3 # newlispdoc - generates html documentation from newLISP source files
5 # Copyright (C) 1992-2007 Lutz Mueller <lutz@nuevatec.com>
7 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2, 1991,
9 # as published by the Free Software Foundation.
11 # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12 # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14 # GNU General Public License for more details.
16 # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17 # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18 # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
21 ;; @description Generates documentation and hightligted source from newLISP source files.
22 ;; @version 1.3 - handle remote files specified in URLs in a url-file
23 ;; @version 1.4 - title on page changed to index or module name and new index module option
24 ;; @version 1.5 - removed font restrictions on h1,h2,h3,h4 and added hr as a legal tag
25 ;; @author Lutz Mueller, 2006, 2007
26 ;; @location http://newlisp.org
29 ;; The <tt>-s</tt> switch can be used to generate highlighted source files.
31 ;; newlispdoc afile.lsp bfile.lsp
32 ;; newlispdoc -s afile.lsp bfile.lsp
33 ;; newlispdoc -s *.lsp
36 ;; newlisp newlispdoc afile.lsp bfile.lsp
37 ;; newlisp newlispdoc -s afile.lsp bfile.lsp
38 ;; newlisp newlispdoc -s *.lsp
40 ;; newlispdoc can take a file of URLs and generate documentation and syntax
41 ;; highlighted source from remote files:
43 ;; newlispdoc -url file-with-urls.txt 10000
44 ;; newlispdoc -s -url file-with-urls.txt 10000
47 ;; newlisp newlispdoc -url file-with-urls.txt 10000
48 ;; newlisp newlispdoc -s -url file-with-urls.txt 10000
50 ;; file-with-urls.txt contains one URL per line in the file. A URLstarts either
51 ;; with http:// or file:// - This allows mixing remote and local files. An optional
52 ;; timeout of 10 seconds is specified after the url file name. If no timeout is specified
53 ;; newlispdoc assumes 5 seconds.
55 ;; Execute from within the same directory of the source files when
56 ;; no url file is given.
58 ;; For each file a file with the same name and extension '.html' is generated
59 ;; and written to the current directory. A file 'index.htm' is written as
60 ;; an index for all other files generated. If the '-s' switch is specified,
61 ;; a file with the extension '.src.html' is generated for each file.
63 ;; Please read @link http://newlisp.org/newLISPdoc.html newLISPdoc.htm to learn
64 ;; about tagging of newLISP source code for newlispdoc.
69 ; get list of files from command line
70 (set 'files (2 (main-args)))
74 (println "USAGE: newlispdoc [-s] <file-names>")
75 (println "USAGE: newlispdoc [-s] -url <file-with-urls>")
80 [text]<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
83 <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
89 <style type="text/css" media="screen">
96 font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;
100 font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, Times, serif;
104 font-family: Andale Mono, "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", Monaco, "Courier New";
108 font-family: Andale Mono, "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", Monaco, "Courier New";
117 <body style="margin: 20px;" text="#333333" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"
118 link="#376590" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#ffAA28">
120 <center><h1>%s</h1></center>
123 (set 'prolog3 {<p><a href="index.html">Module index</a></p>})
126 <p></p><center>- ∂ -</center><br/>
127 <center><font face='Arial' size='-2' color='#444444'>
128 generated with <a href="http://newlisp.org">newLISP</a>
129 and <a href="http://newlisp.org/newLISPdoc.html">newLISPdoc</a>
136 ; ---------- routines for generating syntax-highlighted file <file-name>.src.html ------------------
138 (define keyword-color "#0000AA") ; newLISP keywords
139 (define string-color "#008800") ; single line quoted and braced strings
140 (define long-string-color "#008800") ; multiline for [text], [/text] tags
141 (define paren-color "#AA0000") ; parenthesis
142 (define comment-color "#555555") ; comments
143 (define number-color "#665500") ; numbers
145 (define function-name-color "#000088") ; not implemented yet for func in (define (func x y z) ...)
147 (set 'keywords (map name (filter (fn (x) (primitive? (eval x))) (sort (symbols) > ))))
148 (push "nil" keywords)
149 (push "true" keywords)
150 (set 'keyword-regex (join keywords "|"))
151 (replace "?" keyword-regex "\\?")
152 (replace "$" keyword-regex "\\$")
153 (replace "!" keyword-regex "\\!")
