Initial commit of newLISP.
[newlisp.git] / modules / postscript.lsp
1 ;; @module postscript.lsp
2 ;; @description Routines for creating postscript files
3 ;; @version 1.0 - comments redone for automatic documentation
4 ;; @author Lutz Mueller, July 2006
5 ;;
6 ;; <h2>Routines for creating postscript files</h2>
7 ;; To use this module include the following 'load' statement at
8 ;; the beginning of the program file:
9 ;; <pre>
10 ;; (load "/usr/share/newlisp/modules/postscript.lsp")
11 ;; </pre>
13 ;; See @link
14 ;; for many examples with source code.
16 ;; Postscript files can be viewed using: 'open' on Mac OS X
17 ;; or using the Ghostscript program on Unix's or Win32 to convert
18 ;; to PDF or any graphics file format. Best quality is achieved
19 ;; on Mac OS X when using the viewer for loading the
20 ;; postscript files and converting to PDF or bitmapped formats like
21 ;; JPEG, PNG, GIF by re-saving.
23 ;; If not using Mac OS X look for Ghostscript here:
24 ;; @link and
25 ;; here: @link
27 ;; NOTE! on some Mac OS X installations it is necessary to quit out of
28 ;; the completely before viewing a '.ps' file for the first
29 ;; time. Subsequent views of '.ps' documents are fine.
31 ;; On Linux/UNIX systems the following command can be used to convert
32 ;; a '.ps' file to a '.pdf' file:
33 ;; <pre>
34 ;; gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dBATCH -sOutputFile=aFile.pdf -r300
35 ;; </pre>
36 ;; Most functions work like in <turtle graphics> relative to the
37 ;; current position of an imaginary drawing pen with an
38 ;; orientation of 0 to 360 degree starting streight up: 0 and
39 ;; moving clockwise right 90, down 180, left 270, up and 360 degrees.
40 ;; Other functions work on absolute X,Y coordinates.
42 ;; The coordinate system starts on the bottom left with 0,0 and
43 ;; extends on a 8 1/2 x 11 inch letter page to 'x': 612, 'y': 792,
44 ;; 12 points for each inch. The functions 'ps:transpose' and 'ps:scale'
45 ;; can be used to move the origin point '<x=0, y=0>' or scale from points to
46 ;; other measurements.
48 ;; <br/>
49 ;; <center><h2>Turtle coordinate positioning and turning</h2></center>
51 ;; All commands in this group change the turtle position or
52 ;; orientation.
54 ;; @syntax (ps:goto <num-x> <num-y>)
55 ;; @param <num-x> The new x coordinate.
56 ;; @param <num-y> The new y coordinate.
57 ;; @return The postscript output.
58 ;; Moves to position <num-x>, <num-y>. On a US letter page of 612 by 792
59 ;; point positions are defined with 72 points per inch.
61 ;; @syntax (ps:move <num-s>)
62 ;; @param <num-s> The distance to move the pen.
63 ;; @return The postscript output.
64 ;; Move turtle forward distance <s> without drawing.
66 ;; @syntax (ps:turn <num-dg>)
67 ;; @param <num-dg> The degrees to turn: -360 to 0 to 360.
68 ;; @return The postscript output.
69 ;; Turn the turtle pen by <dg> degrees. The degrees are specified in angles
70 ;; from 0 to 360. For turning clockwise specifiy positive values.
71 ;; Negative degrees turn the turtle pen counter clockwise.
73 ;; @syntax (ps:angle <num-dg>)
74 ;; @param <num-dg> Angle degrees from 0 to 360.
75 ;; @return The postscript output.
76 ;; Set the turtle angle to <num-dg> degrees.
77 ;; Upwards is 0, right 45, downwards 180 and left 270i degrees.
79 ;; <br/>
80 ;; <center><h2>Line drawing</h2></center>
82 ;; All commands in this group change the turtle position or
83 ;; orientation, or both.
85 ;; @syntax (ps:draw <num-s>)
86 ;; @param <num-s> Distance to draw.
87 ;; @return The postscript output.
88 ;; Draw going forward distance <num-s>. Moves the turtle forward by
89 ;; the amount of points specified in <num-s> and draws with the current
90 ;; line color set by 'ps:line-color'.
