Added filterable to summary and histogram controllers
[ninja.git] / features / menu.feature
1 @menu
2 Feature: Menu
4         Background:
5                 Given I am on the main page
7         @asmonitor
8         Scenario: See that the about menu displays properly on hover
9                 When I hover over the "About" button
10                 Then I should see these menu items:
11                         | op5 Portal |
12                         | op5 Monitor Manual |
13                         | op5 Support Portal |
15         @asmonitor
16         Scenario: See that the monitor menu displays properly on hover
17                 When I hover over the "Monitoring" button
18                 Then I should see these menu items:
19                         | Tactical Overview |
20                         | Host Detail |
21                         | Service Detail |
22                         | Hostgroup Summary |
23                         | Servicegroup Summary |
24                         | Network Outages |
25                         | Comments |
26                         | Scheduled Downtime |
27                         | Recurring Downtime |
28                         | Process Info |
29                         | Performance Info |
30                         | Scheduling Queue |
31                         | NagVis |
33         @asmonitor
34         Scenario: See that the graphs menu displays properly on hover
35                 When I hover over the "Reporting" button
36                 Then I should see these menu items:
37                         | Graphs |
38                         | Alert History |
39                         | Alert Summary |
40                         | Notifications |
42         @asmonitor
43         Scenario: See that the config menu displays properly on hover
44                 When I hover over the "Configuration" button
45                 Then I should see these menu items:
46                         | View Config |
47                         | My Account |
48                         | Backup/Restore |
49                         | Configure |
51         @asmonitor
52         Scenario: Add quicklink
53                 When I click "Manage quickbar"
54                 # The dialog will fade in, and if it's not done, it won't fade out properly
55                 And wait for "1" seconds
56                 Then I should see css "#dojo-icon-container .x16-enable"
57                 When I enter "" into "URI"
58                 And I enter "Make my day" into "Title"
59                 And I click css "#dojo-icon-container .x16-enable"
60                 And I click "Save"
61                 Then I should see css "a[href=''][title='Make my day']" within "#header"
62                 And I shouldn't see "Add new quicklink"
64         @asmonitor
65         Scenario: Remove quicklink
66                 When I click "Manage quickbar"
67                 # The dialog will fade in, and if it's not done, it won't fade out properly
68                 And wait for "1" seconds
69                 Then I should see css "#dojo-icon-container .x16-enable"
70                 When I check "Make my day"
71                 And I click "Save"
72                 Then I shouldn't see "Add new quicklink" waiting patiently
73                 And I shouldn't see css "a[href=''][title='Make my day']" within "#header"