Initial commit of newLISP.
[newlisp.git] / guiserver / newlisp-edit.lsp
1 #!/usr/bin/newlisp
3 ; newlisp-edit.lsp - multiple tab LISP editor and support for running code from the editor
5 ; version 1.10
7 ;(set 'debug-on true) ; special debug for aux communications
9 (set-locale "C")
11 ;;;; initialization
12 (set 'newlispDir (env "NEWLISPDIR"))
14 (set 'newlispDoc (if (= ostype "Win32")
15 newlispDir "/usr/share/doc/newlisp"))
17 (load (string newlispDir "/guiserver.lsp"))
19 (constant (global '$HOME) (or (env "HOME") (env "USERPROFILE") (env "DOCUMENT_ROOT") ""))
20 (constant '$TEMP (if (= ostype "Win32") (or (env "TEMP") "C:\\temp") "/tmp"))
22 (if (= ostype "Win32")
23 (begin
24 (set 'userSettingsDir (string
25 (or (env "APPDATA") (env "HOME") (env "USERPROFILE") (env "DOCUMENT_ROOT")) "/newLISP"))
26 (set 'userSettingsPath (append userSettingsDir "/newlisp-edit.config"))
27 (set 'recentFilesPath (append userSettingsDir "/newlisp-edit-recent"))
28 (if (not (directory userSettingsDir)) (make-dir userSettingsDir))
30 (begin
31 (set 'userSettingsPath (append $HOME "/.newlisp-edit.conf"))
32 (set 'recentFilesPath (append $HOME "/.newlisp-edit-recent"))
36 ;; init guiserver
38 (gs:init)
39 ;(gs:set-trace true)
42 ;; create default user settings
44 (gs:get-screen)
45 (set 'config:currentAppWidth 800)
46 (set 'config:currentAppHeight (- (gs:screen 1) 80))
47 (set 'config:currentAppX (/ (- (gs:screen 0) config:currentAppWidth) 3))
48 (set 'config:currentAppY (/ (- (gs:screen 1) config:currentAppHeight) 2))
49 (set 'config:currentForeground '(0.0 0.0 0.2))
50 (set 'config:currentBackground '(1.0 1.0 1.0))
51 (set 'config:currentDir $HOME)
52 (set 'config:currentFontName (if (= ostype "Win32") "Monospaced" "Lucida Sans Typewriter"))
53 (set 'config:currentFontSize (if (= ostype "Win32") 14 13))
54 (set 'config:currentMonitorFontSize (if (= ostype "Win32") 14 13))
55 (set 'config:currentToolbarFloatable "no")
56 (set 'config:currentTabsize 16)
57 (set 'config:currentTabsPosition "top")
58 (set 'config:currentToolbarShow "yes")
59 (set 'config:currentThemeIdx 0)
60 (set 'config:currentAltShell "")
61 (set 'config:currentMonitorForeground '(0.1 0.1 0.5))
62 (set 'config:currentMonitorBackground '(0.95 0.95 0.95))
64 ;; configure themes
66 ; background, foreground, caret, selection
67 ; comments, keywords, strings
68 ; numebers, quoted, parentheses
70 (set 'config:currentThemes '(
71 ("Mozart" (1 1 1) (0 0 0) (0.5 0.5 0.8) (0.7 0.7 1.0)
72 (0.5 0.5 0.5) (0 0 0.75) (0 0.5 0.0)
73 (0.50 0.5 0) (0.350 0.350 0.50) (0.50 0 0))
75 ("Herrmann" (0.3242 0.3984 0.4648) (0.6875 0.6992 0.5781) (0.918 0.4961 0.1016) (0.2773 0.3164 0.4258)
76 (0.5 0.5781 0.597) (0.125 0.2031 0.332) (0.5547 0.6562 0.6562)
77 (0.8203 0.6055 0.1953) (0.8203 0.6055 0.1953) (0.125 0.2031 0.332))
79 ("Shostakovich" (0.2 0.2 0.2) (0.9 0.9 0.9) (0.7 0.7 0.7) (0.8 0.8 1.0)
80 (0.6 0.6 0.6) (0.9 0.9 0.3) (0.4 0.9 0.4)
81 (0.75 0.75 0.95) (0.5 0.5 0.9) (1.0 0.3 0.3))
84 ;; initialize script list
85 (set 'config:currentScripts
86 (list
87 (list "Word count" (string newlispDir "/guiserver/word-count.lsp") "content")
88 (list "Uppercase" (string newlispDir "/guiserver/uppercase.lsp") "selection" "F4")
91 ;; menu-item handler for themes
92 (define (theme-handler id)
93 ; extract theme index from id string and extract theme from list
94 (letn ( (idx (int (9 id))) (T (config:currentThemes idx)) )
95 (gs:set-background currentEdit (T 1))
96 (set 'currentBackground (T 1))
97 (gs:set-foreground currentEdit (T 2))
98 (set 'currentForeground (T 2))
99 (gs:set-caret-color currentEdit (T 3))
100 (gs:set-selection-color currentEdit (T 4))
101 (gs:set-syntax-colors (T 5) (T 6) (T 7) (T 8) (T 9) (T 10))
102 (gs:set-syntax currentEdit currentSyntaxStatus)
103 (gs:set-selected 'ViewSyntax (true? currentSyntaxStatus))
104 (set 'currentThemeIdx idx)
105 (dotimes (i (length config:currentThemes))
106 (gs:enable (string "ViewTheme" i)))
107 (gs:disable (string "ViewTheme" idx))
111 (define (current-file-syntax)
112 (cond
113 ((ends-with currentFile ".lsp") "lsp")
114 ((ends-with currentFile ".c") "c")
115 ((ends-with currentFile ".cpp") "cpp")
116 ((ends-with currentFile ".h") "cpp")
117 ((ends-with currentFile ".java") "java")
118 ((ends-with currentFile ".php") "php")
119 (true nil)
123 ;; script-handler, saves current edit tab to a temporary file
124 ;; and passes the file name as an argument to the script
125 ;; scripts are registered in the settings file
126 ;; scripts must exit or newlisp-edit will hang.