92 ;; @syntax (ps:drawto <x> <y>)
93 ;; @param <x> The x coordinate to draw to.
94 ;; @param <y> The y coordinate to draw to.
95 ;; @return The postscript output.
96 ;; Draw a line to point <x>, <y>. Moves the turtle to point
97 ;; <x>, <y> like '(ps:goto x y)', but also draws a line from
98 ;; the old to the new position. The turtle position is changed to the
99 ;; new point <x>, <y> and the orientation is changed to the orientaion of
100 ;; the line drawn.
102 ;; @syntax (ps:line <list-of-lists>)
103 ;; @param <list-of-lists> A list of turtle movements or Bezier curves.
104 ;; @return The postscript output.
105 ;; Draw a multipart line. <lists> are turtle movements (<num-dg> <num-s>),
106 ;; or Bezier curves (<x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3>) starting
107 ;; from the last turtle coordinates <x0>, <y0> and
108 ;; finishing at <x3>, <y3>. All Bezier coordinates are
109 ;; relative to the previous turtle position and
110 ;; orientation.
112 ;; The turtle position and orientation are changed after
113 ;; drawing the line.
115 ;; @syntax (ps:bezier <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3>)
116 ;; @param <x1,y1> Bezier coordinates of <p1> relative to <p0> = 0,0
117 ;; @param <x2,y2> Bezier coordinates of <p2> relative to <p0> = 0,0
118 ;; @param <x3,y3> Bezier coordinates of <p3> relative to <p0> = 0,0
119 ;; @return The postscript output.
120 ;; Draw a Bezier curve.
121 ;; The Bezier curve starts at point <p0> which is the current
122 ;; turtle position and stops at point <p3> which is at offset
123 ;; <x3> and <y3> relative to starting point. The turtle orientation
124 ;; after the drwaing the Bezier curve is perpendicular
125 ;; to the Bezier curve baseline <p0> to <p3>.
127 ;; <br/>
128 ;; <center><h2>Closed shapes, filling and clipping</h2></center>
130 ;; All functions in this group leave the turtle position and
131 ;; orientation unchanged.
133 ;; @syntax (ps:polygon <rad> <n> [<fill>])
134 ;; @param <rad> Radius.
135 ;; @param <n> Number of sides.
136 ;; @param <fill> Optional fill flag.
137 ;; @return The postscript output.
138 ;; Draw a polygon with radius <rad> and <n> sides.
139 ;; <fill> is 'true' or 'nil' (default) for optional color fill
140 ;; The polygon is drawn around the current turtle position.
141 ;; The turtle position or orientation is not changed.
143 ;; @syntax (ps:circle <rad> [<fill>])
144 ;; @param <rad> Radius of the circle.
145 ;; @param <fill> Optional fill flag.
146 ;; @return The postscript output.
147 ;; Draw a circle with radius <rad>. The optional <fill> flag
148 ;; with either 'true' or 'nil' (default) indicates if the circle
149 ;; is filled with the fill color specified by 'ps:fill-color'.
150 ;; The circle is drawn around the current turtle position.
151 ;; The turtle position or orientation is not changed.
153 ;; @syntax (ps:ellipse <x-rad> <y-rad> <start> <end> [<fill>])
154 ;; @param <x-rad> The x axis radius.
155 ;; @param <y-rad> The y axis radius.
156 ;; @param <start> The start angle.
157 ;; @param <end> The end angle.
158 ;; @return The postscript output.
159 ;; Draw an ellipse with optional <fill> either 'true' or 'nil'(default).
160 ;; The ellipse is drawn around the current turtle position
161 ;; with the Y axis oriented like the turtle.
162 ;; For <x-rad>, <y-rad> set to 0, 360 an ellipse is drawn
163 ;; For a partiual radius the opening is closed by a line
164 ;; resulting in segment shape, i.e. -90, 90 would result
165 ;; in a half circle from the left to the right of the turtle.
166 ;; The turtle position or orientation is not changed.
168 ;; @syntax (ps:pie <rad> <width> [<fill>])
169 ;; @param <rad> The radius of the pie.
170 ;; @param <width> The width of the pie slice as an angle.
171 ;; @param <fill> An optional fill flag for color fill
172 ;; @return The postscript output.
