Tweak themes for more color consistency.
[ntk.git] / src / aimm.h
1 //
2 // "$Id: aimm.h 7913 2010-11-29 18:18:27Z greg.ercolano $"
3 //
4 // Standard dialog header file for the UTF-8 Fast Light Tool Kit (FLTK-UTF8).
5 //
6 // Copyright 2009-2010 by Bill Spitzak and others.
7 //
8 // This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9 // modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
10 // License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11 // version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version
12 // with exceptions that allow sub-classing and static linking in
13 // non-LGPL compliant software. These exceptions are subject to
14 // conditions, see the FLTK License for more details.
16 // This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
17 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
19 // License for more details.
21 // You should have received a copy of the FLTK License along with
22 // this library; if not, write to OksiD Software, Jean-Marc Lienher,
23 // Rue de la Cheminee 1, CH-2065 Savagnier, Switzerland.
25 // Please report all bugs and problems to "".
28 #ifndef AIMM_H
29 # define AIMM_H
30 //# define HANDLE_PTR HANDLE*
31 //# define DWORD_PTR DWORD*
32 //# define CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER 0x1
33 const GUID IID_IActiveIMMApp = { 0x8c0e040, 0x62d1, 0x11d1, {0x93, 0x26, 0x00, 0x60, 0xb0, 0x67, 0xb8, 0x6e}};
34 const GUID CLSID_CActiveIMM = { 0x4955dd33, 0xb159, 0x11d0, {0x8f, 0xcf, 0x00, 0xaa, 0x00, 0x6b, 0xcc, 0x59}};
36 class IUnknown
38 public:
40 virtual long __stdcall QueryInterface(
41 const GUID & riid,
42 void **ppvObject) = 0;
44 virtual ULONG __stdcall AddRef( void) = 0;
46 virtual ULONG __stdcall Release( void) = 0;
49 extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) long __stdcall CoInitialize(void far *pvReserved);
50 extern "C" __declspec(dllimport) long __stdcall CoCreateInstance(const GUID & rclsid, IUnknown * pUnkOuter,
51 DWORD dwClsContext, const GUID & riid, LPVOID FAR* ppv);
55 class IActiveIMMApp : public IUnknown
57 public:
58 virtual long __stdcall AssociateContext(
59 HWND hWnd,
61 HIMC *phPrev) = 0;
63 virtual long __stdcall ConfigureIMEA(
64 HKL hKL,
65 HWND hWnd,
66 DWORD dwMode,
67 void *pData) = 0;
69 virtual long __stdcall ConfigureIMEW(
70 HKL hKL,
71 HWND hWnd,
72 DWORD dwMode,
73 void *pData) = 0;
75 virtual long __stdcall CreateContext(
76 HIMC *phIMC) = 0;
78 virtual long __stdcall DestroyContext(
79 HIMC hIME) = 0;
81 virtual long __stdcall EnumRegisterWordA(
82 HKL hKL,
83 LPSTR szReading,
84 DWORD dwStyle,
85 LPSTR szRegister,
86 LPVOID pData,
87 void **pEnum) = 0;
89 virtual long __stdcall EnumRegisterWordW(
90 HKL hKL,
91 LPWSTR szReading,
92 DWORD dwStyle,
93 LPWSTR szRegister,
94 LPVOID pData,
95 void **pEnum) = 0;
97 virtual long __stdcall EscapeA(
98 HKL hKL,
100 UINT uEscape,
101 /* [out][in] */ LPVOID pData,
102 LRESULT *plResult) = 0;
104 virtual long __stdcall EscapeW(
105 HKL hKL,
106 HIMC hIMC,
107 UINT uEscape,
108 /* [out][in] */ LPVOID pData,
109 LRESULT *plResult) = 0;
111 virtual long __stdcall GetCandidateListA(
112 HIMC hIMC,
113 DWORD dwIndex,
114 UINT uBufLen,
115 void *pCandList,
116 UINT *puCopied) = 0;