127 (define (script-handler id)
128 (letn ( (idx (int (10 id))) (S (config:currentScripts idx)))
129 (set 'currentScriptFile (S 1))
130 (if (file? currentScriptFile)
131 (begin
132 (set 'currentScriptMode (S 2))
133 (if (= currentScriptMode "selection")
134 (gs:get-selected-text currentEdit 'script-execute)
135 ; else "content"
136 (gs:get-text currentEdit 'script-execute))
138 (output-monitor (string "--- could not find script " currentScriptFile " ---\n"))
143 (define (script-execute id text)
144 (if (not text) (set 'text "===="))
145 (let (file (string $TEMP "/" (uuid)))
146 (if (= ostype "Win32")
147 (write-file file (replace "\n" (base64-dec text) "\r\n"))
148 (write-file file (base64-dec text)))
149 (if (= ostype "Win32")
150 (catch (exec (string {newlisp.exe "} currentScriptFile {" } file " > " (string file "out"))) 'result)
151 (catch (exec (string "/usr/bin/newlisp " currentScriptFile " " file)) 'result)
153 (if (list? result)
154 (begin
155 (set 'result (if (= ostype "Win32")
156 (read-file (string file "out"))
157 (join result "\n")))
158 (if (= currentScriptMode "selection")
159 (paste-action result)
160 (if (= ostype "Win32")
161 (output-monitor result)
162 (output-monitor (string result "\n")))
165 (output-monitor result)
167 (if (= ostype "Win32") (delete-file (string file "out")))
168 (delete-file file)
174 ;; if newlisp-edit.config exists load user-settings
175 (if (file? userSettingsPath)
176 (if (not (catch (load userSettingsPath) 'result))
177 (set 'loadUserSettingsError result))
178 (if (not (catch (save userSettingsPath 'config) 'result))
179 (set 'loadUserSettingsError result))
182 (if (not (catch (load recentFilesPath) 'result))
183 (set 'recentFiles '()))
185 (set 'currentAppX config:currentAppX)
186 (set 'currentAppY config:currentAppY)
187 (set 'currentAppWidth config:currentAppWidth)
188 (set 'currentAppHeight config:currentAppHeight)
189 (set 'currentForeground config:currentForeground)
190 (set 'currentBackground config:currentBackground)
191 (set 'currentDir config:currentDir)
192 (set 'currentFile "Untitled.lsp")
193 (set 'currentFontName config:currentFontName)
194 (set 'currentFontSize config:currentFontSize)
195 (set 'currentMonitorFontSize config:currentMonitorFontSize)
196 (set 'currentToolbarFloatable config:currentToolbarFloatable)
197 (set 'currentTabsPosition config:currentTabsPosition)
198 (set 'currentToolbarShow config:currentToolbarShow)
199 (set 'currentThemeIdx config:currentThemeIdx)
200 (set 'currentAltShell config:currentAltShell)
201 (set 'currentMonitorForeground config:currentMonitorForeground)
202 (set 'currentMonitorBackground config:currentMonitorBackground)
204 (set 'currentPath (string currentDir "/" currentFile))
205 (set 'currentSyntaxStatus "lsp")
208 ;(gs:set-look-and-feel "")
209 ;(gs:set-look-and-feel "javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel")
210 ;(gs:set-look-and-feel "")
211 ;(gs:set-look-and-feel "javax.swing.plaf.mac.MacLookAndFeel")
212 ;(gs:set-look-and-feel "")
214 (define (start-newlisp-shell)
215 (if (= ostype "Win32")
216 (gs:run-shell 'OutputArea (string newlispDir "/newlisp.exe -C -w " $HOME))
217 (gs:run-shell 'OutputArea (string "/usr/bin/newlisp -C -w " $HOME))
221 (define (startshell-handler)
222 (gs:run-shell 'OutputArea currentAltShell)
225 ;;;; describe the GUI ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
227 (gs:frame 'TheEditor currentAppX currentAppY currentAppWidth currentAppHeight "newLISP edit")
228 (gs:frame-closed 'TheEditor 'quitbutton-handler)
230 (set 'default-currentFontName currentFontName)
232 (gs:set-border-layout 'TheEditor 0 0)
233 (gs:tool-bar 'ToolBar (= currentToolbarFloatable "yes"))
234 (gs:set-flow-layout 'ToolBar "left" 18 5)
235 (gs:image-button 'NewButton 'newbutton-handler "/local/new32.png" "/local/new-down32.png")
236 (gs:image-button 'ClearButton 'clearbutton-handler "/local/clear32.png" "/local/clear-down32.png")
237 (gs:image-button 'LoadButton 'loadbutton-handler "/local/folder-opened32.png" "/local/folder-opened-down32.png")
238 (gs:image-button 'SaveButton 'savebutton-handler "/local/save32.png" "/local/save-down32.png")
239 (gs:image-button 'CutButton 'cutbutton-handler "/local/cut32.png" "/local/cut-down32.png")
240 (gs:image-button 'CopyButton 'copybutton-handler "/local/copy32.png" "/local/copy-down32.png")
241 (gs:image-button 'PasteButton 'pastebutton-handler "/local/paste32.png" "/local/paste-down32.png")
242 (gs:image-button 'FindButton 'findbutton-handler "/local/search32.png" "/local/search-down32.png")
243 (gs:image-button 'ExecButton 'process-or-execbutton-handler "/local/run32.png" "/local/run-down32.png")
244 (gs:image-button 'RestartButton 'start-newlisp-shell "/local/restart32.png" "/local/restart-down32.png")
245 (gs:image-button 'FontBookButton 'fontbookbutton-handler "/local/font-book32.png" "/local/font-book-down32.png")
246 (gs:set-tool-tip 'NewButton "Open a new tab")
247 (gs:set-tool-tip 'LoadButton "Load file into editor")
248 (gs:set-tool-tip 'SaveButton "Save file in editor")
249 (gs:set-tool-tip 'ClearButton "Clear editor panel")
250 (gs:set-tool-tip 'CutButton "Cut selection to clipboard")
251 (gs:set-tool-tip 'CopyButton "Copy selection to clipboard")
252 (gs:set-tool-tip 'PasteButton "Paste from clipboard")
253 (gs:set-tool-tip 'FindButton "Find")
255 (gs:set-tool-tip 'ExecButton "Run editor content")
256 (gs:set-tool-tip 'RestartButton "Restart auxiliary newLISP process")
257 (gs:set-tool-tip 'FontBookButton "Select editor font")
259 (gs:add-to 'ToolBar 'NewButton 'LoadButton 'SaveButton)
260 (gs:add-separator 'ToolBar)
261 (gs:add-to 'ToolBar 'ClearButton 'CutButton 'CopyButton 'PasteButton)
262 (gs:add-separator 'ToolBar)
263 (gs:add-to 'ToolBar 'FindButton)
264 (gs:add-separator 'ToolBar)
265 (gs:add-to 'ToolBar 'ExecButton 'RestartButton)
266 (gs:add-separator 'ToolBar)
267 (gs:add-to 'ToolBar 'FontBookButton)
269 (gs:panel 'FontPanel 46 18)
270 (gs:set-grid-layout 'FontPanel 1 3)
271 (gs:label 'FontSmallerLabel "A" "center")
272 (gs:label 'FontSizeLabel (string currentFontSize) "center")
273 (gs:label 'FontBiggerLabel "A" "center")
274 (gs:set-tool-tip 'FontSizeLabel "Font size" "right")
275 (gs:set-font 'FontSmallerLabel "Lucida Sans Regular" 10 "italic")
276 (gs:set-font 'FontSizeLabel "Lucida Sans Regular" 10 "plain")
277 (gs:set-font 'FontBiggerLabel "Lucida Sans Regular" 13 "italic")
278 (gs:add-to 'FontPanel 'FontSmallerLabel 'FontSizeLabel 'FontBiggerLabel)
280 (gs:add-to 'ToolBar 'FontPanel)
282 (gs:mouse-event 'FontBiggerLabel 'fontpanel-event)
283 (gs:mouse-event 'FontSmallerLabel 'fontpanel-event)
285 (gs:set-tool-tip 'FontBiggerLabel "Bigger font")
286 (gs:set-tool-tip 'FontSmallerLabel "Smaller font")
288 ;; disable Cut- and Copy- buttons until selection is make
289 ;; SaveButton util content in EditArea
290 (gs:disable 'CutButton 'CopyButton 'SaveButton)
292 (if (= currentToolbarShow "yes")
293 (gs:add-to 'TheEditor 'ToolBar "north"))
295 (set 'tabs-stack '())
297 ;; configure text area
298 (define (make-editor-tab dir file-name)
299 (let (edit-tab (append "tab-" (uuid)) )
300 (push (list edit-tab dir file-name (list true 0 0)) tabs-stack -1)
301 (gs:text-pane edit-tab 'editarea-handler "text/plain")
302 (gs:mouse-event edit-tab 'editarea-mouse-handler)
303 (gs:set-foreground edit-tab currentForeground)
304 (gs:set-background edit-tab currentBackground)
305 (gs:set-tab-size edit-tab config:currentTabsize)
306 (gs:set-font edit-tab currentFontName currentFontSize "plain")
307 edit-tab)
310 (set 'currentDot 0 'currentMark 0)
311 (set 'edit-buffer-clean true)
312 (set 'currentEdit (make-editor-tab currentDir currentFile))
313 (gs:set-syntax currentEdit (ends-with currentFile ".lsp"))
314 (set 'currentTabIndex 0)
315 (gs:set-text 'TheEditor (string "newLISP edit - " currentPath))
317 (set 'editUndoCount 0)
319 (gs:tabbed-pane 'EditorTabs 'editortabs-handler currentTabsPosition
320 currentEdit "Untitled.lsp")
322 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/green10.png" currentTabIndex)
324 ; configure output area
325 (gs:text-area 'OutputArea 'gs:no-action)
326 (gs:set-background 'OutputArea currentMonitorBackground)
327 (gs:set-foreground 'OutputArea currentMonitorForeground)
328 (gs:set-font 'OutputArea "Monospaced" currentMonitorFontSize "plain")
329 (gs:split-pane 'TextPanel "horizontal" 0.70 0.5 5)
330 (gs:add-to 'TextPanel 'EditorTabs 'OutputArea)
331 (gs:add-to 'TheEditor 'TextPanel "center")
333 ;; configure main menu
334 (gs:menu 'FileMenu "File")
335 (gs:menu-item 'FileClear 'clearbutton-handler "Clear tab" true)
336 (gs:menu-item 'FileNew 'newbutton-handler "New tab")
337 (gs:menu-item 'FileOpen 'loadbutton-handler "Open ...")
