6 my $executablename = $ARGV[0];
9 print "events: Microseconds\n";
11 my @msAlreadyAccountedFor = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
15 $callframe{"function"} = "toplevel";
16 $callframe{"file"} = "toplevel";
17 $callframe{"line"} = 0;
18 push(@callstack, \
20 while (<STDIN
> =~ /^(\w)\t(\S+) ([^:]+):(\d+)\t(\S+) ([^:]+):(\d+)\t(\d+)\.(\d{6})\d*/) {
21 my ($action, $calledfunction, $calledfile, $calledline,
22 $callerfunction, $callerfile, $callerline, $sec, $msec) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9);
23 my $callkey = "$calledfile$calledline $callerfile$callerline";
24 my $entryArrayRef = $entries{$callkey};
26 push(@msAlreadyAccountedFor, 0);
29 $callframe{"function"} = $calledfunction;
30 $callframe{"file"} = $calledfile;
31 $callframe{"line"} = $calledline;
32 push(@callstack, \
34 if (!defined($entryArrayRef)) {
36 $entries{$callkey} = $entryArrayRef;
38 push(@
$entryArrayRef, "$sec$msec");
41 if(defined($entryArrayRef) && (scalar(@
$entryArrayRef) > 0)) {
42 my $entry = pop(@
44 # Record the 'own time' spent inside the function we're exiting
45 print "fl=$calledfile\nfn=$calledfunction\n";
46 my $timespentinchildren = pop(@msAlreadyAccountedFor);
47 my $timespentinclusive = "$sec$msec" - $entry;
48 my $timespentself = $timespentinclusive - $timespentinchildren;
49 if ($timespentself < 0) {
50 print STDERR
"Spent negative amount of time in $calledfunction ($entry-$sec$msec minus $timespentinchildren) !?\n";
53 #print "Time spent in $calledfunction (inclusive): $timespentinclusive\n";
54 my $accountedForSoFar = $msAlreadyAccountedFor[-1];
55 my $accountedFor = $accountedForSoFar + $timespentinclusive;
56 $msAlreadyAccountedFor[-1] = $accountedFor;
57 print "$calledline $timespentself\n";
59 # Record the fact that the parent function called the function we're exiting
61 if (scalar(@callstack) > 0) {
62 my %parentframe = %{$callstack[-1]};
63 my $callerfile = $parentframe{"file"};
64 my $callerfunction = $parentframe{"function"};
65 my $callerline = $parentframe{"line"};
66 print "fl=$callerfile\nfn=$callerfunction\n";
67 print "cfl=$calledfile\ncfn=$calledfunction\n";
68 print "calls=1 $calledline\n$callerline $timespentinclusive\n";
70 #print "Time spent in children of $callerfunction so far: $accountedForSoFar + $timespentinclusive = $accountedFor\n";