bootloader: add mac erase capability
[nios2ecos.git] / eth_ocm / eth_txethmac.v
1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //// ////
3 //// eth_txethmac.v ////
4 /// ////
5 //// This file is part of the Ethernet IP core project ////
6 //// ////
7 //// ////
8 //// Author(s): ////
9 //// - Igor Mohor ( ////
10 //// - Novan Hartadi ( ////
11 //// - Mahmud Galela ( ////
12 //// ////
13 //// All additional information is avaliable in the Readme.txt ////
14 //// file. ////
15 //// ////
16 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
17 //// ////
18 //// Copyright (C) 2001 Authors ////
19 //// ////
20 //// This source file may be used and distributed without ////
21 //// restriction provided that this copyright statement is not ////
22 //// removed from the file and that any derivative work contains ////
23 //// the original copyright notice and the associated disclaimer. ////
24 //// ////
25 //// This source file is free software; you can redistribute it ////
26 //// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General ////
27 //// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; ////
28 //// either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any ////
29 //// later version. ////
30 //// ////
31 //// This source is distributed in the hope that it will be ////
32 //// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied ////
34 //// PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more ////
35 //// details. ////
36 //// ////
37 //// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General ////
38 //// Public License along with this source; if not, download it ////
39 //// from ////
40 //// ////
41 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
43 // CVS Revision History
45 // $Log: eth_txethmac.v,v $
46 // Revision 1.9 2005/02/21 11:25:28 igorm
47 // Delayed CRC fixed.
49 // Revision 1.8 2003/01/30 13:33:24 mohor
50 // When padding was enabled and crc disabled, frame was not ended correctly.
52 // Revision 1.7 2002/02/26 16:24:01 mohor
53 // RetryCntLatched was unused and removed from design
55 // Revision 1.6 2002/02/22 12:56:35 mohor
56 // Retry is not activated when a Tx Underrun occured
58 // Revision 1.5 2002/02/11 09:18:22 mohor
59 // Tx status is written back to the BD.
61 // Revision 1.4 2002/01/23 10:28:16 mohor
62 // Link in the header changed.
64 // Revision 1.3 2001/10/19 08:43:51 mohor
65 // eth_timescale.v changed to timescale.v This is done because of the
66 // simulation of the few cores in a one joined project.
68 // Revision 1.2 2001/09/11 14:17:00 mohor
69 // Few little NCSIM warnings fixed.
71 // Revision 1.1 2001/08/06 14:44:29 mohor
72 // A define FPGA added to select between Artisan RAM (for ASIC) and Block Ram (For Virtex).
73 // Include files fixed to contain no path.
74 // File names and module names changed ta have a eth_ prologue in the name.
75 // File eth_timescale.v is used to define timescale
76 // All pin names on the top module are changed to contain _I, _O or _OE at the end.
77 // Bidirectional signal MDIO is changed to three signals (Mdc_O, Mdi_I, Mdo_O
78 // and Mdo_OE. The bidirectional signal must be created on the top level. This
79 // is done due to the ASIC tools.
81 // Revision 1.1 2001/07/30 21:23:42 mohor
82 // Directory structure changed. Files checked and joind together.
84 // Revision 1.3 2001/06/19 18:16:40 mohor
85 // TxClk changed to MTxClk (as discribed in the documentation).
86 // Crc changed so only one file can be used instead of two.
88 // Revision 1.2 2001/06/19 10:38:08 mohor
89 // Minor changes in header.
91 // Revision 1.1 2001/06/19 10:27:58 mohor
92 // TxEthMAC initial release.