338 (gs:menu-item 'FileClose 'fileclose-handler "Close tab")
339 (gs:menu-item 'FileSave 'savebutton-handler "Save")
340 (gs:menu-item 'FileSaveAs 'saveasbutton-handler "Save As ...")
341 (gs:menu-item 'FileSettings 'savesettings-handler "Save Settings")
342 (gs:menu-item 'FileQuit 'quitbutton-handler (if (= ostype "Win32") "Exit" "Quit"))
344 (gs:menu 'FileRecent "Recent Files")
347 (if recentFiles (dolist (f recentFiles)
348 (if (file? (f 1))
349 (begin
350 (gs:menu-item (f 0) 'recentfiles-handler (f 1))
351 (gs:add-to 'FileRecent (f 0)))
352 (replace f recentFiles))
355 (gs:menu 'EditMenu "Edit")
356 (gs:menu-item 'EditUndo 'undo-handler "Undo")
357 (gs:menu-item 'EditRedo 'redo-handler "Redo")
358 (gs:menu-item 'EditCut 'cutbutton-handler "Cut")
359 (gs:menu-item 'EditCopy 'copybutton-handler "Copy")
360 (gs:menu-item 'EditPaste 'pastebutton-handler "Paste")
361 (gs:menu-item 'EditGoto 'goto-handler "Goto Line")
362 (gs:menu-item 'EditPosition 'position-handler "Get Position")
363 (gs:menu-item 'EditGotoEditor 'switchwindow-handler "Goto Editor")
364 (gs:menu-item 'EditGotoShell 'switchwindow-handler "Goto Shell")
365 (gs:menu-item 'EditFind 'findbutton-handler "Find")
366 (gs:menu-item 'EditFindNext 'findtextnext-action "Find next")
367 (gs:menu-item 'EditFindPrevious 'findtextprevious-action "Find Previous")
368 (gs:menu-item 'EditReplace 'findtextreplace-action "Replace Selection")
369 ;(gs:menu-item 'EditReplaceNext 'findtextreplace-action "Replace Next")
370 (gs:menu-item 'EditFindDispose 'finddispose-handler "Find Dispose")
372 (gs:menu-popup 'EditMenuPopup "Edit")
373 (gs:menu-item 'EditCutP 'cutbutton-handler "Cut")
374 (gs:menu-item 'EditCopyP 'copybutton-handler "Copy")
375 (gs:menu-item 'EditPasteP 'pastebutton-handler "Paste")
377 (gs:menu 'ViewMenu "View")
378 (gs:menu-item 'ViewClearMonitor 'viewclearmonitor-handler "Clear monitor")
379 (gs:menu-item-check 'ViewToolbar 'viewtoolbar-handler "Toolbar" (= currentToolbarShow "yes"))
380 (gs:menu-item-check 'ViewSyntax 'viewsyntax-handler "Syntax coloring" true)
381 (dolist (T config:currentThemes)
382 (gs:menu-item (string "ViewTheme" $idx) 'theme-handler (T 0)))
383 (gs:menu-item 'ViewFontBook 'fontbookbutton-handler "Font faces ...")
384 (gs:menu-item 'ViewFontSmaller 'viewfontsmaller-handler "Font smaller")
385 (gs:menu-item 'ViewFontBigger 'viewfontbigger-handler "Font bigger")
387 (gs:menu 'ToolMenu "Tools")
388 (gs:menu-item 'ToolEditSettings 'tooleditsettings-handler "Edit Settings")
389 (dolist (T config:currentScripts)
390 (gs:menu-item (string "ToolScript" $idx) 'script-handler (T 0))
391 (if (= 4 (length T))
392 (gs:set-accelerator (string "ToolScript" $idx) (T 3)))
395 (gs:menu 'HelpMenu "Help")
396 (gs:menu-item 'HelpAbout 'helpabout-handler "About newLISP-GS")
397 (gs:menu-item 'HelpManual 'helpmanual-handler "newLISP Manual and Reference")
398 (gs:menu-item 'HelpDemos 'opendemos-handler "Open Demo Folder")
399 (gs:menu-item 'HelpGuiserver 'helpguiserver-handler "GS Manual")
401 (gs:menu 'RunMenu "Run")
402 (gs:menu-item 'RunRun 'process-or-execbutton-handler "Run")
403 (gs:set-icon 'RunRun "/local/run16.png")
404 (gs:menu-item 'RunRestart 'start-newlisp-shell "Restart")
405 (gs:menu-item 'RunShell 'startshell-handler "Alternate shell")
407 (gs:menu-popup 'SyntaxMenu "Syntax")
408 (gs:menu-item 'SyntaxNewlisp 'syntaxmenu-handler "newLISP syntax")
409 (gs:menu-item 'SyntaxC 'syntaxmenu-handler "C syntax")
410 (gs:menu-item 'SyntaxCPP 'syntaxmenu-handler "C++ syntax")
411 (gs:menu-item 'SyntaxJava 'syntaxmenu-handler "Java syntax")
412 (gs:menu-item 'SyntaxPHP 'syntaxmenu-handler "PHP syntax")
413 (gs:add-to 'SyntaxMenu 'SyntaxNewlisp 'SyntaxC 'SyntaxCPP 'SyntaxJava 'SyntaxPHP)
415 (if (= ostype "OSX")
416 (begin ;; MacOS X keyboard
417 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileClear "shift meta N")
418 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileNew "meta N")
419 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileOpen "meta O")
420 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileClose "meta W")
421 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileSave "meta S")
422 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileSaveAs "shift meta S")
423 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditUndo "meta Z")
424 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditRedo "shift meta Z")
425 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditCut "meta X")
426 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditCopy "meta C")
427 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditPaste "meta V")
428 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditGoto "meta L")
429 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditPosition "shift meta L")
430 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditGotoEditor "meta 1")
431 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditGotoShell "meta 2")
432 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditFind "meta F")
433 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditFindDispose "meta D")
434 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditFindPrevious "shift meta G")
435 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditFindNext "meta G")
436 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditReplace "meta J")
437 ; (gs:set-accelerator 'EditReplaceNext "shift meta J")
