></h3></a>
1595 <nobr>Macro: <strong>PAGENUM_POS</strong> TOP | BOTTOM&nbsp;&nbsp;LEFT | CENTER | RIGHT</nobr>
1598 Use <strong>PAGENUM_POS</strong> to change the default position of
1599 automatic page numbering. <strong>PAGENUM_POS</strong> requires
1600 <em>two</em> arguments: a vertical position (TOP or BOTTOM) and a
1601 horizontal position (LEFT or CENTER or RIGHT).
1603 For example, if you turn both
1604 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_HEADER">headers</a>
1606 <a href="definitions.html#TERMS_FOOTER">footers</a>
1607 off (with <code>.HEADERS OFF</code> and <code>.FOOTERS
1608 OFF</code>) and you want <strong>mom</strong> to number your
1609 pages at the top right position, enter
1611 <pre>
1613 </pre>
1615 <a name="PAGENUM_HYPHENS"><h3><u>3. Enclose page numbers with hyphens (on or off)</u></h3></a>
1617 By default, <strong>mom</strong> encloses page numbers between hyphens.
1618 If you don't want this behaviour, invoke the macro
1619 <strong>PAGENUM_HYPHENS</strong> with any argument (<strong>OFF, QUIT, END, X...</strong>),
1620 like this:
1622 <pre>
1624 </pre>
1626 If, for some reason, you want to turn page number hyphens back
1627 on, invoke the macro without an argument.
1630 <hr>
1631 <a href="rectoverso.html#TOP">Next</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
1632 <a href="docelement.html#TOP">Prev</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
1633 <a href="#TOP">Top</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
1634 <a href="toc.html">Back to Table of Contents</a>
1635 </body>
1636 </html>