1 # File used to store parameters associated with data filters
3 ## FM: percent from 0-100 (or more)
5 ## Wind: m/s, see https://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/guides/coast-and-sea/beaufort-scale
6 ## Solar Rad: W/m^2, see https://viirsland.gsfc.nasa.gov/PDF/VIIRS_DSRPAR_UserGuide_v1.2.pdf
7 ## Soil Moisture: % (fraction)
9 max_intp_time: 10 # maximum number of hours that can be interpolated
10 zero_lag_threshold: 10 # number of hours where flagged if zero change in FMC content over that period
11 hours: 720 # total hours to build timeseries, break up longer into this length. Used to help with filters related to over-interpolation
12 min_fm: 1 # minimum FMC value allowed (assumes scaled 0-100)
13 max_fm: 90 # maximum FMC value allowed (assumes scaled 0-100), see VanderKamp 2016 Table 1
14 min_rain: 0 # minimum rain value allowed
15 max_rain: 100 # maximum rain value allowed, assuming mm/hr units
16 min_wind: 0 # minimum wind threshold value
17 max_wind: 35 # maximum wind threshold value, this corresponds to a hurricane
18 min_solar: 0 # minimum wind threshold value
19 max_solar: 1400 # maximum solar threshold value
20 min_soilm: 0 # minimum soil moisture threshold value
21 # max_soilm: 0 # minimum soil moisture threshold value, TODO: look up
22 # features_all: ['Ed', 'Ew', 'solar', 'wind', 'elev', 'lon', 'lat', 'soilm', 'canopyw', 'groundflux', 'rain'] # list of all features to try to process