438 (gs:set-accelerator 'RunRun "meta R")
439 (gs:set-accelerator 'RunRestart "shift meta R")
440 (gs:set-accelerator 'ViewClearMonitor "meta M")
441 (gs:set-accelerator 'ViewFontBook "meta T")
442 (gs:set-accelerator 'ViewFontSmaller "meta MINUS")
443 (gs:set-accelerator 'ViewFontBigger "shift meta EQUALS")
444 (gs:set-accelerator 'ViewSyntax "meta Y")
446 (begin ;; PC keyboard
447 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileClear "ctrl N")
448 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileNew "shift ctrl N")
449 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileOpen "ctrl O")
450 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileClose "ctrl W")
451 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileSave "ctrl S")
452 (gs:set-accelerator 'FileSaveAs "shift ctrl S")
453 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditUndo "ctrl Z")
454 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditRedo "shift ctrl Z")
455 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditCopy "ctrl C")
456 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditCut "ctrl X")
457 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditPaste "ctrl V")
458 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditGoto "alt L")
459 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditPosition "shift alt L")
460 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditGotoEditor "alt 1")
461 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditGotoShell "alt 2")
462 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditFind "ctrl F")
463 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditFindPrevious "shift ctrl G")
464 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditFindNext "ctrl G")
465 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditFindDispose "ctrl D")
466 (gs:set-accelerator 'EditReplace "ctrl J")
467 ; (gs:set-accelerator 'EditReplaceNext "shift ctrl J")
468 (gs:set-accelerator 'RunRun "alt R")
469 (gs:set-accelerator 'RunRestart "shift alt R")
470 (gs:set-accelerator 'ViewClearMonitor "ctrl M")
471 (gs:set-accelerator 'ViewFontBook "ctrl T")
472 (gs:set-accelerator 'ViewFontSmaller "ctrl MINUS")
473 (gs:set-accelerator 'ViewFontBigger "ctrl EQUALS")
474 (gs:set-accelerator 'ViewSyntax "alt Y")
478 ;; disable Save and SaveAs until content in EditArea
479 (gs:disable 'FileSave 'FileSaveAs)
480 ;; disable Cut and Copy menu items until selection is made
481 (gs:disable 'EditUndo 'EditRedo 'EditCut 'EditCutP 'EditCopy 'EditCopyP)
482 ;; disable various find dialog options until dialog is up first
483 (gs:disable 'EditFindPrevious 'EditFindNext 'EditReplace 'EditFindDispose)
484 ;; disable monitor clear until something is in it
485 ;(gs:disable 'ViewClearMonitor)
487 ; File menu
488 (gs:add-to 'FileMenu 'FileClear 'FileNew 'FileClose)
489 (gs:add-separator 'FileMenu)
490 (gs:add-to 'FileMenu 'FileRecent)
491 (gs:add-separator 'FileMenu)
492 (gs:add-to 'FileMenu 'FileOpen 'FileSave 'FileSaveAs)
493 (gs:add-separator 'FileMenu)
494 (gs:add-to 'FileMenu 'FileSettings)
495 (gs:add-separator 'FileMenu)
496 (gs:add-to 'FileMenu 'FileQuit)
498 ; Edit menun
499 (gs:add-to 'EditMenu 'EditUndo 'EditRedo)
500 (gs:add-separator 'EditMenu)
501 (gs:add-to 'EditMenu 'EditCut 'EditCopy 'EditPaste)
502 (gs:add-separator 'EditMenu)
503 (gs:add-to 'EditMenu 'EditGoto 'EditPosition 'EditGotoEditor 'EditGotoShell)
504 (gs:add-separator 'EditMenu)
505 (gs:add-to 'EditMenu 'EditFind 'EditFindNext 'EditFindPrevious 'EditReplace)
506 (gs:add-separator 'EditMenu)
507 (gs:add-to 'EditMenu 'EditFindDispose)
508 (gs:disable 'EditFindDispose)
509 ; edit area popup
510 (gs:add-to 'EditMenuPopup 'EditCutP 'EditCopyP 'EditPasteP)
512 ; View menu
513 (gs:add-to 'ViewMenu 'ViewClearMonitor)
514 (gs:add-separator 'ViewMenu)
515 (gs:add-to 'ViewMenu 'ViewToolbar 'ViewSyntax)
516 (gs:add-separator 'ViewMenu)
517 (dolist (T config:currentThemes)
518 (gs:add-to 'ViewMenu (string "ViewTheme" $idx)))
519 (gs:add-separator 'ViewMenu)
520 (gs:add-to 'ViewMenu 'ViewFontBook 'ViewFontSmaller 'ViewFontBigger)
522 (if (empty? currentAltShell)
523 (gs:add-to 'RunMenu 'RunRun 'RunRestart)
524 (gs:add-to 'RunMenu 'RunRun 'RunRestart 'RunShell))
526 ; Tool menu
527 (gs:add-to 'ToolMenu 'ToolEditSettings)
528 (gs:add-separator 'ToolMenu)
529 (dolist (T config:currentScripts)
530 (gs:add-to 'ToolMenu (string "ToolScript" $idx)))
532 ; Help menu
533 ;; manuals are not added to Help on Win32 because open browser
534 ;; prevents newlisp-edit/guiserever.jar from exiting
535 (if (= ostype "Win32")
536 (begin
537 (gs:add-to 'HelpMenu 'HelpDemos)
538 (gs:add-separator 'HelpMenu)
539 (gs:add-to 'HelpMenu 'HelpAbout))
540 (begin
541 (gs:add-to 'HelpMenu 'HelpManual 'HelpGuiserver)
542 (gs:add-separator 'HelpMenu)
543 (gs:add-to 'HelpMenu 'HelpDemos)
544 (if (!= ostype "OSX")
545 (begin
546 (gs:add-separator 'HelpMenu)
547 (gs:add-to 'HelpMenu 'HelpAbout)
548 ))))
550 (gs:menu-bar 'TheEditor 'FileMenu 'EditMenu 'RunMenu 'ViewMenu 'ToolMenu 'HelpMenu)
552 (gs:set-visible 'TheEditor true)
553 (gs:dispose-splash)
555 ; start auxiliary shell newLISP process for evaluation of edit area in OutputArea
556 (start-newlisp-shell)
558 (gs:request-focus currentEdit) ; set focus on editarea
560 ; check if user settings where loaded succesfully
561 (if loadUserSettingsError
562 (gs:message-dialog 'TheEditor (string "Problem loading: " userSettingsPath ".")