97 `include "timescale.v"
100 module eth_txethmac (MTxClk, Reset, TxStartFrm, TxEndFrm, TxUnderRun, TxData, CarrierSense,
101 Collision, Pad, CrcEn, FullD, HugEn, DlyCrcEn, MinFL, MaxFL, IPGT,
102 IPGR1, IPGR2, CollValid, MaxRet, NoBckof, ExDfrEn,
103 MTxD, MTxEn, MTxErr, TxDone, TxRetry, TxAbort, TxUsedData, WillTransmit,
104 ResetCollision, RetryCnt, StartTxDone, StartTxAbort, MaxCollisionOccured,
105 LateCollision, DeferIndication, StatePreamble, StateData
109 parameter Tp = 1;
112 input MTxClk; // Transmit clock (from PHY)
113 input Reset; // Reset
114 input TxStartFrm; // Transmit packet start frame
115 input TxEndFrm; // Transmit packet end frame
116 input TxUnderRun; // Transmit packet under-run
117 input [7:0] TxData; // Transmit packet data byte
118 input CarrierSense; // Carrier sense (synchronized)
119 input Collision; // Collision (synchronized)
120 input Pad; // Pad enable (from register)
121 input CrcEn; // Crc enable (from register)
122 input FullD; // Full duplex (from register)
123 input HugEn; // Huge packets enable (from register)
124 input DlyCrcEn; // Delayed Crc enabled (from register)
125 input [15:0] MinFL; // Minimum frame length (from register)
126 input [15:0] MaxFL; // Maximum frame length (from register)
127 input [6:0] IPGT; // Back to back transmit inter packet gap parameter (from register)
128 input [6:0] IPGR1; // Non back to back transmit inter packet gap parameter IPGR1 (from register)
129 input [6:0] IPGR2; // Non back to back transmit inter packet gap parameter IPGR2 (from register)
130 input [5:0] CollValid; // Valid collision window (from register)
131 input [3:0] MaxRet; // Maximum retry number (from register)
132 input NoBckof; // No backoff (from register)
133 input ExDfrEn; // Excessive defferal enable (from register)
135 output [3:0] MTxD; // Transmit nibble (to PHY)
136 output MTxEn; // Transmit enable (to PHY)
137 output MTxErr; // Transmit error (to PHY)
138 output TxDone; // Transmit packet done (to RISC)
139 output TxRetry; // Transmit packet retry (to RISC)
140 output TxAbort; // Transmit packet abort (to RISC)
141 output TxUsedData; // Transmit packet used data (to RISC)
142 output WillTransmit; // Will transmit (to RxEthMAC)
143 output ResetCollision; // Reset Collision (for synchronizing collision)
144 output [3:0] RetryCnt; // Latched Retry Counter for tx status purposes
145 output StartTxDone;
146 output StartTxAbort;
147 output MaxCollisionOccured;
148 output LateCollision;
149 output DeferIndication;
150 output StatePreamble;
151 output [1:0] StateData;
153 reg [3:0] MTxD;
154 reg MTxEn;
155 reg MTxErr;
156 reg TxDone;
157 reg TxRetry;
158 reg TxAbort;
159 reg TxUsedData;
160 reg WillTransmit;
161 reg ColWindow;
162 reg StopExcessiveDeferOccured;
163 reg [3:0] RetryCnt;
164 reg [3:0] MTxD_d;
165 reg StatusLatch;
166 reg PacketFinished_q;
167 reg PacketFinished;
170 wire ExcessiveDeferOccured;
171 wire StartIPG;