118 virtual long __stdcall GetCandidateListW(
119 HIMC hIMC,
120 DWORD dwIndex,
121 UINT uBufLen,
122 void *pCandList,
123 UINT *puCopied) = 0;
125 virtual long __stdcall GetCandidateListCountA(
126 HIMC hIMC,
127 DWORD *pdwListSize,
128 DWORD *pdwBufLen) = 0;
130 virtual long __stdcall GetCandidateListCountW(
131 HIMC hIMC,
132 DWORD *pdwListSize,
133 DWORD *pdwBufLen) = 0;
135 virtual long __stdcall GetCandidateWindow(
136 HIMC hIMC,
137 DWORD dwIndex,
138 void *pCandidate) = 0;
140 virtual long __stdcall GetCompositionFontA(
141 HIMC hIMC,
142 LOGFONTA *plf) = 0;
144 virtual long __stdcall GetCompositionFontW(
145 HIMC hIMC,
146 LOGFONTW *plf) = 0;
148 virtual long __stdcall GetCompositionStringA(
149 HIMC hIMC,
150 DWORD dwIndex,
151 DWORD dwBufLen,
152 LONG *plCopied,
153 LPVOID pBuf) = 0;
155 virtual long __stdcall GetCompositionStringW(
156 HIMC hIMC,
157 DWORD dwIndex,
158 DWORD dwBufLen,
159 LONG *plCopied,
160 LPVOID pBuf) = 0;
162 virtual long __stdcall GetCompositionWindow(
163 HIMC hIMC,
164 void *pCompForm) = 0;
166 virtual long __stdcall GetContext(
167 HWND hWnd,
168 HIMC *phIMC) = 0;
170 virtual long __stdcall GetConversionListA(
171 HKL hKL,
172 HIMC hIMC,
173 LPSTR pSrc,
174 UINT uBufLen,
175 UINT uFlag,
176 void *pDst,
177 UINT *puCopied) = 0;
179 virtual long __stdcall GetConversionListW(
180 HKL hKL,
181 HIMC hIMC,
182 LPWSTR pSrc,
183 UINT uBufLen,
184 UINT uFlag,
185 void *pDst,
186 UINT *puCopied) = 0;
188 virtual long __stdcall GetConversionStatus(
189 HIMC hIMC,
190 DWORD *pfdwConversion,
191 DWORD *pfdwSentence) = 0;
193 virtual long __stdcall GetDefaultIMEWnd(
194 HWND hWnd,
195 HWND *phDefWnd) = 0;
197 virtual long __stdcall GetDescriptionA(
198 HKL hKL,
199 UINT uBufLen,
200 LPSTR szDescription,
201 UINT *puCopied) = 0;
203 virtual long __stdcall GetDescriptionW(
204 HKL hKL,
205 UINT uBufLen,
206 LPWSTR szDescription,
207 UINT *puCopied) = 0;
209 virtual long __stdcall GetGuideLineA(
210 HIMC hIMC,
211 DWORD dwIndex,
212 DWORD dwBufLen,
213 LPSTR pBuf,
214 DWORD *pdwResult) = 0;
216 virtual long __stdcall GetGuideLineW(
217 HIMC hIMC,
218 DWORD dwIndex,
219 DWORD dwBufLen,
220 LPWSTR pBuf,
221 DWORD *pdwResult) = 0;
223 virtual long __stdcall GetIMEFileNameA(
224 HKL hKL,
225 UINT uBufLen,
226 LPSTR szFileName,
227 UINT *puCopied) = 0;
229 virtual long __stdcall GetIMEFileNameW(
230 HKL hKL,
231 UINT uBufLen,
232 LPWSTR szFileName,
233 UINT *puCopied) = 0;
235 virtual long __stdcall GetOpenStatus(
236 HIMC hIMC) = 0;
238 virtual long __stdcall GetProperty(
239 HKL hKL,
240 DWORD fdwIndex,
241 DWORD *pdwProperty) = 0;
243 virtual long __stdcall GetRegisterWordStyleA(
244 HKL hKL,
245 UINT nItem,
246 STYLEBUFA *pStyleBuf,
247 UINT *puCopied) = 0;
249 virtual long __stdcall GetRegisterWordStyleW(
250 HKL hKL,
251 UINT nItem,
252 STYLEBUFW *pStyleBuf,
253 UINT *puCopied) = 0;
255 virtual long __stdcall GetStatusWindowPos(
256 HIMC hIMC,
257 POINT *pptPos) = 0;
259 virtual long __stdcall GetVirtualKey(
260 HWND hWnd,
261 UINT *puVirtualKey) = 0;
263 virtual long __stdcall InstallIMEA(
264 LPSTR szIMEFileName,
265 LPSTR szLayoutText,
266 HKL *phKL) = 0;
268 virtual long __stdcall InstallIMEW(
269 LPWSTR szIMEFileName,
270 LPWSTR szLayoutText,
271 HKL *phKL) = 0;
