5 Given I am on the main page
8 Scenario: See that the about menu displays properly on hover
9 When I hover over the "About" button
10 Then I should see these menu items:
12 | op5 Monitor Manual |
13 | op5 Support Portal |
16 Scenario: See that the monitor menu displays properly on hover
17 When I hover over the "Monitoring" button
18 Then I should see these menu items:
23 | Servicegroup Summary |
26 | Scheduled Downtime |
27 | Recurring Downtime |
34 Scenario: See that the graphs menu displays properly on hover
35 When I hover over the "Reporting" button
36 Then I should see these menu items:
43 Scenario: See that the config menu displays properly on hover
44 When I hover over the "Configuration" button
45 Then I should see these menu items:
52 Scenario: Add quicklink
53 When I click "Manage quickbar"
54 # The dialog will fade in, and if it's not done, it won't fade out properly
55 And wait for "1" seconds
56 Then I should see css "#dojo-icon-container .x16-enable"
57 When I enter "google.com" into "URI"
58 And I enter "Make my day" into "Title"
59 And I click css "#dojo-icon-container .x16-enable"
61 Then I should see css "a[href='google.com'][title='Make my day']" within "#header"
62 And I shouldn't see "Add new quicklink"
65 Scenario: Remove quicklink
66 When I click "Manage quickbar"
67 # The dialog will fade in, and if it's not done, it won't fade out properly
68 And wait for "1" seconds
69 Then I should see css "#dojo-icon-container .x16-enable"
70 When I check "Make my day"
72 Then I shouldn't see "Add new quicklink" waiting patiently
73 And I shouldn't see css "a[href='google.com'][title='Make my day']" within "#header"