563 loadUserSettingsError "warning")
566 ;;;; define actions
568 (define (clear-current-tab)
569 (gs:clear-text currentEdit)
570 (set 'currentDir $HOME)
571 (set 'currentFile "Untitled.lsp")
572 (set 'currentPath (string currentDir "/" currentFile))
573 (set 'currentDot 0 'currentMark 0)
574 (update-current-tab)
575 (gs:disable 'SaveButton 'CutButton 'CopyButton 'FileSave 'EditCut 'EditCutP 'EditCopy 'EditCopyP)
576 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/green10.png" currentTabIndex)
577 (gs:set-text 'EditorTabs currentFile currentTabIndex)
578 (gs:set-text 'TheEditor (string "newLISP edit - " currentPath))
581 (define (fileclose-handler)
582 (if (not edit-buffer-clean)
583 (gs:confirm-dialog 'TheEditor 'fileclose-action "Close file tab"
584 (string "Abandon unsaved " currentFile "?") "yes-no")
585 (fileclose-action 'TheEditor 0)
589 (define (fileclose-action id result)
590 (if (= result 0)
591 (if (> (length tabs-stack) 1)
592 (begin
593 (gs:remove-tab 'EditorTabs currentTabIndex)
594 (replace-assoc currentEdit tabs-stack)
595 (if (= currentTabIndex (length tabs-stack)) ; it was the right most tab
596 (dec 'currentTabIndex)
597 (begin ; its was not the most roght which was removed
598 (set 'currentEdit (first (tabs-stack currentTabIndex)))
599 (switch-to-tab currentEdit)
603 (clear-current-tab)
608 (define (newbutton-handler)
609 (update-current-tab)
610 (set 'currentDir $HOME)
611 (set 'currentFile "Untitled.lsp")
612 (set 'currentPath (string currentDir "/" currentFile))
613 (set 'currentDot 0 'currentMark 0)
614 (set 'edit-buffer-clean true)
615 (set 'currentEdit (make-editor-tab currentDir currentFile))
616 (gs:insert-tab 'EditorTabs currentEdit currentFile (length tabs-stack))
617 (gs:request-focus 'EditorTabs (length tabs-stack))
618 (gs:request-focus currentEdit) ; set focus in edit area
619 (theme-handler (string "ViewTheme" currentThemeIdx))
622 (define (recentfiles-handler id)
623 (update-current-tab)
624 (let (file (lookup id recentFiles))
625 (if (not (file? file))
626 (gs:message-dialog 'TheEditor "Loading file" (append "Cannot find: " file))
627 (begin
628 (set 'currentPath (lookup id recentFiles))
629 (open-currentpath-in-tab)
635 (define (loadbutton-handler id)
636 (gs:open-file-dialog 'TheEditor 'openfile-action currentDir
637 ".lsp .c .h .txt .java .htm .html .css .php .pl .py .rb .lisp .el .cl .cpp .tcl .config"
638 "Various text formats")
641 (define (openfile-action id op file)
642 (if file
643 (begin
644 (update-current-tab)
645 (set 'currentPath (base64-dec file))
646 (open-currentpath-in-tab)
651 (define (open-currentpath-in-tab)
652 (set 'currentDir (join (chop (parse currentPath {\\|/} 0)) "/" ))
653 (set 'currentFile (last (parse currentPath {\\|/} 0)))
654 (set 'currentEdit (make-editor-tab currentDir currentFile))
655 (set 'edit-buffer-clean true)
656 (set 'currentDot 0 'currentMark 0)
657 (gs:insert-tab 'EditorTabs currentEdit currentFile (length tabs-stack))
658 (gs:request-focus 'EditorTabs (length tabs-stack))
659 (gs:request-focus currentEdit) ; set focus in edit area
660 (gs:set-cursor currentEdit "wait")
662 (gs:set-text 'TheEditor (string "newLISP edit - " currentPath))
663 (gs:enable 'FileSaveAs)
665 (gs:load-text currentEdit currentPath)
666 (set 'currentSyntaxStatus (current-file-syntax))
667 (theme-handler (string "ViewTheme" currentThemeIdx))
668 (gs:set-cursor currentEdit "default")
671 (define (savebutton-handler id)
672 (if (= currentFile "Untitled.lsp")
673 (saveasbutton-handler id)
674 (savefile-action id op (base64-enc currentPath) true)
678 (define (saveasbutton-handler id)
679 (gs:save-file-dialog 'TheEditor 'savefile-action currentDir currentFile)
682 (define (savefile-action id op file no-check)
683 (set 'save-file-candidate file)
684 (if file (if no-check
685 (writefile-prepare file)
686 (begin
687 (if (file? (base64-dec file))
688 (gs:confirm-dialog 'TheEditor 'confirmsave-action "Save As ..."
689 (append "Overwrite " (base64-dec file) "?") "yes-no-cancel")
690 (writefile-prepare file)
696 (define (confirmsave-action id result)
697 (if (= result 0)
698 (writefile-prepare save-file-candidate))
699 (if (= result 1)
700 (saveasbutton-handler 'FileSaveAs))
703 (define (writefile-prepare file)
704 (set 'currentPath (base64-dec file))
705 (set 'currentDir (join (chop (parse currentPath {\\|/} 0)) "/" ))
706 (set 'currentFile (last (parse currentPath {\\|/} 0)))
708 (gs:set-text 'TheEditor (string "newLISP edit - " currentPath))
709 (gs:set-text 'EditorTabs currentFile currentTabIndex)
710 (gs:disable 'FileSave 'SaveButton)
711 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/green10.png" currentTabIndex)
712 (set 'edit-buffer-clean true)
714 (gs:get-text currentEdit 'writefile-action)
717 (define (writefile-action id text)
718 (local (bytes)
719 (if text
720 (if (= ostype "Win32")
721 (set 'bytes (write-file currentPath (replace "\n" (base64-dec text) "\r\n")))
722 (set 'bytes (write-file currentPath (base64-dec text)) ) ))
723 (save-recent-list)
724 (if (not bytes)
725 (gs:message-dialog 'TheEditor "Saving file" (append "Could not save " currentPath))
726 (output-monitor (string "--- " bytes " bytes saved to " currentPath " ---\n"))
731 (define (save-recent-list)
732 (if (ref currentPath recentFiles)
733 (push (pop recentFiles (first (ref currentPath recentFiles))) recentFiles)
734 (push (list (uuid) currentPath) recentFiles))
735 (set 'recentFiles (0 12 recentFiles))
736 (save recentFilesPath 'recentFiles)
739 (define (savesettings-handler)
740 (pretty-print 256) ; force one lone line for themes
741 (gs:get-bounds 'TheEditor)
742 (set 'currentAppX (gs:bounds 0))
743 (set 'currentAppY (gs:bounds 1))
744 (set 'currentAppWidth (gs:bounds 2))
745 (set 'currentAppHeight (gs:bounds 3))
746 (set 'config:currentAppX currentAppX)
747 (set 'config:currentAppY currentAppY)
748 (set 'config:currentAppWidth currentAppWidth)
749 (set 'config:currentAppHeight currentAppHeight)
750 (set 'config:currentForeground currentForeground)
751 (set 'config:currentBackground currentBackground)
752 (set 'config:currentDir currentDir)
753 (set 'config:currentFontName currentFontName)
754 (set 'config:currentFontSize currentFontSize)
755 (set 'config:currentMonitorFontSize currentMonitorFontSize)
756 (set 'config:currentToolbarFloatable currentToolbarFloatable)
757 (set 'config:currentTabsPosition currentTabsPosition)
758 (set 'config:currentToolbarShow currentToolbarShow)
759 (set 'config:currentThemeIdx currentThemeIdx)
760 (set 'config:currentThemeHelp
761 {background foreground caret selection comments keywords strings numbers quoted parentheses})
762 (set 'config:currentAltShell currentAltShell)
763 (set 'config:currentMonitorForeground currentMonitorForeground)
764 (set 'config:currentMonitorBackground currentMonitorBackground)