273 virtual long __stdcall IsIME(
274 HKL hKL) = 0;
276 virtual long __stdcall IsUIMessageA(
277 HWND hWndIME,
278 UINT msg,
279 WPARAM wParam,
280 LPARAM lParam) = 0;
282 virtual long __stdcall IsUIMessageW(
283 HWND hWndIME,
284 UINT msg,
285 WPARAM wParam,
286 LPARAM lParam) = 0;
288 virtual long __stdcall NotifyIME(
289 HIMC hIMC,
290 DWORD dwAction,
291 DWORD dwIndex,
292 DWORD dwValue) = 0;
294 virtual long __stdcall RegisterWordA(
295 HKL hKL,
296 LPSTR szReading,
297 DWORD dwStyle,
298 LPSTR szRegister) = 0;
300 virtual long __stdcall RegisterWordW(
301 HKL hKL,
302 LPWSTR szReading,
303 DWORD dwStyle,
304 LPWSTR szRegister) = 0;
306 virtual long __stdcall ReleaseContext(
307 HWND hWnd,
308 HIMC hIMC) = 0;
310 virtual long __stdcall SetCandidateWindow(
311 HIMC hIMC,
312 void *pCandidate) = 0;
314 virtual long __stdcall SetCompositionFontA(
315 HIMC hIMC,
316 LOGFONTA *plf) = 0;
318 virtual long __stdcall SetCompositionFontW(
319 HIMC hIMC,
320 LOGFONTW *plf) = 0;
322 virtual long __stdcall SetCompositionStringA(
323 HIMC hIMC,
324 DWORD dwIndex,
325 LPVOID pComp,
326 DWORD dwCompLen,
327 LPVOID pRead,
328 DWORD dwReadLen) = 0;
330 virtual long __stdcall SetCompositionStringW(
331 HIMC hIMC,
332 DWORD dwIndex,
333 LPVOID pComp,
334 DWORD dwCompLen,
335 LPVOID pRead,
336 DWORD dwReadLen) = 0;
338 virtual long __stdcall SetCompositionWindow(
339 HIMC hIMC,
340 void *pCompForm) = 0;
342 virtual long __stdcall SetConversionStatus(
343 HIMC hIMC,
344 DWORD fdwConversion,
345 DWORD fdwSentence) = 0;
347 virtual long __stdcall SetOpenStatus(
348 HIMC hIMC,
349 BOOL fOpen) = 0;
351 virtual long __stdcall SetStatusWindowPos(
352 HIMC hIMC,
353 POINT *pptPos) = 0;
355 virtual long __stdcall SimulateHotKey(
356 HWND hWnd,
357 DWORD dwHotKeyID) = 0;
359 virtual long __stdcall UnregisterWordA(
360 HKL hKL,
361 LPSTR szReading,
362 DWORD dwStyle,
363 LPSTR szUnregister) = 0;
365 virtual long __stdcall UnregisterWordW(
366 HKL hKL,
367 LPWSTR szReading,
368 DWORD dwStyle,
369 LPWSTR szUnregister) = 0;
371 virtual long __stdcall Activate(
372 BOOL fRestoreLayout) = 0;
374 virtual long __stdcall Deactivate( void) = 0;
376 virtual long __stdcall OnDefWindowProc(
377 HWND hWnd,
378 UINT Msg,
379 WPARAM wParam,
380 LPARAM lParam,
381 LRESULT *plResult) = 0;
383 virtual long __stdcall FilterClientWindows(
384 ATOM *aaClassList,
385 UINT uSize) = 0;
387 virtual long __stdcall GetCodePageA(
388 HKL hKL,
389 UINT *uCodePage) = 0;
391 virtual long __stdcall GetLangId(
392 HKL hKL,
393 WORD *plid) = 0;
395 virtual long __stdcall AssociateContextEx(
396 HWND hWnd,
397 HIMC hIMC,
398 DWORD dwFlags) = 0;
400 virtual long __stdcall DisableIME(
401 DWORD idThread) = 0;
403 virtual long __stdcall GetImeMenuItemsA(
404 HIMC hIMC,
405 DWORD dwFlags,
406 DWORD dwType,
407 void *pImeParentMenu,
408 void *pImeMenu,
409 DWORD dwSize,
410 DWORD *pdwResult) = 0;
412 virtual long __stdcall GetImeMenuItemsW(
413 HIMC hIMC,
414 DWORD dwFlags,
415 DWORD dwType,
416 void *pImeParentMenu,
417 void *pImeMenu,
418 DWORD dwSize,
419 DWORD *pdwResult) = 0;
421 virtual long __stdcall EnumInputContext(
422 DWORD idThread,
423 void **ppEnum) = 0;
427 #endif
430 // End of "$Id: aimm.h 7913 2010-11-29 18:18:27Z greg.ercolano $".