172 wire StartPreamble;
173 wire [1:0] StartData;
174 wire StartFCS;
175 wire StartJam;
176 wire StartDefer;
177 wire StartBackoff;
178 wire StateDefer;
179 wire StateIPG;
180 wire StateIdle;
181 wire StatePAD;
182 wire StateFCS;
183 wire StateJam;
184 wire StateJam_q;
185 wire StateBackOff;
186 wire StateSFD;
187 wire StartTxRetry;
188 wire UnderRun;
189 wire TooBig;
190 wire [31:0] Crc;
191 wire CrcError;
192 wire [2:0] DlyCrcCnt;
193 wire [15:0] NibCnt;
194 wire NibCntEq7;
195 wire NibCntEq15;
196 wire NibbleMinFl;
197 wire ExcessiveDefer;
198 wire [15:0] ByteCnt;
199 wire MaxFrame;
200 wire RetryMax;
201 wire RandomEq0;
202 wire RandomEqByteCnt;
203 wire PacketFinished_d;
207 assign ResetCollision = ~(StatePreamble | (|StateData) | StatePAD | StateFCS);
209 assign ExcessiveDeferOccured = TxStartFrm & StateDefer & ExcessiveDefer & ~StopExcessiveDeferOccured;
211 assign StartTxDone = ~Collision & (StateFCS & NibCntEq7 | StateData[1] & TxEndFrm & (~Pad | Pad & NibbleMinFl) & ~CrcEn);
213 assign UnderRun = StateData[0] & TxUnderRun & ~Collision;
215 assign TooBig = ~Collision & MaxFrame & (StateData[0] & ~TxUnderRun | StateFCS);
217 // assign StartTxRetry = StartJam & (ColWindow & ~RetryMax);
218 assign StartTxRetry = StartJam & (ColWindow & ~RetryMax) & ~UnderRun;
220 assign LateCollision = StartJam & ~ColWindow & ~UnderRun;
222 assign MaxCollisionOccured = StartJam & ColWindow & RetryMax;
224 assign StateSFD = StatePreamble & NibCntEq15;
226 assign StartTxAbort = TooBig | UnderRun | ExcessiveDeferOccured | LateCollision | MaxCollisionOccured;
229 // StopExcessiveDeferOccured
230 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
231 begin
232 if(Reset)
233 StopExcessiveDeferOccured <= #Tp 1'b0;
234 else
235 begin
236 if(~TxStartFrm)
237 StopExcessiveDeferOccured <= #Tp 1'b0;
238 else
239 if(ExcessiveDeferOccured)
240 StopExcessiveDeferOccured <= #Tp 1'b1;
245 // Collision Window
246 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
247 begin
248 if(Reset)
249 ColWindow <= #Tp 1'b1;
250 else
251 begin
252 if(~Collision & ByteCnt[5:0] == CollValid[5:0] & (StateData[1] | StatePAD & NibCnt[0] | StateFCS & NibCnt[0]))
253 ColWindow <= #Tp 1'b0;
254 else
255 if(StateIdle | StateIPG)
256 ColWindow <= #Tp 1'b1;
261 // Start Window
262 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
263 begin
264 if(Reset)
265 StatusLatch <= #Tp 1'b0;
266 else
267 begin
268 if(~TxStartFrm)
269 StatusLatch <= #Tp 1'b0;
270 else
271 if(ExcessiveDeferOccured | StateIdle)
272 StatusLatch <= #Tp 1'b1;
277 // Transmit packet used data
278 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
279 begin
280 if(Reset)
281 TxUsedData <= #Tp 1'b0;
282 else
283 TxUsedData <= #Tp |StartData;
287 // Transmit packet done
288 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
289 begin
290 if(Reset)
291 TxDone <= #Tp 1'b0;
292 else
293 begin
294 if(TxStartFrm & ~StatusLatch)
295 TxDone <= #Tp 1'b0;
296 else