173 ;; Draw a pie slice with optional <fill> either 'true' or 'nil' (default).
174 ;; The left edge of the pie is in turtle orientation.
175 ;; The width angle spreads clockwise. The pie is drawn around the current
176 ;; turtle position. The turtle position or orientation is not changed.
178 ;; @syntax (ps:petal <x> <y> [<fill>])
179 ;; @param <x> The <x1> coordinate of the underlying Bezier curve <p0> to <p1> <p2> <p3>.
180 ;; @param <y> The <y1> coordinate of the underlying Bezier curve <p0> to <p1> <p2> <p3>.
181 ;; @param <fill> An optional fill flag for color fill.
182 ;; @return The postscript output.
183 ;; Draws a petal using a Bezier curve with optional <fill> either 'true' or 'nil' (default).
184 ;; The <x> and <y> parameters are relative to to the current position.
185 ;; The petal is drawn with the tip at the current turtle
186 ;; position and oriented in the direction of the turtle.
187 ;; The turtle position or orientation is not changed.
189 ;; @syntax (ps:shape <list-of-lists> [<fill>])
190 ;; @param <list-of-lists> A list of turtle movements and/or Bezier curves.
191 ;; @param <fill> An optional fill flag for color fill.
192 ;; @return The postscript output.
193 ;; Draws a shape with optional <fill> or eiher 'true' or 'nil' (default).
194 ;; <lists> is either a turtle movement (<dg> <s>) or a Bezier curve
195 ;; (<x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3>) starting from the last turtle coordinates
196 ;; <x0>, <y0> and finishing at <x3>, <y3>. All Bezier coordinates
197 ;; are relative to the previous turtle position and orientation
198 ;; The turtle position or orientation is not changed.
200 ;; @syntax (ps:clip <list-of-lists>)
201 ;; @param <list-of-lists> A list of turtle movements and/or Bezier curves.
202 ;; @return The postscript output.
203 ;; Define a clipping path using turtle movements (<dg> <s>) and
204 ;; Bezier curves (<x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3>) starting from the
205 ;; last turtle coordinates <x0>, <y0> and finishing at <x3>, <y3>.
206 ;; All Bezier coordinates are relative to the previous turtle position and
207 ;; orientation.
209 ;; Before redefining the clipping area '(ps:gsave)' should
210 ;; be used to save the old graphics state parameters, after
211 ;; clipping and drawing in the clipped area the graphics
212 ;; state should be restored using '(ps:grestore)'.
213 ;; The turtle position or orientation is not changed.
215 ;; <br/>
216 ;; <center><h2>Text output and clipping</h2></center>
218 ;; All functions in this goup move the turtle by the textlength
219 ;; drawn and change the orientation when the text is arcing.
221 ;; @syntax (ps:text <str-text>)
222 ;; @param <str-text> The text to draw.
223 ;; @return The postscript output.
224 ;; Draws text. '(...)' parenthesis in text should be escaped with
225 ;; double '\\' characters as in in '\\(' or '\\)', when limiting the string
226 ;; with double quotes '"'. When limiting the string with '{,}' braces
227 ;; a single '\' character is enough as in '\(' and '\)'.
228 ;; Before drawing, a font can be specified, the default font after loading
229 ;; the 'postscript.lsp' modules is Helvetica 12 points and using
230 ;; the current 'ps:line-color' for drawing.
232 ;; The turtle position is changed to the baseline after the last character.
233 ;; The turtle orientation stays the same.
235 ;; @syntax (ps:textoutline <str-text> [<fill>])
236 ;; @param <str-text> The text to draw.
237 ;; @param <fill> An optional fill flag for color fill.
238 ;; Draw a text outline with optional color <fill> specified by
239 ;; either 'true' or 'nil' (default).
240 ;; Before drawing a font can be specified
241 ;; the default font after loading 'postscript.lsp' is
242 ;; Helvetica 12 points, the text is drawn using the current
243 ;; line color.
245 ;; The turtle position is changed to the baseline after the last character.
246 ;; The turtle orientation stays the same.
248 ;; @syntax (ps:textarc <rad> <str-text>)
249 ;; @param <rad> The radius of imaginary circle path for text.
250 ;; @param <str-text> The text to draw.
251 ;; @return The postscript output.