154 (replace "+" keyword-regex "\\+")
155 (replace "*" keyword-regex "\\*")
156 (replace "||" keyword-regex "|\\|")
157 (set 'keyword-regex (append {(\s+|\(|\))(} keyword-regex {)(\s+|\(|\))}))
159 (define (clean-comment str)
160 (replace {<font color='#......'>} str "" 0)
161 (replace {</font>} str "")
162 (replace {[text]} str "[&text]")
163 (replace {[/text]} str "[&/text]")
166 (define (format-quoted-string str)
167 (replace {<font color='#......'>} str "" 0)
168 (replace {</font>} str "")
169 (replace ";" str ";&")
170 (replace "{" str "{&")
171 (replace "}" str "}&")
172 (replace {\} str "\&")
173 (replace {[text]} str "[&text]")
174 (replace {[/text]} str "[&/text]")
175 (format {<font color='%s'>%s</font>} string-color str)
178 (define (format-braced-string str)
179 (replace {<font color='#......'>} str "" 0)
180 (replace {</font>} str "")
181 (replace ";" str ";&")
182 (replace {"} str ""&")
183 (replace {[text]} str "[&text]")
184 (replace {[/text]} str "[&/text]")
185 (format {<font color='%s'>%s</font>} string-color str)
188 (define (format-tagged-string str)
189 (replace {<font color='#......'>} str "" 0)
190 (replace {</font>} str "")
191 (replace ";" str ";&")
192 (format {<font color='%s'>%s</font>} string-color str)
195 (define (write-syntax-highlight src-file outputfile)
196 ; replace special HTML characters
197 (replace "\r\n" src-file "\n")
198 (replace "&" src-file "&&")
199 (replace "<(\\w)" src-file (append "<&" $1) 0)
200 (replace "(\\w)>" src-file (append $1 ">&") 0)
201 (replace "/>" src-file "/>&" 0)
202 (replace "</" src-file "<&/" 0)
203 (replace "<!" src-file "<&!" 0)
204 ; replace escaped quotes
205 (replace "\092\034" src-file "\&"&")
208 (replace keyword-regex src-file
209 (format {%s<font color='%s'>%s</font>%s} $1 keyword-color $2 $3) 0)
212 (replace {(\s+|\(|\))(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|[+-]?\d+\.\d+|[+-]?\d+|\.\d+)} src-file
213 (format {%s<font color='%s'>%s</font>} $1 number-color $2) 0)
216 (replace "(" src-file (format {<font color='%s'>(</font>} paren-color))
217 (replace ")" src-file (format {<font color='%s'>)</font>} paren-color))
219 ; color braced strings
220 (replace "{.*?}" src-file (format-braced-string $0) 0) ; no multiline string
221 ; color quoted strings
222 (replace {".*?"} src-file (format-quoted-string $0) 0) ; no multiline strings
225 (replace ";.*" src-file (clean-comment $0) 0)
226 (replace ";.*" src-file (format {<font color='%s'>%s</font>} comment-color $0) 0)
230 (dolist (lne (parse src-file "\n"))
231 (replace "^\\s*#.*" lne (clean-comment $0) 0)
232 (replace "^\\s*#.*" lne (format {<font color='%s'>%s</font>} comment-color $0) 0)
233 (write-line lne buff))
237 ; color tagged strings
238 (replace {\[text\].*?\[/text\]} src-file
239 (format-tagged-string $0) 4) ; handles multiline strings
241 ; xlate back special characters
242 (replace "&&" src-file "&") ; ampersand
243 (replace "<&" src-file "<") ; less
244 (replace ">&" src-file ">") ; greater
245 (replace {"&} src-file """) ; quotes
246 (replace {;&} src-file ";") ; semicolon
247 (replace {{&} src-file "{") ; left curly brace
248 (replace {}&} src-file "}") ; right curly brace
249 (replace {[&} src-file "[") ; left bracket
250 (replace {\&} src-file "\") ; back slash
252 ; add pre and post tags
253 (write-file (string outputfile ".src.html")
255 "<html><body><pre>\n" src-file "\n</pre>"
256 {<center><font face='Arial' size='-3' color='#666666'>}
257 {syntax highlighting with <a href="http://newlisp.org">newLISP</a> }
258 {and <a href="http://newlisp.org/newLISPdoc.html">newLISPdoc</a>}
259 {</font></center></body></html>}))
262 ;---------------------------------- End syntax highlighting routines ------------------------
