1 --- kissdx.conf 2007-01-23 23:22:31.000000000 +0100
2 +++ patched/kissdx.conf 2007-01-23 23:26:19.390625000 +0100
4 # Path for persistent storage of info by kissdx.
5 # The [Recently used] feature and the picture caching feature will store data here.
6 # If option is omitted, kissdx will use picturepath, etc. for such storage.
7 -#persistentstoragepath = /var/kissdx
8 +#persistentstoragepath = /opt/var/kissdx
10 # Allowed extensions for media files (comma separated, no spaces, case insensitive)
11 # Omit a setting to send ALL files to the player in the corresponding directory listing.