765 (save userSettingsPath 'config)
766 (output-monitor
767 (string "--- saved settings in: " userSettingsPath " ---\n"))
770 (define (tooleditsettings-handler)
771 (set 'currentPath userSettingsPath)
772 (open-currentpath-in-tab)
775 (define (opendemos-handler)
776 (gs:open-file-dialog 'TheEditor 'openfile-action (string newlispDir "/guiserver")
777 ".lsp" "newLISP files")
780 (define (quitbutton-handler)
781 (let (is-clean-tabs true)
782 (dolist (tab tabs-stack)
783 (if (not (tab 3 0)) (set 'is-clean-tabs nil)))
784 (if (and is-clean-tabs edit-buffer-clean)
785 (gs:confirm-dialog 'TheEditor 'quitconfirm-action
786 "Quit newLISP edit" "You really want to quit?" "yes-no")
787 (gs:confirm-dialog 'TheEditor 'quitconfirm-action
788 "Quit newLISP edit" "Quit and lose unsaved content?" "yes-no")
793 (define (quitconfirm-action id result)
794 (if (= result 0)
795 (begin
796 ;(println "destroying shell")
797 (gs:destroy-shell 'OutputArea)
798 (exit))
802 (define (clearbutton-handler)
803 (if (not edit-buffer-clean)
804 (gs:confirm-dialog 'TheEditor 'clearconfirm-action
805 "New edit" (string "Abandon unsaved content in " currentFile) "yes-no")
806 (clearbutton-action)
810 (define (clearconfirm-action id result)
811 (if (= result 0)
812 (clearbutton-action))
815 (define (clearbutton-action)
816 (set 'currentPath (string currentDir "/" currentFile))
817 (gs:set-text 'TheEditor (string "newLISP edit - " currentPath))
818 (gs:clear-text currentEdit)
819 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/green10.png" currentTabIndex)
820 (set 'edit-buffer-clean true)
821 (gs:disable 'SaveButton 'FileSave))
823 (define (undo-handler)
824 (gs:undo-text currentEdit ))
826 (define (redo-handler)
827 (gs:redo-text currentEdit))
829 (define (copybutton-handler)
830 (gs:copy-text currentEdit))
832 (define (cutbutton-handler)
833 (gs:enable 'FileSave 'FileSaveAs 'SaveButton)
834 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/red10.png" currentTabIndex)
835 (set 'edit-buffer-clean nil)
836 (gs:cut-text currentEdit)
837 (gs:request-focus 'CutButton))
839 (define (pastebutton-handler)
840 (paste-action))
842 (define (paste-action text)
843 (gs:enable 'FileSave 'FileSaveAs 'SaveButton)
844 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/red10.png" currentTabIndex)
845 (set 'edit-buffer-clean nil)
846 (gs:paste-text currentEdit text))
848 ;; goto line
850 (define (goto-handler)
851 (gs:dialog 'GotoDialog 'TheEditor "Goto Line" 200 60 nil nil)
852 (gs:set-resizable 'GotoDialog nil)
853 (gs:set-flow-layout 'GotoDialog "center")
854 (gs:label 'GotoTextLabel "Line:")
855 (gs:text-field 'GotoTextField 'gotoline-action 4)
856 (gs:button 'GotoButton 'gotogettext-action "Goto")
857 (gs:add-to 'GotoDialog 'GotoTextLabel 'GotoTextField 'GotoButton)
858 (gs:set-visible 'GotoDialog true)
861 (define (gotoline-action id text)
862 (if text
863 (let (line (int (base64-dec text) 0))
864 (gs:goto-text currentEdit line 0)) )
865 (gs:dispose 'GotoDialog)
866 (gs:request-focus currentEdit)
869 (define (gotogettext-action)
870 (gs:get-text 'GotoTextField 'gotoline-action)
873 (define (position-handler)
874 (gs:get-text-position currentEdit)
875 (output-monitor (string "--- line: " (gs:text-position 0) " column: " (gs:text-position 1) " ---\n"))
878 (define (switchwindow-handler id)
879 (if (= id "MAIN:EditGotoEditor")
880 (gs:request-focus currentEdit)
881 (gs:request-focus 'OutputArea))
884 ;;;;;;;;;;;;; find text ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
886 (define (findbutton-handler)
887 (if findDialogOpen
888 (begin
889 (gs:request-focus 'FindTextField)
890 (gs:select-text 'FindTextField 0))
891 (openFindDialog)
895 (define (openFindDialog)
896 (gs:dialog 'FindDialog 'TheEditor "Find text" 420 200 nil nil)
897 (gs:set-resizable 'FindDialog nil)
898 (gs:frame-closed 'FindDialog 'finddialogclose-handler)
899 (gs:set-grid-layout 'FindDialog 4 1)
901 (gs:panel 'FindPanel)
902 (gs:label 'FindTextLabel "Find:")
903 (gs:text-field 'FindTextField 'findtextnext-action 24)
904 (gs:add-to 'FindPanel 'FindTextLabel 'FindTextField)
906 (gs:panel 'ReplacePanel)
907 (gs:label 'FindReplaceLabel "Replace:")
908 (gs:text-field 'FindReplaceField 'findtextnext-action 24)
909 (gs:add-to 'ReplacePanel 'FindReplaceLabel 'FindReplaceField)
910 (if (not (null? currentSearchText)) (gs:set-text 'FindTextField currentSearchText))
911 (if (not (null? currentReplaceText)) (gs:set-text 'FindReplaceField currentReplaceText))
913 (gs:panel 'ButtonPanel-1)
914 (gs:button 'FindTextPreviousButton 'findtextprevious-action "Previous")
915 (gs:button 'FindTextNextButton 'findtextnext-action "Next")
916 (gs:button 'FindTextReplaceButton 'findtextreplace-action "Replace")
917 (gs:add-to 'ButtonPanel-1 'FindTextPreviousButton 'FindTextNextButton 'FindTextReplaceButton)
918 (gs:panel 'ButtonPanel-2)
919 (gs:button 'FindTextReplaceNextButton 'findtextreplacenext-action "Replace and Next")
920 (gs:button 'FindTextUndoPrevButton 'findtextundoprev-action "Undo Previous")
921 (gs:add-to 'ButtonPanel-2 'FindTextReplaceNextButton 'FindTextUndoPrevButton)
923 (gs:set-tool-tip 'FindTextPreviousButton "Find previous occurrence of the find text")
924 (gs:set-tool-tip 'FindTextNextButton "Find next occurrence of the find text")
925 (gs:set-tool-tip 'FindTextReplaceButton "Replace selected text with replacement text")
926 (gs:set-tool-tip 'FindTextReplaceNextButton "Replace next occurence")
927 (gs:set-tool-tip 'FindTextUndoPrevButton "Undo previous replacement")
929 (gs:add-to 'FindDialog 'FindPanel 'ReplacePanel 'ButtonPanel-1 'ButtonPanel-2)
930 (gs:set-visible 'FindDialog true)
931 (gs:disable 'FindTextReplaceButton 'FindTextReplaceNextButton 'FindTextUndoPrevButton)
932 (gs:enable 'EditFindPrevious 'EditFindNext 'EditReplace 'EditFindDispose)
933 (gs:select-text 'FindTextField 0)
934 (set 'findDialogOpen true)
937 (define (finddispose-handler)
938 (gs:dispose 'FindDialog)
939 (gs:disable 'EditFindDispose)
940 (set 'findDialogOpen nil)
943 (define (finddialogclose-handler id)
944 (gs:enable 'FindButton 'EditFind)
945 (gs:disable 'EditFindDispose)
946 (set 'findDialogOpen nil)
949 (define (findtextcheckbox-action id flag)
950 (println id " " flag)
953 ;; find next, this handler is enterd first by all
954 ;; FindDialog events, text-field(s) and button(s)
956 (define (findtextnext-action id text)
957 (if (and (or (= id "MAIN:FindTextField") (= id "MAIN:FindReplaceField")) (not text))
958 (finddispose-handler) ; ESC key was pressed
959 (begin
960 (set 'currentSearchDirection "next")
961 (gs:get-text 'FindTextField 'getfindtext-action)
966 ;; find previous
968 (define (findtextprevious-action)
969 (set 'currentSearchDirection "previous")
970 (gs:get-text 'FindTextField 'getfindtext-action)
974 ;; retrieve search field text
