Initial commit of newLISP.
[newlisp.git] / guiserver / mouse-demo.lsp
1 #!/usr/bin/newlisp
2 ;;
3 ;; mouse-demo.lsp - demonstrate mouse handlers and gs:delete-tag
5 ;;;; initialization
6 (set-locale "C")
7 (load (append (env "NEWLISPDIR") "/guiserver.lsp"))
9 (gs:init)
11 (set 'colors (list gs:black gs:blue gs:cyan gs:darkGray gs:gray
12 gs:green gs:lightGray gs:magenta gs:orange gs:pink gs:red gs:yellow))
14 ;;;; describe the GUI
15 (gs:frame 'MouseDemo 100 100 640 640 "Canvas Demo")
16 (gs:canvas 'MyCanvas 'MouseDemo)
17 (gs:add-to 'MouseDemo 'MyCanvas)
18 (gs:set-background 'MyCanvas gs:white)
19 (gs:mouse-pressed 'MyCanvas 'mouse-pressed-action true)
20 (gs:mouse-released 'MyCanvas 'mouse-released-action true)
21 (gs:mouse-clicked 'MyCanvas 'mouse-clicked-action true)
22 (gs:mouse-moved 'MyCanvas 'mouse-moved-action)
23 (gs:mouse-dragged 'MyCanvas 'mouse-dragged-action)
24 (gs:mouse-wheel 'MyCanvas 'mouse-wheel-action)
25 (gs:set-anti-aliasing true)
26 (println (time-of-day))
27 (for (row 0 620 20)
28 (for (col 0 620 20)
29 (let (r (rand (length colors)))
30 (gs:fill-rect (string "R" r) col row 20 20 (colors r))
34 (println (time-of-day))
35 (gs:set-visible 'MouseDemo true)
37 ;; define actions
39 (define (mouse-pressed-action x y button modifiers tags)
40 (gs:set-text 'MouseDemo
41 (string "pressed row: " (/ y 20) " col:" (/ x 20) " button: " button " key:" modifiers " tags:" tags))
44 (define (mouse-released-action x y button modifiers tags)
45 (gs:set-text 'MouseDemo
46 (string "released row: " (/ y 20) " col:" (/ x 20) " button: " button " key:" modifiers " tags:" tags))
49 (define (mouse-clicked-action x y button cnt modifiers tags)
50 (gs:set-text 'MouseDemo
51 (string "clicked row: " (/ y 20) " col:" (/ x 20)
52 " button: " button " count:" cnt " key:" modifiers " tags:" tags))
53 (if tags (gs:delete-tag (tags 0)))
56 (define (mouse-moved-action x y)
57 (gs:set-text 'MouseDemo
58 (string "moved row: " (/ y 20) " col:" (/ x 20)))
61 (define (mouse-dragged-action x y button modifiers)
62 (gs:set-text 'MouseDemo
63 (string "dragged row: " (/ y 20) " col:" (/ x 20) " button: " button " key:" modifiers))
66 (define (mouse-wheel-action x y wheel)
67 (gs:set-text 'MouseDemo
68 (string "cursor row: " (/ y 20) " col:" (/ x 20) " wheel: " wheel))
71 ;;;; listen for incoming action requests and dispatch
72 (gs:listen)
74 ;; eof