252 ;; Draw text around a circle.
253 ;; The text is drawn out side of an imaginary circle starting at
254 ;; turtle position and orientation and drawing at the current tangent.
255 ;; To bend text around a circle, draw a sequence of single characters
256 ;; with the same radius. For a positive radius text goes outside
257 ;; the circle and clockwise. For a negative radius text goes inside the
258 ;; circle and counter lock wise. The turtle position and orientation
259 ;; move along the radius.
262 ;; @syntax (ps:textarcoutline <rad> <str-text> [<fill>])
263 ;; @param <rad> The radius of imaginary circle path for text.
264 ;; @param <str-text> The text to draw.
265 ;; @param <fill> An optional fill flag for color fill.
266 ;; @return The postscript output.
267 ;; Draw text around a circle.
268 ;; Same as '(ps:textarc ...)' but the text is drawn as ane outline
269 ;; and can be filled with ps:fill-color when specifying the optional
270 ;; fill flag. The turtle position and orientation move along the radius.
272 ;; @syntax (ps:textclip <str-text>)
273 ;; @param <str-text> The text used as a clipping shape.
274 ;; @return The postscript output.
275 ;; A text outline is used as a clipping path.
276 ;; Before redefining the clipping area '(ps:gsave)' should
277 ;; be used to save the old graphics state parameters, after
278 ;; clipping and drawing in the clipped area the graphics
279 ;; state should be restored using '(ps:grestore)'.
280 ;; The turtle moves with the text shape clipped.
282 ;; <br/>
283 ;; <center><h2>Global settings</h2></center>
285 ;; Several global variables control fill and line color, line width
286 ;; and other parameters influencing the scaling and orientation of
287 ;; the coordinate system when drawing. Most have default settings
288 ;; when not explicitely specified.
290 ;; @syntax (ps:font <str-name> <num-size>)
291 ;; @param <str-name> The font name.
292 ;; @param <num-size> The size of the font in points.
293 ;; @return The postscript output.
294 ;; The current font is set for all subsequent text operations.
295 ;; Depending on the version of the Postsrcipt viewer or device
296 ;; installed different fonts are available.
298 ;; @syntax (ps:translate <x> <y>)
299 ;; @syntax (ps:translate)
300 ;; @param <x> The new x position of coordinate origin.
301 ;; @param <y> The new y position of coordinate origin.
302 ;; @return The postscript output.
303 ;; Move the coordinate origin.
304 ;; By default the origin 0,0 is in the bottom left corner
305 ;; of the page. <x> and <y> values extend to the right and top.
306 ;; When now <x>, <y> values are specified the coordinate origin
307 ;; is moved to the current position of the turtle.
309 ;; @syntax (ps:scale <x> <y>)
310 ;; @param <x> The new x scale factor.
311 ;; @param <y> The new y scale factor.
312 ;; @return The postscript output.
313 ;; Scale the coordinate space.
314 ;; Scaling factors are 1.0 by default and compress for
315 ;; factors less 1.0 or expand for factors bigger than 1.0.
316 ;; With a scaling factor for x = 2.0 each point position
317 ;; specified would cover the double of horizontal distance
318 ;; on the page. Scaling factors can be saved on the graphics
319 ;; state stack using the function '(ps:gsave)'.
321 ;; @syntax (ps:rotate <deg>)
322 ;; @param <deg> The degrees of rotation: -360 to 0 to 360.
323 ;; @return The postscript output.
324 ;; Rotate the coordinate space.
325 ;; The coorinate space is rotated to the right for
326 ;; positive angles and to the left for negative angles.
327 ;; The current rotation angle is 0 by default.
328 ;; The rotation angle is part of the graphics state saved by
329 ;; the '(ps:gsave function)'.
331 ;; @syntax (ps:gsave)
332 ;; @return The postscript output.
333 ;; Saves the current graphics state. The function pushes the
334 ;; current graphics state on a special stack, from where it
335 ;; can be resored using '(ps:grestore)'.
337 ;; @syntax (ps:grestore)
338 ;; @return The postscript output.
339 ;; Restores the graphics state from the stack.
341 ;; @syntax (ps:line-width <points>)
342 ;; @param <points> The line width in points.
343 ;; @return The postscript output.