297 if(StartTxDone)
298 TxDone <= #Tp 1'b1;
303 // Transmit packet retry
304 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
305 begin
306 if(Reset)
307 TxRetry <= #Tp 1'b0;
308 else
309 begin
310 if(TxStartFrm & ~StatusLatch)
311 TxRetry <= #Tp 1'b0;
312 else
313 if(StartTxRetry)
314 TxRetry <= #Tp 1'b1;
316 end
319 // Transmit packet abort
320 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
321 begin
322 if(Reset)
323 TxAbort <= #Tp 1'b0;
324 else
325 begin
326 if(TxStartFrm & ~StatusLatch & ~ExcessiveDeferOccured)
327 TxAbort <= #Tp 1'b0;
328 else
329 if(StartTxAbort)
330 TxAbort <= #Tp 1'b1;
335 // Retry counter
336 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
337 begin
338 if(Reset)
339 RetryCnt[3:0] <= #Tp 4'h0;
340 else
341 begin
342 if(ExcessiveDeferOccured | UnderRun | TooBig | StartTxDone | TxUnderRun
343 | StateJam & NibCntEq7 & (~ColWindow | RetryMax))
344 RetryCnt[3:0] <= #Tp 4'h0;
345 else
346 if(StateJam & NibCntEq7 & ColWindow & (RandomEq0 | NoBckof) | StateBackOff & RandomEqByteCnt)
347 RetryCnt[3:0] <= #Tp RetryCnt[3:0] + 1'b1;
352 assign RetryMax = RetryCnt[3:0] == MaxRet[3:0];
355 // Transmit nibble
356 always @ (StatePreamble or StateData or StateData or StateFCS or StateJam or StateSFD or TxData or
357 Crc or NibCntEq15)
358 begin
359 if(StateData[0])
360 MTxD_d[3:0] = TxData[3:0]; // Lower nibble
361 else
362 if(StateData[1])
363 MTxD_d[3:0] = TxData[7:4]; // Higher nibble
364 else
365 if(StateFCS)
366 MTxD_d[3:0] = {~Crc[28], ~Crc[29], ~Crc[30], ~Crc[31]}; // Crc
367 else
368 if(StateJam)
369 MTxD_d[3:0] = 4'h9; // Jam pattern
370 else
371 if(StatePreamble)
372 if(NibCntEq15)
373 MTxD_d[3:0] = 4'hd; // SFD
374 else
375 MTxD_d[3:0] = 4'h5; // Preamble
376 else
377 MTxD_d[3:0] = 4'h0;
381 // Transmit Enable
382 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
383 begin
384 if(Reset)
385 MTxEn <= #Tp 1'b0;
386 else
387 MTxEn <= #Tp StatePreamble | (|StateData) | StatePAD | StateFCS | StateJam;
391 // Transmit nibble
392 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
393 begin
394 if(Reset)
395 MTxD[3:0] <= #Tp 4'h0;
396 else
397 MTxD[3:0] <= #Tp MTxD_d[3:0];
401 // Transmit error
402 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
403 begin
404 if(Reset)
405 MTxErr <= #Tp 1'b0;
406 else
407 MTxErr <= #Tp TooBig | UnderRun;
411 // WillTransmit
412 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
413 begin
414 if(Reset)
415 WillTransmit <= #Tp 1'b0;
416 else
417 WillTransmit <= #Tp StartPreamble | StatePreamble | (|StateData) | StatePAD | StateFCS | StateJam;
421 assign PacketFinished_d = StartTxDone | TooBig | UnderRun | LateCollision | MaxCollisionOccured | ExcessiveDeferOccured;
424 // Packet finished
425 always @ (posedge MTxClk or posedge Reset)
426 begin
427 if(Reset)
428 begin
429 PacketFinished <= #Tp 1'b0;
430 PacketFinished_q <= #Tp 1'b0;
432 else
433 begin
434 PacketFinished <= #Tp PacketFinished_d;