264 ; get command line switch -s for generating syntax highlighted source
265 (let (pos (find "-s" files))
269 (set 'source-link true))))
271 ; get command line switch -url for retrieving files via http from remote location
272 (let (pos (find "-url" files))
276 (set 'url-file (files pos))
277 (set 'time-out (int (last files) 5000)))))
279 ; if url-file is specified make a list of all urls
281 (set 'files (parse (read-file url-file) "\\s+" 0)))
283 (if (= (last files) "") (pop files -1))
285 (set 'indexpage "") ; buffer for modules index page
286 (write-buffer indexpage (format prolog1 "Index"))
287 (write-buffer indexpage stylesheet)
288 (write-buffer indexpage (format prolog2 "Index"))
292 (define (protect-html text)
293 (replace "<h1>" text "[h1]")
294 (replace "<h2>" text "[h2]")
295 (replace "<h3>" text "[h3]")
296 (replace "<h4>" text "[h4]")
297 (replace "</h1>" text "[/h1]")
298 (replace "</h2>" text "[/h2]")
299 (replace "</h3>" text "[/h3]")
300 (replace "</h4>" text "[/h4]")
301 (replace "<i>" text "[i]")
302 (replace "</i>" text "[/i]")
303 (replace "<em>" text "[em]")
304 (replace "</em>" text "[/em]")
305 (replace "<b>" text "[b]")
306 (replace "</b>" text "[/b]")
307 (replace "<tt>" text "[tt]")
308 (replace "</tt>" text "[/tt]")
309 (replace "<p>" text "[p]")
310 (replace "</p>" text "[/p]")
311 (replace "<br>" text "[br]")
312 (replace "<br/>" text "[br/]")
313 (replace "<pre>" text "[pre]")
314 (replace "</pre>" text "[/pre]")
315 (replace "<center>" text "[center]")
316 (replace "</center>" text "[/center]")
317 (replace "<li>" text "[li]")
318 (replace "</li>" text "[/li]")
319 (replace "</ul>" text "[/ul]")
320 (replace "<ul>" text "[ul]")
321 (replace "</blockquote>" text "[/blockquote]")
322 (replace "<blockquote>" text "[blockquote]")
323 (replace "<hr>" text "[hr]")
324 (replace "<hr/>" text "[hr/]")
327 (define (unprotect-html text)
328 (replace "[h1]" text "<h1>")
329 (replace "[h2]" text "<h2>")
330 (replace "[h3]" text "<h3>")
331 (replace "[h4]" text "<h4>")
332 (replace "[/h1]" text "</h1>")
333 (replace "[/h2]" text "</h2>")
334 (replace "[/h3]" text "</h3>")
335 (replace "[/h4]" text "</h4>")
336 (replace "[i]" text "<i>")
337 (replace "[/i]" text "</i>")
338 (replace "[em]" text "<em>")
339 (replace "[/em]" text "</em>")
340 (replace "[b]" text "<b>")
341 (replace "[/b]" text "</b>")
342 (replace "[tt]" text "<tt>")
343 (replace "[/tt]" text "</tt>")
344 (replace "[p]" text "<p>")
345 (replace "[/p]" text "</p>")
346 (replace "[br]" text "<br>")
347 (replace "[br/]" text "<br/>")
348 (replace "[pre]" text "<pre>")
349 (replace "[/pre]" text "</pre>")
350 (replace "[center]" text "<center>")
351 (replace "[/center]" text "</center>")
352 (replace "[li]" text "<li>")
353 (replace "[/li]" text "</li>")
354 (replace "[ul]" text "<ul>")
355 (replace "[/ul]" text "</ul>")
356 (replace "[blockquote]" text "<blockquote>")
357 (replace "[/blockquote]" text "</blockquote>")
358 (replace "[hr]" text "<hr>")
359 (replace "[hr/]" text "<hr/>")
362 ; format the example tags
363 (define (format-example text)
364 (replace "<" text "<")
365 (replace ">" text ">")
366 (string "<p></p><b>example:</b><blockquote><pre>" (replace ";;" text "") "</pre></blockquote>\n")
369 ; write the module tag link on the index page
370 ; put source link on doc page if -s flag
371 (define (format-module text desc filename , module)
372 (set 'module (string "<br/><br/><h2>Module: " text "</h2>"))
373 (write-buffer indexpage (string {<a href="} filename {.html">} module "</a>\n" ))
374 (write-buffer indexpage (string "<p>" desc "</p>\n"))
376 (string {<a href="} filename {.src.html">source</a>} module)
377 (string "<br/>" module))
380 ; write the function name links on the index page under the module
