Added test.lisp
[netclos.git] / ncl-macros.lisp
1 ;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 ;;; name : ncl-macros
3 ;;; description: all the macros needed for netclos
4 ;;; notes :
5 ;;; contact : me (Michael Trowe)
6 ;;; copyright :
7 ;;; history :
8 ;;; contents :
9 ;;;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 (in-package nc)
13 (defstruct request message-id)
15 (defun fetch-names (args)
16 (loop for arg in args
17 collect (if (listp arg)
18 (first arg)
19 arg)))
21 (defmacro defmessage (name args &key receive-action request-p process-p)
22 (if request-p
23 (create-request name (fetch-names args) args receive-action process-p)
24 (create-operation name (fetch-names args) args receive-action process-p)))
26 (defun create-request (name arg-names args body process-p)
27 (let* ((sym (gensym "message-id"))
28 (body `(kernel-send *calling-os*
29 (reply-message :content ,body
30 :message-id ,sym))))
31 `(progn
32 ,(create-struct name arg-names :super 'request)
33 ,(create-defun name (cons sym arg-names) body process-p)
34 ,(create-pack name (cons 'message-id arg-names) (cons 'message-id args)))))
36 (defun create-operation (name arg-names args body process-p)
37 `(progn
38 ,(create-struct name arg-names)
39 ,(create-defun name arg-names body process-p)
40 ,(create-pack name arg-names args)))
43 (defun create-struct (name args &key super)
44 (if super
45 `(defstruct (,name
46 (:constructor ,(intern (format nil "~a-MESSAGE" name)))
47 (:include ,super))
48 ,@args)
49 `(defstruct (,name
50 (:constructor ,(intern (format nil "~a-MESSAGE" name))))
51 ,@args)))
53 (defun create-defun (name arg-names body process-p)
54 `(defun ,name ,arg-names ,(if process-p
55 `(acl-compat-mp:process-run-function ,(format nil "receiving ~a" name)
56 #'(lambda (*calling-os*)
57 ,body)
58 *calling-os*)
59 body)))
61 (defvar *pack-forms* ())
63 (defun create-pack (name arg-names args)
64 `(defmethod pack ((message ,name) &optional stream)
65 (let ((*pack-forms*))
66 (write-string ,(concatenate 'string "(" (write-to-string name) " ") stream)
67 ,@(loop for arg in args
68 for arg-name in arg-names
69 for packfunc = (if (and (listp arg)
70 (eq (second arg) :packing))
71 (third arg)
72 'pack)
73 collect `(,packfunc (,(intern
74 (format nil "~a-~a" name arg-name))
75 message)
76 stream))
77 (write-char #\) stream))))
79 ;;; mit *thee-agg zum testen von env
81 (defun create-pack (name arg-names args)
82 `(defmethod pack ((message ,name) &optional stream)
83 (let ((*pack-forms*))
84 (format stream
85 "(let ((mks::*the-aggregate* 'pol) (declare (special mks::*the-aggregate*))")
86 (write-string ,(concatenate 'string "(" (write-to-string name) " ") stream)
87 ,@(loop for arg in args
88 for arg-name in arg-names
89 for packfunc = (if (and (listp arg)
90 (eq (second arg) :packing))
91 (third arg)
92 'pack)
93 collect `(,packfunc (,(intern
94 (format nil "~a-~a" name arg-name))
95 message)
96 stream))
97 (write-char #\) stream)
98 (write-char #\) stream)
99 )))
102 (shadow 'defgeneric)
104 (defmacro defgeneric (name second &rest rest)
105 (if (member second '(:past :now :future))
106 `(defpargeneric ,name ,second ,@rest)
107 `(common-lisp:defgeneric ,name ,second ,@rest)))
111 (defmacro defpargeneric (name send-func lambda-list &rest options)
112 ;; I wanted to use defgeneric, but you can't add your own keyword arguments then.
113 ;; So now there is no source-file-recording and fewer compile-time error-checking.
114 `(progn (when (and *manager* *defremote-p*)
115 (loop for space in (spaces *manager*)
116 do (remote-eval space
117 '(let ((*defremote-p* nil))
118 (defpargeneric ,name ,send-func ,lambda-list ,@options)))))
119 (ensure-generic-function
120 ',name
121 :lambda-list ',lambda-list
122 :generic-function-class (find-class ',(compute-gf-class
123 name
124 (second (assoc :generic-function-class
125 options))))
126 :send-func ,(compute-send-func send-func)
127 ,@(compute-options options))))
129 (defun make-args (lambda-list)
130 (loop for arg in lambda-list
131 unless (member arg lambda-list-keywords)
132 collect arg))
134 (defun compute-send-func (name)
135 (if (member name '(:past :now :future))
136 (list 'function (intern (format nil "SEND-~a" name) :nc))))
138 (defun compute-options (optionlist)
139 (loop for opt in optionlist
140 unless (eq (first opt) :generic-function-class)
141 append opt))
143 (defun compute-gf-class (name class)
144 (if (and (listp name) (eq (first name) 'setf))
145 (cond ((not class) 'ncl-setf)
146 ((and (subtypep class 'sending-gf) (subtypep class 'setf-gf)) class)
147 (t (error "a generic-function-class used in defpargeneric for a setf form must be a subclass of sending-gf and setf-gf")))
148 (cond ((not class) 'ncl-gf)
149 ((subtypep class 'sending-gf) class)
150 (t (error "a generic-function-class used in defpargeneric must be a subclass of sending-gf")))))
153 I want to supply automatic creation of packing methods for structures here
155 (shadow 'defstruct)
157 (defmacro defstruct (name &rest rest)
158 (let ((class-name (cond ((listp name) (first name))
159 (t name))))))