976 (define (getfindtext-action id text)
977 (if text
978 (begin
979 (set 'currentSearchText (base64-dec text))
980 (gs:get-text 'FindReplaceField 'getreplacetext-action)
982 (gs:request-focus currentEdit)
986 ;; rertrieve replace field text
988 (define (getreplacetext-action id text)
989 (set 'currentReplaceText (if text (base64-dec text) ""))
990 (if (not (null? currentSearchText))
991 (gs:find-text currentEdit currentSearchText 'findtextresult-action currentSearchDirection))
994 (define (findtextresult-action id result)
995 (if (= result -1)
996 (begin
997 (gs:set-text 'FindDialog "Not found")
998 (gs:disable 'FindTextReplaceNextButton)
999 (when (and (= currentDot currentMark) (= currentSearchDirection "next"))
1000 (set 'currentMark (inc 'currentDot))
1001 (gs:set-caret currentEdit currentMark)
1004 (begin
1005 (gs:set-text 'FindDialog "Find text")
1006 (gs:enable 'FindTextReplaceButton 'FindTextReplaceNextButton)
1007 (gs:request-focus currentEdit)
1012 ;; replace
1014 (define (findtextreplace-action)
1015 (gs:undo-enable currentEdit nil)
1016 (if (!= currentMark currentDot)
1017 (gs:paste-text currentEdit currentReplaceText))
1018 ;(gs:request-focus currentEdit)
1019 (gs:disable 'FindTextReplaceButton 'FindTextReplaceNextButton)
1020 (gs:enable 'FindTextUndoPrevButton)
1021 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/red10.png" currentTabIndex)
1022 (set 'edit-buffer-clean nil)
1023 (gs:enable 'FileSave 'FileSaveAs 'SaveButton 'EditUndo)
1024 (gs:undo-enable currentEdit true)
1027 ;; replace and next
1029 (define (findtextreplacenext-action)
1030 (gs:undo-enable currentEdit nil)
1031 (gs:paste-text currentEdit currentReplaceText)
1032 (gs:disable 'FindTextReplaceButton)
1033 (gs:enable 'FindTextReplaceNextButton 'FindTextUndoPrevButton)
1034 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/red10.png" currentTabIndex)
1035 (set 'edit-buffer-clean nil)
1036 (gs:enable 'FileSave 'FileSaveAs 'SaveButton 'EditUndo)
1037 (set 'currentSearchDirection "next")
1038 (gs:get-text 'FindTextField 'getfindtext-action)
1039 (gs:undo-enable currentEdit true)
1042 ; previous and undo
1043 (define (findtextundoprev-action)
1044 (gs:undo-enable currentEdit nil)
1045 (gs:find-text currentEdit currentReplaceText 'findpreviousresult-action "previous")
1046 (gs:undo-enable currentEdit true)
1049 (define (findpreviousresult-action id result)
1050 (if (= result -1)
1051 (begin
1052 (gs:set-text 'FindDialog "Not found for undo")
1053 (gs:disable 'FindTextUndoPrevButton 'FindTextReplaceButton 'FindTextReplaceNextButton)
1055 (begin
1056 (gs:paste-text currentEdit currentSearchText)
1057 (gs:request-focus currentEdit)
1062 ;; view menu fonts bigger/smaller handlers
1064 (define (viewfontsmaller-handler)
1065 (dec 'currentFontSize)
1066 (gs:set-text 'FontSizeLabel (string currentFontSize))
1067 (gs:set-font currentEdit currentFontName currentFontSize "plain"))
1069 (define (viewfontbigger-handler)
1070 (inc 'currentFontSize)
1071 (gs:set-text 'FontSizeLabel (string currentFontSize))
1072 (gs:set-font currentEdit currentFontName currentFontSize "plain"))
1076 (define (fontbookbutton-handler)
1077 (gs:dialog 'FontBookSelection 'TheEditor "Click on a font name to select it" 300 200 nil nil)
1078 (gs:set-background 'FontBookSelection 1 1 1)
1079 (gs:get-fonts)
1080 (gs:panel 'FontPanel)
1081 (gs:set-grid-layout 'FontPanel (length gs:fonts) 1 0 0)
1082 (dolist (font gs:fonts)
1083 (set 'font-label (string "label-" $idx))
1084 (gs:label font-label font)
1085 (if (= font currentFontName)
1086 (gs:set-foreground font-label 0.8 0.5 0.0))
1087 (gs:set-size font-label 100 30)
1088 (gs:set-font font-label font 24 "plain")
1089 (gs:mouse-event font-label 'mouse-action)
1090 (gs:add-to 'FontPanel font-label))
1092 (gs:scroll-pane 'Scroll 'FontPanel)
1093 (gs:add-to 'FontBookSelection 'Scroll)
1094 (gs:set-visible 'FontBookSelection true)
1097 ;; handle mouse clicks in font book
1098 (define (mouse-action id type x y button cnt mods)
1099 (if (= type "pressed")
1100 (gs:set-foreground id 0.8 0.5 0.0)
1101 (begin
1102 (set 'currentFontName (gs:fonts (int (last (parse id "-")) 0)))
1103 (gs:set-font currentEdit currentFontName currentFontSize "plain")
1104 (gs:set-foreground id 0 0 0))
1108 ;; font panel mouse click handler
1110 (define (fontpanel-event id type x y button cnt modifiers)
1111 (if (= type "clicked")
1112 (case id
1113 ("MAIN:FontBiggerLabel" (viewfontbigger-handler))
1114 ("MAIN:FontSmallerLabel" (viewfontsmaller-handler))
1119 ;; initialize syntax for first tab
1120 (theme-handler (string "ViewTheme" currentThemeIdx))
1121 ;;;;;;;;;;;; exec newlisp over editor contents ;;;;;;;;;;
1123 (define (process-or-execbutton-handler)
1124 (if (not (directory? $TEMP))
1125 (gs:message-dialog 'TheEditor "Cannot find temporal directory"
1126 (append "Need to create a directory " $TEMP) "information")
1127 (begin
1128 (disable-main-tools)
1129 ; (gs:get-text currentEdit 'exec-handler)
1130 (gs:get-text currentEdit 'auxiliary-process-handler)
1131 (gs:enable 'ViewClearMonitor)
1136 ; evaluates content of editor area in the auxiliary newLISP
1137 ; process, as output is generated it is displayed in the
1138 ; monitor area
1139 (define (auxiliary-process-handler id text)
1140 (if text
1141 (begin
1142 (set 'text (base64-dec text))
1143 (write-file "editor.txt" text)
1144 (gs:eval-shell 'OutputArea (string "[cmd]\n" text "\n[/cmd]\n"))))
1145 (after-exec-or-process)
1148 ; after the exec or auxiliary process execution
1149 ; enable buttons, menus and edit area
1150 (define (after-exec-or-process)
1151 (gs:enable 'FileMenu 'EditMenu 'ViewMenu 'RunMenu)
1152 (gs:enable 'NewButton 'ClearButton 'PasteButton
1153 'LoadButton 'ExecButton 'RestartButton 'FindButton 'FontBookButton)
1154 (gs:set-editable currentEdit true)
1155 (if (not edit-buffer-clean) (gs:enable 'SaveButton))
1156 (gs:request-focus currentEdit)
1157 (gs:select-text currentEdit currentDot currentMark)
1158 (if is-selection
1159 (gs:enable 'CutButton 'CopyButton))
1162 ; disable main menus and toolbar
1163 (define (disable-main-tools)
1164 (gs:disable 'FileMenu 'EditMenu 'ViewMenu 'RunMenu)
1165 (gs:disable 'NewButton 'ClearButton 'LoadButton 'SaveButton
1166 'CutButton 'CopyButton 'PasteButton
1167 'ExecButton 'RestartButton 'FindButton 'FontBookButton)
1168 (gs:set-editable currentEdit nil)
1171 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; end auxiliary process handling ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
1173 ;; clear bottom monitor area
1174 (define (viewclearmonitor-handler)
1175 (gs:clear-text 'OutputArea)
1176 ;(gs:disable 'ViewClearMonitor)
1179 ;; output to monitor area
1180 (define (output-monitor str)
1181 (gs:append-text 'OutputArea str)
1182 (gs:enable 'ViewClearMonitor)
1185 ;; dtach/attach toolbar