435 PacketFinished_q <= #Tp PacketFinished;
440 // Connecting module Counters
441 eth_txcounters txcounters1 (.StatePreamble(StatePreamble), .StateIPG(StateIPG), .StateData(StateData),
442 .StatePAD(StatePAD), .StateFCS(StateFCS), .StateJam(StateJam), .StateBackOff(StateBackOff),
443 .StateDefer(StateDefer), .StateIdle(StateIdle), .StartDefer(StartDefer), .StartIPG(StartIPG),
444 .StartFCS(StartFCS), .StartJam(StartJam), .TxStartFrm(TxStartFrm), .MTxClk(MTxClk),
445 .Reset(Reset), .MinFL(MinFL), .MaxFL(MaxFL), .HugEn(HugEn), .ExDfrEn(ExDfrEn),
446 .PacketFinished_q(PacketFinished_q), .DlyCrcEn(DlyCrcEn), .StartBackoff(StartBackoff),
447 .StateSFD(StateSFD), .ByteCnt(ByteCnt), .NibCnt(NibCnt), .ExcessiveDefer(ExcessiveDefer),
448 .NibCntEq7(NibCntEq7), .NibCntEq15(NibCntEq15), .MaxFrame(MaxFrame), .NibbleMinFl(NibbleMinFl),
449 .DlyCrcCnt(DlyCrcCnt)
453 // Connecting module StateM
454 eth_txstatem txstatem1 (.MTxClk(MTxClk), .Reset(Reset), .ExcessiveDefer(ExcessiveDefer), .CarrierSense(CarrierSense),
455 .NibCnt(NibCnt[6:0]), .IPGT(IPGT), .IPGR1(IPGR1), .IPGR2(IPGR2), .FullD(FullD),
456 .TxStartFrm(TxStartFrm), .TxEndFrm(TxEndFrm), .TxUnderRun(TxUnderRun), .Collision(Collision),
457 .UnderRun(UnderRun), .StartTxDone(StartTxDone), .TooBig(TooBig), .NibCntEq7(NibCntEq7),
458 .NibCntEq15(NibCntEq15), .MaxFrame(MaxFrame), .Pad(Pad), .CrcEn(CrcEn),
459 .NibbleMinFl(NibbleMinFl), .RandomEq0(RandomEq0), .ColWindow(ColWindow), .RetryMax(RetryMax),
460 .NoBckof(NoBckof), .RandomEqByteCnt(RandomEqByteCnt), .StateIdle(StateIdle),
461 .StateIPG(StateIPG), .StatePreamble(StatePreamble), .StateData(StateData), .StatePAD(StatePAD),
462 .StateFCS(StateFCS), .StateJam(StateJam), .StateJam_q(StateJam_q), .StateBackOff(StateBackOff),
463 .StateDefer(StateDefer), .StartFCS(StartFCS), .StartJam(StartJam), .StartBackoff(StartBackoff),
464 .StartDefer(StartDefer), .DeferIndication(DeferIndication), .StartPreamble(StartPreamble), .StartData(StartData), .StartIPG(StartIPG)
468 wire Enable_Crc;
469 wire [3:0] Data_Crc;
470 wire Initialize_Crc;
472 assign Enable_Crc = ~StateFCS;
474 assign Data_Crc[0] = StateData[0]? TxData[3] : StateData[1]? TxData[7] : 1'b0;
475 assign Data_Crc[1] = StateData[0]? TxData[2] : StateData[1]? TxData[6] : 1'b0;
476 assign Data_Crc[2] = StateData[0]? TxData[1] : StateData[1]? TxData[5] : 1'b0;
477 assign Data_Crc[3] = StateData[0]? TxData[0] : StateData[1]? TxData[4] : 1'b0;
479 assign Initialize_Crc = StateIdle | StatePreamble | (|DlyCrcCnt);
482 // Connecting module Crc
483 eth_crc txcrc (.Clk(MTxClk), .Reset(Reset), .Data(Data_Crc), .Enable(Enable_Crc), .Initialize(Initialize_Crc),
484 .Crc(Crc), .CrcError(CrcError)
488 // Connecting module Random
489 eth_random random1 (.MTxClk(MTxClk), .Reset(Reset), .StateJam(StateJam), .StateJam_q(StateJam_q), .RetryCnt(RetryCnt),
490 .NibCnt(NibCnt), .ByteCnt(ByteCnt[9:0]), .RandomEq0(RandomEq0), .RandomEqByteCnt(RandomEqByteCnt));
495 endmodule