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[ninja.git] / xdoc / db_conversion.dot
1 digraph databaseConversion {
2 //Node separation
3 nodesep=0.4
5 //Title
6 Title [label="Converting database to YAML; Auth 6.0", fontsize=18, shape=none]
8 //Default styling
9 node [color=Black, fontname=Tahoma, fontsize=10, shape=box]
10 edge [color=Blue, dir=back]
12 //Filse
13 auth_users [label="auth_users.yml", color=Aquamarine4, fontcolor=Aquamarine4]
14 auth_groups [label="auth_groups.yml", color=Aquamarine4, fontcolor=Aquamarine4]
16 //arrays
17 user_array [label="Array of users"]
18 user_group_array [label="Array of associated groups"]
19 group_perm_array [label="Array of associated group permissions"]
20 group_array [label="Array of groups"]
22 //Merlin Database with affected tables
23 muser_groups [label="merlin:user_groups", color=Dodgerblue, fontcolor=Dodgerblue]
24 musers [label="merlin:users", color=Dodgerblue, fontcolor=Dodgerblue]
25 mauth_groups [label="merlin:auth_groups", color=Dodgerblue, fontcolor=Dodgerblue]
26 mauth_group_perm [label="merlin:auth_group_permission", color=Dodgerblue, fontcolor=Dodgerblue]
27 mninja_user_auth [label="merlin:ninja_user_authorization", color=Dodgerblue, fontcolor=Dodgerblue]
29 //Nacoma Database with affected tables
30 nusername_role [label="nacoma:username_role", color=Dodgerblue, fontcolor=Dodgerblue]
31 nrole [label="nacoma:role", color=Dodgerblue, fontcolor=Dodgerblue]
32 nrole_perm [label="nacoma:role_permissions", color=Dodgerblue, fontcolor=Dodgerblue]
34 //Hierarchy
35 Title -> auth_users [style=invis]
36 Title -> auth_groups [style=invis]
37 auth_users -> user_array
38 user_array -> user_group_array
39 auth_groups -> group_array
40 group_array -> group_perm_array
41 group_array -> mauth_groups
42 group_array -> nrole
43 user_group_array -> muser_groups
44 user_group_array -> nusername_role
45 group_array -> musers [color=Red, fontcolor=Red]
46 group_perm_array -> mninja_user_auth [color=Red, fontcolor=Red]
47 group_perm_array -> nrole_perm
48 user_array -> musers
49 mninja_user_auth -> musers [style=dotted color=Sienna]
50 muser_groups -> musers [style=dotted color=Sienna]
51 muser_groups -> mauth_groups [style=dotted color=Sienna]
52 nrole -> nusername_role [style=dotted color=Sienna]
53 group_perm_array -> mauth_group_perm
55 //Legend
57 rank=sink;
58 edge [style=invis, dir=forward]
59 Legend [label="Legend:", fontsize=18, shape=none]
60 RedArrow [shape=point]
61 DottedArrow [shape=point]
62 ConfFile [label="New config file", color=Aquamarine4, fontcolor=Aquamarine4]
63 DBTable [label="Existing Database Table", color=Dodgerblue, fontcolor=Dodgerblue]
64 RAValue [label="Conditional, dependent on the user already having a certain authorization point or not"]
65 DAValue [label="Relation values"]
66 RedArrow -> RAValue [style=solid,color=Red]
67 DottedArrow -> DAValue [style=dotted color=Sienna]