Update moisture_rnn.py
[notebooks.git] / fmda / OLD / fmda_rnn_rain.ipynb
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8     "## Setup"
9    ]
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12    "cell_type": "code",
13    "execution_count": null,
14    "id": "d70c330d",
15    "metadata": {},
16    "outputs": [],
17    "source": [
18     "import reproducibility"
19    ]
20   },
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23    "execution_count": null,
24    "id": "c7291842-a72d-4c4e-9312-6c0c31df18e0",
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27    "source": [
28     "# both can change\n",
29     "# Environment\n",
30     "import numpy as np\n",
31     "import pandas as pd\n",
32     "import tensorflow as tf\n",
33     "import logging\n",
34     "\n",
35     "# Configuring the number of threads\n",
36     "#NUM_THREADS = 5\n",
37     "#tf.config.threading.set_intra_op_parallelism_threads(NUM_THREADS)\n",
38     "#tf.config.threading.set_inter_op_parallelism_threads(NUM_THREADS)\n",
39     "\n",
40     "from keras.models import Sequential\n",
41     "from keras.layers import Dense, SimpleRNN\n",
42     "# from keras.utils.vis_utils import plot_model\n",
43     "from keras.utils import plot_model\n",
44     "\n",
45     "from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler\n",
46     "from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error\n",
47     "import math\n",
48     "import json\n",
49     "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
50     "import tensorflow as tf\n",
51     "import keras.backend as K\n",
52     "# from keras.utils.vis_utils import plot_model\n",
53     "from scipy.interpolate import LinearNDInterpolator, interpn\n",
54     "from scipy.optimize import root\n",
55     "import pickle, os\n",
56     "from utils import hash2\n",
57     "%matplotlib inline"
58    ]
59   },
60   {
61    "cell_type": "code",
62    "execution_count": null,
63    "id": "75cbad66-7e26-486b-b6e3-91d3cc7a4dbd",
64    "metadata": {},
65    "outputs": [],
66    "source": [
67     "from utils import logging_setup\n",
68     "logging_setup()"
69    ]
70   },
71   {
72    "cell_type": "code",
73    "execution_count": null,
74    "id": "bb5b3dcf-e0b1-4939-ac18-866060715ae5",
75    "metadata": {},
76    "outputs": [],
77    "source": [
78     "# Local modules for handling data and running moisture models\n",
79     "import data_funcs as datf\n",
80     "from data_funcs import format_raws, retrieve_raws, format_precip, fixnan, load_and_fix_data\n",
81     "from data_funcs import raws_data, synthetic_data, plot_data, check_data, rmse_data, to_json, from_json\n",
82     "import moisture_models as mod\n",
83     "from moisture_rnn import run_case, run_rnn, create_RNN_2, staircase, train_rnn, rnn_predict"
84    ]
85   },
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90    "source": [
91     "## User options"
92    ]
93   },
94   {
95    "cell_type": "code",
96    "execution_count": null,
97    "id": "1de795c3-3cad-454c-9f0b-94a9e937b21a",
98    "metadata": {},
99    "outputs": [],
100    "source": [
101     "# Change directory for data read/write\n",
102     "\n",
103     "dict_file='data/testing_dict.pickle' # input path of FMDA dictionaries\n",
104     "output_path='outputs/outputs.json' # RNN output file\n",
105     "reproducibility_file='data/reproducibility_dict.pickle'"
106    ]
107   },
108   {
109    "cell_type": "code",
110    "execution_count": null,
111    "id": "58d0dd9d",
112    "metadata": {},
113    "outputs": [],
114    "source": [
115     "from module_param_sets import param_sets"
116    ]
117   },
118   {
119    "cell_type": "code",
120    "execution_count": null,
121    "id": "94c55b47-97d8-4cc9-956f-38efc5be74e2",
122    "metadata": {},
123    "outputs": [],
124    "source": [
125     "param_sets_keys=['0']\n",
126     "# param_sets_keys = param_sets.keys()"
127    ]
128   },
129   {
130    "cell_type": "code",
131    "execution_count": null,
132    "id": "a12aaf59-9276-484d-be48-c704a7c452da",
133    "metadata": {},
134    "outputs": [],
135    "source": [
136     "# read test datasets\n",
137     "test_dict=load_and_fix_data(dict_file)\n",
138     "logging.info(\"testing datasets test_dict.keys():%s\",test_dict.keys())\n",
139     "\n",
140     "repro_dict=load_and_fix_data(reproducibility_file)\n",
