5 For those who don't know Vimperator is a firefox plugin, that makes firefox
6 look and behave like the Vim text editor. It has similar key bindings and you
7 could call it a modal web browser. Anyways for those of you who use Vimperator
8 and Delicious bookmarks, one annoying thing people find is that the keyboard
9 shortcut Ctrl-d doesn't work with vimperator, to solve this add this to your
10 following |.vimperatorrc| file:
11 :set noremap <C-d> <C-z><C-d>
12 This remaps the Ctrl-d with Ctrl-z + Ctrl-d, the Ctrl-z exists the modal mode
13 of vimperator to allow the Ctrl-d to slip pass and allow you to create