1 // All names and websites particular to the project's name, hosting location,
2 // and public communications channels indirect through here.
3 :project-domain: ntpsec.org
4 :project-website: https://www.ntpsec.org
5 :project-weblink: https://www.ntpsec.org[www.ntpsec.org]
6 :project-issuetracker: https://gitlab.com/NTPsec/ntpsec/issues
7 :project-contact: https://www.ntpsec.org/channels.html
8 :project-security-list: security@ntpsec.org
9 :millshome: https://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/
10 :GPSD: https://gpsd.io/
12 :ntpconfpath: /etc/ntp.conf
13 // Annoyingly, these have to be *manually* synchronized with the headers
14 // on their manual pages - asciidoc doesn't expand attributes in header lines.
15 :ntpdconfman: ntp.conf(5)
16 :ntpfrobman: ntpfrob(8)
17 :ntpkeygenman: ntpkeygen(8)
18 :ntpkeysman: ntp.keys(5)
21 :ntpleapfetch: ntpleapfetch(8)
23 :ntptimeman: ntptime(8)
24 :ntpwaitman: ntpwait(8)
27 // Be very careful about changing things here.
28 // Everything is included in HTML doc forming.
29 // Borrow a second set of eyes. -- JamesB192