1186 (define (viewtoolbar-handler id flag)
1187 (if flag
1188 (begin
1189 (set 'currentToolbarShow "yes")
1190 (gs:add-to 'TheEditor 'ToolBar "north")
1191 ; if the toolbar was not visible on startup
1192 ; it will not be visible now, inspite of layout
1193 ; this forces components of the container to be redrawn
1194 (gs:set-visible 'TheEditor true)
1195 (gs:layout 'TheEditor)
1197 (begin
1198 (set 'currentToolbarShow "no")
1199 (gs:remove-from 'TheEditor 'ToolBar)
1200 (gs:layout 'TheEditor)
1205 ;; syntax highlighting and themes 1,2,3
1206 ;; for menu-item theme-handler function
1207 ;; see beginning of file
1209 (define (viewsyntax-handler id flag)
1210 (if flag
1211 (begin
1212 (set 'currentSyntaxStatus (current-file-syntax))
1213 (if (not currentSyntaxStatus)
1214 (begin
1215 (gs:set-selected 'ViewSyntax nil)
1216 (gs:show-popup 'SyntaxMenu 'TheEditor 100 100))
1217 (gs:set-syntax currentEdit currentSyntaxStatus)))
1218 (begin
1219 (set 'currentSyntaxStatus nil)
1220 (gs:set-syntax currentEdit nil))
1224 (define (syntaxmenu-handler id idx)
1225 (gs:set-syntax currentEdit (set 'currentSyntaxStatus
1226 (case id
1227 ("MAIN:SyntaxNewlisp" "lsp")
1228 ("MAIN:SyntaxC" "c")
1229 ("MAIN:SyntaxCPP" "cpp")
1230 ("MAIN:SyntaxJava" "java")
1231 ("MAIN:SyntaxPHP" "php")
1234 (gs:set-selected 'ViewSyntax (true? currentSyntaxStatus))
1237 ;; handle character and caret events from edit area
1238 (define (editarea-handler id code mods dot mark len undo redo)
1239 (if undo (gs:enable 'EditUndo) (gs:disable 'EditUndo))
1240 (if redo (gs:enable 'EditRedo) (gs:disable 'EditRedo))
1241 (set 'currentDot dot 'currentMark mark)
1242 ; (println code ":" mods)
1243 (if (= code 65535) ; crtl or meta keys wit or w/o shift
1244 ; caret movement only
1245 (if (not is-selection)
1246 (if (!= dot mark) ; selection started
1247 (begin
1248 (gs:enable 'CutButton 'CopyButton 'EditCut 'EditCutP 'EditCopy 'EditCopyP)
1249 (set 'is-selection true)))
1250 (if (= dot mark) ; de-selected
1251 (begin
1252 (gs:disable 'CutButton 'CopyButton 'EditCut 'EditCutP 'EditCopy 'EditCopyP)
1253 (set 'is-selection nil)))
1255 ; character typed
1256 (if edit-buffer-clean
1257 (begin
1258 (set 'edit-buffer-clean nil)
1259 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/red10.png" currentTabIndex)
1260 (gs:enable 'FileSave 'FileSaveAs 'SaveButton)
1266 ;; handle mouse clicks from editeara for popup menu
1267 (define (editarea-mouse-handler id type x y button cnt modifiers)
1268 (if (or (= button 3) (= modifiers 18)); right button or ctrl click
1269 (gs:show-popup 'EditMenuPopup currentEdit x y)
1273 ;; tabs have switched or a new tab has been inserted
1274 (define (editortabs-handler id tab title idx)
1275 (update-current-tab)
1276 (set 'currentTabIndex idx)
1277 ; get new tab edit area settings
1278 (set 'currentEdit tab)
1279 (switch-to-tab tab idx)
1282 (define (switch-to-tab tab)
1283 (set 'currentDir (lookup currentEdit tabs-stack 1))
1284 (set 'currentFile (lookup currentEdit tabs-stack 2))
1285 (set 'currentPath (string currentDir "/" currentFile))
1286 (set 'currentStatus (lookup currentEdit tabs-stack 3))
1287 (set 'edit-buffer-clean (currentStatus 0))
1288 (if edit-buffer-clean
1289 (begin
1290 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/green10.png" currentTabIndex)
1291 (gs:disable 'FileSave 'SaveButton)
1293 (begin
1294 (gs:set-icon 'EditorTabs "/local/red10.png" currentTabIndex)
1295 (gs:enable 'FileSave 'SaveButton)
1298 (set 'currentDot (currentStatus 1))
1299 (set 'currentMark (currentStatus 2))
1300 (set 'currentSyntaxStatus (currentStatus 3))
1301 (if (= currentDot currentMark)
1302 (begin
1303 (set 'is-selection nil)
1304 (gs:disable 'CutButton 'CopyButton 'EditCut 'EditCutP 'EditCopy 'EditCopyP)
1305 (gs:request-focus currentEdit) )
1306 (begin
1307 (set 'is-selection true)
1308 (gs:enable 'CutButton 'CopyButton 'EditCut 'EditCutP 'EditCopy 'EditCopyP)
1309 (gs:request-focus currentEdit)
1310 (gs:select-text currentEdit currentDot currentMark) )
1312 (gs:set-text 'TheEditor (string "newLISP edit - " currentPath))
1313 (theme-handler (string "ViewTheme" currentThemeIdx))
1316 (define (update-current-tab)
1317 (set 'currentStatus (list edit-buffer-clean currentDot currentMark currentSyntaxStatus))
1318 ; save previous tab edit area settings
1319 (replace-assoc currentEdit tabs-stack (list currentEdit currentDir currentFile currentStatus))
1322 ;; help about box
1323 ;; on Mac OS X the built-in about box is shown (contained in guiserver.jar)
1324 ;; selectable from the Apple system menu
1325 ;; On other OSs the Help menu contains the following (identical loooking)
1326 ;; about box
1328 (define (helpabout-handler)
1329 (if (!= ostype "OSX")
1330 (begin
1331 (gs:get-version)
1332 (gs:message-dialog 'TheEditor (string "newLISP-GS v." gs:version)
1333 (string "Software: copyright (c) 2007 Lutz Mueller\n"
1334 "Icons: copyright (c) 2007 Michael Michaels\n"
1335 "All rights reserved.")
1336 "information" "/local/newLISP64.png" )
1341 ;; show newLISP Users Manual and Reference
1343 (define (helpmanual-handler)
1344 (load-platform-help "/manual_frame.html")
1347 ;; show GS Manual
1349 (define (helpguiserver-handler)
1350 (load-platform-help "/guiserver/index.html")
1353 (define (load-platform-help file-name , prog files)
1354 (if (not (file? (string newlispDoc file-name)))
1355 (gs:message-dialog 'TheEditor "Display documentation"
1356 (string "Cannot find file: " newlispDoc file-name)
1357 "warning"))
1358 (cond
1359 ; Mac OS X
1360 ((= ostype "OSX")
1361 (exec (string "open file://" newlispDoc file-name))
1363 ; Windows, loading docs from the menu has been disabled because open explorer blocks the Java part
1364 ; of newlisp-edit.lsp from exiting
1365 ((= ostype "Win32")
1366 (begin
1367 (set 'prog (string "cmd /c \"" (env "PROGRAMFILES") "/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE\""))
1368 ;(println "->" prog "<-")
1369 (exec (string prog " file://" newlispDoc file-name)))
1371 ; all other UNIX
1372 (true
1373 (set 'files '(
1374 "/usr/bin/sensible-browser"
1375 "/usr/bin/x-www-browser"
1376 "/usr/bin/mozilla"
1377 "/usr/bin/konqueror"))
1378 (set 'prog (find true (map file? files)))
1379 (if prog
1380 (exec (string (files prog) " file://" newlispDoc file-name))
1381 (gs:message-dialog 'TheEditor "Display documentation"
1382 "Cannot find browser to display documentation" "warning")
1389 ;; start listening for GUI events and output from auxiliary newLISP process
1390 ;; append out put from newLISP process to monitor area
1392 (while (gs:check-event 10000)
1393 (if (and console (net-select console "read" 10000))
1394 (begin
1395 (if (> (net-peek console) 0) (begin
1396 (net-receive console 'response 10024)
1397 (output-monitor (or response ""))
1398 (sleep 100)
1400 (check-status)
1405 ;; eof