report_options: Syntax fix
[ninja.git] / features / alert_history.feature
1 Feature: Alert history reports
2         Background:
3                 Given I have these hostgroups configured:
4                         | hostgroup_name |
5                         | LinuxServers   |
6                         | WindowsServers |
7                         | MixedGroup     |
8                         | EmptyGroup     |
9                 And I have these hosts:
10                         | host_name      | host_groups               |
11                         | linux-server1  | LinuxServers,MixedGroup   |
12                         | linux-server2  | LinuxServers              |
13                         | win-server1    | WindowsServers            |
14                         | win-server2    | WindowsServers,MixedGroup |
15                 And I have these servicegroups:
16                         | servicegroup_name | alias                           |
17                         | pings             | ping services plus one non-ping |
18                         | empty             | nothing in here                 |
19                 And I have these services:
20                         | service_description | host_name     | check_command   | notifications_enabled | active_checks_enabled | service_groups |
21                         | System Load         | linux-server1 | check_nrpe!load | 1                     | 1                     |                |
22                         | PING                | linux-server1 | check_ping      | 1                     | 0                     | pings          |
23                         | System Load         | linux-server2 | check_nrpe!load | 1                     | 1                     |                |
24                         | PING                | win-server1   | check_ping      | 1                     | 0                     | pings          |
25                         | Swap Usage          | win-server1   | check_swap      | 1                     | 0                     | pings          |
26                         | PING                | win-server2   | check_ping      | 0                     | 1                     | pings          |
27                 And I have these report data entries:
28                         | timestamp           | event_type | flags | attrib | host_name     | service_description | state | hard | retry | downtime_depth | output |
29                         | 2013-01-01 12:00:00 |        100 |  NULL |   NULL |               |                     |     0 |    0 |     0 |           NULL | NULL                |
30                         | 2013-01-01 12:00:01 |        801 |  NULL |   NULL | win-server1   |                     |     0 |    1 |     1 |           NULL | OK - laa-laa        |
31                         | 2013-01-01 12:00:02 |        801 |  NULL |   NULL | linux-server1 |                     |     0 |    1 |     1 |           NULL | OK - Sven Melander  |
32                         | 2013-01-01 12:00:03 |        701 |  NULL |   NULL | win-server1   | PING                |     0 |    1 |     1 |           NULL | OK - po             |
33                         | 2013-01-01 12:00:04 |        701 |  NULL |   NULL | win-server1   | PING                |     1 |    0 |     1 |           NULL | ERROR - tinky-winky |
34                         | 2013-01-01 12:00:05 |        701 |  NULL |   NULL | win-server1   | Swap Usage          |     1 |    0 |     1 |           NULL | ERROR - out of teletubbies |
35                         | 2013-01-01 12:00:02 |        801 |  NULL |   NULL | linux-server2 |                     |     0 |    1 |     1 |           NULL | PRETTY OK - Jon Skolmen |
37                 And I have activated the configuration
39         @configuration @asmonitor
40         Scenario: Single host alert history
41                 Given I am on the Host details page
42                 When I click "linux-server1"
43                 And I click "Alert history"
44                 Then I should see "OK - Sven Melander"
45                 And I should see "Reporting period: Forever"
46                 And I shouldn't see "win-server"
47                 When I click "Edit settings"
48                 Then "Show all" should be unchecked
49                 And I should see "Selected hosts"
50                 And "Selected hosts" should have option "linux-server1"
51                 When I uncheck "Up"
52                 And I click "Update"
53                 Then I shouldn't see "Sven Melander"
55         @bug-7083
56         @configuration @asmonitor
57         Scenario: Service with host alert history
58                 Given I am on the Service details page
59                 When I click "Swap Usage"
60                 And I click "Alert history"
61                 Then I should see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
62                 And I should see "OK - laa-laa"
63                 And I should see "win-server"
64                 And I shouldn't see "linux"
65                 And I shouldn't see "PING"
66                 And I should see "Reporting period: Forever"
67                 When I click "Edit settings"
68                 Then "Show all" should be unchecked
69                 And I should see "Selected services"
70                 And "Selected services" should have option "win-server1;Swap Usage"
71                 When I uncheck "Ok"
72                 And I uncheck "Up"
73                 And I click "Update"
74                 Then I should see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
75                 And I shouldn't see "OK - laa-laa"
77         @configuration @asmonitor
78         Scenario: Host with service alert history
79                 Given I am on the Host details page
80                 When I click "win-server1"
81                 And I click "Alert history"
82                 Then I should see "OK - laa-laa"
83                 And I should see "ERROR - tinky-winky"
84                 And I should see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
85                 When I click "Edit settings"
86                 And I select "Host alerts"
87                 And I click "Update"
88                 Then I shouldn't see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
89                 And I shouldn't see "ERROR - tinky-winky"
90                 And I should see "OK - laa-laa"
92         @bug-7083
93         @configuration @asmonitor
94         Scenario: Switch object
95                 Given I am on the Host details page
96                 When I click "linux-server1"
97                 And I click "Alert history"
98                 Then I should see "OK - Sven Melander"
99                 When I click "Edit settings"
100                 Then "Available hosts" should have option "win-server1"
101                 And "Selected hosts" should have option "linux-server1"
102                 When I select "linux-server1" from "Selected hosts"
103                 And I doubleclick "linux-server1" within "#fancybox-content"
104                 Then "Available hosts" should have option "linux-server1"
105                 When I select "win-server1" from "Available hosts"
106                 And I doubleclick "win-server1"
107                 Then "Selected hosts" should have option "win-server1"
108                 When I click "Update"
109                 Then I should see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
110                 And I should see "ERROR - tinky-winky"
111                 And I should see "OK - laa-laa"
113         # Henrik claims I broke this once, so let's prove him wrong forever
114         @configuration @asmonitor
115         Scenario: Change option from all objects
116                 Given I am on the Host details page
117                 And I hover over the "Reporting" button
118                 When I click "Alert History"
119                 Then I should see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
120                 And I should see "OK - Sven Melander"
121                 When I click "Edit settings"
122                 And I uncheck "Up"
123                 And I click "Update"
124                 Then I should see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
125                 And I shouldn't see "OK - Sven Melander"
127         @bug-6341 @bug-6646
128         @configuration @asmonitor
129         Scenario: Pagination
130                 Given I am on the Host details page
131                 When I click "win-server1"
132                 And I click "Alert history"
133                 Then I should see "OK - laa-laa"
134                 And I should see "OK - po"
135                 And I should see "ERROR - tinky-winky"
136                 And I should see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
137                 When I click "Edit settings"
138                 And I enter "1" into "Items to show"
139                 And I check "Older entries first"
140                 And I click "Update"
141                 Then I should see "OK - laa-laa"
142                 And I shouldn't see "OK - po"
143                 And I shouldn't see "ERROR - tinky-winky"
144                 And I shouldn't see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
145                 When I click "Next"
146                 Then I shouldn't see "OK - laa-laa"
147                 And I should see "OK - po"
148                 And I shouldn't see "ERROR - tinky-winky"
149                 And I shouldn't see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
150                 When I click "Next"
151                 Then I shouldn't see "OK - laa-laa"
152                 And I shouldn't see "OK - po"
153                 And I should see "ERROR - tinky-winky"
154                 And I shouldn't see "ERROR - out of teletubbies"
155                 When I click "Previous"
156                 Then I should see "OK - po"