1 $NetBSD: acronyms,v 1.185 2009/02/16 15:59:41 sketch Exp $
2 AFAIC as far as I'm concerned
3 AFAICR as far as I can recall
4 AFAICT as far as I can tell
6 AFAIR as far as I recall
7 AFAIU as far as I understand
13 AIUI as I understand it
15 ASAIC as soon as I can
16 ASAP as soon as possible
18 AWOL absent without official leave
19 AYBABTU all your base are belong to us
24 BBIAB be back in a bit
25 BBL [I'll] be back later
29 BCNUL8R be seeing you later
31 BFH big fucking hammer
34 BIALW back in a little while
37 BOATILAS bend over and take it like a slut
38 BOFH bastard operator from hell
39 BOGAHICA bend over, grab ankles, here it comes again
40 BOHICA bend over here it comes again
41 BRB [I'll] be right back
43 BTDT been there, done that
47 CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong
48 CNP continued [in my] next post
49 COB close of business [day]
50 COTS commercial off-the-shelf
53 DGAS don't give a shit
55 DKDC don't know, don't care
57 DRY don't repeat yourself
58 DSTM don't shoot the messenger
59 DTRT do the right thing
60 DTWT do the wrong thing
64 EOB end of business [day]
67 ETA estimated time of arrival
68 ETLA extended three letter acronym
69 EWAG experienced wild-ass guess
70 FAQ frequently asked question
71 FCFS first come first served
73 FIGJAM fuck I'm good, just ask me
74 FIIK fuck[ed] if I know
75 FIIR fuck[ed] if I remember
77 FOAD {fuck off,fall over} and die
79 FSDO for some definition of
80 FSVO for some value of
81 FTFM fuck the fuckin' manual!
82 FTHOI for the {heck,hell} of it
85 FUBAR fucked up beyond all recognition
86 FUD fear, uncertainty and doubt
87 FWIW for what it's worth
88 FYI for your information
93 GIGO garbage in, garbage out
94 GMTA great minds think alike
100 HHIS hanging head in shame
101 HHOS ha ha, only serious
102 HICA here it comes again
107 IANAL I am not a lawyer
109 ICBW I could be wrong
110 ICCL I couldn't care less
112 IHAFC I haven't a fucking clue
113 IHBW I have been wrong
114 IHNFC I have no fucking clue
115 IIANM if I am not mistaken
116 IIRC if I recall correctly
117 IIUC if I understand correctly
120 IMAO in my arrogant opinion
121 IMCO in my considered opinion
122 IMHO in my humble opinion
123 IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
127 ISAGN I see a great need
129 ISTR I seem to recall
130 ITYM I think you mean
131 IWBNI it would be nice if
133 IYSWIM if you see what I mean
135 JFW just fucking works
136 JHD just hit ``delete''
140 JSYK just so you know
141 JTLYK just to let you know
142 KISS keep it simple, stupid
144 KNF kernel normal form
146 LART luser attitude readjustment tool (ie, hammer)
147 LBNL last but not least
148 LGTM looks good to me
149 LJBF let's just be friends
150 LMAO laughing my ass off
151 LMSO laughing my socks off
152 LOL laughing out loud
153 LTNS long time no see
154 MIA missing in action
155 MOTAS member of the appropriate sex
156 MOTOS member of the opposite sex
157 MOTSS member of the same sex
159 MYOB mind your own business
165 NIFOC naked in front of computer
166 NIH not invented here
169 NOYB none of your business
170 NOYFB none of your fucking business
172 NRFPT not ready for prime time
173 NRN no reply necessary
174 NSFW not suitable for work
182 OTOH on the other hand
184 OTTOMH off the top of my head
185 PDQ pretty darn quick
186 PEBKAC problem exists between keyboard and chair
188 PFY pimply faced youth
189 PHB pointy haired boss
191 PKSP pound keys and spew profanity
192 PNG persona non grata
196 POLA principle of least astonishment
197 POLS principle of least surprise
200 PTV parental tunnel vision
201 QED quod erat demonstrandum
202 RFC request for comments
203 RFD request for discussion
204 RFE request for enhancements
208 ROFL rolling on floor laughing
209 ROFLMAO rolling on floor laughing my ass off
210 ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
211 RP responsible person
213 RSVP repondez s'il vous plait (please reply)
214 RTFB read the fine/fucking book
215 RTFC read the fine/fucking code
216 RTFD read the fine/fucking documentation
217 RTFM read the fine/fucking manual
218 RTFMP read the fine/fucking man page
219 RTFS read the fine/fucking source
220 SCNR sorry, could not resist
221 SEP someone else's problem
223 SHID slaps head in disgust
224 SIMCA sitting in my chair amused
225 SMLSFB so many losers, so few bullets
226 SMOP simple matter of programming
227 SNAFU situation normal, all fucked up
228 SNERT snot-nosed egotistical rude teenager
229 SNMP sorry, not my problem
230 SNR signal to noise ratio
233 SOL shit out [of] luck
234 SOP standard operating procedure
235 SSIA subject says it all
236 SSTO single stage to orbit
237 STFA search the fucking archives
238 STFU shut the fuck up
239 STFW search the fucking web
240 SUS stupid user syndrome
242 SUX2BU sucks to be you
243 SWAG silly, wild-assed guess
244 SWAHBI silly, wild-assed hare-brained idea
245 SWFG search with fucking google
246 SWMBO she who must be obeyed
247 TANSTAAFL there ain't no such thing as a free lunch
249 TBD to be {decided,determined,done}
251 TBOMK the best of my knowledge
254 TIA thanks in advance
255 TIAVP this is a volunteer project
256 TINC there is no cabal
257 TLA three letter acronym
258 TLC tender loving care
259 TLDR too long, didn't read
260 TMA too many abbreviations
261 TMI too much information
262 TMTOWTDI there's more than one way to do it
263 TNF The NetBSD Foundation
264 TOEFL test of english as a foreign language
265 TPTB the powers that be
267 TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge
269 TTYL talk to you later
270 TWIAVBP the world is a very big place
272 TYVM thank you very much
274 UTSL use the source, Luke
280 WCPGW what could possibly go wrong
281 WFH working from home
283 WIBNI wouldn't it be nice if
285 WMNC watch me not care
286 WOFTAM waste of fucking time and money
287 WOMBAT waste of money, brain, and time
289 WTF {what,when,where,who,why} the fuck
290 WTFRUD what the fuck are you doing
291 WTH {what,when,where,who,why} the hell
292 WYSIWYG what you see is what you get
293 YALIMO you are lame, in my opinion
294 YHBT you have been trolled
296 YKWIM you know what I mean
298 YMMV your mileage may vary