4 @configuration @asmonitor @case-651
5 Scenario: Service details pagination
6 Verify that pagination shows 100 rows at
7 a time and loads 100 new rows when requested
9 Given I have these hosts:
12 And I have 300 services configured on host "linux-server1"
13 And I have activated the configuration
14 When I am on the Service details page
15 Then Link "Services total" should contain "300"
16 #+1 row for the "Load 100 more rows" row
17 Then the filter result table should have 101 rows
18 And I click "Load 100 more rows"
19 #+1 row for the "Load 100 more rows" row
20 Then the filter result table should have 201 rows
21 And I click "Load 100 more rows"
22 Then the filter result table should have 300 rows
23 Then I should see the configured services