344 ;; Sets the line width in points for line drawing and the
345 ;; outlines drawn by shapes and text outlines.
347 ;; @syntax (ps:line-cap <mode>)
348 ;; @param <mode> The line termination shape mode.
349 ;; @return The postscript output.
350 ;; Sets the line termination shape:
351 ;; <pre>
352 ;; 0 square line at the end
353 ;; 1 semicircular line
354 ;; 2 square line end projecting beyond the end of the line
355 ;; by half line width
356 ;; </pre>
358 ;; @syntax (ps:line-join <mode>)
359 ;; @param <mode> The line join mode.
360 ;; @return The postscript output.
361 ;; Sets the line join mode:
362 ;; <pre>
363 ;; 0 outer edges of lines mitered together
364 ;; 1 outer edges of lines rounded together
365 ;; 2 for lin-cap with 0 the resulting noth
366 ;; is filled to produce a chamfered corner
367 ;; </pre>
369 ;; @syntax (ps:line-color <R> <G> <B>)
370 ;; @param <R> The red color value.
371 ;; @param <G> The green color value.
372 ;; @param <B> The blue color value.
374 ;; @syntax (ps:line-color <str-hex>)
375 ;; @param <str-hex> A hex string specifying the line color.
376 ;; @return The postscript output.
377 ;; Set color for line drawing.
378 ;; Color values assume the following value:
379 ;; <pre>
380 ;; R - value for red 0.0 to 1.0
381 ;; G - value for green 0.0 to 1.0
382 ;; B - value for blue 0.0 to 1.0
383 ;; </pre>
384 ;; In an alternative syntax color values can be specified in a
385 ;; hex string:
387 ;; <str-hex> is a hex string constant '"000000"' to '"FFFFFF"'
388 ;; Colors are specified as usual in HTML coding.
389 ;; Each to two hex digits define a color: 'rrggbb'.
391 ;; @syntax (ps:fill-color <R> <G> <B>)
392 ;; @param <R> The red color value.
393 ;; @param <G> The green color value.
394 ;; @param <B> The blue color value.
396 ;; @syntax (ps:fill-color <str-hex>)
397 ;; @param <str-hex> A hex string specifying the line color.
398 ;; @return The postscript output.
399 ;; Set color for shape filling.
400 ;; Color values assume the following value:
401 ;; <pre>
402 ;; R - value for red 0.0 to 1.0
403 ;; B - value for green 0.0 to 1.0
404 ;; G - value for blue 0.0 to 1.0
405 ;; </pre>
406 ;; In an alternative syntax color values can be specified in a
407 ;; hex string:
409 ;; <str-hex> is a hex string constant '"000000"' to '"FFFFFF"'
410 ;; Colors are specified as usual in HTML coding.
411 ;; Each two hex digits define a color: 'rrggbb'.
414 ;; @syntax (ps:render)
415 ;; @return The postscript output.
416 ;; Show on monitor (Mac OS X only)
417 ;; Uses the Mac OS X to convert
418 ;; and view postscript files ending in '.ps'.
420 ;; On Unix and Win32 systems use (ps:save <filename>)
421 ;; to save the postscript file and convert and view
422 ;; it using ghostscript from @link
423 ;; and @link .
425 ;; @syntax (ps:save <str-filename>)
426 ;; @param <str-filename> The filename.
427 ;; @return The postscript output.
428 ;; Save to <str-filename>.
429 ;; The filename should end in '.ps' to be recognized as a Postscript file
430 ;; on Mac OS X, where it can be viewed with the standrad, by
431 ;; double clicking the filename. On Linux/UNIX Ghostsript can be used to
432 ;; convert the file to any image format or to view the file.
433 ;; The Quality of display depends on the underlying OS and hardware.
