2008-11-27 Øyvind Harboe <oyvind.harboe@zylin.com>
[nios2ecos.git] / packages / hal / nios2 / arch / current / gtf / mlt_nios2.h.gtf
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
3 <!--=========================================================================##
4 * mlt_nios2.h.gtf
6 * GTF script to generate the file: mlt_nios2.h.gtf
8 *=============================================================================
11 * This file is part of eCos, the Embedded Configurable Operating System.
13 * eCos is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
14 * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
15 * Software Foundation; either version 2 or (at your option) any later version.
17 * eCos is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
18 * WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
19 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
20 * for more details.
22 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
23 * with eCos; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
24 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA.
26 * As a special exception, if other files instantiate templates or use macros
27 * or inline functions from this file, or you compile this file and link it
28 * with other works to produce a work based on this file, this file does not
29 * by itself cause the resulting work to be covered by the GNU General Public
30 * License. However the source code for this file must still be made available
31 * in accordance with section (3) of the GNU General Public License.
33 * This exception does not invalidate any other reasons why a work based on
34 * this file might be covered by the GNU General Public License.
37 *==========================================================================-->
39 <!-- This GTF script is used to generate the Nios II memory layout header file,
40 mlt_nios2.h. This header file is constructed to match the memory
41 configuration of the associated the SOPC builder project. -->
43 <template name="mlt_nios2.h">
45 <!-- After calling this script, the variable GTF_DIR will be reset to point
46 to the gtf directory of the Nios2 kit. The original value can be
47 obtained using the variable ECOS_GTF_DIR. This allows us to reuse
48 some of the scripts supplied with the Nios II kit. -->
50 <call gtf="%GTF_DIR%/ECOS_GTF_DIR.gtf"/>
52 <call gtf="%GTF_DIR%/check_version.gtf"/>
54 <call gtf="%GTF_DIR%/CPU.gtf"/>
56 <call gtf="%GTF_DIR%/RESET_ADDRESS.gtf"/>
58 <call gtf="%GTF_DIR%/EXC_ADDRESS.gtf"/>
60 <set_variable variable="MEMORY_MODULES_ONLY" to="1"/>
61 <export variable="MEMORY_MODULES_ONLY"/>
62 <call gtf="%GTF_DIR%/MODULE_lists.gtf"/>
64 <set_variable variable="RESET_ROUTINE_SIZE" to="32"/>
66 <text>/* %FILE_NAME%
68 * Machine generated for a CPU named "%CPU%" as defined in:
69 * %PTF_NAME%
71 * Generated: %TIMESTAMP%
75 </text>
77 <include source="%GTF_DIR%/warning.h"/>
79 <include source="%GTF_DIR%/license.h"/>
81 <text>
82 #ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
83 <![CDATA[#include <cyg/infra/cyg_type.h>
84 #include <stddef.h>]]>
85 #endif
86 </text>
88 <!-- define for each memory partition... -->
90 <text>
93 </text> <!-- ...always one for the reset address -->
95 <!-- ...and one for each MODULE/SLAVE -->
97 <set_variable variable="MEMORY_RANGE_LIST" to="()"/> <!-- while we're looking at all the memories, might as well create these lists to use below -->