381 (define (format-func-link func-name file-name)
382 (let (names (if (find ":" func-name) (parse func-name ":") (list "" func-name)))
383 (write-buffer indexpage (string {<a href="} file-name
384 {.html#} (names 0) "_" (names 1) {">} (names 1) {</a> }))
385 (string (names 0) "_" (names 1))
389 ; format the syntax line
390 (define (format-syntax text file-name, tag)
391 (replace "<([^<]*?)>" text (string "<em>" $1 "</em>") 0)
392 (replace {^ *\((.*?) (.*?\))} text (string "(<font color=#CC0000>" $1 "</font> " $2) 0)
393 (replace {^ *\(([^ ]*?)\)} text (string "(<font color=#CC0000>" $1 "</font>)") 0)
395 (unless (= old-syntax $1)
398 (set 'tag (format-func-link $1 file-name))
399 (set 'tag (string {<a name="} tag {"></a>}))
400 (string "<p></p><center>- § -</center><p></p>\n" tag
401 "<h3><font color=#CC0000>" old-syntax "</font></h3>\n"))
403 "<b>syntax: " (trim text) "</b><br/>\n")
406 (define (format-parameter param text)
407 ; (replace "<([^<]*?)>" param (string "<em>" $1 "</em>") 0)
408 ; (replace "<([^<]*?)>" text (string "<em>" $1 "</em>") 0)
409 (string "<b>parameter: </b>" (format-text (trim param)) " - " (format-text text) "<br/>\n")
412 (define (format-return text)
413 (string "<p><b>return: </b>" (format-text text) "</p>\n")
416 (define (format-text text)
417 (replace "<([^<]*?)>" text (string "<em>" $1 "</em>") 0)
418 (replace "'([^\\s].*?[^\\s])'" text (string "<tt>" $1 "</tt>") 0)
421 ;---------------------------------- End newlisdoc formatting subroutines ----------------
428 (set 'original (read-file fle time-out))
432 (println "Could not read " fle)
435 (if (starts-with original "ERR:")
436 (println "Could not read " fle " " original))
438 (set 'outfile (last (parse fle "\\\\|/" 0)))
440 (set 'page (parse (replace "\r\n" original "\n") "\n"))
442 (set 'page (filter (fn (ln) (or (starts-with ln ";;") (= (length (trim ln)) 0))) page))
443 (set 'page (join page "\n"))
445 ; link to another index page
446 (if (find ";; *@index ([^ ]*?) ([^ ]*?)\n" page 0)
448 (write-buffer indexpage
449 (string {<br /><br /><h2><a href="} $2 {">Index: } $1 "</a></h2>\n"))
450 (if (find ";; *@description (.*?)\n" page 0)
451 (write-buffer indexpage (string $1 "<br/>\n")))
456 (if (find ";; *@module " page 0)
458 (replace ";; @example *\n(.*?)\n\\s*\n" page (format-example $1) 4)
459 (set 'page (protect-html page))
461 (replace ";; *@description (.*?)\n" page (begin (set 'desc $1) (string "<p>" desc "</p>\n") ) 0)
462 (replace ";; *@module (.*?)\n" page (format-module $1 desc outfile) 0)
463 (replace ";; *@author (.*?)\n" page (string "<b>Author: </b>" $1 "<br/>\n") 0)
464 (replace ";; *@version (.*?)\n" page (string "<b>Version: </b>" $1 "<br/>\n") 0)
465 (replace ";; *@location (.*?)\n" page
466 (string {<b>Location: </b><a href="} $1 {">} $1 "</a><br/>\n") 0)
467 (replace ";; *@syntax (.*?)\n" page (format-syntax $1 outfile) 0)
468 (replace ";; *@param (.*?) (.*?)\n" page (format-parameter $1 $2) 0)
469 (replace ";; *@return (.*?)\n" page (format-return $1) 0)
470 (replace ";;\\s*\n" page "<p></p>\n" 0)
471 (replace ";;(.*\n)" page (format-text $1) 0)
472 (replace {@link ([^ ]*?) ([^ ]*?)\s} page (string {<a href="} $1 {">} $2 {</a> }) 0)
473 (set 'page (unprotect-html page))
474 (write-buffer html (format prolog1 outfile))
475 (write-buffer html stylesheet)
476 (write-buffer html (format prolog2 outfile))
477 (write-buffer html prolog3)
478 (write-buffer html page)
479 (write-buffer html epilog)
481 (write-file (string outfile ".html") html)
483 ; write syntax highlighted source
485 (write-syntax-highlight original outfile))
491 ; write the modules index page
492 (write-buffer indexpage epilog)
493 (write-file "index.html" indexpage)