435 (context 'ps)
437 (set 'prolog [text]%!PS-Adobe-2.0
438 %%Creator: newLISP
440 %% ---------- SETUP ----------
442 /orient 0 def
443 /xpos 0 def
444 /ypos 0 def
445 /pi 3.141592654 def
447 /fillcolor {0.8 0.8 0.8} def
448 /Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont
450 /turtlestack [0 0 0] def
452 /pushturtle
454 turtlestack length /len exch def
455 turtlestack aload pop
456 xpos ypos orient len 3 add array astore
457 /turtlestack exch def
458 } def
460 /popturtle
462 turtlestack length /len exch def
463 len 3 gt {
464 turtlestack aload pop
465 /orient exch def
466 /ypos exch def
467 /xpos exch def
468 len 3 sub array astore
469 /turtlestack exch def
470 } if
471 } def
474 %% ---------- NAVIGATION ----------
476 % x y -
477 /goto
479 /ypos exch def
480 /xpos exch def
481 xpos ypos moveto
482 } def
484 % points -
485 /move
487 /len exch def
488 /xpos xpos orient sin len mul add def
489 /ypos ypos orient cos len mul add def
490 xpos ypos moveto
491 } def
493 % degree -
494 /turn
496 /orient exch orient add def
497 } def
499 % degree -
500 /angle
502 /orient exch def
503 } def
505 %% ---------- LINE DRAWING ----------
507 % turtle position is changed
509 % points -
510 /draw
512 /len exch def
513 newpath
514 xpos ypos moveto
515 /xpos xpos orient sin len mul add def
516 /ypos ypos orient cos len mul add def
517 xpos ypos lineto stroke
518 } def
520 % points -
521 /drawtolen
523 /len exch def
524 /xpos xpos orient sin len mul add def
525 /ypos ypos orient cos len mul add def
526 xpos ypos lineto
527 } def
529 % x y
530 /drawto
532 /newy exch def
533 /newx exch def
534 newpath
535 xpos ypos moveto
536 newx newy lineto
537 stroke
538 newy ypos sub newx xpos sub atan neg 90 add /orient exch def
539 /xpos newx def
540 /ypos newy def
541 } def
543 % x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
544 /bezier
546 newpath
547 curve
548 stroke
549 } def
551 /curve
553 /y3 exch def
554 /x3 exch def
555 /y2 exch def
556 /x2 exch def
557 /y1 exch def
558 /x1 exch def
559 matrix currentmatrix
560 x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3
561 xpos ypos translate
562 orient neg rotate
563 0 0 moveto
564 rcurveto
565 setmatrix
566 y3 x3 atan neg /angleinc exch def
567 /len x3 angleinc cos div def
568 /orient orient angleinc add def
569 /xpos xpos orient 90 add sin len mul add def
570 /ypos ypos orient 90 add cos len mul add def
571 } def
573 % save turtle position and orientation
575 /turtlesave
577 /xpossave xpos def
578 /ypossave ypos def
579 /orientsave orient def
580 } def
582 % restore turtle position and orientation
584 /turtlerestore
586 /xpos xpossave def
587 /ypos ypossave def
588 /orient orientsave def
589 xpos ypos moveto
590 } def
592 % x1 y1 x2 y2 -
593 /fromto
595 /ypos exch def
596 /xpos exch def
597 newpath
598 moveto
599 xpos ypos lineto
600 stroke
601 } def
603 %% ---------- SHAPES ----------
605 % shapes are close and do not change the turtle position
607 % radius sides fillflag -
608 /polygon
610 /fillflag exch def
611 360 exch div /orientinc exch def
612 /radius exch def
613 gsave
614 xpos ypos translate
615 orient neg rotate
616 0 sin radius mul
617 0 cos radius mul moveto
618 0 orientinc 360
621 sin radius mul exch
622 cos radius mul
623 lineto
624 } for
625 closepath
626 fillflag {fillshape} if
627 stroke
628 grestore
629 } def
631 % radius fillflag -
632 /circle
634 /fillflag exch def
635 /radius exch def
636 newpath
637 xpos ypos radius 0 360 arc
638 fillflag {fillshape} if
639 stroke
640 } def
643 % radius width fillflag
644 /pie
646 /fillflag exch def
647 /width exch def
648 90 orient sub width sub /start exch def