141     "logging.info(\"reproducibity dataset repro_dict.keys(): %s\",repro_dict.keys())"
142    ]
143   },
144   {
145    "cell_type": "code",
146    "execution_count": null,
147    "id": "7ff87917-536b-4451-a472-90940d96a6cf",
148    "metadata": {},
149    "outputs": [],
150    "source": [
151     "output={}\n",
152     "logging.info('params_sets_keys=%s',param_sets_keys)\n",
153     "\n",
154     "for i in param_sets_keys:\n",
155     "    print('i=',i)\n",
156     "    params=param_sets[i]\n",
157     "    if i == '0':\n",
158     "        # Run reproducbility case\n",
159     "        print('Running reproducibility')\n",
160     "        assert param_sets[i]['purpose'] == 'reproducibility'\n",
161     "        output[i]={'params':params,'cases':{}}\n",
162     "        case = 'case11'\n",
163     "        case_data=repro_dict[case]\n",
164     "        case_data[\"h2\"] = round(case_data[\"hours\"] * params['train_frac'])\n",
165     "        # To match output from moisture_rnn_pkl, uncomment\n",
166     "        # print(\"Setting No prediction phase\")\n",
167     "        # params['initialize'] = False\n",
168     "        # case_data['h2'] = case_data[\"hours\"]\n",
169     "        print(case_data['h2'])\n",
170     "        \n",
171     "        output[i]['cases'][case]=run_case(case_data,params)\n",
172     "        print('*** params',i,'reproducibility case','summary ***')\n",
173     "        print('params=',params)\n",
174     "        print('outputs=',json.dumps(output[i]['cases'][case],indent=4,sort_keys=True))\n",
175     "        print('writing the results to file',output_path)\n",
176     "        json.dump(output,open(output_path,'w'),indent=4,sort_keys=True)\n",
177     "    else:\n",
178     "        #print('params=',params)\n",
179     "        if params['cases'] == 'all':\n",
180     "            params['cases'] = list(test_dict.keys())\n",
181     "            print(\"expanding 'all' to\",params['cases'])\n",
182     "        output[i]={'params':params,'cases':{}}\n",
183     "        cases = params['cases']\n",
184     "        print('cases=',cases)\n",
185     "        for case in cases:\n",
186     "          for initialize in [True,False]:\n",
187     "            # print(json.dumps(params,indent=4,sort_keys=True))\n",
188     "            case_data=test_dict[case]\n",
189     "            print('case=',case,case_data['title'])\n",
190     "            if not 'title' in case_data.keys():\n",
191     "                case_data['title']=case\n",
192     "            if not 'hours' in case_data.keys():\n",
193     "                case_data['hours']=len(case_data['fm'])\n",
194     "                # case_data['h2']=int(20*24) # length of training period\n",
195     "            if params['synthetic'] or 'Synth' not in case_data['title']: \n",
196     "                params['initialize']=initialize \n",
197     "                output[i]['cases'][case]={'initialize':{initialize:run_case(case_data,params)}}  # add to results\n",
198     "                print('*** params',i,'case',case,'summary ***')\n",
199     "                print('params=',params)\n",
200     "                print('outputs=',json.dumps(output[i]['cases'][case],indent=4,sort_keys=True))\n",
201     "                print('writing the results to file',output_path)\n",
202     "                json.dump(output,open(output_path,'w'),indent=4,sort_keys=True)\n",
203     "            else:\n",
204     "                print('skipping synthetic case',case,case_data['title'])\n",
205     "        print('cases=',cases)\n",
206     "print(json.dumps(output,indent=4,sort_keys=True))\n",
207     "   "
208    ]
209   },
210   {
211    "cell_type": "code",
212    "execution_count": null,
213    "id": "d64157c2-24e6-4e42-9c8d-0be45ce0c529",
214    "metadata": {},
215    "outputs": [],
216    "source": [
217     "logging.info('fmda_rnn_rain.ipynb done')"
218    ]
219   },
220   {
221    "cell_type": "code",
222    "execution_count": null,
223    "id": "93900f51",
224    "metadata": {},
225    "outputs": [],
226    "source": []
227   },
228   {
229    "cell_type": "code",
230    "execution_count": null,
231    "id": "ad908ee1",
232    "metadata": {},
233    "outputs": [],
234    "source": []
235   }
236  ],
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