1 <?php
defined('SYSPATH') OR die('No direct access allowed.'); ?
6 <meta http
="Content-Type" content
="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
7 <title
echo Kohana
::config('config.product_name').': '._('logged out'); ?
8 <link type
="text/css" rel
="stylesheet" href
="<?php echo $this->add_template_path('css/default/common.css') ?>" />
9 <style type
15 background
: transparent
echo $this->add_template_path('css/default/') ?
) no
-repeat top center
19 <?php
echo html
::link($this->add_path('icons/16x16/favicon.ico'),'icon','image/icon') ?
20 <?php
echo html
::script('application/media/js/jquery.js'); ?
21 <?php
echo new View('js_header', array('js' => $js)); ?
26 <div id
27 <?php
echo _('You have been logged out. Please close all browser windows to log out completely.'); ?