Update moisture_rnn.py
[notebooks.git] / fmda / OLD / test_testing_dict.ipynb
2  "cells": [
3   {
4    "cell_type": "code",
5    "execution_count": null,
6    "id": "be267060-d899-4988-a5c5-cc5b5cc1954e",
7    "metadata": {},
8    "outputs": [],
9    "source": [
10     "# both can change\n",
11     "# Environment\n",
12     "import numpy as np\n",
13     "import pandas as pd\n",
14     "\n",
15     "import math\n",
16     "import json\n",
17     "import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
18     "\n",
19     "import pickle, os\n",
20     "from utils import hash2\n",
21     "from utils import print_dict_summary, print_first, str2time\n",
22     "from data_funcs import load_and_fix_data\n",
23     "\n",
24     "%matplotlib inline"
25    ]
26   },
27   {
28    "cell_type": "code",
29    "execution_count": null,
30    "id": "660990c3-dbbf-4a78-9658-6b62f18e9cd2",
31    "metadata": {},
32    "outputs": [],
33    "source": [
34     "print('testing the original testing_dict for fmda__rnn_rain')"
35    ]
36   },
37   {
38    "cell_type": "code",
39    "execution_count": null,
40    "id": "8ef1ea7d-4d63-43dd-b308-fd3e6b4b60f7",
41    "metadata": {},
42    "outputs": [],
43    "source": [
44     "dict_file='data/testing_dict.pickle' # input path of FMDA dictionaries"
45    ]
46   },
47   {
48    "cell_type": "code",
49    "execution_count": null,
50    "id": "b8490d18-2b7d-4c09-a039-78929c97c66a",
51    "metadata": {},
52    "outputs": [],
53    "source": [
54     "testing_dict=load_and_fix_data(dict_file)"
55    ]
56   },
57   {
58    "cell_type": "code",
59    "execution_count": null,
60    "id": "97d19ea1-671f-4cd9-89a4-effb5d8fac6a",
61    "metadata": {},
62    "outputs": [],
63    "source": [
64     "print_dict_summary(testing_dict)"
65    ]
66   },
67   {
68    "cell_type": "code",
69    "execution_count": null,
70    "id": "39eefc05-18e8-485c-9b60-af2d6879fe5b",
71    "metadata": {},
72    "outputs": [],
73    "source": [
74     "with open(dict_file, 'rb') as file:\n",
75     "    testing_dict_raw = pickle.load(file)"
76    ]
77   },
78   {
79    "cell_type": "code",
80    "execution_count": null,
81    "id": "fcd21a77-d698-4daa-a62d-ef9f2916a9c0",
82    "metadata": {},
83    "outputs": [],
84    "source": [
85     "print_dict_summary(testing_dict_raw)"
86    ]
87   },
88   {
89    "cell_type": "code",
90    "execution_count": null,
91    "id": "b133757d-ca77-442d-bebb-3e8bd23962d8",
92    "metadata": {},
93    "outputs": [],
94    "source": []
95   }
96  ],
97  "metadata": {
98   "kernelspec": {
99    "display_name": "Python 3 (ipykernel)",
100    "language": "python",
101    "name": "python3"
102   },
103   "language_info": {
104    "codemirror_mode": {
105     "name": "ipython",
106     "version": 3
107    },
108    "file_extension": ".py",
109    "mimetype": "text/x-python",
110    "name": "python",
111    "nbconvert_exporter": "python",
112    "pygments_lexer": "ipython3",
113    "version": "3.10.9"
114   }
115  },
116  "nbformat": 4,
117  "nbformat_minor": 5