649 start width add /end exch def
650 /radius exch def
651 newpath
652 xpos ypos moveto
653 xpos ypos radius start end arc
654 fillflag {fillshape} if
655 closepath
656 stroke
657 } def
659 % width height fill
660 /petal
662 /fillflag exch def
663 /y exch def
664 /x exch def
665 gsave
666 xpos ypos translate
667 orient neg rotate
668 newpath
669 0 0 moveto
670 x neg y x y 0 0
671 rcurveto
672 fillflag {fillshape} if
673 closepath
674 stroke
675 grestore
676 } def
678 % xradius yradius start end flag -
679 /ellipse
681 /fillflag exch def
682 % swap start/end and x/y
683 neg /startangle exch def
684 neg /endangle exch def
685 /xrad exch def
686 /yrad exch def
688 gsave
689 xpos ypos translate
690 orient 90 sub neg rotate
691 newpath
692 xrad yrad scale
693 0 0 1 startangle endangle arc
694 fillflag {fillshape} if
695 1 xrad div 1 yrad div scale
696 closepath
697 stroke
698 grestore
699 } def
701 /fillshape
703 gsave
704 fillcolor setrgbcolor
705 fill
706 grestore
707 } def
709 %% ---------- text ----------
711 /text
713 /str exch def
714 gsave
715 xpos ypos translate
716 newpath
717 0 0 moveto
718 orient 89.9999 sub neg rotate
719 str show
720 grestore
721 str stringwidth pop move
722 } def
724 /textoutline
726 /fillflag exch def
727 /str exch def
728 gsave
729 xpos ypos translate
730 newpath
731 0 0 moveto
732 orient 89.9999 sub neg rotate
733 str true charpath
734 fillflag {fillshape} if
735 stroke
736 grestore
737 str stringwidth pop move
738 } def
740 /textclip
742 /str exch def
743 matrix currentmatrix
744 xpos ypos translate
745 newpath
746 0 0 moveto
747 orient 89.9999 sub neg rotate
748 str true charpath
749 clip
750 setmatrix
751 } def
753 /textarc
755 /str exch def
756 2 mul pi mul /circum exch def
758 str stringwidth pop /len exch def
759 circum len div 360 exch div turn
760 str text
761 } def
763 /textarcoutline
765 /fillflag exch def
766 /str exch def
767 2 mul pi mul /circum exch def
769 str stringwidth pop /len exch def
770 circum len div 360 exch div turn
771 str fillflag textoutline
772 } def
774 % --------------------------
775 [/text])
777 ; ---------- setup ----------
779 (set 'buffer "")
780 (set 'line-feed (if (> (& 0xF (sys-info -1)) 5) "\r\n" "\n"))
782 ; ---------- USER FUNCTIONS ----------
784 ; ---------- output pure postscript ----------
786 (define (ps:ps str)
787 (write-line str buffer))
789 ; navigation - changes position or orient of the turtle
791 (define (goto x y)
792 (ps (format "%g %g goto" x y)))
794 (define (turn deg)
795 (ps (format "%g turn" deg)))
797 (define (move dist)
798 (ps (format "%g move" dist)))
800 (define (angle deg)
801 (ps (format "%g angle" deg)))
803 ; line graphics changes position and/or orient of the turtle
805 (define (draw dist)
806 (ps (format "%g draw" dist)))
808 (define (drawto x y)
809 (ps (format "%g %g drawto" x y)))
811 (define (bezier x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3)
812 (ps (format "%g %g %g %g %g %g bezier" x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3)))
814 (define (line lst)
815 (let (rec nil)
816 (ps "% new shape")
817 (ps "newpath")
818 (ps "xpos ypos moveto")
819 (while (set 'rec (pop lst))
820 (if (= (length rec) 6)
821 (ps (format "%g %g %g %g %g %g curve"
822 (rec 0) (rec 1) (rec 2)
823 (rec 3) (rec 4) (rec 5)))
824 (begin
825 (ps (format "%g turn" (rec 0)))
826 (ps (format "%g drawtolen" (rec 1))))))
827 (ps "stroke")))
829 ; shapes do not change the position or orient of the turtle
830 ; which stays in the curcle center of the shape
832 (define (polygon radius sides flag)
833 (set 'flag (if flag "true" "false"))
834 (ps (format "%g %g %s polygon" radius sides flag)))
