1 Given /^I have PNP data for "(.+)"/ do |object|
3 objs = object.split(";")
10 host.gsub!(/[ :\/\\]/, '_')
11 service.gsub!(/[ :\/\\]/, '_')
13 FileUtils.mkdir_p("/opt/monitor/op5/pnp/perfdata/" + host)
14 FileUtils.touch("/opt/monitor/op5/pnp/perfdata/" + host + "/" + service + ".xml")
17 When /^I enter the time in (\d) minutes into "(.+)"$/ do |minutes, selector|
19 fill_in(selector, :with => (Time.now + minutes.to_i * 60).strftime('%F %T'))
22 # Because all our projects have their own helptext implementation...
23 Then /^all helptexts should be defined$/ do
24 all(:css, '.helptext_target', :visible => true).each { | elem |
25 elem.trigger(:mouseover)
27 page.should have_css(".qtip-content", :visible => true)
28 # "This helptext (%s) is not translated yet" is only printed by convention, but it appears we follow it
29 page.should have_no_content "This helptext"
30 find(".qtip-content", :visible => true).text.length.should_not be 0
31 elem.trigger(:mouseout)
32 page.should have_no_css(".qtip-content", :visible => true)