98 <set_variable variable="PARTITION_ADDRESS_LIST" to=""/>
100 <for_each variable="MODULE_SLAVE" index_variable="MODULE_SLAVE_LIST_INDEX" list="%MODULE_SLAVE_LIST%">
101 <export variable="MODULE_SLAVE"/>
102 <call gtf="%GTF_DIR%/BASE_ADDRESS_and_ADDRESS_SPAN.gtf"/>
104 <set_variable variable="MODULE_SLAVE_NAME" to="list_get( %MODULE_SLAVE_NAME_LIST%, %MODULE_SLAVE_LIST_INDEX% )"/>
106 <switch>
107 <!-- if the base address for this MODULE/SLAVE is the same as the reset address, then make room for the reset handler -->
108 <if condition="eq( %BASE_ADDRESS%, %RESET_ADDRESS% )">
109 <set_variable variable="BASE_ADDRESS" to="add( %BASE_ADDRESS%, %RESET_ROUTINE_SIZE% )"/>
110 <set_variable variable="ADDRESS_SPAN" to="sub( %ADDRESS_SPAN%, %RESET_ROUTINE_SIZE% )"/>
111 <break/>
112 </if>
114 <!-- if the reset address is in the address range of this MODULE/SLAVE, then we split the segment in two... -->
115 <if condition="and( gt( %RESET_ADDRESS%, %BASE_ADDRESS% ), lt( %RESET_ADDRESS%, add( %BASE_ADDRESS%, %ADDRESS_SPAN% ) ) )">
116 <!-- ...everything less than the reset address is unused -->
117 <set_variable variable="NEW_SEGMENT_ADDRESS_SPAN" to="radix( sub( %RESET_ADDRESS%, %BASE_ADDRESS% ), 10 )"/>
118 <!-- ...and start the usable segment after the reset handler -->
119 <set_variable variable="BASE_ADDRESS" to="add( %RESET_ADDRESS%, %RESET_ROUTINE_SIZE% )"/>
120 <set_variable variable="ADDRESS_SPAN" to="sub( %ADDRESS_SPAN%, %NEW_SEGMENT_ADDRESS_SPAN%, %RESET_ROUTINE_SIZE% )"/>
121 </if>
122 </switch>
124 <!-- ASSUME that the exception address is always higher than the reset address (if they're in the same memory) -->
126 <switch>
127 <!-- if the exception address is the same as the base address (for this MODULE/SLAVE), then the exception section is at the start of this segment -->
128 <if condition="eq( %EXC_ADDRESS%, %BASE_ADDRESS% )">
129 <set_variable variable="EXCEPTIONS_SEGMENT" to="%MODULE_SLAVE_NAME%"/>
130 <break/>
131 </if>
132 <!-- if the exception address is in the address range of this MODULE/SLAVE, then we split the segment in two... -->
133 <if condition="and( gt( %EXC_ADDRESS%, %BASE_ADDRESS% ), lt( %EXC_ADDRESS%, add( %BASE_ADDRESS%, %ADDRESS_SPAN% ) ) )">
134 <!-- ...everything less than the exception address is unused -->
135 <set_variable variable="NEW_SEGMENT_ADDRESS_SPAN" to="radix( sub( %EXC_ADDRESS%, %BASE_ADDRESS% ), 10 )"/>
136 <!-- ...and start the usable segment at the exception address -->
137 <set_variable variable="BASE_ADDRESS" to="%EXC_ADDRESS%"/>
138 <set_variable variable="ADDRESS_SPAN" to="sub( %ADDRESS_SPAN%, %NEW_SEGMENT_ADDRESS_SPAN% )"/>
139 <set_variable variable="EXCEPTIONS_SEGMENT" to="%MODULE_SLAVE_NAME%"/>
140 </if>
141 </switch>
143 <set_variable variable="PHYSICAL_END"
144 to="add( %BASE_ADDRESS%, %ADDRESS_SPAN% )"/>
145 <set_variable variable="PARTITION_ADDRESS_LIST"
146 to='list_add( %PARTITION_ADDRESS_LIST%, %PHYSICAL_END% )'/>
147 <set_variable variable="MEMORY_RANGE_LIST"
148 to='list_add( %MEMORY_RANGE_LIST%, "(%BASE_ADDRESS%,%PHYSICAL_END%)" )'/>
150 <text>
153 </text>
154 </for_each>
156 <text>
165 #ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
166 extern char CYG_LABEL_NAME (__heap1) [];
167 #endif
168 #define CYGMEM_SECTION_heap1 (CYG_LABEL_NAME (__heap1))
170 </text>
172 </template>