836 (define (circle radius flag)
837 (set 'flag (if flag "true" "false"))
838 (ps (format "%g %s circle" radius flag)))
840 (define (ellipse xradius yradius start end flag)
841 (set 'flag (if flag "true" "false"))
842 (ps (format "%g %g %g %g %s ellipse" xradius yradius start end flag)))
844 (define (pie radius width flag)
845 (set 'flag (if flag "true" "false"))
846 (ps (format "%g %g %s pie" radius width flag)))
848 (define (petal width height flag)
849 (set 'flag (if flag "true" "false"))
850 (ps (format "%g %g %s petal" width height flag)))
852 (define (shape lst flag)
853 (let (rec nil)
854 (ps "% new shape")
855 (ps "turtlesave")
856 (ps "newpath")
857 (ps "xpos ypos moveto")
858 (while (set 'rec (pop lst))
859 (if (= (length rec) 6)
860 (ps (format "%g %g %g %g %g %g curve"
861 (rec 0) (rec 1) (rec 2)
862 (rec 3) (rec 4) (rec 5)))
863 (begin
864 (ps (format "%g turn" (rec 0)))
865 (ps (format "%g drawtolen" (rec 1))))))
866 (ps "closepath")
867 (if flag (ps "fillshape"))
868 (ps "stroke")
869 (ps "turtlerestore")))
871 (define (clip lst)
872 (let (rec nil)
873 (ps "% new clipping shape")
874 (ps "turtlesave")
875 (ps "newpath")
876 (ps "xpos ypos moveto")
877 (while (set 'rec (pop lst))
878 (if (= (length rec) 6)
879 (ps (format "%g %g %g %g %g %g curve"
880 (rec 0) (rec 1) (rec 2)
881 (rec 3) (rec 4) (rec 5)))
882 (begin
883 (ps (format "%g turn" (rec 0)))
884 (ps (format "%g drawtolen" (rec 1))))))
885 (ps "closepath")
886 (ps "clip"))
887 (ps "turtlerestore"))
889 ; text output
891 (define (text str)
892 (ps (format "(%s) text" str)))
894 (define (textoutline str flag)
895 (set 'flag (if flag "true" "false"))
896 (ps (format "(%s) %s textoutline" str flag)))
898 (define (textclip str)
899 (ps (format "(%s) textclip" str)))
901 (define (textarc radius str)
902 (ps (format "%g (%s) textarc" radius str)))
904 (define (textarcoutline radius str flag)
905 (set 'flag (if flag "true" "false"))
906 (ps (format "%g (%s) %s textarcoutline" radius str flag)))
908 ; rendering and saving
910 (define (render)
911 (write-file "" (append prolog buffer "showpage" line-feed))
912 (exec "open"))
914 (define (clear)
915 (set 'buffer ""))
917 (define (ps:save file-name)
918 (write-file file-name (append prolog buffer "showpage" line-feed)))
920 ; global parameters
922 (define (translate x y)
923 (if (and x y)
924 (ps (format "%g %g translate" x y))
925 (ps "xpos ypos translate 0 0 moveto")))
927 (define (scale x y)
928 (ps (format "%g %g scale" x y)))
930 (define (ps:rotate deg)
931 (ps (format "%g rotate" deg)))
933 (define (gsave)
934 (ps "pushturtle gsave"))
936 (define (grestore)
937 (ps "grestore popturtle"))
939 (define (line-width points)
940 (ps (format "%g setlinewidth" points)))
942 (define (line-cap mode)
943 (ps (format "%g setlinecap" mode)))
945 (define (line-join mode)
946 (ps (format "%g setlinejoin" mode)))
948 (define (line-color red green blue)
949 (if (string? red)
950 (let (color red)
951 (set 'red (div (int (append "0x" (0 2 color)) 0 16) 255))
952 (set 'green (div (int (append "0x" (2 2 color)) 0) 255))
953 (set 'blue (div (int (append "0x" (4 2 color)) 0) 255))))
954 (ps (format "%g %g %g setrgbcolor" red green blue)))
956 (define (fill-color red green blue)
957 (if (string? red)
958 (let (color red)
959 (set 'red (div (int (append "0x" (0 2 color)) 0 16) 255))
960 (set 'green (div (int (append "0x" (2 2 color)) 0) 255))
961 (set 'blue (div (int (append "0x" (4 2 color)) 0) 255))))
962 (ps (format "/fillcolor {%g %g %g} def" red green blue)))
964 (define (font fname size)
965 (ps (format "/%s findfont %g scalefont setfont" fname size)))
967 (context MAIN)